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04-12-2012 , 06:02 AM
The indicator says it is 40F.

Feels like frozen doom.
04-12-2012 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by Mayo
When did fredd become a hater?
When he sold his account to bogan a few months ago.

Originally Posted by allinontheturn
The woman who posted this on Facebook lives in a ~$600k home (a lot for Michigan) that was paid for by the husband she divorced and took half his monies. The ironing .... it is delicious.

What ironing? That's the murican dream.

Originally Posted by EvanWilliams

there was like a couple week stretch quite a while ago when some **** got rehashed where I was really sad for Brandi

i mean, who doesn't want to fly someday?
Did I ever mention that Brandi was my fault? I totally met her a few times and probably should have saved her life. It's my fault. It's all my fault.
04-12-2012 , 06:08 AM

Last edited by pelicanpoker; 04-12-2012 at 06:08 AM. Reason: im bed gnite
04-12-2012 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by k0derkid
Did I ever mention that Brandi was my fault? I totally met her a few times and probably should have saved her life. It's my fault. It's all my fault.
i cant tell if youre serious or not. or if this is a old quote.
04-12-2012 , 06:14 AM
I should make a Brandi Steve Jobs things and PM it to ATC just to piss him off.
04-12-2012 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by pelicanpoker
did you guys hear New Kid is moving into J2s after a weekend of being together?
His peen has a hinge in it.

Last edited by Kevroc; 04-12-2012 at 06:17 AM. Reason: it comes out... then it comes out again.
04-12-2012 , 06:21 AM
OOT has an ask a cop thread which is occasionally very interesting, but is mostly just the cop giving people advice on how to get out of DUIs. Which is unsettling to me.
04-12-2012 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by elrey
i cant tell if youre serious or not. or if this is a old quote.
My buddies and I had a house in Vegas in 07. I remember the first time I played with her, she sat down to my right and looked me square in the eye and said, "How's my makeup?". Then I looked down at her wrist and saw the scars and realized who she was. She actually played pretty well. She was drinking champagne and walking in and out of Bobby's room. And then she killed herself.
04-12-2012 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by Mayo
OOT has an ask a cop thread which is occasionally very interesting, but is mostly just the cop giving people advice on how to get out of DUIs. Which is unsettling to me.
I have a great horseporn/****thepolice pic to reply with but I don't wanna get lirvabanned.
04-12-2012 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by Mayo
OOT has an ask a cop thread which is occasionally very interesting, but is mostly just the cop giving people advice on how to get out of DUIs. Which is unsettling to me.
im as liberal as the next guy, but the idiots itt are hysterical
04-12-2012 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by Mayo
OOT has an ask a cop thread which is occasionally very interesting, but is mostly just the cop giving people advice on how to get out of DUIs. Which is unsettling to me.
No he's not. But, you got me to go to OOT, so you won.

04-12-2012 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by elrey
im as liberal as the next guy, but the idiots itt are hysterical
Don't worry, you'll always be #1 liberal idiot to me.

04-12-2012 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by Kevroc
Don't worry, you'll always be #1 liberal idiot to me.

04-12-2012 , 06:37 AM
have a good fredday eve everyone!
04-12-2012 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by Mayo
(I don't really think he's an idiot.. shhh, don't tell anyone)

The bit about that cop letting the potential perp sit in the car to let the alcohol breath build-up is plain dirty tactics!

But, he hasn't said anything that isn't correct and/or something a lawyer would tell you. It's not cheating or helping folks beat the rap. It's education on how it all works.. which people should know. In a perfect world.. we never have to know these things.. but, it's far from perfect.

I mean.. lookit elrey ffs.
04-12-2012 , 06:42 AM
04-12-2012 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by BoSoxBK
have a good fredday eve everyone!
wassup mami?

