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TR: 7 days in Vegas. TR: 7 days in Vegas.

04-21-2012 , 03:51 AM
Good work. Keep em coming plz!
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-22-2012 , 04:09 PM
Great TR! - Keep it coming!
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-23-2012 , 06:07 AM
nice read.. looking forward to the last two days!
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-23-2012 , 10:08 AM
"Lets just say it involved him telling me about archaeological finds of food that he supposedly ate years ago. So much for trying to be sociable at a poker table."

Subscribed. This TR is now required reading.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-23-2012 , 07:41 PM
Day 6:
The day started off early. I wanted to get to Bouchon for breakfast before it closed. While walking from the Paris to the Venetian, I stopped to take some pictures with ‘Freddy Krueger’, knowing my kids would get a big kick out of seeing their dad fighting the ‘monster’. ‘Mr. Krueger’ managed to hustle $10 from me for the privilege. I knew it was a hustle but decided to give it to him. I’d rather give my money to someone who is at least trying to make a living.

We also checked in at ‘Tix4Tonight’ to see if they had any tickets for ‘O’. I had tried online a couple of weeks ago but the tickets were $175 each for seating in the ‘100 section’. I was not going to pay that kind of money to Laliberte for a show I knew could never be better than my favorite Cirque show, ‘KA’, but I was on the hook for taking Kay to a show. Unfortunately, ‘Tix4Tonight’ did not sell ‘O’ tickets. They did have Criss Angel tickets for cheap and I was counting on the sales guy’s superior bulls***ting skills to bail me out by overselling Kay on the show but he coolered me by telling her that “Criss’ show was s**t” and that he would not watch it even for free”. ‘Sonofabitch! Don’t you know how bad I am already running’, I thought to myself as I dialed the Bellagio box office.

I ended up paying $175 each for seating in the ‘200 section’. As if that was not punishment enough, I proceeded to drop $100 at the electronic roulette table while waiting on hold with the booking agent. Fish.

There has not been a disappointing meal yet for us on this trip and Bouchon was no exception. I guess my restaurant rungoode was not necessarily rungoode for my waistline, but like my diabetic dad said to me for chiding him on his fourth serving of ice cream, “I’d rather die eating”. Great. He had been in this country four weeks and he was already subscribed to the new 'American dream'.

For poker, I decided a change of scenery was probably necessary in order to appease the gods. I headed to the Bally’s poker room where I was seated at a table in the center of the room. I bought in for the max $300 and surveyed the table.

Seat 1-4: unremarkable TOM (Tight Old Man)
Seat 5: me
Seat 6: petite, middle-aged local chick with decent rack, decent face and decent stack, in that order.
Seat 7-8: unremarkable TOM
Seat 9: English biker dude on the verge of going becoming a TOM.

I start off very well when I win a decent pot against Seat 7 with the BalugaWhale move. I have KdJd in MP. I raise it to $12 behind a couple of limpers. Everyone folds except Seat 7, who decides to call with position. Flop comes down Ks7s4d. I bet $18. Villain calls. Turn is 5c. I bet $40. Villain calls. River is Kc. I had him on a draw and this was my chance to pull a BalugaWhale move on him. I check with the intention of calling any bet. Villain obliges by overbetting to $175. I throw in one red chip for the call, which is my tell for “I am so confident of being good in this spot that I want to do as little work as possible in restacking my chips when the pot is inevitably shipped to me”.

A couple of hours later, my stack is up to $700 when I get involved in a hand with the biker dude. I raise the biker’s straddle to $20 with KcQc and biker is the only caller. Flop comes down Ac5d6d. I bet $40 into ~$50 and biker calls. Turn is 5s and biker donks into me for $150 leaving him $400 behind. While I am tanking, biker gives me the ‘Indian, I am going to f**k you like it’s the 19th century’ look. Now I am a big anglophile and absolutely love the English, but I cannot let some ‘britrash’ push me around like it’s circa 1940. I go through the sequence in my head and just can’t put him on a legitimate hand. The problem is, I don’t have a hand either. So, I go through all the internet-pro moves in my head and decide that this kind of imperialism deserves retaliation with a very special kind of move, namely, ‘The crazy CTS’. Once satisfied that losing the pieces of clay I am shuffling in my hand will have no measurable impact on my life, I announce ‘All-in’ and throw in one red chip. Biker dude’s cards hit the muck even before the chip hits the felt. I show the rebluff and get kudos from local chick to my left. As I am stacking my chips, the biker gives me a whimpering, ‘Was that a Gandhi?’ look. I respond with the stern, ‘No mothaf**ka, that was a “Cole South”’ look.

