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Vegas Vlog thread (Trooper et all) Vegas Vlog thread (Trooper et all)

10-21-2016 , 05:49 PM
I'd rank Andrew #1 and have no idea how to rank the other 3. Also I haven't seen the latest video from Andrew yet but I thought he played most of the other hands I've seen pretty well, even if I might have done something different in a couple of spots. Tappan plays way differently than I do.

Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
That being said, I used to think Trooper had potential to be successful, so obviously I don't know what I'm talking about. Haven't watched PokerKraut yet so can't comment.
Trooper might actually be the least likely to succeed at poker out of the four. His ego holds him back so much. Look at how Tappan reacted to the idea of getting free coaching. He called it free knowledge. He didn't get insulted and say things like "What you think I suck at poker?"
10-21-2016 , 06:06 PM
In order of skill

#1 Andrew (The 88 was a turn fold. His bigger BR is a plus for playing relax)
#2 Tappan (I think his raises are too small. Tips too much)
#3 PokerKraut (Plays tight. Misses EV)
#4 Trooper (BR too low. Too much emotion in the game)

In order of my interest in each vlog
#1-2 Trooper and Andrew (I like how he shows/explains his poker)
#3 PokerKraut
#4 Tappan (vlogs are very short and infrequent)

If Trooper reduces mailtime and stops reacting to old videos he solely would be my King.

Last edited by MartaGdynia; 10-21-2016 at 06:12 PM.
10-21-2016 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by The1Kid
"Idk if Trooper has this massive tilt game like some speculate"

What? Have you seen any of his videos's?

Dude goes on tilt just walking down the street hearing a car horn. These personalities never succeed at poker.
Now that's a funny post.
10-21-2016 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007

Trooper might actually be the least likely to succeed at poker out of the four. His ego holds him back so much. Look at how Tappan reacted to the idea of getting free coaching. He called it free knowledge. He didn't get insulted and say things like "What you think I suck at poker?"
Very good point, maybe Trooper doesn't realize that very good players look for coaching as well. Your right tho the contrast of the reactions is rather telling.
10-21-2016 , 06:38 PM
Troop's lack of humility and his inability to accept constructive criticism has led him down a poor path over the last few years. If 10k subs is his barometer of success then that's great but at some point he's going to want to achieve financial security. Eeking out a few hundred a month profit from poker is not the path. However he's nearing his mid 40s it doesn't seem to be a priority so what the **** do I know.

Also lol again to Tropper turning down coaching. Lebron James, Dirk Nowitzki, JJ Reddick, and every other professional basketball player who wants to improve their shot hire a coach. Every summer they pay someone to make them better and offer constructive criticism. That is the sign of a true professional. Always wanting to improve regardless of your current results. Troop's just a poser. His results are trash. He's wasted thousands of hours in casinos only to go bust every year. He has no intention of becoming successful at poker. He's spent 10 years self educating. So his resistance to coaching/improving is his first and biggest step towards poker failure. He also doesn't realize this so that adds an extra element to the viewers' frustrations here. Also we're all **** sticks so don't forget that!

Last edited by surfinillini; 10-21-2016 at 06:46 PM.
10-21-2016 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by surfinillini
Troop's lack of humility and his inability to accept constructive criticism has led him down a poor path over the last few years. If 10k subs is his barometer of success then that's great but at some point he's going to want to achieve financial security. Eeking out a few hundred a month profit from poker is not the path. However he's nearing his mid 40s it doesn't seem to be a priority so what the **** do I know.

Also lol again to Tropper turning down coaching. Lebron James, Dirk Nowitzki, JJ Reddick, and every other professional basketball player who wants to improve their shot hire a coach. Every summer they pay someone to make them better and offer constructive criticism. That is the sign of a true professional. Always wanting to improve regardless of your current results. Troop's just a poser. His results are trash. He's wasted thousands of hours in casinos only to go bust every year. He has no intention of becoming successful at poker. He's spent 10 years self educating. So his resistance to coaching/improving is his first and biggest step towards poker failure. He also doesn't realize this so that adds an extra element to the viewers' frustrations here. Also we're all **** sticks so don't forget that!
What he really needs to happen is when he acts all tough someone just decks him and beats his ass pretty bad and he might have a new perspective.
10-21-2016 , 07:33 PM
He acts like getting a coach is like admitting weakness or admitting he sucks and his ego can't take that. He might also not like the idea of a coach exposing his weaknesses and changing up his game because of his ego. A coach would tell him to play fewer hands and a lot of people would prefer to believe they are Phil Ivey and can play whatever hand they want whenever they feel like it.
10-21-2016 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by surfinillini
Troop's lack of humility and his inability to accept constructive criticism has led him down a poor path over the last few years. If 10k subs is his barometer of success then that's great but at some point he's going to want to achieve financial security. Eeking out a few hundred a month profit from poker is not the path. However he's nearing his mid 40s it doesn't seem to be a priority so what the **** do I know.

