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11-20-2015 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
What about offering to pay for something like a Gymboree class or tickets to a kiddie show in their area? Takes up no space at all.
I've offered to buy my nieces 100$ into a 529 account for all birthdays/holidays worthy of receiving gifts. I might be an ******* now but once they're 18 they'll thank me.
11-20-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by pelicanpoker
I'd be in for secret santa. Give me fuluck, I think we have FedEx here somewhere and a few spare refugees lying around.

Good morning ya'll.
I don't think you've quite got the "secret" part of secret santa but I the can do attitude!

Originally Posted by Kristy
What about offering to pay for something like a Gymboree class or tickets to a kiddie show in their area? Takes up no space at all.
I usually do that sort of thing for my mom because she already has ALL THE STUFF, but that's a good idea.

Originally Posted by wisski
I've offered to buy my nieces 100$ into a 529 account for all birthdays/holidays worthy of receiving gifts. I might be an ******* now but once they're 18 they'll thank me.
Yeah, I've considered this too. A small gift + $$ in an account for them. As of now they're the beneficiaries of my life insurance policy so the only way they'll ever see any significant windfall from me is if I croak.
11-20-2015 , 07:12 PM
I swear I saw a gleam in my daughter's eye when I told her she will be getting everything after I die :s
11-20-2015 , 07:13 PM
My day is wide open till the gf gets here at 3. Might have a GoT marathon and eat some cookies.
11-20-2015 , 07:16 PM
You should watch some replays of 49ers games this season
11-20-2015 , 07:17 PM
Also rocket league for a short time before I go drive go carts hope I fit in them!
11-20-2015 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
You should watch some replays of 49ers games this season
Only if you watch Lions games at the same time

Originally Posted by wisski
Also rocket league for a short time before I go drive go carts hope I fit in them!
You just gave me a great idea what to do with my daughter next time she comes over. Have fun, guy.
11-20-2015 , 07:33 PM
Hard pass.
11-20-2015 , 07:40 PM
I can't wait for all the L-O-L-S when the 9ers sign Gabbert to a 5 yr 100 milly contract.
11-20-2015 , 08:54 PM
I pulled out Rock band tonight. I'm so 2008, aorn.
11-20-2015 , 10:38 PM
watching this indi-type, smart comedy called 'The Kings of Summer'

i recommend
11-20-2015 , 11:10 PM
Just got done making a fastest lap of the week at that course. They let you have beers before driving and the carts are supposedly max 40 mph(125.4kph). So it was enjoyable. Didn't realize what concentration it takes to turn corners as fast as possible and pass someone.

Now drinking so she can drive home cause I would get pulled over for speeding.
11-20-2015 , 11:40 PM
Just watched the first episode of this season's The Knick. Was excellent, but eesh I'm a squeamish.
11-20-2015 , 11:58 PM

This was what I re-accomplished with my night. My leg is sore, and this game is more fun than I remember. Idk why I ever stopped playing it.

Last edited by Kristy; 11-21-2015 at 12:00 AM. Reason: Obv not me playing on youtube link...I'm a dork, but not on THAT high level.
11-21-2015 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by King_of_NYC
I'm a squeamish.
Is that the guys in the flat brimmed hats that don't use electricity?
11-21-2015 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Da33le
I tried that with the last girl that didn't want to date me...
well then, either completely change who you are or be gfless...

sorry kid, it's a hard road to pussy.
11-21-2015 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by pelicanpoker
Haha oh wow

I have better advice for the single guys itt.

Never get married. Don't move in with anyone. Die alone. No regrets.
can confirm this 1000000000X over.
11-21-2015 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
I didn't know Aus was having immigration issues.

My long term plan involves a series of underground kangaroo boxing matches, and a rat plague...the new arrivals can work the new jobs created at the concession booths, or as an exterminator, barring other special skills, because they'll get to travel and talk to lots of different people while technically being paid to watch a kangaroo boxing match OR rat plague.
this is ****ign amamzing.

but yes. it's all the media talks about... until paris gets bombed then thats all it talks about... then tax reform... THEN back to the refugees.
11-21-2015 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by pelicanpoker
Jack would love it here. Ya'll would. Greatest country in the world.
you need to slow down there buddy... it's ok... i wouldn't say the greatest.

maybe when you easterners stop ripping off wa stealing our gst share and INCLUDE US! then maybe we might be on the same page.
11-21-2015 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by wisski
Stupid jags, can't believe they beat mariota...

Luke, you should volunteer for Christmas dinner somewhere and cook to feed the refugees or something, if you've never done something like that I highly recommend and then your not alone on that day either.

The fact he gives into his mother so easily is LOL to me, but I moved from WI to CO for college so I could get away from my family. Just seems really ridiculous that he can't feel the beta in his actions. I feel like if that happened it would go something like this

Me mum: Wisski, you front window is open and it's going to rain in your house.
Me: wtf are you doing driving by, if you want it closed close it.
Me mum: tell gf to close it right now!
Me: you're ****ing crazy, stop being such an overbearing bitch I'm a man and I'll let it rain in my house if I want.
Me mum: okay love you son.

And gf would have even heard about it much less got a call bout closing the window.

On a side note I completely agree with the never get married sentiment. Was my plan from the beginning.
maybe i should... but i have to take care of my dad first.

I love how all of you have bad family stories... I have my own too ( they are way worse and i'm not gunna say.... but it defo has affected me as a person)

I've never really had a homely home. maybe wehn i was like 5 but i don't remember it.

now i'm trying to find it... only problem is i know it doesn't exist.

oh well... hookers and blow for me.
11-21-2015 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by JustJ46671
F Jack!
He's a damned terrorist!
he looks a bit odd man... so don't worry. he will get stopped a border contorl and turned back....

abbout... sorry i mean turnbull... wait is it him our julie bishiop.. or that shorton.. not wait it can't be himmm...

who ever the **** our pm is this week... he would would turn back his boat. i know he would because the greens would NEVER make it into power.

i mean it would have to be a whitlam **** up to do that.
11-21-2015 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by JustJ46671
Is that the guys in the flat brimmed hats that don't use electricity?
11-21-2015 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Da33le
So what you're saying is, because I don't have kids or a spouse, I can put myself as number one. Sweet.
you shhould put yourself number one regardless..
11-21-2015 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy

Many (most?) Women automatically understand that parents and siblings are downgraded the second a husband is in place. The same for selflessness where our children are concerned. We're probably raised for it. It is certainly in the bible which permeates most of our cultural standards. Men on the other hand often struggle with their idea that, really, wife and kids are your absolute obligation and priority

this applies to 1950s america.

this is 2015, you should be a strong independent women who don't need no man.

but it doesn't apply when it comes to raising the kids and family.
11-21-2015 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
I would definitely do the santa, secretly. I'd mail one of you guys a truly weird gift too.

My last secret Santa I wrapped a large pizza that I picked up on the way to the party.
"Ew, it's warm!" Is just about the best exclamation I have ever heard.
do me do me!!!!
