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Venetian Deepstacks Venetian Deepstacks

01-18-2012 , 07:52 PM
Anyone know the current action on this? Gonna plan to be there 2/13 thru the final. Anyone with input let me know. Thanks.
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-18-2012 , 08:52 PM
What specifically are you looking for? I'm sure you'll get some informative replies if you elaborate on "Current Action"?
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-18-2012 , 09:12 PM
Currently there is no action as the tournaments don't start until next month. Did I win?
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-18-2012 , 09:56 PM
I was just there today... plenty of signage... plenty of cash games... no deep stack
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-18-2012 , 11:23 PM
Have any 5/10 or 10/20 games been running? I plan to do a TR once i decide on my travel plans. Hope vegas is hoppin and ready for a midwest grinder. Good luck all.
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by JO-PO
Have any 5/10 or 10/20 games been running? I plan to do a TR once i decide on my travel plans. Hope vegas is hoppin and ready for a midwest grinder. Good luck all.
Nah, no 5/10-10/20 action in Vegas.
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by JayLV
Nah, no 5/10-10/20 action in Vegas.
good thing your around to let people down easy
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Do Not Blink
good thing your around to let people down easy
Don't want him to get his hopes up and then get here and realize we're all grinding 1/2-2/5...
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by JO-PO
Have any 5/10 or 10/20 games been running? I plan to do a TR once i decide on my travel plans. Hope vegas is hoppin and ready for a midwest grinder. Good luck all.

Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 09:50 AM
Thanks for the links to the rooms, that should help some. Also im deciding between ip, harrahs or ti? All should be easily accesible to the V. Any recomendations? Ill start posting my local river-boat sessions soon. Hopefully i continue to play and run well and ill add some stacks for the vegas trip.
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by JO-PO
Thanks for the links to the rooms, that should help some. Also im deciding between ip, harrahs or ti? All should be easily accesible to the V. Any recomendations? Ill start posting my local river-boat sessions soon. Hopefully i continue to play and run well and ill add some stacks for the vegas trip.
what is your criteria for room selection?
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by JO-PO
Thanks for the links to the rooms, that should help some. Also im deciding between ip, harrahs or ti? All should be easily accesible to the V. Any recomendations? Ill start posting my local river-boat sessions soon. Hopefully i continue to play and run well and ill add some stacks for the vegas trip.
TI is literally across the street from there's that.
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 04:34 PM
TI it is. I want an in room safe and short diatance to room for smoke breaks and such. I usually stay at the V but im not bringing the g/f so ill take a short walk ans change of scenery. Just dumped $900 in my local casino game. 1/2 no cap on buy in. In small blind. Four limpers and i complete with q9 spades. Flop comes 678 w two spades. Bet of 24 an a call i raise to 100. Call call. Turn k spades. I bet 200 and mid pos folds and ol man river ships for 415. I snap and he shows a3 spades. GG. Other hands from session to follow. Trying to kep this vegas related. However i am trying to grind out more dough for the bigger games out there. Any input on hand. Cooler in my eyes. Especially in such a juicy game.
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 05:00 PM
did you expect villian to bet 2.5xpot into a field on a highly coordinated board and then fold to a raise?
would you like to play for stacks on the flop with 50 SPR when you're never ahead but might be up against a dominating hand, AKA a higher flush draw?
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by JO-PO
TI it is. I want an in room safe and short diatance to room for smoke breaks and such. I usually stay at the V but im not bringing the g/f so ill take a short walk ans change of scenery. Just dumped $900 in my local casino game. 1/2 no cap on buy in. In small blind. Four limpers and i complete with q9 spades. Flop comes 678 w two spades. Bet of 24 an a call i raise to 100. Call call. Turn k spades. I bet 200 and mid pos folds and ol man river ships for 415. I snap and he shows a3 spades. GG. Other hands from session to follow. Trying to kep this vegas related. However i am trying to grind out more dough for the bigger games out there. Any input on hand. Cooler in my eyes. Especially in such a juicy game.
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:12 PM
Yea cooler is what i think. Another interesting spot comes my way when i open to 15 in a straddled pot in middle pos with j10clubs and get three callers. Flop comes 6j8cc. Small blind leads for 50 i make it 165 and folds back to blind who cold calls. Turns the 2 of clubs and he ships for 355. I have 325 and tank call to see a 9 hit river. He shows a set of 6s and i ship 1400 my way. Back to even finally. Then about two hours later im sitting on 1200 and fish wih the set opens to 20 utg(which he opens 70% of the time) and i call with kq and get one other caller on button. Flop come kq4. Fishy leads for 35 i call for some deception and button folds. Turn 2 adding a possible flush draw. Fish bets 75, i decide im ahead almost always against this guy. I pop it up to 190, fish is sitting on 700. He cold calls. River comes an offsuit 9 and fish bets 500. I think forever and finally decide its about 50/50 and with stacks being big that gave me a little more edge on this guy. I call and he shows the 10j and im back to stuck 900. Such a lame way to end after gettig even. Well im leaving the game as much as i dont want to cuz both fish are killing and very liable to spew off later tonight. Cant afford to take a huge hit playing 1/2no cap when i can grind that back with solid play in less volitale spots. Any input would be appreciated.
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:23 PM
i probably raise the flop - playing big hands fast is the best way to beat weak players.
as played, i raise more on the turn.
as played, alarms go off as villian donk pots 500 on the river.
i might still call but imo it's nowhere near 50/50 like you describe...
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:42 PM
I want to add:

when villian bombs like that he's telling you one thing, and one thing only:
"I have the nuts - JT".

he's not doing it with K9, he's not turning AA or AK into a bluff because weak playing don't realize their top pair/overpair is no good and bet/raise it as a bluff.

he either missed after turning a combo draw with AJ/AT etc of the board suit (still rare, both in terms of combinatorics and line/sizing chosen...), or has JT...

JT seems very consistent and that's what he would show up there most of the time, IMO.
BTW, there's a offset chance he messes you up completely with a stop and go with a set.

Anyway, I think you're beat most of the time. are you beat less than 2:3 of the time?

possibly... I doubt it, personally... I would try to get some kind of live read... look into his eyes, ask him a question, do something...!
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 07:14 PM
Thats why I dont play Q9s, what else could he have had but the nut flush? He aint doin that with a Jack high flush, I lay it down every time, but I never get felted so I might play too tight.
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 08:46 PM
Any chance of a local hooking up an outta towner with some good smoke for my trip?
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-19-2012 , 09:16 PM
Sure... I know where there is a great cigar shop off rainbow and the 215
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-21-2012 , 10:26 PM
Crushed the riverboat game tonight. +2225
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-24-2012 , 09:51 PM
would like to get this thread going as the deepstacks start thrusay. if anyone has any updates of current action in venetian room and how the tourneys are. im coming out the 13 of feb through final event.
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
01-24-2012 , 10:03 PM
Venetian Deepstacks Quote
