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11-10-2009 , 06:28 AM
11-10-2009 , 06:29 AM
11-10-2009 , 06:30 AM
hungry ginger is now more hungry
11-10-2009 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by jmitchell42
i was primarily a trumpet player. so, mostly the other brass instruments as well. have forgotten a ton though.
i love a lot of music. some of my fav classical though is:
stravinsky, copeland, john williams. a lot of different stuff really.

I'm pretty ****ing high right now.

... you know what I've been thinking about lately? Not a whole lot matters really in life.

like, you live however long you live, then you die and your life is over. Nothing really matters. It's not really important.

Not in the sense of like, "well I'm just one person out of billions and billions and am really just a spec of dust in a blah blah" or something

Like, if you are successful, if you aren't, it doesn't matter really. Like, unless you have children and get married and all that jazz, whatever you do in life isn't really important. If you're poor, so ****in what. If you're rich, big deal. All that bull**** just isn't important. You live and you die. Try to be happy. Try to do what makes you happy. Try to have fun in life.


Like ... I need to ****ing get on the ball and live a life of music. I needs to be jamming places, recording stuff, making videos. I need to be doing that **** and I haven't been. I've just been wasting my life.

ok, I'm a very good guitarist, been playing for like 15 years.

True story: I haven't jammed anywhere (as in bar, club etc.) since 2003. Six ****ing years.
11-10-2009 , 06:35 AM
go start the bus lirva
11-10-2009 , 06:36 AM
11-10-2009 , 06:36 AM
we all waste our lives mang. like you said, not much matters.
at least you are good at something. i haven't found anything i am really good at. just ok at a lot of stuff. want to be really good at something. doubt guitar is it, but might be fun to find out imo.
11-10-2009 , 06:37 AM
11-10-2009 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
I'm pretty ****ing high right now.

... you know what I've been thinking about lately? Not a whole lot matters really in life.

like, you live however long you live, then you die and your life is over. Nothing really matters. It's not really important.

Not in the sense of like, "well I'm just one person out of billions and billions and am really just a spec of dust in a blah blah" or something

Like, if you are successful, if you aren't, it doesn't matter really. Like, unless you have children and get married and all that jazz, whatever you do in life isn't really important. If you're poor, so ****in what. If you're rich, big deal. All that bull**** just isn't important. You live and you die. Try to be happy. Try to do what makes you happy. Try to have fun in life.


Like ... I need to ****ing get on the ball and live a life of music. I needs to be jamming places, recording stuff, making videos. I need to be doing that **** and I haven't been. I've just been wasting my life.

ok, I'm a very good guitarist, been playing for like 15 years.

True story: I haven't jammed anywhere (as in bar, club etc.) since 2003. Six ****ing years.
The way you got to the conclusion isn't really the important part.

The important part is that you reached a conclusion that may very well enhance your life.

Go for it LirvA.

Go for it with face forward and arms wide.
11-10-2009 , 06:41 AM
11-10-2009 , 06:42 AM
11-10-2009 , 06:44 AM
11-10-2009 , 06:46 AM
plz respond
11-10-2009 , 06:56 AM
11-10-2009 , 07:00 AM
no u
11-10-2009 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by k0derkid
gd looks hawt here
11-10-2009 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA

I think I ****ed it up

Hi there! Saw your ad on craigslist

I'm a musician, guitarist song writer vocalist .. I can play the piano a little I suppose. Kinda suck at the drums which really sucks cause it's such a great instrument. I definitely admire a good drummer. Wish I was very talented at the drums.

... so, wow I guess I just realized a bit how the years can get away from you ..

Ok so I suppose this is the about me

**** my life I hate the about me!

So .. I'm LirvA and I'm 27. .. and basically ... I'm a musician. Been playing guitar since I was like 15. Took lessons for about two years from an amazing guitar teacher (who I just recently found videos of on youtube. love that site!)

I'm bipolar, and i suppose I'm not a typical 9-5 job, kids and family, ... like .. normal type of person. nowatimsayin?

I'm very talented and passionate about my music, and I've ... this is the part where I've always said "I've got a lot of potential" but I've been pondering things a bit lately and ... potential for what? ... i dunno, nevermind with that or something

Ok ok, writing email to stranger, get it together.

So what I want out of music or something? ...: I ... don't really care to have success or whatever. I don't want to be the next Metallica or ... whoever, played ten times a day on both the rock radio stations, music videos on the MTV station or whatever it is now, world tours and record contracts and merchandise and ... all that ****ing bull****. That's like the last thing I would ever want. I absolutely cannot stand ... um .. record companies, their ****ing bull**** copyright laws and how they don't give a flying **** about the band or their music, all they want is to maximize their profits. I would never, EVER sign a record contract with anyone. I intend to be a completely independent musician.

I don't really intend to make music a career, because it's really basically impossible as I see it, or very very hard at least. ... it's definitely not the profession to go in to if you're looking to make a good living and all that crap because there's so many bands out there, ... to use investor type person speak or whatever, "the market is very watered down" or whatever ..


so anyway, I own, I am a professional poker player I guess you could say, I'm unemployed and poker is my only source of income.

ok ok, let's say you could be either a very talented musician or very talented poker player, and you intended to make that your profession. Poker is so so much easier to make that living at than music. It's very hard to make a living with music.

