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Vegas Vlog thread (Trooper et all) Vegas Vlog thread (Trooper et all)

07-22-2016 , 06:49 PM
Mystery solved, carry on!
07-22-2016 , 06:52 PM
07-22-2016 , 07:49 PM
I'm also guessing that Carl is the backer. I wouldn't be surprised if The Trooper is staking El Diesel. Can't wait to hear the truth in the next VLOG.
07-22-2016 , 08:07 PM
Who is Carl?
07-22-2016 , 09:10 PM
No comments on the hand yet?
07-22-2016 , 09:12 PM
This is Alan..... story is he hangs out in front of Caesar's and that's where he met Trooper


Last edited by Blackballed; 07-22-2016 at 09:19 PM.
07-22-2016 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by I like vegas
I am taking troopers advice right now and being really, really good to myself.
I'm glad you are taking his advice. My guess is you don't have anybody else being good to you.
07-22-2016 , 10:56 PM
I deleted all of omniaatcae's posts and banned him. I also deleted posts that quoted his trolling and engaged with it. If he returns, please notify mod as opposed to engaging with him. It is easy to delete the posts with a simple click but when you quote and engage it takes more time.
07-22-2016 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
I deleted all of omniaatcae's posts and banned him. I also deleted posts that quoted his trolling and engaged with it. If he returns, please notify mod as opposed to engaging with him. It is easy to delete the posts with a simple click but when you quote and engage it takes more time.
Please be an IP ban so we can take out his other 9 accounts.
07-23-2016 , 12:39 AM
The sign off slogan keeps getting longer and longer
07-23-2016 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by IAMthepokerhack
Ok-show us where he had a 2016 request.
I think the troll was referring to this:

What came of this idea, I do not know. It was right around this time that I took a break from the videos.
07-23-2016 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by monroe37
I think the troll was referring to this:

What came of this idea, I do not know. It was right around this time that I took a break from the videos.

I'm not sure exactly why it matters. It seems to be pretty common to get staked in tournaments, although the troll wanted to put a negative twist on it and call it begging.
07-23-2016 , 01:19 AM
The intro on that vlog was one of Trooper's best. Some heux on YouTube wanted Trooper to whisper that song in her hear. Lol. I hope that wasn't a dude from Divas posing tho, but I think it was a real bitch.
07-23-2016 , 01:30 AM
Troop mentioned he had some favorites posters. Yo Troop can you list them? Also list all the AIDS trolls you have on insta-ignore. I think it would be funny tho...
07-23-2016 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Lover959
Troop mentioned he had some favorites posters. Yo Troop can you list them? Also list all the AIDS trolls you have on insta-ignore. I think it would be funny tho...

Is Turdzilla on the goody tushu list with Nate?

I smoke too much weed and get gullible so maybe off the list after my shaming yesterday
07-23-2016 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Natamus
I smoke too much weed and get gullible so maybe off the list after my shaming yesterday
That crazy Canadian shamed you. Nah don't listen
07-23-2016 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by CreamOfTheCrop
Take the coaching from someone, your tools are dull and obsolete, some need sharpening, some need to be disassembled to make new tools. The way your tools use to work years ago cant get the job done, back then having a tool or two could get you jobs, now you have too have so many tools and they need to be getting sharper. Stop showing up looking for a job with old tools,start looking at the tools that othert guys who get the jobs have, even look at the tools that the guys who get less jobs than you, find how you can make their tools work better. With your speed and toughness you should have a massive workshop and be slinging the tools on the streets collecting a pocket rip. Imagine how much you could charge people for coaching if you actually were good and had results. Jamie Gold got 2k per hour....
Cliffs: tools
07-23-2016 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by monroe37
I think the troll was referring to this:

What came of this idea, I do not know. It was right around this time that I took a break from the videos.
Actually, I am the person from 2+2 mentioned in this video. Nothing came of it-he decided not to go through with it because soon after this is when he found out the work schedule during the Series. Not because it wouldn't have funded-If you read the comments there are a high number of folks saying they wanted to purchase his action (actually the only one I saw in the part I looked through that didn't want any action was Steve......or is it ALAN?)

Its interesting, I don't read the YouTube comments often-but these comments prove my earlier hypothesis that Tim could have had a complete free roll for the entire 6 weeks or so and chose not to because he couldn't offer the value he wanted too. Pretty stand up move if you ask me.

Last edited by IAMthepokerhack; 07-23-2016 at 08:40 AM.
07-23-2016 , 09:04 AM
His name is Robert Paulson
07-23-2016 , 09:22 AM
Even when villains shouldn't be worried you have a draw at 1-2 NL they often are because they are bad hand readers and many players fear draws and fear being sucked out on a lot.

I can't speak about this particular villain without watching him play. In general a c/r on a 6-7-8 flop with 2 hearts is going to be a very strong move, especially when the pot is fairly large after the PF action and a $35 flop bet (people slowplay more when the pot is small). A lot of villains donk bet instead of c/r if they have a hand like A8 or JJ and are not sure if they are ahead or not. As a result, when they don't donk bet and go for a c/r instead their range will be stronger against KK (because hands that KK does well against like A8 or smaller overpairs won't c/r often). They will c/r with draws but those will often be the weakest hands in their range and they will have plenty of equity. It's possible that someone might think you have AK and raise you with air but I haven't seen much of that at 1-2 or 1-3 and see it more often at 2-5.

I think you're in big trouble (in general) when you face this c/r but there is a good amount of money in the pot and you sometimes win when you see showdown so it's a crappy spot to be in.
07-23-2016 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by LVGrinder99
I for some reason am inclined to believe Omni. What does he have to gain and Trooper to lose in this matter?
Gee, what a surprise!

One troll, who created a gimmick account 3 weeks ago to do nothing but post in this thread, is inclined to believe the ramblings of another troll, who created a gimmick account two weeks ago to do nothing but post in this thread.

What are the odds?
07-23-2016 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Conz
OT - poker kraut is an entertaining channel. Good dude.

I've watched the first five of his poker vlogs so far and they're pretty enjoyable.
07-23-2016 , 10:26 AM

07-23-2016 , 10:58 AM
Pretty sick that he got banned without anyone being able to prove he was lying.

Sure, he was most likely trolling, but he wasn't being extremely aggressive/racist or anything from what I can remember. And besides, I thought this thread wouldn't be moderated anymore?
07-23-2016 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by biggetje
And besides, I thought this thread wouldn't be moderated anymore?
That was before Natamus and bulljive started crying to the mods and attacking people every time someone posted an opinion that they didn't agree with.
