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03-11-2010 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by TiltNRun
It's a rough situation, a woman who found god and a dealer that quit, both changed lives but still see each other as they used to be, hopefully they both realise there's a difference now
good roman matherial
03-11-2010 , 06:27 AM
Level 3 was top level till a few months back when 4 was released, I might take that course on but don't feel the need at the moment, maybe in the summer

it's pretty much recognised world wide so I was planning on going to Thailand then Australia but I may go brazil instead now
03-11-2010 , 06:36 AM
Level 4 qualifications are specialist certificates in: -

Lower back pain
Cardiac rehabilitation
Frail older adults and fall prevention
Obesity and diabetes

If you don't have one of the conditions above then you really don't need a level 4 instructor.
03-11-2010 , 06:38 AM
It means they are people I'm qualified to work with, there is also a national health service course for rehab and recovery, for broken bones etc which would be good if I stay in England for a while
03-11-2010 , 06:44 AM
Level 4 pays well here, around £50-60 an hour, level 3 is £25-35 although I've seen higher
03-11-2010 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by TiltNRun
Level 4 pays well here, around £50-60 an hour, level 3 is £25-35 although I've seen higher
That is solid money imo. Level 4 rules, but 3 is quite fine
03-11-2010 , 06:51 AM
Just for the cardiac and diabetes alone you should take it! There was probably a baby boom in the UK too since they had the major effects of WWII, so you will do well with the seniors boom we are all undergoing now. Plus the western world isn't getting any slimmer.
03-11-2010 , 06:52 AM
Today is thursday!
03-11-2010 , 06:53 AM
All of the effects of obesity including diabetes and cardiac disease are happening to younger and younger people. An overweight person used to be unusual, now they are the norm, and all of the health problems that used to hit people over 45 are happening in the 30s.
03-11-2010 , 06:54 AM
I'm going to the coffee shop for half an hour. See you boys later!!
03-11-2010 , 06:56 AM
It's about motivation msblue, I find the thought of working with older people a bit lacking, with the olympics coming up here and so many cruise ships available I'm a bit spoiled for choice
03-11-2010 , 06:57 AM
on my way home now. tr to come. Went ok turns out after eight years my sister is finally engaged and that's why we all had to go
03-11-2010 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by MsBlueberry
All of the effects of obesity including diabetes and cardiac disease are happening to younger and younger people. An overweight person used to be unusual, now they are the norm, and all of the health problems that used to hit people over 45 are happening in the 30s.
Yes. I started to believe that if you get over 45 you'll live for ages. I mean it's so funny how this stress factor is influencing our lives. Dunno, when I was kid stress didn't exist or no one mention it. Stress is product of 21st century.

Anyway I still think that 80% of all deseases comes from the head/mental state.

Originally Posted by MsBlueberry
I'm going to the coffee shop for half an hour. See you boys later!!
03-11-2010 , 07:14 AM
I knew ockers meeting would go well
03-11-2010 , 07:18 AM
Where did everybody go?
03-11-2010 , 07:19 AM
Yoga fire
03-11-2010 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by TiltNRun
It's about motivation msblue, I find the thought of working with older people a bit lacking, with the olympics coming up here and so many cruise ships available I'm a bit spoiled for choice
Tilt can you provide like general program to achieve form/shape. 3 time a week should do it, right?

I use to go 3 or 4 times a week. Stay there for 2hrs with some warming up at begining, some exercise with weight and cardio at the end (running for like 35-40 mins) and mandatory stratching at the end. I was satisfied with results and general feeling about myself at that time.

I don't know how I came back to cigarettes - I hate them. I know that gym was great substitusion for quitting them at that time.
03-11-2010 , 07:22 AM
Yeah pm me height weight, time you have to spend in the gym and most importantly what breaks you have in the day to eat/prepare food
03-11-2010 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by TiltNRun
I knew ockers meeting would go well
I dont no about well but it was more controlled then normal. So we walk in and everyone was already there so we put up with everyone sayin hello at once and such and i basically walk over to sit my girls nears the corner of the room and my mother makes a beeline for us. So i introduce her to my girls will trying to keep the conversation as quick as possible and she starts telling lauren how lovely it is that someone could settle me down and **** which made me mad.

Then we have dinner cut the cake and stuff and sister blurts out that craig proposed and that why she wanted us all here so everyone was wrapped really good move. Lauren ended up talking to my mother for a bit and comes back and says surprise surprise hey shes not that bad dean a bit full on but shes ok. Hmm so then i get 20 questions of my mum bout what im doing how i been and such which i tried to be as nice as i could.

She got her hold of bella and such and told her if she can go the next few months with out bugging me/calling me/getting others to call me and ill think about inviting her to bellas 1st birthday party. So if she shuts her mouth and stops with the purelty bull**** ill allow her to spend sometime with bella, if she doesn't well its up to her. Either way i don't want anything to do with her but i guess bella deserves the chance to know her.
03-11-2010 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by TiltNRun
Where did everybody go?
sorry i was typing a novel lol
03-11-2010 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by TiltNRun
I hope things go well with ockerman and ockermum
ty sir

Originally Posted by mikelle
yes, me too
hope it's all going well atm.
and you to

Originally Posted by elreymichael
i hope for the best for them, well, maybe only for his kid, but you know hes gonna self trainwreck that.
ill take that imo i agree stuff me but the kid deserve the best

Originally Posted by mikelle
I hope not, but on the other hand I have sort of feelin' that he will not tell us story with normal/happy ending.
not a happy ending as the misses actually likes her
03-11-2010 , 07:33 AM
Sounds like a few corners turned all around, and from what you said yesterday to "maybe being at bellas 1st birthday" is a huge step, stick at it and you might all end up spending Xmas together
03-11-2010 , 07:36 AM
No chance of that man lol I knew she would not bother trying to talk to me at first and would go straight to the misses. She was brought by a single parent to tho so gets the bitterness and such
03-11-2010 , 07:39 AM
And i still dont want her in my life but im happy we went tonight for my sister
03-11-2010 , 07:41 AM
Mik you were doing it wrong, I'll pm ya when I get back from gym and explain the concepts to ya, you will be the tallest person I ever helped lol
