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simple advice for a beginner simple advice for a beginner

10-02-2009 , 03:10 AM
hello everyone!!!!! i'm new here and my mind wants to learn!

i started playing some LHE today and remembered how much fun it was. just played this hand, and realized that i don't know what i'm doing because i think i should try to make the decisions better but i don't know what factors to consider. i hope to try to post in this forum a lot more, but my first question is: sometimes i see good players raise the turn with draws; should i have done that here? and how should i try to think about that decision?

Poker Stars $15/$30 Limit Hold'em - 2 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: (1.667 SB) Hero is BB with 5 8
nimag raises, Hero calls

Flop: (4 SB) T 9 2 (2 players)
Hero checks, nimag bets, Hero calls

Turn: (3 BB) 6 (2 players)
Hero checks, nimag bets, Hero calls

River: (5 BB) Q (2 players)
Hero bets, nimag calls

thanks in advance for all of your help! i learn so much from the other forums, i hope to learn a bunch from the smart people in this forum too!!!!!

also, an aside, why in the world doesn't the hand converter have a 4 color deck option? it seems like that would be the easiest feature to add and so awesome!
10-02-2009 , 03:12 AM
oh, and also, when do u go for a checkraise on the river and when do u just go for a regular value bet like i did here?

also, pretend i don't know anything about limit holdem because i know very very little. even the most baby of concepts are probably knew to me, except for like checkraise and freecard. i know what they are, but not always when to use them.
10-02-2009 , 09:15 AM
Flop: Checkfold (Bc You have flopped nothing whatsoever and calling is a pretty huge leak imo.)

Turn(as played): 12 outs - u have to call.

River: In general: The scarier a rivercard looks for opponent the less likely he is to fire. In this case: No one would put u on a runner-runner FLdraw, (which u have) but river is an overcard to the rest of the streets which might make him hesitant to fire with say a T or a 9. So on river I would bet out as You did.
10-02-2009 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by MrLix
Flop: Checkfold (Bc You have flopped nothing whatsoever and calling is a pretty huge leak imo.)
+1 horrible call
10-02-2009 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by MrLix
Flop: Checkfold (Bc You have flopped nothing whatsoever and calling is a pretty huge leak imo.)
not trying to be antagonistic, but didn't i flop backdoor straight and flush draws, not to mention pair draws? backdoor 2pair, trip draws? wouldn't a flop of KcQcQh would be actually flopping nothing?
10-02-2009 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by aprilsfool_pwns_72
not trying to be antagonistic, but didn't i flop backdoor straight and flush draws, not to mention pair draws? backdoor 2pair, trip draws? wouldn't a flop of KcQcQh would be actually flopping nothing?
You cannot float flop long shot draws w/o SD value. Your only options here are fold and check raise.
10-02-2009 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by armor32
You cannot float flop long shot draws w/o SD value. Your only options here are fold and check raise.
why do u say this? i'm a real evidence kind of guy. why not? and what do u mean cannot? i did, so i could. u mean should not because it's -EV? if he's raising a lot preflop and his range is going to bet all flops and turns, then shouldn't i be able to get an extra big bet in with a checkraise if i hit the turn real hard? the reason that i posted this hand is that it's pretty much the hardest turn i could hit without landing made showdown value.
10-02-2009 , 10:43 AM
if u continue like that dont expected that anyone gonan help u again.
10-02-2009 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by aprilsfool_pwns_72
why do u say this? i'm a real evidence kind of guy. why not? and what do u mean cannot? i did, so i could. u mean should not because it's -EV? if he's raising a lot preflop and his range is going to bet all flops and turns, then shouldn't i be able to get an extra big bet in with a checkraise if i hit the turn real hard? the reason that i posted this hand is that it's pretty much the hardest turn i could hit without landing made showdown value.
in short, u dont have odds to draw that thin in FL... u will pay 1SB and hit x% of the time and when u hit u will not win enough to win back all those money u spent not hitting, or those money spent hitting a draw that keeps u in the pot with much less then ur fair share of the money going in

this is very, very basic and if u want to discuss this u should go to a forum that is purely for beginners because u can read about it in any FL beginners book

with ur knowledge u will get absolutely killed at 15/30... start at $1/2 or something like that, not that i think u will beat 1/2 but u will lose less

