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Vegas Vlog thread (Trooper et all) Vegas Vlog thread (Trooper et all)

10-04-2016 , 07:43 AM
'Whether he likes it or not, a man's character is stripped bare at the poker table; if the other players read him better than he does, he has only himself to blame. Unless he is both able and prepared to see himself as others do, flaws and all, he will be a loser in cards, as in life.'

- T Holden (about 25 years ago)

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that Trooper doesn't see himself as a lazy undisciplined individual who is mediocre (at best) at poker.
10-04-2016 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
For all you wondering how Trooper is surviving right now (and to all you overtippers):

"In the years before Tim Watts ended up hiding under the table at Awtry’s house, he had been a card dealer all over town, making as much as $65 an hour pitching cards to Greenville’s poker-playing elite. "
couple things:

1) can anyone get the meta data?

2) name dropping of some random illegal poker game dealers name in a public blog is a little suspect imo

3) how exactly did you come up with this link?? not google

Last edited by CarlGustavJung; 10-04-2016 at 08:02 AM. Reason: 4) who is chuck reece?
10-04-2016 , 08:05 AM
Troop posted the link in his last vlog.

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10-04-2016 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by CreamOfTheCrop
Never would have thought Trooper would run from Carls Jr
10-04-2016 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by wilson1560
Is this Duke guy connected or something? I can't understand how he hasn't been jumped yet:

1. Dresses very distinctively
2. Reputation for walking around with large amounts of cash
3. No apparent security
4. Hangs around downtown Las Vegas
5. Does not look physically imposing

this guy? --->

As he entered a hotel room to view the precious metals, Wall was jumped and hit in the head.

For 20 minutes the man he had come to meet and a woman bludgeoned Wall with any object in the room they could grab -- a toilet tank cover, a lamp, a garbage pail and an iron, according to a Las Vegas police report. Wall also was stabbed with a knife and suffered a type of scalping wound.

In an interview with the Review-Journal, Wall said he believed he had to stay conscious or he would have been killed and dumped in the desert.
10-04-2016 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by ThirstyLemon92
Troop is essentially an ambassador to poker
lol No, he isnt at all

Originally Posted by ThirstyLemon92
Troop is becoming the person who ambassadors want to bring to the game, rather then the ambassador the game needs.
Lol yes, but he has been that spot since 2012 when he luckboxed some ****z...

*aside: lol, do you even know you posted those two sentences in the same post?get your story straight imo

this cat is no different than any other super enthusiastic noob to poker that experienced immediate success likely do to run good when starting...another reason dude does not want to participate in this thread has to do with the whole feet2fire thing that happens to noobs here. couple that with the humbling realization that variance-was-your-success-youre-really-not-that-good and whala instant denial... i have struggled/struggle with humble/nice/denial on occassion as well.

only reeel difference is that he has gone broke thrice, not realized he should get a real job and work on his poker as a hobby/part time job and he hasnt advanced in stakes so he can start having steaks

in King of Prussia Pennsylvania there are 4 spots where a server can make $300-400 per 4-5 hour shift, 3days per week easily. $150-225 other days... thats a part time job and dude is in Vegas.

fella is turnin tricks on the mean streets of PocketRipAlley ill bet...

Last edited by CarlGustavJung; 10-04-2016 at 09:03 AM. Reason: HJ 50 roses, SS 80 roses, HH 150 roses, HR 400 roses, ON specials
10-04-2016 , 08:58 AM
You have tried pocket rip on four different screen names and it's never made anyone laugh. Ever.
10-04-2016 , 09:00 AM
Are you kidding me ?

Storytime, wtf !

I guess trooper was too lazy to live the apartment

pitiful, truly pitiful
10-04-2016 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by Bulljive
You have tried pocket rip on four different screen names and it's never made anyone laugh. Ever.
lol you sir keep trying with your own LATB clan/Limon gimmick

also, you certainly have an option to prove your assertion of 4 gimmicks and i would be more than happy to lay 5:1 on $1k that proof of me having 4 accounts in this thread is not possible..escrow obv

edit: also, i just used PocketRipAlley... goofball

Last edited by CarlGustavJung; 10-04-2016 at 09:12 AM. Reason: ..............brah
10-04-2016 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
A smaller room would benefit more from having Trooper deal there. He wouldn't do much for the bigger rooms.
Yes! Maybe he's going to resuscitate the Binions room.

10-04-2016 , 10:54 AM
Troopers table talk was horrendous. He plays/talks/acts like a tourist who won in his first ever poker session and then decided to cancel his flight home to "take a run at it"

I enjoyed the vlog a lot and watched daily regardless of his poor life choices and lack of poker skills.

But after that dual cam/table talk video. One word comes to mind.....Walloper

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10-04-2016 , 11:59 AM
Yeah I turned off the dual cam vid after 2 mins was kind awkward
10-04-2016 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by CarlGustavJung
couple things:

1) can anyone get the meta data?

2) name dropping of some random illegal poker game dealers name in a public blog is a little suspect imo

3) how exactly did you come up with this link?? not google
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
Troop posted the link in his last vlog.
Correct, trooper himself posted the link, but I in fact did also google search it prior to posting.

Google link for reference:

Have no clue what metadata you are referring to.
10-04-2016 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by YoG
Troopers table talk was horrendous. He plays/talks/acts like a tourist who won in his first ever poker session and then decided to cancel his flight home to "take a run at it"
Yea the table talk was very bad.

After watching that vid, Trooper seems to have major issues in poker beyond just skill.

To anyone on 2+2, or a seasoned card player who sees his play/results, it's clear that Trooper has lost all credibility when it comes to poker. His comprehension of the game, coupled with the results and the fact that he's gone broke several times, just shows a fundamental lack of understanding of poker and professional gambling.

