Originally Posted by telebob
I've seen a couple of neat graphs that folks have made with HM, such as Winnings vs. EV and the like. I'd like to make a similar graph, as well as graphs of hands where vpip=true and saw showdown=false, etc.
Can someone point me toward a tutorial that tells how to do this kind of stuff with PT3?
first post...tia!
There will be EV graphs and a load of other graph possibilities in the future. For now though, you can create a graph for where vpip=true and saw showdown = false by selecting those filters in the "filters" options and then simply going to the graph tab.
First add:
Actions (preflop) -> VP$IP
Then add:
Results -> Went to Showdown
Select Went to showdown in the list on the right and click "NOT Selected", then select both of the filters and click "AND Selected".