.. ok, I'm back tracking. Move ahead. Gah, sorry for the long email. ****!

So, I has no band. Just music and a name. LirvA.

I .. am a pretty unsocial person. Very unsocial I guess. I haven't played an open mic night since 2003. 03 was the last time I ever jammed any where. I've only had one paying gig in my life, and that was when I was like 16 or 17 and I played with this band and got paid 20 bucks for it ...

Right now I'm just trying to piece together a home recording studio, and I'm looking for a good drummer. I would love to play somewhere, and I really ****ing need to, I really need to get **** together because I'm 27 ****ing years old and I'm getting older and older and only have one life to live so ...

There's this one drummer I used to jam with a few years ago, old guy named Loyd. He's ... not that great of a drummer. See, if you get the right combination of beer and marijuana in him, he's ok. He's not bad. He can be pretty decent. But if the mix is off .. he's just ... nah, he's not that great of a drummer.

... your ad mentioned sober ... I don't know if you're comfortable with drugs and alcohol and all that or not or why you mentioned that in your ad.

I very rarely drink, I'm certain not an alcoholic or drug addict or anything like that. I do smoke marijuana. Sure, I love getting high, it makes life fun, but it really seems to help with my bipolar. I don't take any of those ****ing medications. God damn chemicals and freaking zombie making ****. **** that.

So, my music ...

I'm basically the sum of all my influences really, but who isn't.

Jimi Hendrix first got me into the guitar, and that's probably my biggest musical influence and probably the most apparent of my influences in my playing.

Hendrix, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, The Beatles obviously, Frank Zappa, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Alice In Chains (**** the new singer), ... I'm not real big on the radio and new music really. Like, of course all those are on the radio and everything, but I really cannot stand listening to the radio at all. Never listen to it. It's ... new hit, new hit, new hit. play the hits. "the new band of the year has a new hit? let's play it! Yes we have to play it like three times today and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow!"

They're just a ****ing puppet, a shill for the record companies, and I really really hate that whole thing.

I love music. I love the musicians I love, and I love ALL their music. When I want to listen to Jimi Hendrix, I don't just look through my collection of various artists singles and radio hits and all that jazz, I want to listen to an album. I'm all about the album. I'll put on an album that I love and listen to it ten times in a row you know.

Ok well I need to end this, this is ridiculous.

So I'm looking for a drummer to jam with I suppose. I need to go jam with Loyd some time, but I'm also interested in checking out some other drummers. I'd like to find a good talented drummer, one that you just have that chemistry with you know? Like Jimi Hendrix and Mitch Mitchell, Billy Corgan Jimmy Chamberlin, you know .. like .. yeah I'm sure you knwo what I'm talking about. I need that freakin drummer damnit, and good drummers are ****ing impossible to god damn find. You look on craigslist and it's nothing but guitarist guitarist guitarist guitarist blah blah ****!

I needs to be hasing a good drummer, and I need to get a hosting deal for my web site, and I need to get a home recording studio put together, and I needs to be jamming in bars and ****, because I've been wasting my life and musical talent.

Ok so I'm located in Edmond, have vehicle and musical equipment obviously, have no band but have music and band name and web site, which is and I also have a myspace but I really ****ing loate all those social networking sites so don't spend much time on it at all. I have a couple songs on there, both were done with just a software synth, I haven't been able to record my guitar or vocals or anything onto my computer yet, so that's all I have online right now. And I intend to record music and videos and put it on the internet but not copy right it, I want it to be freely distribted, copied, but not modified. I would do some form .. I believe copy left is the term. Or Creative Commons or something. I dunno.

Either way. End message.

Sorry there for the long message. one of those nights I suppose ...

Oh, web site


oh, and youtube


Last edited by LirvA; 11-10-2009 at 07:26 AM. Reason: move along, nothing to see here
11-10-2009 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by jmitchell42
we all waste our lives mang. like you said, not much matters.
at least you are good at something. i haven't found anything i am really good at. just ok at a lot of stuff. want to be really good at something. doubt guitar is it, but might be fun to find out imo.

Sounds like you're pretty good at the brass amirite?

11-10-2009 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Sounds like you're pretty good at the brass amirite?

urrite. i can def blow..........wait.......wat
11-10-2009 , 07:27 AM
11-10-2009 , 07:37 AM
scale of 1-10,

10 being "oh my god, you sent that. hooooly **** that's bad

1 being nah, not bad at all. Solid email. gg lirv.

11-10-2009 , 07:38 AM
hmm that person I sent that email to may watch my video ... she may think i'm a very crazy person
11-10-2009 , 08:27 AM
when i try to speak my mind or talk straight to people, they seem to shut down. not that it really matters, but i don't have that many people that talk to me. just agree with people. that is the only way.

11-10-2009 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by jmitchell42
when i try to speak my mind or talk straight to people, they seem to shut down. not that it really matters, but i don't have that many people that talk to me. just agree with people. that is the only way.

i think if you are someone who doesnt say too much, then people shouldnt mind if you feel a need to be heard sometimes. it shouldnt always be about them.

11-10-2009 , 09:08 AM
hello players

just got back from a good run, started raining when i got back (running good obv lolz)
