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White box and saving HUD stats White box and saving HUD stats

08-01-2008 , 08:27 PM

I've been having a problem with my HUD over the past week or so, I'm not sure what triggered it. Everytime I put my cursor over a stat (Such as VPIP) a blank white box shows up rather than showing something like 10% (10/100). Any fix on this? The drop down stats do not work either.

Also, is there a way to export my current HUD stat selection? Or a way to disable one group and use another set of stats? I was going to try to cut down the amount of HUD stats that I'm displaying in order to make it not as cluttered, but if I don't like it, I don't want to have to put everything back with colors etc, etc.

Thanks in advance,

08-02-2008 , 04:45 AM
To reset to the default layout, rename the file
c:\program files\pokertracker 3\data\layouts.pt3
To restore it, simply put it back to the original name. If you want to have different layouts at different times you can have several copies of this file, and you can copy it to other computers to duplicate your layouts.

For the white boxes, try cluster, vacuum, analyse your database - this should speed up stat retrieval. Menu: Databases.
08-02-2008 , 05:29 AM
Thank you very much, sir.

I will try this out.
08-02-2008 , 05:50 AM
Fixed the drop down stats.

I clustered/vacuumed/analyzed the database, however, still when I put my cursor over a stat to see more detailed information it appears as a white box. But still, doing all that sped up PT3 when refreshing and loading, so thanks. :O

Any other ideas on the white box?

Thanks again,

08-02-2008 , 05:55 AM
Is this for all stats?
HUD performance is being worked on all the time, and hopefully the next beta release should see improvements again for all.
Development Timeline.
08-02-2008 , 06:11 AM
Yeah, the HUD works fine, just when I want to get more detailed information about a certain stat, it just whites out the pop up box.

Like if someone has a 0% fold to Cbet and I want to see how many times they've been cbet into, I can't.

It worked not too long ago, not sure what I changed.
08-03-2008 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Cruzerthebruzer
Like if someone has a 0% fold to Cbet and I want to see how many times they've been cbet into, I can't.

It worked not too long ago, not sure what I changed.
afaik, this was available in Pokerace HUD but is yet to be added back into PT3. Am I missing an option somewhere or is it still in development?
08-04-2008 , 08:42 AM
You are correct; this feature is not yet available, but it is definitely on our list of features to reintroduce.
