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Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10

11-11-2022 , 12:19 PM
Same here. Vodka greyhounds my last two trips and they have been brutal.
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-14-2022 , 09:44 AM
Sorry for the delay in the final day but life has been non stop since touching down in the UK!

Anyway not much happening on the last day of the trip. As to form I woke up at 5am so went for a little walk around to try and make me tired enough to try and sleep again for a few hours. My wife had decided on getting us a late check out so we had the room till 4pm as our flight was at 9pm.

Breakfast on the last day had to be the Bellagio buffet again. This has to be my favourite breakfast by far when out here. You can fill up for pretty much all day and the choice of food on offer is insane. The unlimited fruit is the big sell for me, not many places to get that!

I somehow had to pack the giant ass gummy bear in my suitcase and pray I got through security with it in there. This thing is an absolute unit!!

After breakfast and packing there was not much we wanted to do so I tried to get some more sleep and failed. Seemed a common factor of the week and it has not normally been a problem in previous trips. So I decided to take the two cash out vouchers we had (one of 60c and the other $8.34) and try and spin some money up. Topped up the slot with another $100 along with the vouchers and started spinning. What happens within 5 spins? Only the bonus which paid out $85 after 10 free spins. Decided that was enough and cashed out for close to $180 I think it was.

Took a few more hundred to the BJ table. Now I did want to play craps but I still have no idea and just did not want to watch a YT video and then try and play as each table was packed full of punters. Nothing is worse than the guy trying to learn to hardcore gamblers and these folks seemed pretty full on. 50-60 hands of BJ later and my initial buy in of $300 had turned into $450. Not the biggest of wins but the wife had texted to say it was getting close to 4 and we should start getting ready. So that is what I did, went to the cage, cashed out and headed upstairs for a shower, change of clothes and prepare for the trip where I was worried about not sleeping and having to drive ( two hours) home.

The gummy bear from earlier? Well that caused my bag to be inspected at security. The guys at the airport were laughing about it as they tend to cause a bag review!

Biggest win of the trip happened a few hours later! I tried a sleep pillow with a cooling gel in it and who would have thought that was all I needed to sleep on the plane. I sat in my seat, did the seatbelt, closed the window and passed out for the whole flight! I did not feel the plane take off, I missed two meals and had to be woken up by my wife to say we had landed. An absolute first and boy did I feel good for it. Managed to drive home no problems and was greeted by two happy kids who had clearly missed their mum and dad!

All in all a great trip and a great surprise from the wife so she clearly has earned a few points for me to fix things around the house pretty quick now!

Profit and loss I do not really have a tally off. I know I am probably down a tiny amount on poker, up on BJ and down a little on slots. Either breakeven or up no more than $100 which I would say is a great result.

Poker wise I do have such a beef with the locals who make the game so boring! The Asian guy at the table from my last session complained to the table and dealers that I was talking! Now the hand in question was that I had bet, another guy called and there was someone else to act. I looked at him and said 'be careful' in a joking way. Was it out of line? I do not think so but the Asian guy complained that I should not be talking in multi way pots. He was new to the table and our dynamic was that we were all there for a good time, the one guy thinking of calling was from Texas and was laughing that our table was as good as some of the games there so he did not mind the 'be careful' comment.

Anyway after the Asian guy complained I did say if he wants a silent table with no fun I am more than happy to take my stack and leave. Three other guys at the table backed me up also and said they would happily leave and go to bed if that was the case. He soon shut up after then and I felt sick when he doubled up with QQ vs my AK. We all wanted him gone!

So please locals and regs embrace the madness at times, us tourists come for fun games there are not nitty. If we want that we will go to our local casinos. When there are tourists having fun you do not have to join in, hell sit there and let them punt while stacking high but stop tapping the tank! I can forgive it during the WSOP and I found many games like that this year.

Just want to thank everyone who read my report and I hope you liked it. Sorry its minus pictures of hookers. I will make sure my next one included all the hookers and maybe some strippers. Next trip might be during WSOP but that will depend how from now to then goes on the virtual felt and I will happily write a report on that trip as I actually enjoyed doing this.
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-14-2022 , 11:22 AM
Nice TR, thanks again for sharing.

Glad to hear you were able to rest, and got home safely.
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-15-2022 , 06:55 AM
Nice report, thanks for sharing your trip with us.
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-17-2022 , 10:11 AM
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas right? Unless it's COVID

So yeah just to finally end this TR I managed to bring back some Covid. Felt like utter crap
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-17-2022 , 10:21 AM
Ugh. Sorry. I hope you are well soon.
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-17-2022 , 10:39 AM
Sorry to hear that waste. Hope it's a mild case and you recover soon.
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-19-2022 , 05:02 PM
I also hope you have a mild case.

Did you ever find your pixel buds? If not, there should be some black friday deals.
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-20-2022 , 11:19 AM
Damn seems like everyone is bringing this back from Vegas. Hope it’s mild and you’ve already recovered.
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-21-2022 , 05:11 AM
So the covid pretty much kicked my ass hard! Have spent 5 days off work with really bad dizzy spells, coughing and breathlessness. Yesterday I lost all my taste which I feel is the worst of it all as I love my food but now everything tastes of nothing. Took a test this morning and I am negative but in no way symptom free yet. Heck of a nasty strain this one as I have been triple jabbed also so I was assuming it would just be a low/mild cold.

Regarding the pixel buds. I did not find them but thank you for the heads up regarding black friday. Just seen them on Amazon for £150 so will order a pair.
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-22-2022 , 12:36 PM
Very enjoyable TR but never, ever, ever play a hand while racking up !!!!
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-22-2022 , 12:50 PM
OP did it, and he got COVID!

Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-22-2022 , 03:54 PM
Where in the hell are these promised pictures of "hot hookers?"

lol at that guy flatting k10 pre for 70
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
11-26-2022 , 01:23 PM
Nice TR, thanks
Turning into someone who should behave.  Trip report 11/6 - 11/10 Quote
