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HUD working after all hands imported HUD working after all hands imported

09-06-2009 , 04:43 AM
Hi guys,

Is it normal for my PT3 HUD to start working after all my hands are imported?
It's pretty annoying that when I want to start a session I have to wait till all my hands are imported (only 100.000 or something but still...) for my HUD to show up at my tables. So the more hands I've played, the longer it takes for my HUD to show up. This can't be right I think because some guys here have played 5 million hands or something.

Help appreciated!
09-06-2009 , 04:56 AM
To avoid this happening you need to enable the 'move processed files to' option, then PT3 will move the files it has read when you stop auto import so that next time it won't have to re-read them.
Tutorial: Using Auto Import
09-06-2009 , 05:04 AM
Thank you Whiterider!
