again, pics not working now...
Well I had just gone to Vegas a month earlier and hadn't planned on returning, but my sister had a dental conference and someone needed to keep the bro-in-law company. Not too mention her dental hygenist and husband were coming and they're are a BLAST to party with!
So with a few weeks notice I set something up with my host at Bellagio and overpaid (this time decided to make the long drive to midway and take southwest) for a plane ticket and I was off!
Standard drive thru the Cicero ghetto with lots of opportunities to have my windshield cleaned or to buy a single beer from various entrepreuners. Got to the airport, the cheap parking up top was open, ez trip to the gate and loaded onto the plane in second from back row.
Sat with a couple lovely ladies taking a break from their kids and boyfriends for a weekend at the Stratosphere. The SW flight attendant charged us for the first of our 5 drinks each but that was it....I made sure to tip him a $20 when I got off as that what the drinks woulda cost me anyway. These ladies were a blast and boy did they have no problem talking openly about their sex lives, much to my entertainment and much to the chagrain of numerous prissy church lady types sitting around us.
Arrived in vegas in what seemed like no time and met limo driver for quick ride over to Bellagio. Short line at check-in and a quick cell call to see where the sister was at. Headed up to the penthouse and waited for IRD to deliver the liquor. I was starving by this point but had to wait for them to bring the drinks. Luckily sister showed up and had brought me a full chicken from some Moracaan restaurant where they had eaten. She arrived as the gentlemen from room service was unloading and I mixed up drinks for my 4 guests.
After a few VERY STRONG cocktails everyone decided to show off their new tattoos. Bro-in-law got a #11 on his back, his favorite roulette bet---and yes he did turn around and pull up his shirt to show it every time #11 hit the entire trip. sister had a cherry with a devil tail thru it.
So we headed out to our favorite spot---oh yeah SLOTS-A-FUN but oh no!!! the A had burnt out on the worry....that is part of the charm.
But much to our dismay our buddy Prez was off on vacation and I would be unable to give him the 6 piece Viagra sample pack I had picked up from the doctor under the guise of needing it because my wife was 5 months pregnant. (Prez is about 76 and makes CONSTANT Viagra jokes while he deals).
Well my sisters Hygenist and the hubby like to party but they are higher class than us and don't gamble per se so they didn't really like slots-a-fun and bailed to the bar at Bally's. We gave slots our usual donations while drinking and tipping heavily.
Having been in meetings all day the rest of the group hit the hay early while I went back to Bellagio to try the tables. I took a pretty good beating, probably down about 13.5K. Then lightning struck, I was down to $400 for the daily budget playing at a $100 BJ table and got one of those make or break split double double etc hands and quickly doubled up to $800. Wanted to lose it and bail and played 2 spots at $400 each, got a BJ and a 20 to dealer 17 for a win. That continued on until the end of the 4 deck shoe I had gone from $400 to $7,000. headed over to a bj table on the other side since they had to shuffle and sat with a very rude gentlemen and a couple nice guys. Female dealer was NOT happy and I felt sorry for her having to put up with this ass. So I tipped her $25 immediately and said let's get some positive MOJO going here. Well she turned out to be a total Beeeeeyotch and I played only 3 hands with a win, a loss, and a push and i couldn't take her anymore so I grabbed my chips, ignored her color up request and headed to the roulette table closest to the Bellagio elevators.
Maybe time for a new I sit down at this roulette table with a white ($5K), a yellow ($1K) and 10 blacks. I give the yellow and ask for half blacks half greens. I start throwing chips everywhere. The dealer spins and I lose, lose, lose, hit a 32 for about $2,500 with some halves on it. Hit a 00 for $1,700, so I'm feeling frisky and spreading black and green chips everywhere. Then it happens----my favorite number of all----BOOM #17 BABY!!! Oh yeah, I had a quarter on the bottom, there were a couple chips from another player, then my 2 BLACKS STRAIGHT UP AND ONE SPLIT WITH THE 20!!!!! Wooooo Hoooooo!!!!
everyone had at least a piece of the 17 so the table celebrated in style. The dealer sorted the wins and said "whose quarter is this?" it was mine. he points to the "max bet $200" sign and flips it back to me. DAMN I should have said that was one for the boys but I didn't think of it in time. So I get paid out on the $200 straight up and the $100 split for $8,700 total. I continue to play and do well, winning a thousand here or there until the dealer goes on break. it is time to go eat a steak and lobster from room service and I go to the window to cash out $22,500. Well of course they give me hell and call the pit and the cashier speaks crap english so she can't figure out where i am saying I was. Eventually she gets the ok and pays me. I go back to the room, order a filet and lobster and count the cash. throw most in the safe and keep $7,500 for the next day.
I am awoken the next day at 6:30am by text from my sister as she is getting ready to go to her dentist meeting. everytime i fall asleep another text. about 11 she says they are going to skip the afternoon sessions and want to hit the pool at Bellagio. so at noon everyone shows up at my room and we have a few drinks then head down to the pool. by this time it is 1pm and I am starving. it is windy and we are laying by one of those cold pools with the fountain....the breeze is blowing the cold water on us occasionally which felt great in the heat.
I grabbed a chicken salad wrap at the bar and we got an order of drinks. My sister was talking smack and making fun of me calling me fatass etc and making fun of my attempt to light a cigarette (vegas only smoker). so I decide to throw my mayo at her, unfortunately the wind takes it and it hits her hygenist leaving a scene from a very poorly written adult video. we have a good laugh about that as I apologize to her husband.
Then we notice these girls walking by with pearl necklaces with shot glasses on them.....yeah I've never had a drink out of one of those so I ask and they oblige---for a drink out of my cocktail, fair enough....I'm sure the double bombay will kill any cold I might have.
Bro-in-law is looking like an overcooked lobster so we decide to head on back in. We make plans to meet up for dinner later and go for naps and showers. I lay down but can't sleep. The ghost of winnings past is haunting me and so I decide to make a trip over to the Wynn and play some $10 VP. This goes extremely well, not in the royal sense but in the lots of quads and full houses sense. end up making a few grand on that even though my stupid card isn't working so I'm getting no credit.
Next decide to give roulette a shot for a grand, no love, gone in like 2 spins. So I say what the hay lets play craps for the first time this year. I throw down $500 on pass line, they keep hitting 7 and I keep getting paid. Then a point is finally set and I back it up and the point is made. It is a quiet table and after that first point being made the other few foreign guys have to leave for dinner and I'm the only one left so I bail to hit the pisser. Sister calls and I have to answer in washroom, I bow out of dinner too tired now.
Head back to Bellagio and sleep. order a filet and lobster from room service at like 11pm. eat that and sister and the crew show up and help me finish it and give me a dessert chocolate cake they brought from dinner. we all have drinks and frolic in the now $38K that I have ammassed. I decide it is time to call it good for gambling before i blow my best trip ever on the last night.
i take $1,500 we all head to slots a fun. again the classy folk bail cause its too ghetto for them. Here my bro in law meets a guy who he seems to think could be his brother. we play 50 cent roulette and a little $5 bj and get very drunk. decide to call it a trip and go our separate ways (they are staying at Luxor).
I wake up, count the cash--$38,300 and grab the limo to the airport. Lose $300 playing VP at airport and fly home with $38K stuffed into my planner. it is tough to carry that much money but its a good problem to have. I'll have to say i was nervous driving home from midway back through that cicero ghetto. i found a Chase branch that was open 11-3 on sundays and took in the cash to deposit the next day. Until next time las vegas....when I will return to give you back the money you have let me hold for a short while.......