Also lol again to Tropper turning down coaching. Lebron James, Dirk Nowitzki, JJ Reddick, and every other professional basketball player who wants to improve their shot hire a coach. Every summer they pay someone to make them better and offer constructive criticism. That is the sign of a true professional. Always wanting to improve regardless of your current results. Troop's just a poser. His results are trash. He's wasted thousands of hours in casinos only to go bust every year. He has no intention of becoming successful at poker. He's spent 10 years self educating. So his resistance to coaching/improving is his first and biggest step towards poker failure. He also doesn't realize this so that adds an extra element to the viewers' frustrations here. Also we're all **** sticks so don't forget that!
That reminds me of the line that Newt Gingrich said about Trump:
“He can’t learn what he doesn’t know because he doesn’t know he doesn’t know it”
10-21-2016 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by OFA
Cheers mate. I find the Kelly situation a bit strange.... Randomly appears. Randomly goes away.

Never understood the abuse she got. I thought she was a lot better looking than Troop
She was really well received on these boards. I mean, people joked about them dating and Troop throwing it in her but nothing too bad. It was the Youtube comments that got vicious at times.

Last edited by PLIKITYPLAK; 10-21-2016 at 08:38 PM.
10-21-2016 , 08:38 PM
My w/r is pretty frigging good. I get coaching...just sayin

At steve007- i have spoken with trooper about poker 2x. As i stated earlier he seems to have a reasonable grasp of a classic tag strategy... Enough to win at 1/2 imho. However, i have never watched him play. Many many players can talk the talk but for some reason they can not walk the walk. Sadly it appears that this is the case with the trooper.
10-21-2016 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by dufusbrain
Limon, FYP:

Love your commentating, btw.
hahahahaa. love it.
10-21-2016 , 09:19 PM
For trooper's latest video someone in the comments wrote:

"You copied Andrew Neeme last vlog with the whole filming buying the chips at the cage. Maybe you should try copying the part where he wins at poker too"
10-21-2016 , 09:26 PM
Simply by default, Pokerkraut is a better poker player than thetrooper.

Also, Good to see the trooper's losing streak has ended .
10-21-2016 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
For trooper's latest video someone in the comments wrote:

"You copied Andrew Neeme last vlog with the whole filming buying the chips at the cage. Maybe you should try copying the part where he wins at poker too"
10-21-2016 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
For trooper's latest video someone in the comments wrote:

"You copied Andrew Neeme last vlog with the whole filming buying the chips at the cage. Maybe you should try copying the part where he wins at poker too"
So the haters are on youtube now? The end is near real near.
10-21-2016 , 09:46 PM
I wonder if the guy who offered the Blind Squirrel Tshirt promotion with Trooper was a true visionary. If intentional that would be some clever advertising.

Life is a jouney especially when on PGG, that is a rough journey.

Last edited by CreamOfTheCrop; 10-21-2016 at 09:56 PM.
10-21-2016 , 09:47 PM
10-21-2016 , 10:38 PM
Did TheTrooper get stung by a bee? Fella is looking extra puffy in the face lately.
10-21-2016 , 10:42 PM
Trooper keeps giving these lame shoutouts to cute girls that he passes by... ffs how about stay and talk with them instead of hurriedly walking away? For someone who talks about being a tough guy, he sure acts like a beta bitch in the ladies dept.
10-21-2016 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
For trooper's latest video someone in the comments wrote:

"You copied Andrew Neeme last vlog with the whole filming buying the chips at the cage. Maybe you should try copying the part where he wins at poker too"
Yea it seems right after Andrew comes out with a vlog, whatever fresh editing techniques he uses Trooper seems to follow suit (displaying cards for flops, fast forwarding while cards are being dealt, walking to the cage with cash in hand). It's pretty weak sauce.

YouTube comments are pure savagery lol.
10-21-2016 , 10:49 PM
"I had AA 4 times and lost money. "

Said by the Trooper. Typical fish mindset, whining that your monster preflop hands don't win. But not astute enough to realize there are a ton of hands he's losing money on, and unwilling to try improving.
10-21-2016 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by LVGrinder99
Did TheTrooper get stung by a bee? Fella is looking extra puffy in the face lately.
I was thinking the same. Possibly due to the fact that he's on the "reverse atkins diet" where he only eats carbs.
10-21-2016 , 11:03 PM
Would anybody be shocked if Trooper was on dateline NBC "How to catch a predator"?
10-21-2016 , 11:07 PM
Poker skills
1. Andrew (dude plays 5/10, he's in a different league)
2. Tappan
3. Pokerkraut
4. Trooper

Best Vlog
1. Andrew (although it is early and he has to keep the quality up and the entertainment up over the long run)
2. Trooper (he's been going the longest, he has an extreme personality that keeps it interesting)
3. Tappan (i like short vlogs but 5min every week is too short for me; the quality is nice but not enough of it; i also like his dry wit)
4. Pokerkraut (production value seems low and other than the last one, they just aren't that entertaining; although he seems to have potential if he edits better)
10-21-2016 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
Poker skills
1. Andrew (dude plays 5/10, he's in a different league)
2. Tappan
3. Pokerkraut
4. Trooper

Best Vlog
1. Andrew (although it is early and he has to keep the quality up and the entertainment up over the long run)
2. Trooper (he's been going the longest, he has an extreme personality that keeps it interesting)
3. Tappan (i like short vlogs but 5min every week is too short for me; the quality is nice but not enough of it; i also like his dry wit)
4. Pokerkraut (production value seems low and other than the last one, they just aren't that entertaining; although he seems to have potential if he edits better)

Just because he plays 5/10 does not mean he is special lol.....
