Can't Find a Player in DB/Updating gets "Stuck"
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 90
Two quick questions w/ PT3 Beta:
When I search for a player who I KNOW I've played against (I can find hands I've played against him in the session HHs), he is missing in the database. Can players "cloak" themselves, or is this just a glitch?
Also, though the HUD is updating, sometimes I'll look at my session stats on PT3 and it hasn't updated. I have to click on someone else's name, then click back on mine and it usually "unsticks." Any one else experiencing this?
I'm on Windows XP.
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 6,489
Players can't "cloak" themselves (well, except at Cake, you can't see other Cake players' statistics); do you have any filters set that might keep the player from displaying? Have you refreshed the data since you played with that player?
PT3 doesn't automatically grab new data for the reports while it is importing. You need to click the Refresh button at the top right of the window in order to tell PT3 to look for new data and to reload the report.
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 5,337
What version of PT3 are you using? (see the title bar of PT3)
Do the player names have non-English characters in them?
What site do you play at?
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 90
I found the player today. I guess it just hadn't refreshed or something. Thanks for the responses.