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omg omg omg 155 omg omg omg 155

10-30-2015 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
Doubt you're a moocher.

My non-nuclear family is truly worthless. When my grandmother was alive, they would constantly hit her up for money. My nuclear family was her primary care. We completely took care of her. Grandmother would basically make us give them money/things, etc. And I don't mean $100 here or there, but we find ways to leverage things and barter so they could have a new washer or a new car or a few thousand dollars to pay rent/bills. And we'd do it repeatedly for her. Sure, we were better off than them, but in no way higher than low-mid middle class. She passed, and obviously they're looking for handouts.

As an example - my aunt asked my grandmother for her part of the inheritance(she would get most of the jewelry that granny owned), so she could pawn it off because she needed money. Bear in mind, my grandmother was alive and well.

One of my cousins accused 2 of my other cousins and myself of raping/molesting her when she was younger.

Same cousin accused my dad of molesting her at a later date.

I legitimately have an unending amount of reasons to hate my family.
I'm not trying to 1-up you, but I will say that parts of my own family history make that look like a dream ending. We legitimately have unspeakable horrors.

Now, I DID move 1000 miles away from them, but the reality is that their shenanigans stopped bothering me YEARS before that. The only person you affect by having that sort of anger are yourselves. Just put distance between you--them, and refuse to discuss the issues or be a part of them with the family you DO enjoy. Saying, "I'm not interested in being a part of that."

You'll be glad you did!
10-30-2015 , 03:56 PM
Maybe my experience is different than yours. Males are responsible for hanging lights and decorations out side where it's cold and ****ty, cutting down a pine tree full of sap, shoveling snow, eating poorly baked sweets and meat that wasn't grilled... Not to mention the expectation that I actually give a **** about gifts you asked me for 7 months prior, and the tantrum you throw when it wasn't he right ****ing shade of purple.

10-30-2015 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
Cheers jack!
Thanks for stopping by!
Nice to see you!
10-30-2015 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by wisski
Maybe my experience is different than yours. Males are responsible for hanging lights and decorations out side where it's cold and ****ty, cutting down a pine tree full of sap, shoveling snow, eating poorly baked sweets and meat that wasn't grilled... Not to mention the expectation that I actually give a **** about gifts you asked me for 7 months prior, and the tantrum you throw when it wasn't he right ****ing shade of purple.

LoL this guy. Pays an extra $5k for first class flight. Doesn't have someone to cut down his trees or shovel his snow. You're misallocating your resources wisski
10-30-2015 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by wisski
Maybe my experience is different than yours. Males are responsible for hanging lights and decorations out side where it's cold and ****ty, cutting down a pine tree full of sap, shoveling snow, eating poorly baked sweets and meat that wasn't grilled... Not to mention the expectation that I actually give a **** about gifts you asked me for 7 months prior, and the tantrum you throw when it wasn't he right ****ing shade of purple.

Tell me more about how you spent two hours putting up Christmas lights that I originally had to fight the mall to purchase and then untangled (because you CBF to do more than throw them in a heap at the end of the season) and laid out for you having ensured they worked and didn't need replacing.

And then talk to me about the Christmas tree that I hauled up from storage, put together, and that I decorate with the kids every year in handmade crafts that we spent days completing...the one that I waited until after Christmas our first year together to buy so I would get 50% off, because he always bitches that Christmas is "too damned expensive".....OR the one you possibly spent an hour chopping down that I have to clean up needles and sap for 6 weeks from....

Lol, I'd like to see a man who has trouble getting the sauce warmed up at the same time the pasta is done ..juggle a full Christmas dinner for 12 PLUS desserts PLUS washing all the good China before and after the meal. (AND WE DON'T HAVE A DISHWASHER!)

Lastly, seriously, if you can't be bothered to write down the thing she really wants/e-mail it to yourself you can just buy her jewelry. ...which is way easier than the constant, obnoxious, "Don't get me anything" mystery you dump in our ****ing laps. JUST PICK SOMETHING FFS.