I have about $1000 now and sit there chatting with the local chick when Kay comes to get me. We head out to the Bellagio for dinner before the show.

We settle on Jasmine for dinner and are seated almost immediately. I notice a lot of Chinese tourists in the restaurant. I start pondering again why one would travel all the way from China to come eat at a Chinese restaurant in Las Vegas. ‘Maybe I should open an Indian restaurant on the strip to attract all the balla Indians who visit here’, I think to myself. “Wait, there is no such thing as an ‘Indian balla’. Even the multi-tabling crook, Haseeb Qureshi, is probably a Pakistani”, I remind myself.

The food at Jasmine itself is adequate and nothing to write home about. After finishing up, we head out to the ‘O’ theater. On the way I drop another $100 to the roulette gods. Thankfully, before I can donate any more money, the gates of the theater open and we head to our seats. I am seated behind this seven-foot idiot who decides to sit at full height. Well, there goes the front-center view of the stage. We are subjected to some pre-show clowns that intuitively tells me that the real show is absolutely going to suck. My intuition is right as I sit through 90 minutes of what is, $-for-$, the worst show I have seen in my life. I compare it to ‘KA’ and I would sit through a hundred screenings of that show before I would sit through one of ‘O’.

We head back to the Paris after the show. I am dejected at the realization that I am a bigger fish than even Guy Laliberte as I mentally picture the money leaving my pocket and going into Phil Ivey’s pocket after a brief layover in Guy’s wallet.

Once at the Paris, I decide that I am going to skip poker tonight and instead decide to sit-down at a 3-card poker table with Kay to my left. I am quickly down about $200. Kay decides to leave for the room and I buy in for another $300 to recoup the $200 that I just got ‘Kayloored’. I proceed to lose $200 of that new buy-in in a matter of the next few minutes. I tilt and decide that I am going to wager the last $100 on one hand and just call it a night. I put down $25 on the ante, another $25 blind to play the hand, $25 on the Pair-Plus and $25 on the jackpot. I pick up my cards and look down at 999. I beg the dealer for another 9 in her hand but she does not oblige. I am not even sure what the pay-out is as I flip my hand. Dealer high-fives me and cuts out about $1k in chips. Phew. I tip her $50, color up and call it a night.

Poker +110
Craps +600
BJ -100
Slots – -God only knows - $200
Roulette -400
Michael Kors -450
Video Poker +50
Guy Laliberte -$350
3-card poker ~+500
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-23-2012 , 09:10 PM
loving your TR bud, great work.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-23-2012 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by hybris
Day 6:
I go through the sequence in my head and just can’t put him on a legitimate hand. The problem is, I don’t have a hand either.
I've been there once or twice!

Great report, man.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-24-2012 , 07:31 AM
Excellent TR, more please
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-24-2012 , 08:08 PM

haha, classic!
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-24-2012 , 10:10 PM
Man, I think "O" is one the best shows in Las Vegas. I've seen it twice. To each his own I guess.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-24-2012 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by wetleg
Man, I think "O" is one the best shows in Las Vegas. I've seen it twice. To each his own I guess.
I heard that from a lot of people but it just didn't do it for me
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-25-2012 , 08:46 AM
Great trip reports, keep up the good work. You have a clear and funny writing style.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
04-25-2012 , 11:19 AM
Really good read. Like your voice a lot. Hope your trip finished well
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-01-2012 , 05:11 PM
Thoroughly enjoyed your travel report, OP. Please let the board know when you publish your first book, I'll be the first to Kindle it.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-01-2012 , 05:44 PM
Great report. "Love" is my favorite show, I've seen it 3x, and I never liked the Beatles before.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-08-2012 , 12:58 PM

I know this is really long over due and probably not even relevant anymore. My enthusiasm at writing this report was derailed by the 2p2 forums being down for a bit and I never got back to completing it.

