Haven't been to the gym since July 14th, but mostly because I was on the road that entire time and now I'm unemployed, so I don't want to go spending money on the Jim, iykwim. It's been the same lady for the last about 3.50 years.
I gim'd for the first time in ~ 2 years yesterday. Then again today. I'm on a real streak now!
Did just the bar for 5x10 on bench/ohp/skwat/row/dl plus some accessory work between the 2 days. I feel no shame starting from zero.
mister fancy lad exceeded expectations achievement boy
Join Date: Aug 2009Posts: 1,479
Jims are srs, no fun allowed. 3 days until apocalypse, you guys have all your things in order? The sun blacks out and raptor Jesus shows up. So I've canceled all work plans starting Tuesday.
Jims are srs, no fun allowed. 3 days until apocalypse, you guys have all your things in order? The sun blacks out and raptor Jesus shows up. So I've canceled all work plans starting Tuesday.