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08-09-2012 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
speaking of which, is pikey a horribly offensive term in the UK? I've heard it is like ****** here (in which case i hope mason adds it to the filter). is it that bad if i call brickie a pikey, or only if i use it to refer to a roma/traveller?
The only people who find pikey offensive are the same morans that find words like **** and **** offensive. Hope that helps.
08-09-2012 , 02:11 PM
wrestling is on now. where's nham? i think we're up against someone who's won 9 straight world championships and last 2 golds so oh well
08-09-2012 , 02:11 PM

08-09-2012 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by The Brickie
I think there should be no filter. I don't care what you call me, you ****ing.....canadian.
Yes. An optional filter
08-09-2012 , 02:17 PM
was j/k about the filter you bunch of limey pikey tossers

Last edited by gregorio; 08-09-2012 at 02:25 PM.
08-09-2012 , 02:26 PM
wimminz wrestling is goot!
08-09-2012 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
was j/k about the filter you bunch of limey pikey tossers
That's the spirit soldier!
08-09-2012 , 02:28 PM
One day I'll remember to click that stupid ****ing quote box.
08-09-2012 , 02:34 PM
Also, lol limely.
08-09-2012 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
I think I just banned someone for the first time in a few months.
was it me? i don't feel banned
08-09-2012 , 02:35 PM
Way to go interviewer, make the poor girl cry. Prick.
08-09-2012 , 02:42 PM
I thought we established that Abe was the pikey... Brickie is Hugh Grant during the first part of About a Boy (without the womanizing part)
08-09-2012 , 02:43 PM
Congrats to that south african 800m dude. He wanted it the most.
08-09-2012 , 02:50 PM
stop plz... tia!
08-09-2012 , 02:50 PM
08-09-2012 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Abe008
Uhm it's not a German beer.
Well then you really lucked out after all!
08-09-2012 , 02:50 PM
Brickie... here are some derogatory terms for Canadians (for future reference)

Snow ******

[\/ ~!*~!*~!* MOD EDIT *!~*!~*!~ \/]


[/\ ~!*~!*~!* MOD EDIT *!~*!~*!~ /\]

Last edited by AngryPanda; 08-09-2012 at 02:56 PM.
08-09-2012 , 02:54 PM
pppssstt prick is way worse than what I said
08-09-2012 , 02:59 PM
08-09-2012 , 03:00 PM
08-09-2012 , 03:01 PM
good job good effort on getting the bronze canada
08-09-2012 , 03:01 PM
08-09-2012 , 03:01 PM
Rudisha is the illest.
08-09-2012 , 03:01 PM
08-09-2012 , 03:02 PM