I am going to be posting Day 7 and 8 for my own benefit. It would gnaw at me forever if I did not finish something that I started.

Day 7:
The day starts of at around 10:00 am. I decide to accompany Kay for breakfast in the cafeteria downstairs. I decide to skip breakfast in favor of a nice lunch, which Kay will want to have before she boards the flight back to Houston later in the afternoon. I sit there with my coffee and watch her wolf down two ginormous butter croissants.

After breakfast, Kay heads back to the room to finish up her packing and I head to the Bally’s poker room. I put my name on the list and head to the 3-card poker table. I play a couple of hands before my name is called as a new table is opened up. I end up in seat 8 as I survey the table to see mostly tourist and just one local to my immediate left.

I start chatting with the local to my left and learn that his name is Jay and that he is a bartender. He seems pretty tight but also knocking back drinks so I am sure his purse string will loosen up pretty soon. I run pretty card dead in the first hour or so as I watch the tourist in seat 3 run over the entire table. He was running uber hot catching big hands. To his good fortune the table was catching big hands against him too, just not the best hands. The guy was soon up to $1500 with nary an effort. ‘How come I never run so hot?’, I think to myself.

I step out for a cigarette break and decide to play some 3-card poker while I smoke. I am barely half way through the cigarette before I lose a cool hundo. This would be the first of many leaky cigarette breaks I would take between now and the end of the trip. I stub out the cigarette and return to the game.

Shortly after, I notice that Jay is getting pretty active. Raising and re-raising every hand. I can barely see any cheap flops as he is to my immediate left and every limp/raise is met by a raise from him. I decide to polarize my range and wait it out. I ask him if it’s the drinks and he says no and proceeds to tell me the story. He tells me that he had stepped out for a cigarette break and put some money into a video poker machine. He hit quad As with a deuce, which paid out like $4k. Damn. He is on positive tilt. Very quickly, he starts running over the entire table and is getting super bluff happy and drunk. Thankfully, Seat 3 decides to leave with his big stack and I take that seat to get on Jay’s left and create some space between us.

It’s not long before Jay and I get involved in some big hands. I had noticed that Jay was bluffing every hand. I get into call-station mode. Jay keeps bluffing and I keep calling. Jay bets, I have A-high, I call. I even tank on a K-high river call when the baby straight draws misses but can’t pull the trigger. At the end of this callstationy phase, my stack has grown to $800 most of it from Jay’s stack. He leaves soon after and the table is back to the limp-call business. I play for a few more hours and finally cash out for $900 when Kay comes to fetch me.

We head out to the Mesa Grill for lunch but the restaurant is closed for the afternoon. “Damn Bobby Flay, if only you spent more time working than trying to f**k Ari’s wife’, I think to myself. We walk around some more and settle on Puck’s Spago for lunch. I order a pasta dish while Kay orders some fish. As I take the first bite of pasta, I feel something in my mouth. I dig out a short and curly black hair from the mouthful of pasta. Kay gives me the ‘wtf is it?’ look and I respond with a, ‘I think I just blew Wolfgang Puck” look. I call the restaurant manager and point to the hair, which I had deposited on the white tablecloth. He apologizes and offers to make me another dish. I have lost all my appetite at the thought of having made this unintended connection with somebody’s nether region. I am also reluctant to invite the wrath of the folks in the kitchen lest I end up with a bowl full of pubic hair with some pasta thrown in.

After lunch, we grab a cab and head to the airport for Kay’s flight back. The cab driver is on the phone and gets backed up on Koval behind a mile long line of cars waiting to make a left turn. After sitting there for ten minutes, I point out to him that the right lane is open and he should take that since we are going straight. He gets irritated and gives me the ‘how dare you interrupt my conversation about if Western Union or MoneyGram has the best exchange rates to send money to Somalia?’ look and tells me to shut up since he is the one who is driving. I tell him that he has already lost the tip and he will do as I say unless he wants to be reported to the cab authorities. This gets his attention and he does as I say. He drops us off at the airport and pops the trunk, without getting out, for us to retrieve the luggage. I was on the fence about tipping him but this gesture helps make up my mind. I retrieve our luggage and leave the trunk open as I walk away so the sonofabitch is forced to get out of his car to close it.

