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09-25-2009 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by -Insert Witty SN-
can some post the go **** your self punk rant so i can post it in pstars chat piece by piece to this guy
Do you want the "Go **** yourself punk" rant or the "To the first point ..."?

Originally Posted by Gizmo
Last edited by Gizmo; Today at 11:55 PM. Reason: omg, I forgot it's OOT.
09-25-2009 , 11:59 PM
what's mah pogue butt been up to IYO?
09-25-2009 , 11:59 PM
It's about one of the women involved in the murder of Sharon Tate asking to be released from prison since she's dying of a disease.
I thought the comment about Roman Polanski was funny.
09-25-2009 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Do you want the "Go **** yourself punk" rant or the "To the first point ..."?
lol, now i can't remember, just poast the more epic of the two
09-26-2009 , 12:00 AM
First of all GO **** YOURSELF PUNK!! I am 43 yrs old and have been married for 20 yrs. You ****ing punk internet *******s are the most disrespectful people I have ever seen and I gaurantee not one of you would have the balls to approach me or anyone else in real life. yeh treat people like **** and they like and will come back for more, really , thats a great way to live your life. i bet your mom really likes it when your dad cums all over her face and treats her like the cum guzzling whore she is. But I treat people with respect and would expect the same from you. Who gives a **** how much you get laid. When you finally grow hair on your balls and grow up, you will see what is important. I could give two squirts of piss about MSb, but she made a mistake and you jerkoffs think its your chance to make her feel like an ass. Have fun. PM me if there are any further problems. jerk off
09-26-2009 , 12:00 AM
gambling is lonely when i don't know anyone at the table.. =(
09-26-2009 , 12:01 AM
This is the more epic though iyam, but might not be appropriate for what you're looking for

To the first point, she had the pics taken and without much resistance allowed them to be passed around. It wasn't some malicious computer nerd hacking her account and distributing them to everyone as you seem to be inferring with this statement. You also can gfy with this whole internet nerd virgin played out bs, you don't know who the **** any of us are or how much we get laid or don't get laid. If a girl with a nice rack gives tert pics to someone on a forum and then makes no effort in denying the fact I think it would make us gos to not want to see them. To the second point your post comes off as ridiculously pathetic and overcompensating. I get the feeling that you are one of those guys who is constantly life tilted that the girls you fall in love with always go for *******s and never want anything more from you than to be "just friends." I can imagine its really aggravating to put so much effort into bending over backwards for these girls only to time and time again have them go off and hook up with another guy who you deem to be an *******. Let me let you in on a little clue, girls like to be ****ed by *****, when you act like a little nurturing bitch its not gonna turn them on because they most likely see you as a pathetic figure who would likely cry after sex and profess your love to her the next day. So next time before projecting your insecurities out over internet how bout you unclench your ******* so your balls can finally drop into your sac and then maybe, just maaayyybbbee, you'll finally get the girl.

Last edited by allinontheturn; 09-26-2009 at 12:01 AM. Reason: that whole thread is pretty lol
09-26-2009 , 12:01 AM
09-26-2009 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Villian is prob something like 32/13/1 [although I wasn't importing hh's]. Effective stack sizes are ~95bb to start the hand. My image is really nitty at this table because I haven't had any hands. On this table this sesh my vpip is probably ~10-12% over ~80 hands.
OK then, I say lead close to pot. Those are pretty calling stationy stats and I think you'll get the most value by bombing three streets.
09-26-2009 , 12:02 AM
OlderBaby likes
09-26-2009 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
what's mah pogue butt been up to IYO?
lotsa skating & cross training to get back into competitive modicles. and work and um yah different stuff! wha about you?
Originally Posted by Low Key
gambling is lonely when i don't know anyone at the table.. =(
i'll gamble with you imo
09-26-2009 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
gambling is lonely when i don't know anyone at the table.. =(

SnG on FTP?
09-26-2009 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
This is the more epic though iyam, but might not be appropriate for what you're looking for

