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View Poll Results: What's better than 2 potatoes?
3 8.57%
4 11.43%
Thanks Obama
16 45.71%
I'm not answering that!
12 34.29%

04-13-2016 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
Silly me for assuming that someone talking about romantic involvement with my daughter would automatically know that discussing casual sex is horrific and incredibly taboo.
I'd rather discuss it with her than you tbh, but here we are

Originally Posted by Kristy
Actually, I was thinking about what my min/max would be in a GW-post-apocalyptic scenario...and presuming he's in good shape and could keep up sexually i'd probably be fine between 31-55...

...and I'm a lot further from 55 than you are from 21...or even I guess I'm talking out of my ass.
You're right in the fact that there is never going to be a meaningful relationship in any traditional sense with most 34 year olds and 18 year olds. This isn't to say it doesn't and can't happen but yeah anything ongoing would be a stretch for sure.

Last edited by PasswordGotHacked; 04-13-2016 at 10:25 AM.
04-13-2016 , 10:27 AM
Fun fact: I have had a beard for a few months now and by far and away the most enjoyable part of having a beard is the time I spend combing it. Doing so I have found also makes other men quite jealous they aren't as masculine.

Serious Question: Am I the only adult person who regularly (at least once a day) eats uncooked 2 minute noodles with the seasoning on them broken and shaken up etc? I feel the answer is yes but am curious. Do USA#1 have 2 minute noodles?

Last edited by PasswordGotHacked; 04-13-2016 at 10:46 AM. Reason: not so ninja edit ftw
04-13-2016 , 10:32 AM
we have these

but I only eat them cooked tho
04-13-2016 , 10:40 AM
We have these so they start in a brick shape and break into almost smaller brick shaped snacks. They are also pretty much limited to a simple beef (stock) flavor or chicken.

Maybe I am just strange

Last edited by PasswordGotHacked; 04-13-2016 at 10:42 AM. Reason: I am however partial to a good noodle cup ocassionally
04-13-2016 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by JustJ46671
Yes, that's a very good point. At what point did you start to feel old, Jay?
04-13-2016 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by PasswordGotHacked
by far and away the most enjoyable part of having a beard is the time I spend coming it.
04-13-2016 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Da33le
Bahaha combing
04-13-2016 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Da33le
If I can understand Asian people speaking broken English, I think I can understand most other accents.
We don't have accents, ya loonie!
04-13-2016 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
All you other Aussies are too old, afaik. If Da33le isn't 700lbs or a serial killer, I'd probably introduce him.
There are some pretty amazing 700-pounders out there, and I am appalled that you would discriminate/reject potential suitors for your daughter on such superficial criteria.
04-13-2016 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Da33le
Yes, that's a very good point. At what point did you start to feel old, Jay?
The late sixties
04-13-2016 , 11:38 AM
04-13-2016 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
Don't take this the wrong way but my kid is wayyyyyyy outta your league.

KB has met her, he can confirm that you have 0 chance if you don't want to take my word for it.
I haven't met her but I can also confirm.
04-13-2016 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
I think the more interesting conversation is why on earth would you want to date an 18 year old @34?
Someone recently tried to set me up with a 20 year old. lol.

Originally Posted by LuckyLuke01
LOL. so what you are saying is she will sit on one side of the couch and he will sit on the other and be afriad to talk to her.
Sounds lovely.

Originally Posted by Kristy
According to Google "scouser" means Liverpool and that is the only British-type accent I have trouble understanding.
afaik "scouser" is equivalent to "bogan" in AUS or "redneck" in USA#1

Originally Posted by JMurder3
Zomg I got a shoutout, & it was for being old.

3 year wedding anniversary today. Life is good. Despite the ~350 things I want to randomly complain about.
Congrats JM3!

Originally Posted by Kristy
Actually, I was thinking about what my min/max would be in a GW-post-apocalyptic scenario...and presuming he's in good shape and could keep up sexually i'd probably be fine between 31-55...

...and I'm a lot further from 55 than you are from 21...or even I guess I'm talking out of my ass.
An absolute age difference isn't applicable in this scenario.

a) men and women tend to mature at different ages
b) the rate of maturation slows a lot in the mid to late 20's

Originally Posted by PasswordGotHacked
Serious Question: Am I the only adult person who regularly (at least once a day) eats uncooked 2 minute noodles with the seasoning on them broken and shaken up etc? I feel the answer is yes but am curious. Do USA#1 have 2 minute noodles?
Sounds like a pretty 18yo college kid thing to do; so you've got that going for you
04-13-2016 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
I haven't met her but I can also confirm.
04-13-2016 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by JustJ46671
Happy anniversary, jturtle3!