After dropping Kay off, I head to PH to play some poker. The place is hopping and there are some hot chicks dancing on the stage. I put my name on the list and step out for a cigarette when I spot some 3-card poker tables. I decide to sit down and soon blow through another hundo.

I head back to the poker room already tilted. I am soon seated in Seat 6 at a 1-2 table that seems pretty standard. A couple of tight old ‘pros’ (TOPs), a couple of drunken tourists, a couple of Asians, a couple of young 10NL ‘internet pros’ and me. I win a few small pots here and there and start chatting up the table. I learn that one of the drunken tourists is a marine. On hearing this, one of the TOPs wakes up from his nap and starts berating the marine about some s**t the marines had recently supposed to have done in some village in Afghanistan where women and children were killed. F**K. The drunk marine starts getting worked up and starts berating the TOP about how hard it is out there and how we don’t know s**t since we are sitting in the comfort of our homes. The TOP does not back down and they start going at it. I am thinking of ways to bust up this party and blurt out, ‘I ate foie gras the other day and hated it’. To my surprise, this ploy of blurting out random s**t works and the marine disengages with the TOP and starts telling me about his own experience with eating foie gras. “I ate foie gras once and it tasted like a fat chick’s p**sy”, he tells me. That doesn’t tell me if he liked foie gras or not but I want to keep the conversation going so I blurt out, “so did you like foie gras?”. This seems to irk him. “What do you think?”, he asks irately. I pause not knowing how to respond since I myself have never had the pleasure of dining on fat chick p**sy (FCP) but realizing that this guy could kill me with his bare hands, I start playing along, telling him fictitious stories of my own experiences with FCP dining. The stories seem to lighten up his mood and I am soon able to steer the conversation away from foie gras and FCP.

Shortly after that exchange a seat opens up on another table where his marine buddies are playing and he leaves to join them. This girl who is extremely pretty in a nerdy, Renee Zelleweger (before all the plastic surgery), kind of way takes his seat. I christen her, Ms. Merry for reasons that will soon become apparent. She seems to know the poker room staff and is wearing those large, poker pro headphones. Another pro, I conclude. Meanwhile, the action at the table is heating up as seat 4, a tourist who is here to celebrate his brother’s bachelor party, is getting drunk and starting to splash around. Seat 3 is taken up by another female with a fairly decent rack. In between all these happenings, I have chipped up to $500 and soon get involved with Seat 3 when I call her PFR in position with AKo. I brick the flop and she c-bets. I raise hoping to get folds from most of her range. She shoves over the top of my raise and I fold with a whimper. She shows middle set. I am down to $400.

I decide to take a break and step out for a smoke. I sit down at a 3-card poker table as I light up. Bad decision. Within a matter of 20 minutes I lose $300 while everyone around me seems to be hitting big hands. I head back to my seat incredibly tilted.

The very first hand after I return, I raise QTo to $16 (straddled pot) from the button, Seat 2 a young Asian dude who has been pretty active doesn’t like me raising his straddle. He 3-bets me to $50. We are heads up as the action turns to me. I 4-bet him to $120. He has me covered and calls. Flop comes AJ2r. He checks to me, and without hesitating, I shove the rest in. Seat 2 thinks for a bit and folds. I show the bluff. The spewy play gets Ms. Merry’s attention as she starts texting furiously.

Shortly afterward, the seat to my immediate left is taken up by a Dominic Monaghan lookalike (the actor who plays Merry the hobbit in the Lord of the Rings trilogy) in a Titleist cap. A golfing hobbit, I conclude. I soon start playing Pippin to his Merry. I ask him who he likes for the Masters and he says, “Tiger” but then proceeds to tell me about the Vegas odds on different golfers. “Ah, another local 1-2NL live pro, I see”, I think to myself. I ask him if he knows about 2p2 and he gives me a vague response, which leads me to believe that I am the mark, and he does not want to give too much away about his ‘pokering’ skills. He goes back to listening to music on his ‘poker-pro’ headphones which is a clear signal to me that he is working.