04-12-2012 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by k0derkid
My buddies and I had a house in Vegas in 07. I remember the first time I played with her, she sat down to my right and looked me square in the eye and said, "How's my makeup?". Then I looked down at her wrist and saw the scars and realized who she was. She actually played pretty well. She was drinking champagne and walking in and out of Bobby's room. And then she killed herself.
wow. you were serious. if you did the six steps thing you'd be like 2 steps away from a million celebrities imo

poker celebrities

cool celebrities

i think

04-12-2012 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by pelicanpoker
wow. you were serious. if you did the six steps thing you'd be like 2 steps away from a million celebrities imo

poker celebrities

cool celebrities

i think



brett dennen

carrot top

danny bonaduce


04-12-2012 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by Kevroc

brett dennen

carrot top

danny bonaduce


04-12-2012 , 06:54 AM
I only read the last few pages of that thread, but that cop seems to be legit. The problem is either he's just saying what he knows he should say or most other cops are just trying to bust you. They don't give a **** about the 4th amendment. I've been handcuffed and thrown in the back of a cop car three times for about thirty minutes at a time just for doing what flexyourrights recommends. Barely roll down the window, give all required documents, be cordial and don't answer any other questions. It doesn't matter. They have always found a reason to do what they want. Two of those times I was simply a passenger and refused to give ID. I was still frisked and handcuffed and detained for thirty minutes. Every time I was released without any charges and the officers always made some sort of sarcastic unprofessional comment in the process.

If there's anything I've learned from that it's that officers are just people, and they get just as upset when things don't go as they expect as anyone else does. I still should have filed complaints against at least one of them who clearly fabricated a reason to search my car because he could see 'shake' in my console, which was obv bread crumbs from my subway sandwich I had just ate. I was nervous about that one too because my brother had given me a ziplock bag full of creatine, which looks just like cocaine, and as antsy as these guys were to bust me, I thought I was in for a hell of a ride.

So anyways, basically I hate cops because they always try to usurp the powers we grant them. And this is all true. The end.
04-12-2012 , 06:55 AM
power is a helluva drug
04-12-2012 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by k0derkid
I only read the last few pages of that thread, but that cop seems to be legit. The problem is either he's just saying what he knows he should say or most other cops are just trying to bust you. They don't give a **** about the 4th amendment. I've been handcuffed and thrown in the back of a cop car three times for about thirty minutes at a time just for doing what flexyourrights recommends. Barely roll down the window, give all required documents, be cordial and don't answer any other questions. It doesn't matter. They have always found a reason to do what they want. Two of those times I was simply a passenger and refused to give ID. I was still frisked and handcuffed and detained for thirty minutes. Every time I was released without any charges and the officers always made some sort of sarcastic unprofessional comment in the process.

If there's anything I've learned from that it's that officers are just people, and they get just as upset when things don't go as they expect as anyone else does. I still should have filed complaints against at least one of them who clearly fabricated a reason to search my car because he could see 'shake' in my console, which was obv bread crumbs from my subway sandwich I had just ate. I was nervous about that one too because my brother had given me a ziplock bag full of creatine, which looks just like cocaine, and as antsy as these guys were to bust me, I thought I was in for a hell of a ride.

So anyways, basically I hate cops because they always try to usurp the powers we grant them. And this is all true. The end.
I agree with you. Srs abuse of power and "mad power trippin, yo" be goin' on for reals.

I have a few friends that are cops, one is a corrections officer at Riker's Island.. COMPLETE POWER TRIP.. they are worse than half the slime they drag in.
04-12-2012 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by pelicanpoker
wow. you were serious. if you did the six steps thing you'd be like 2 steps away from a million celebrities imo

poker celebrities

cool celebrities

i think

Yeah I'm kinda a big deal. Mason has even bad beated me a few times. F that guy imo.
04-12-2012 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by k0derkid
Yeah I'm kinda a big deal. Mason has even bad beated me a few times. F that guy imo.
Poker Essays IV was initially written about Jackitos and elrey.