Originally Posted by Kristy
Actually, I was thinking about what my min/max would be in a GW-post-apocalyptic scenario...and presuming he's in good shape and could keep up sexually i'd probably be fine between 31-55...

...and I'm a lot further from 55 than you are from 21...or even I guess I'm talking out of my ass.
General rule is divide by 2, add 7 (from the older age).

If you are in between PGH & I in age, that means your range could be 24 to 56.

Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Congrats JM3!
04-13-2016 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Sounds like a pretty 18yo college kid thing to do; so you've got that going for you
Please pass this on to kristy/her daughter.

Thanks in advance, will provide pics obv

Originally Posted by JMurder3

General rule is divide by 2, add 7 (from the older age).
Apart from the fact I won't be hitting any 17 year olds I feel like this equation is actually unfathomably close and believe you may have just worked out one of the secrets of life itself

Last edited by PasswordGotHacked; 04-13-2016 at 12:30 PM. Reason: If anything I wouldn't add so much but still very realistic
04-13-2016 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
General rule is divide by 2, add 7 (from the older age).

If you are in between PGH & I in age, that means your range could be 24 to 56.
I wouldn't date under 30 for the same reason I watch porn with the sound off...I just know those ****ers are going to say something stupid, and ruin it for me.

I honestly would go significantly older if there was a next time.

Before I met GW, I dated a guy who was ~ 15 years older for about a year and it was probably the happiest dating relationship I've ever had. If he hadn't broken one of my cardinal rules I think it could've been something seriously long term.
04-13-2016 , 12:45 PM
They're called Mr. Noodles in Canada, and I haven't eaten them raw since I was a teenager.
04-13-2016 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy

Older than PWGH, younger than JM3.
so about tree fiddy?
04-13-2016 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by PasswordGotHacked
Plenty of single moms out there worth banging bro (or even dating if thats what you're looking for), not sure where you're looking. They also have the best snacks

But in part I do agree hence why most girls I see or have done in recent years with any frequency are younger than me. If you are looking for someone to date and they are that age and single there is usually a reason for it (read between the lines here they are either a massive pain in the ass or ****ing nuts). That's not to say there aren't exceptions but in general I find many females >30 that are single have a glaringly obvious reason for being so, and you can usually pick it out quite quickly so much so that a lot of the time I don't bother or they don't even how up on my radar.

Also please do not discount the uses or fun a bat**** crazy girl can provide - it's pretty much limited to the bedroom. But they are always the absolute BEST in this department.

Fwiw around your age is actually a good age as far as women go. Maybe that's your issue and all the other guys agree with me and are taking all the younger womenz
there is a vast difference between kicking a hoe out at 3 am and dating.

I don't know what I am looking for right now and I guess it kind of scares me, though i haven't been to the club in a long time so i guess i'm staying out of trouble.
04-13-2016 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
According to Google "scouser" means Liverpool and that is the only British-type accent I have trouble understanding.
thats cos he's a geezer in'it
04-13-2016 , 12:51 PM
Daz, I assume you know those guys. Do you sound like them (I think that's Abe's brother on the right)

04-13-2016 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Zomg I got a shoutout, & it was for being old.

3 year wedding anniversary today. Life is good. Despite the ~350 things I want to randomly complain about.
good to know it's annual sex day
04-13-2016 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Da33le
If I can understand Asian people speaking broken English, I think I can understand most other accents.
what is lbox up to anyway
04-13-2016 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by PasswordGotHacked
They can push back, and often and take most suggestions quite enthusiastically. Should I continue?
Or did you want to flick me your daughters number now?

I would never "date" an 18 year old as you put it but good nothing wrong with other social aspects between two consenting adults.

Fwiw I kinda have an aversion to anything long term or as it you put it "dating" or a "relationship". I've done these things before and they just end up turning into a ****show and end in ways that are bad for everyone. If I didn't enjoy the ocassional company of women, the way they look and having sex with them I would not socialize with them at all. Without these aspects women just cost money and cause headaches. I guess some also make a good sandwich or bake a good pie too.

Cliffs: If women didn't have vaginas you'd probably kick them

soooooo... hookers?