EDIT: im just telling u some facts, not at all trying to be an assh even if i understand it can look like that


on turn u should cr and on river, if u didnt cr turn, u should cr because there were no draw on the flop so it doesnt look like river hit u (if u play NL u know all this, there is no difference, no need to bet out with a hidden draw)
10-02-2009 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by hasu
if u continue like that dont expected that anyone gonan help u again.
because they only help players who already know what they're doing and not players who have the most room for improvement? makes sense. i told u i'm new and don't know the specifics of limit holdem, just trying to feel it out and think real hard about it, which is my learning style. it is very unique and i hope this forum will be friendly to it.

but also, i don't really understand what you mean by "like that". does it have to do with my post or how i was playing?
10-02-2009 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by kiddo
in short, u dont have odds to draw that thin in FL... u will pay 1SB and hit x% of the time and when u hit u will not win enough to win back all those money u spent not hitting, or those money spent hitting a draw that keeps u in the pot with much less then ur fair share of the money going in

this is very, very basic and if u want to discuss this u should go to a forum that is purely for beginners because u can read about it in any FL beginners book

with ur knowledge u will get absolutely killed at 15/30... start at $1/2 or something like that, not that i think u will beat 1/2 but u will lose less

EDIT: im just telling u some facts, not at all trying to be an assh even if i understand it can look like that


on turn u should cr and on river, if u didnt cr turn, u should cr because it there were no draw on the flop (if u play NL u know all this, there is no difference)
thanks for this honest advice! i guess i'll try to go look at those forums more too. but i doubt they would know the answer to this related question that i'm about to ask in clarification for your odds instruction:

is there any value at all in calling here just because he then can't know what you have and it expands your range? ie - if you're only calling or raising when you've flopped really big, then he always knows how his hand plays against you.

and i definitely don't hthink ur being an assh. this is the best and most comprehensive advice i've received yet in limit holdem, which is exactly what i asked for. your post was the least asshish of any i've received so far.

edit: also, aren't you assuming that you're behind or that think that your 6 pair outs are dead in that math? if u can get in a checkraise on the turn vs underpairs and missed overcards, then isn't it a mistake not to float? he's been calling those turn check raises, plus rivers with no pair. especially heads up when he's c betting every turn where he's bet the flop so far... actually, after checking the hand history, i did see 1 free card that he took on the turn. maybe it could be good againt this opponent, but not a more standard one.

Last edited by aprilsfool_pwns_72; 10-02-2009 at 11:06 AM.
10-02-2009 , 11:50 AM
what i mean is if u dont know the EASIEST basics of LHE dont even think about playing HU cuz its the highest and most complicated form of poker out there.
10-02-2009 , 12:16 PM
pretty horrible flop call. you could check raise river if you think your opponent will bet 50 percent or more.
10-02-2009 , 12:17 PM
yeah and your backdoor draws are worth a combined total of 1 out (pretty sure), basically you flopped garbage. I suggest you learn to calculate outs and pot odds before you go ahead and jump into these stakes.
10-02-2009 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by hasu
what i mean is if u dont know the EASIEST basics of LHE dont even think about playing HU cuz its the highest and most complicated form of poker out there.
ok, thanks for being honest. however, i feel that i am a bit unique in this light. if it's the most complicated form of poker out there, then it's exactly what i want to play. if i knew exactly what i was doing, i'd have almost no interest in it.
10-02-2009 , 01:58 PM
looks like the big takeaway is that people thing the flop call is terrible. got to learn little by little tho. so thanks.
10-02-2009 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by aprilsfool_pwns_72
if i knew exactly what i was doing, i'd have almost no interest in it.
Having clueless people play at 15/30 just because it is an intellectual challenge is golden.
10-03-2009 , 02:37 AM
lol that none of you know that aprilsfool is a ****ing incredible poker mind and will prob be a good reg quickly if he wants to be. then he can join all the threads bitching about the lack of games and not helping people not already good at huhu!
10-03-2009 , 03:33 AM
Would fold the flop too...
But as played: Anyone checkrasing this turn?

@ OP:
What is this "freecard" play? ;-)