At this point it's like watching a quarterback talk about his skill and play making ability, then seeing him throw 5 interceptions each game.

Tropper can't move up limits, has to ask for stakes, and has never been able to put together a bankroll even after bragging how much money he made during the series.

Trooper needs to figure out what direction he wants his channel to go otherwise this will be a huge time waster for him. And no he's not an ambassador to the game. If anything he'd scare people away from poker because the novice probably assumes it's unbeatable. But in Trooper's world it is.
10-04-2016 , 01:25 PM
you can easily see it in all his vids...he is SOCIALLY AWKWARD

he is hysterical and witty on his vlogs cause he isnt dealing with soon as he talks to someone in his vlogs being kelly, Limon, PA, or the table talk....its so apprant he has no clue how to interact with them....

this relates directly to his poker playing (social aspect)

and yes he is quite bad at poker...he knows odds etc but plays like a robot....has no ability to adapt to the game or the player (even though he THINKS he does based on live tells)...and then when he tries to NOT be a robot he does so for no thought process behind it..just does it

...unless he is the king of being on the low end of variance (for 2+ years) he just is a poor player...but hell arent really 90% of all poker players poor players overall....hence why winning players can flourish?
10-04-2016 , 01:51 PM
Troop had the chance to go out in blaze of glory but jumped under the table.
10-04-2016 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by GoingBroke777
Yeah I turned off the dual cam vid after 2 mins was kind awkward

Severe cringe.

Trying to convince a drunk English fella he wasn't trying to steal a pot.

"I'm gonna need to raise it up a little." 50 bucks

Then trying to convince someone he was upset he never got called.

Raking in a pot "I need every penny"

Trying to get the guy to show his hand then claiming if he had raised he woulda won the pot. If I knew we were chopping I would have raised.

Wins a pot and cracks a joke about taking the rake too.

He also doesn't "get" what the Scottish guy means.

Declaring to the table he "folded the best hand"

The acting out of turn on purpose to get the woman's attention. Then "oh I'm sorry"

And yes I did just watch it again to write this. But Jesus Christ it's bad.

If you are going to be the "talker" of the table you need to have an ounce of personality

Kinda reminds me of when you you first start playing poker in home games etc and there's always that one guy who's watched a few WSOP shows and handled chips before. You know the guy. Names drops some pros and tells you why your play was wrong. That's what the trooper reminds me off. That guy.

But really he's just a washed up dealer scraping together his life roll to sit in a game.

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10-04-2016 , 02:23 PM
I cringed a lot watching that video as well, but I wasn't sure if it was the Trooper that made me cringe or just the camera set up/angle. It looked like he had a ****-eating grin on his face but I think that was just the camera angle plus the sound wasn't that great (couldn't hear both sides of the conversation well). Also, I'd imagine he was trying to table talk more than normal for the camera. It may not be completely natural for him.

When I met him in person he seemed perfectly fine socially. Although, I will say he did appear a little awkward when meeting with those out of town vloggers.
10-04-2016 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by yimyammer
this guy? --->
Lol, he gets robbed and almost killed and then the article has this:

'Wall's reputation is a bit of Las Vegas folklore, according to poker blogs, websites and magazines. He dresses in suits he designs himself, fedoras and scarfs. He wears spats on his shoes. He sports pinky rings on each hand and flirts with young women in casinos. And he keeps tens of thousands of dollars in cash in a purple Crown Royal bag.
10-04-2016 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by YoG
Severe cringe.

Trying to convince a drunk English fella he wasn't trying to steal a pot.

"I'm gonna need to raise it up a little." 50 bucks

Then trying to convince someone he was upset he never got called.

Raking in a pot "I need every penny"

Trying to get the guy to show his hand then claiming if he had raised he woulda won the pot. If I knew we were chopping I would have raised.

Wins a pot and cracks a joke about taking the rake too.

He also doesn't "get" what the Scottish guy means.

Declaring to the table he "folded the best hand"

The acting out of turn on purpose to get the woman's attention. Then "oh I'm sorry"

And yes I did just watch it again to write this. But Jesus Christ it's bad.

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You guys are another level of haters. It's called psycho. Creeping me out the way you berate a guy who's just trying to provide us with entertainment while we take a crap.
10-04-2016 , 02:41 PM
7-11 is offering free coffee this week if you have their app. Someone tell Tim because he doesn't check this thread anymore.
10-04-2016 , 03:24 PM
if you don't want scumbags, haters, psychos, mama's boys, etc. putting ugly crap in your blog, don't post stuff on the internet.

I'm actually able to ignore all that and enjoy Troopers posts, he does a good job.

Sort of like just driving by road kill and not stopping to get out to smell it.
10-04-2016 , 03:36 PM
I just started watching his vlogs a month or so ago, so maybe it doesn't apply to me but i want to see how it ends. Like eventually i'd imagine there will be a wake up vlog where Trooper realizes he needs coaching and gets it and maybe works a job while getting the coaching and starts beating 1/2 and even 2/5.

Orrrrr this continues down the path it's on and i will watch to see the lows. Bc i don't know the guy and don't have any real attachment to him, i will be entertained either way.

I'd prefer to see him turn the corner, but either outcome is entertaining for now.
10-04-2016 , 03:39 PM
Also i see a bit of myself in the way trooper is.

Like I was (am) socially horrible and i thought i was much better at poker than i actually was (am).

And if I'd been cursed with a video camera when i played full-time at the Venetian (mostly) from 2007-2010, it would have it's parallels.
10-04-2016 , 03:45 PM
Time for a poll:

I am a

1. scumbag
2. hater
3. psycho
4. mama's boy
5. Recognize a slacker with a camera
6. Insulting 99% of Troop's fan with my second post
