Originally Posted by armor32
Originally Posted by beeker
I doubt it. GTO just means that you will (on average) lose the minimum. It doesn't guarantee a positive (or even zero) EV. If there is a structural asymmetry in the positions (e.g. who gets to play last), then there is no assurance that the GTO for any position is +EV. (Though it is the case that an overall GTO strategy will have EV(BB) = -EV(SB). It's just that the strategy for the SB play would be different from the strategy for the BB play.)
I counted at least fuor mistaeke hiere. Anyone can find five ?
I think some of it may simply be looseness in the language. The first two sentences are meant to be position-specific. For example, if I assume (which seems reasonable) that EV(SB)>EV(BB), then my second and third sentences should be interpreted as
GTO play
from the BB just means that you will (on average) lose the minimum. It doesn't guarantee a positive (or even zero) EV
in the big blind.
I left off those qualifiers because I don't know with certainty that the inequality
does in fact run that way (though experience and reading the discussions of other players suggests it does).
I don't see other errors, but would be interested to have them pointed out.