Standard Stats for Heads Up Limit Hold Em?
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 193
Hi, I am working on a computer science project for a game of heads up limit hold em (not no limit), and I was wondering what the following statistics would be for a given player. More specifically, I am wondering what the aggression factor, aggression frequency, PFR, and VPIP would be for a:
Loose Passive
Loose Aggressive
Tight Passive
Tight Aggressive
and Standard Unknown
player at the micro/low stake level... so far my assumptions look like:
VPIP >75%
VPIP < 65%
Standard Unknown:
VPIP 65% - 75%
AF < .6
Afreq <40%
PFR < 35%
Afreq > 50%
AF >1.2
PFR >50%
Standard Unknown:
Afreq 40%-50%
AF .6 - 1.2
PFR 35% - 50%
Edit: Not sure if my assumptions for PFR are ok... I'm thinking:
Passive: VPIP% - PFR% > 40%
Aggressive: VPIP% - PFR% <25%
Unkown: VPIP% - PFR% 25% - 40%
Can anyone tell me if these assumptions are sound, or if I need to change them?
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 263
what kind of project?
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