BUT, before we talk about your teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy, contributions...let me put this into perspective for you.

I spend between 4-6 hours just wrapping gifts.

Sorry, you were telling me about how hard Christmas is for males?

10-30-2015 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
Tell me more about how you spent two hours putting up Christmas lights that I originally had to fight the mall to purchase and then untangled (because you CBF to do more than throw them in a heap at the end of the season) and laid out for you having ensured they worked and didn't need replacing.
Mall? Come on now Kristy it's 2015, you can order that **** online and they'll deliver it right to your door. Bin, rinse & repeat year after year - it's the American way

Originally Posted by Kristy
And then talk to me about the Christmas tree that I hauled up from storage, put together, and that I decorate with the kids every year in handmade crafts that we spent days completing...the one that I waited until after Christmas our first year together to buy so I would get 50% off, because he always bitches that Christmas is "too damned expensive".....OR the one you possibly spent an hour chopping down that I have to clean up needles and sap for 6 weeks from....
Real >>>>>>>>>>>

Also, Fir > Scotch > Spruce for how long a Christmas tree will stay good but 6 weeks is too long for any of them.
10-30-2015 , 04:26 PM
In b4 someone calls me "the dishwasher"
10-30-2015 , 04:27 PM
My whole family is allergic to evergreens. I've never had a real tree.
10-30-2015 , 04:28 PM
The absolute earliest you should be getting a real Christmas tree before Christmas is the weekend after Thanksgiving which this year will put you at slightly under 4 weeks until Christmas. If you're going to get it that early you shouldn't expect it to last thru New Year.
10-30-2015 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
My whole family is allergic to evergreens. I've never had a real tree.
My grandpa and by extension my dad, uncle and I had a Christmas tree farm as a side business growing up.

I spent many summer weekends swinging a machete in 300 acres worth of Christmas trees. And many Thanksgivings loading a semi-truck full of Christmas trees for delivery downstate so the lot could open the Friday after Thanksgiving.

On the plus side --- free Christmas Trees!
10-30-2015 , 05:07 PM
My grandparents owned a large convenience store and ice cream shop.

My freebies >>>Christmas trees.
10-30-2015 , 05:08 PM
Hahah, what I find comical is that most of the things you're bitching about are things I take care of and that's why I hate Christmas, you're in charge of them and you love it...

A ginger in a Christmas tree patch, stereotypical.
10-30-2015 , 06:24 PM
I'm not used to going to bed then waking up to 100 omg posts.
10-30-2015 , 06:26 PM
I have a pretty cool family and Christmas is always fun. Probably because nobody molested their grandmother.
10-30-2015 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by pelicanpoker
I'm not used to going to bed then waking up to 100 omg posts.
I'm more active when I don't see a ton of aids posting.
10-30-2015 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
I'm more active when I don't see a ton of aids posting.
As opposed to your posts which are hilarious and full of cheer
10-30-2015 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by pelicanpoker
As opposed to your posts which are hilarious and full of cheer
His are more ebola than AIDS, and I can see why those two diseases don't get along
10-30-2015 , 07:42 PM
AIDS sufferers can live in relative comfort but the Ebola will kill you.
10-30-2015 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by pelicanpoker
AIDS sufferers can live in relative comfort but the Ebola will kill you.
Exactly. I will kill you
10-30-2015 , 08:22 PM
Idk why, but there is something very reassuring and comforting about buying 100 rolls of toilet paper...even when you still had 50 left from the last time.
10-30-2015 , 08:26 PM
I like to live on the edge. I only buy one pack of 4 rolls at a time, and I don't buy more until I'm nearly finished the last roll.
10-30-2015 , 08:30 PM
you often end up running to the shop with a dirty ass?
10-30-2015 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
you often end up running to the shop with a dirty ass?
Let's be friends.
10-30-2015 , 08:40 PM
10-30-2015 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
you often end up running to the shop with a dirty ass?
No mate. But plenty of times when I'm running to the shop to buy roll before I **** my pants