To the first point, she had the pics taken and without much resistance allowed them to be passed around. It wasn't some malicious computer nerd hacking her account and distributing them to everyone as you seem to be inferring with this statement. You also can gfy with this whole internet nerd virgin played out bs, you don't know who the **** any of us are or how much we get laid or don't get laid. If a girl with a nice rack gives tert pics to someone on a forum and then makes no effort in denying the fact I think it would make us gos to not want to see them. To the second point your post comes off as ridiculously pathetic and overcompensating. I get the feeling that you are one of those guys who is constantly life tilted that the girls you fall in love with always go for *******s and never want anything more from you than to be "just friends." I can imagine its really aggravating to put so much effort into bending over backwards for these girls only to time and time again have them go off and hook up with another guy who you deem to be an *******. Let me let you in on a little clue, girls like to be ****ed by *****, when you act like a little nurturing bitch its not gonna turn them on because they most likely see you as a pathetic figure who would likely cry after sex and profess your love to her the next day. So next time before projecting your insecurities out over internet how bout you unclench your ******* so your balls can finally drop into your sac and then maybe, just maaayyybbbee, you'll finally get the girl.
I think quoting that to someone at the poker table while you're tilting is probably going to provide some good laughs to help the tilt.
They'd be all, "wtf?"
09-26-2009 , 12:03 AM
Nobody gives a **** that you're out of shape or anything else about you. You're 50 years old or something and you troll around BBV4L like it's your job. Wait, it is... You're a mod. Does it not make you sick to your stomach that you are the lamest person you know, posting about being out of shape when really you will continue being a fat slob and you just posted this thread because you had gone 30 seconds without making a new OP! You have to be the most worthless person I have ever encountered in my interneting experience. Will you ****ing get a grip and realize that your ****ty posts are so goddamn bad that nobody even wants anything to do with them? You tilt me sooo much I can't believe it. I MEAN YOURE LIKE 50 YEARS OLD. IF I AM TROLLING THIS FORUM WHEN I AM YOUR AGE I THINK I WOULD RATHER BE ****ING MURDERED. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU PIECE OF BRITISH ****.
09-26-2009 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Mspoopybutt
i'll gamble with you imo
She means she'll gamble with your life while she's removing your kidney.
09-26-2009 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
She means she'll gamble with your life while she's removing your kidney.
ssssssshhhhh that's classified
09-26-2009 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Mspoopybutt
lotsa skating & cross training to get back into competitive modicles. and work and um yah different stuff! wha about you?

Masturbating. Just ... masturbating.
09-26-2009 , 12:07 AM
it won't let me copy & paste into the chat, is this becuz a previous chat ban?
09-26-2009 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by downside up

SnG on FTP?
ftp, what are you, gay?
09-26-2009 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Masturbating. Just ... masturbating.
It's a respectable way to spend a Friday evening.
09-26-2009 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Masturbating. Just ... masturbating.
don't spose it helps to say i'm doing a carwash fundraiser sunday.
09-26-2009 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
ftp, what are you, gay?

That and my Stars account was revoked due to the shenanigans of a bastard f*** I traded with
09-26-2009 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Mspoopybutt
don't spose it helps to say i'm doing a carwash fundraiser sunday.
in a bikini I hope
09-26-2009 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by -Insert Witty SN-
it won't let me copy & paste into the chat, is this becuz a previous chat ban?
negative. They don't let you paste from your clipboard to deter spam.

Originally Posted by Mspoopybutt
don't spose it helps to say i'm doing a carwash fundraiser sunday.
pics of you in whatever skimpy outfit you're gonna wear and pics of you in the skimpy outfits that you were gonna wear but were just too damn skimpy.
09-26-2009 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
She means she'll gamble with your life while she's removing your babby.
That sounded better to me for some reason.

Originally Posted by Mspoopybutt
don't spose it helps to say i'm doing a carwash fundraiser sunday.
Don't hurt.