Meanwhile, ‘ the drunk brother of dude celebrating his bachelor party’ in Seat 4 is self-destructing with ridiculous and ill-timed bluffs. Ms. Merry is the beneficiary of his largesse as she busts him on two occasions while holding the nuts. Pretty soon all the card sharks in the room are dying to get an open seat at our table. I can count at least 6 ‘pros’ at our table.

The drunken guy, another tourist and I are the only ‘fish’ left at the table when I get involved in the hand of the trip with Merry. I am in the cutoff and look down at AcAd. First time I’ve been dealt rockets this trip. The straddle is limped to me. I raise it to $20 and Merry calls on the button, as do the other limpers. The pot is ~$80 and we see a flop of 3c9c2c. It’s checked to me and I bet $70 with absolutely no intention of folding my hand to any action. Merry shoves over me for another $200 on top. Everyone folds and the action comes to me. I look at Merry, he gives me the, “I know you are only going up to Rivendell, so fold” look, I respond with the, “No mothaf**ka, I am going all the way to Mordor” look as I call. Turn brings 3d and I cringe as I realize that he may have filled up. The river brings Kc and a gasp from Ms. Merry. I table my hand while Merry looks at his cards a number of times with a pained look. I ask him what he has but he does not respond and mucks.

I collect the $650 pot while Merry gently chides me for making the call. “I just smoked a $300 cigarette and he thinks I am going to fold AA with the nut flush draw (and the right odds to call) for another $200? This boy does not know his fish.”, I chuckle to myself. Meanwhile he blows his 2p2 cover as he explains the play to Ms. Merry. I overhear words like ‘polarization’, ‘made hands’, ‘combo draw’ , yada, yada.

Later, I chip up some more as I bust the drunken tourist. He leaves and I decide to call it a night. I cash out for $1100. I can still overhear Mr and Ms. Merry discussing the hand as they are waiting in line to cash out. “Their sex talk must be like dwan and galfond discussing a hand”, I think to myself.

I head back to my room after I grab a bite to eat at the Margarita place in Bally’s. I have to check out tomorrow to head back to Chicago but not before a few more hours of poker.

Poker +1510
Craps +600
BJ -100
Slots – -God only knows - $200
Roulette -400
Michael Kors -450
Video Poker +50
Guy Laliberte -$350
3-card poker ~+0
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-08-2012 , 01:23 PM
Awesome. I had forgotten how great this TR is. Keep it coming.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-08-2012 , 01:51 PM
Glad you continued the TR....cant wait for day 8.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-08-2012 , 04:50 PM
Best TR of the lot...
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-08-2012 , 05:52 PM
I am very happy that you came back to continue this TR.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-08-2012 , 06:29 PM
Almost positive I was at that same table at PH. Titleist and headphone girl immediatly racked up after drunk guy busted, in true tool/bumhunter fashion.

Great TR btw
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-08-2012 , 08:43 PM
3 Card Poker is detrimental to the ol' profit margin. Give that **** up. Great TR, though.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-08-2012 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by FlyLikeABird
Almost positive I was at that same table at PH. Titleist and headphone girl immediatly racked up after drunk guy busted, in true tool/bumhunter fashion.

Great TR btw
Wow, really? Which seat were you in? Were you the good samaritan in Seat 5 who called the drunken guy's brother to come get him. If so, it was a classy move. That guy was positively incapacitated and it was painful to watch him blow through so many buy-ins.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-09-2012 , 01:06 AM
I was sitting directly across from that guy. Young white kid with cap. I was pretty quiet and didnt do much except call drunk guys 50 dollar shove pf with 22 for the lolz.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
06-09-2012 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by FlyLikeABird
I was sitting directly across from that guy. Young white kid with cap. I was pretty quiet and didnt do much except call drunk guys 50 dollar shove pf with 22 for the lolz.
Oh yeah, I remember. He had AK and caught up. I think Merry made a snide remark about your play . You were sitting on the right of another 'pro'. In Seat 1 or 2, I don't remember.
TR: 7 days in Vegas. Quote
