Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,888
Hey I am finally fed up with all the time I have to put into making Holdem Manager actually work (and the shady steps that I have to take to do so).
I'm wondering if PT3 has similar issues with Windows? God I really hope not. I am about to get a new computer (tomorrow) with windows 7 - are there unresolved issues with compatibility there? With HEM, on my current Dell laptop that uses Windows Vista, pretty much every 3 months or so there was an update either for PokerStars or Windows that made Postgresql fail or the HUD to not work and each instance wasted an hour or two of time that would've been spent working. With the latest problem, though, they're telling us to do all sorts of shady- sounding things, like disable all of the protection on our computers and edit files in parts of the computer that I've never been to. I mean, even if these are legitimate solutions that are not trying to compromise the security of everyone's computer, they are much too involved with technical computer aspects for the everyday user. It feels like a pokertracker for computer programmers.
Someone assure me that PT3 won't be like this if I switch back (I used to use PT2 before HEM came out). I'm so sick of scrolling through forums and FAQ's, using trial and error with no idea what I'm really doing to my computer, just praying that it will open.