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09-29-2009 , 02:31 AM
come at the librarian, best not forget your card
09-29-2009 , 02:32 AM
any of you guise making any goot money with RB on FTP?
09-29-2009 , 02:34 AM
brag: red baron french bread pizza in the microwave right now
09-29-2009 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
any of you guise making any goot money with RB on FTP?
how much do u wanna make, and what do u want to play?
09-29-2009 , 02:35 AM
3k.month play 10nl
09-29-2009 , 02:36 AM
Omnipotence, I gotta get me some of that!
09-29-2009 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by alexander7179
3k.month play 10nl
first step, start a server farm.
09-29-2009 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
Omnipotence, I gotta get me some of that!
i am more greedy than power hungry
09-29-2009 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by j2sooted
how much do u wanna make, and what do u want to play?

only got 80 bucks on there AORN. Just trying to build a roll. Just learned yesterday that they use dealt rakeback .. thinking of maybe short stacking and nitting up 10 or 25 NL.
09-29-2009 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by j2sooted
first step, start a server farm.
09-29-2009 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by j2sooted
brag: red baron french bread pizza in the microwave right now
Beat: pizza in the microwave.
09-29-2009 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
only got 80 bucks on there AORN. Just trying to build a roll. Just learned yesterday that they use dealt rakeback .. thinking of maybe short stacking and nitting up 10 or 25 NL.
play 5nl, its almost 20 buy ins
09-29-2009 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
Beat: pizza in the microwave.
yeah, ok, but it costs 1.5$and i dont end up spending 14 dollars and eating 7 pieces just being drunk and dumb
09-29-2009 , 02:45 AM
yeah that's what I've been doing that last couple days. I guess it just pays to play tight with that rakeback system.
09-29-2009 , 02:46 AM
My freezer is full of "eat right" pizzas that microwave. I have no room to talk
09-29-2009 , 02:48 AM
if doesnt come out of the oven its not good pizza
09-29-2009 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
only got 80 bucks on there AORN. Just trying to build a roll. Just learned yesterday that they use dealt rakeback .. thinking of maybe short stacking and nitting up 10 or 25 NL.
did u sign up for rakeback?
09-29-2009 , 02:49 AM
like u know how there is that generic 20 buy in rule, a game to play with that is when u get to 10 buyins at ur next highest level, start playing it till ur hit the hext highest 10 bi level, or move down when u lose 5 buy ins, cuz u should have ten more for that level, aka u playe dwith a 20 bi roll kinda
09-29-2009 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by j2sooted
yeah, ok, but it costs 1.5$and i dont end up spending 14 dollars and eating 7 pieces just being drunk and dumb
i can eat a whole pizza sober and i like Dorgino and it only cost 5 bux.
09-29-2009 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by dangeraw
if doesnt come out of the oven its not good pizza
u must be quite the cook
09-29-2009 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by dangeraw
i can eat a whole pizza sober and i like Dorgino and it only cost 5 bux.
and that takes 40 minutes, and im not gonna make my mom drive over and make it for me.
09-29-2009 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by j2sooted
and that takes 40 minutes, and im not gonna make my mom drive over and make it for me.
no it doesnt take that long and its frozen not that hard to cook frozen food all i can cook is frozen and Breakfast.
09-29-2009 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by dangeraw
did u sign up for rakeback?

Originally Posted by j2sooted
like u know how there is that generic 20 buy in rule, a game to play with that is when u get to 10 buyins at ur next highest level, start playing it till ur hit the hext highest 10 bi level, or move down when u lose 5 buy ins, cuz u should have ten more for that level, aka u playe dwith a 20 bi roll kinda

Yeah I'm good with BR management. I'm mainly a tourney player so I try to adhere to a 100 buy in roll. But I mainly play on stars and am just trying to build a roll on FTP ... maybe I should take some chances?
09-29-2009 , 02:55 AM
i like cpk frozen pizza, i use the oven. takes like 17 min

also does neone know how you can get rakeback if ur on ftp already?
could u just close one account n open another?
09-29-2009 , 02:55 AM
they take about 15 minutes in the oven, but u gotta pre heat the oven
