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Warning, Vegas/Minneapolis scammer Jack Christensen Warning, Vegas/Minneapolis scammer Jack Christensen

01-12-2020 , 05:31 AM
Haha very funny responses here and the reason for his anonymity is because he is obviously embarrassed. All the info provided about this dude is through him. I didn’t know anything about this until Jan 7th when he called me and said he got scammed. Just to clarify I am European and have lived in Europe for the last 3 years. I haven’t been to either Minneapolis or Vegas for a while and probably won’t either but the person who got scammed is my best friend in the world and yeah I know he was a ****** and totally agree that he should have done more research bla bla bla. He understands that, no reason to shove it down his throat in hindsight. The only reason I care at all is because this is my bestfriend from college and I said I’d be willing to help him out, and then you guys can believe whatever the f you want. Whether you think this is fake, I’m swatting some random douchebag felon, or that this is really about me I’m cool about all that. I just want to help and have really already done my part.
01-12-2020 , 10:28 AM
Message me blame. ASAP plz
01-12-2020 , 10:34 AM
What’s your number on what’s up? I’d rather talk there
01-12-2020 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by blamethegmae
Haha very funny responses here and the reason for his anonymity is because he is obviously embarrassed. All the info provided about this dude is through him. I didn’t know anything about this until Jan 7th when he called me and said he got scammed. Just to clarify I am European and have lived in Europe for the last 3 years. I haven’t been to either Minneapolis or Vegas for a while and probably won’t either but the person who got scammed is my ficticious best friend in the world and yeah I know he was a ****** and totally agree that he should have done more research bla bla bla. He understands that, no reason to shove it down his throat in hindsight. The only reason I care at all is because this is my bestfriend from college and I said I’d be willing to help him out, and then you guys can believe whatever the f you want. Whether you think this is fake, (a) I’m swatting some random douchebag felon, or (b) that this is really about me I’m cool about all that. I just want to help and have really already done my part.

I'll take option B, this is really about your and your "friend" was invented because you are "obviously embarrassed".

(I don't care if the amount involved is $1000 or $100,000, or whether the villian simply lost it all, as a staked player, in Las Vegas, I believe someone, whether OP, or "Friend", likely was done wrong.)

There are reputable staking sites, including at least one where stakers can buy documented pieces of prospective players. The established staking businesses existence SHOULD be the lesson from this thread, not a chase after some reported lowlife.)
01-12-2020 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by VegasBorn44
What’s your number on what’s up? I’d rather talk there
OTOH, the thread has potential at this point ....

Odds that there will be a story about an anonymous $20K bitcoin transfer involved soon ?
01-12-2020 , 11:21 AM
Is there private messages here. I have info
01-12-2020 , 11:22 AM
Will not talk in about but I can help u
01-12-2020 , 11:40 AM
Vegasborn I think you need at least 10 posts before you can do private messages.
01-12-2020 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
That's easy. He is hiding out with General Wainwright in the Philippines.
Well that solves it, give me your paypal so I can send you 20k
01-12-2020 , 12:13 PM
Ok, I had a weird feeling about him, I will not go into any details in the open so I remain Anonymous. But blame if u post your email, Snapchat, or what’s up number I’ll message u privately
01-12-2020 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by VegasBorn44
What’s your number on what’s up? I’d rather talk there
There’s no possibility to private message you, you gotta turn it on.
01-12-2020 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by VegasBorn44
Ok, I had a weird feeling about him, I will not go into any details in the open so I remain Anonymous. But blame if u post your email, Snapchat, or what’s up number I’ll message u privately
And I have no idea who you are so I won’t post my private details here. Make more posts or post your contact info
01-12-2020 , 12:15 PM
So I can turn it on messenger in settings?
01-12-2020 , 12:18 PM
I googled the name, that’s how I came across this.. it’s all good, u wanted info. I have some... I’m not going to post about my everyday life or why I hate my wife just so u know me better? And I do not want to post any of my details on here in case he see this and it’s obvious who I am
01-12-2020 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by VegasBorn44
I googled the name, that’s how I came across this.. it’s all good, u wanted info. I have some... I’m not going to post about my everyday life or why I hate my wife just so u know me better? And I do not want to post any of my details on here in case he see this and it’s obvious who I am
K I don’t care what some random forum dude says. If you don’t want to put enough effort into either A) post 10 times or google how to fix it or B) set up anonymous email or snap then idgaf. This is really not about me but my friend so I’m very detached about the whole thing and won’t reveal my identity because you’re apparently somebody important.
01-12-2020 , 12:25 PM
And if you’re scared of Jack Christensen knowing your identity I don’t know if we have much to talk about lmao he’s a chubby pussy.
01-12-2020 , 12:34 PM
Can police charge him with this crime?
01-12-2020 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by blamethegmae
K I don’t care what some random forum dude says. If you don’t want to put enough effort into either A) post 10 times or google how to fix it or B) set up anonymous email or snap then idgaf. This is really not about me but my friend so I’m very detached about the whole thing and won’t reveal my identity because you’re apparently somebody important.
Reality check...

OP, you also are some anonymous random forum dude..except with an imaginary "friend", and you spar with imaginary lawyers in Europe.
01-12-2020 , 01:34 PM
Why don’t you post this crap in the NVG cesspool instead..
01-12-2020 , 01:58 PM
Theory: VegasBorn44 = Jack Christensen and will scam OP for the 20k reward
01-12-2020 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by cfreaks
Theory: VegasBorn44 = Jack Christensen and will scam OP for the 20k reward
That had occurred to me in making post 30 above, although the myriad of scammers of the world would smell blood in the water from OP starting this thread and offering the $20K .... No need for Jack to even act in character , all of it is "anonymous" in OP's preferences of course.

.............. except there ain't no bonafide $20K offer in reality. Were the offer genuine,our anonymous OP could escrow the funds somewhere, easily.
01-12-2020 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
That had occurred to me in making post 30 above, although the myriad of scammers of the world would smell blood in the water from OP starting this thread and offering the $20K .... No need for Jack to even act in character , all of it is "anonymous" in OP's preferences of course.

.............. except there ain't no bonafide $20K offer in reality. Were the offer genuine,our anonymous OP could escrow the funds somewhere, easily.
You're clearly some ****ing genius who knows everything about me, how about you go somewhere else, lay down the crack pipe and post conspiracy elsewhere? Unless you have anything relevant about Jack, cya broseph.
01-12-2020 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Ungar
Why don’t you post this crap in the NVG cesspool instead..
Haven't posted here too much myself but lurked around for years. If this isn't the appropriate place to post, mods please message me about how to move it.
01-12-2020 , 04:09 PM

Kinda funny we have so many locals here but nobody recognizes this pretty boy felon. He obviously doesnt play as much poker as he claims.
01-12-2020 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by blamethegmae
And if you’re scared of Jack Christensen knowing your identity I don’t know if we have much to talk about lmao he’s a chubby pussy.

I thought you live in Europe and it was your buddy that knows Christensen from the gym? How do you know he’s a chubby pussy?
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