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8c7c on 2399 board in position facing flop x/r 8c7c on 2399 board in position facing flop x/r

09-15-2009 , 02:29 AM
Hero OTB with 87
Hero opens villain calls
Flop 239
Villain check/raises hero's c-bet, hero calls
Turn: 9 villain bets

Do we fold or trying to contest the pot by raising here?
If folding flop an option here?

History: this is 7th hand in the match, villain appears to be dumb-aggro pre-flop OOP, but passive post-flop:
3-bet with probably bad hand and folded when I raised him on turn on 237 6 board (I had Q7)
cap with T4s and checked through
folded to my c-bet when just called my open raise from BB
This is first hand that he check/raises
09-15-2009 , 06:15 AM
If you can get K hi to fold on this board reliably by raising the turn my hat is off to you. Seems like a really bad spot for a turn raise to be honest. you fold pure air and maybe medium/low flush draws that brick out. this is not likely a large enough portion of his range to justify such an expensive bluff.

Last edited by TylerMes; 09-15-2009 at 06:21 AM.
09-15-2009 , 01:09 PM
Well what ranges of hands do you assign him when he CRs this flop?
09-15-2009 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Hood
Well what ranges of hands do you assign him when he CRs this flop?
Could be quite wide in fact: spade FDs including those that beat me UI, some random air, gutshots including A5, pairs obviously
09-15-2009 , 08:08 PM
He's not folding more than 15% of that range. I'd fold and start raising him much lighter on the turns for value and semibluffing a lot. Pure air is not where I'd want to start taking my shots.
09-15-2009 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by korrupt106
He's not folding more than 15% of that range. I'd fold and start raising him much lighter on the turns for value and semibluffing a lot. Pure air is not where I'd want to start taking my shots.
Fold the turn, or fold to the flop CR?

I would just fold the flop, if we are not rebluffing on any turns, can we call the check-raise profitably, making the assumption villain follows through on the turn with his entire range?
09-15-2009 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Hood
I would just fold the flop, if we are not rebluffing on any turns, can we call the check-raise profitably, making the assumption villain follows through on the turn with his entire range?
Really good response.
09-16-2009 , 12:47 AM
its been my experience that the c/r or raise on the turn usually gets called. uve got a passive postflop player(if ur read is ok) betting at u. from his actions pre he probably is holding small connected cards although probably not suited. my guess is he hit the 2 or 3or some kind of straight draw. and good luck trying to push him off it here. i think ur bluff at least gets called here and u have to fire again at the river to win this hand.
09-16-2009 , 12:55 AM
I think clearly a fold here is good against an unknown, the best case senerio is that he is bluffing you, or that he has some draw. If he has some draw you have to spend 3 bets to get him to maybe fold. I would have folded the flop with what seems like 6 dirty outs and a good amount of reverse implied odds.
