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The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML

02-22-2011 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by kparker1
Listen I have writer's block, you can't force art, would you tell Dali to hurry up if he was working on a painting, listen this thread is a painting and I am the artist. I don't see you posting a TR from Vegas, how about you just go start another 25nl thread.
Perhaps we could fake it until that changes.
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-23-2011 , 12:32 AM
man, c'mon you guys. He's just a kid, trying to entertain us with probably the biggest adventure of his life. Slack off.

Now if he comes back to slam my son, I'm gonna change my tune real quick.
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-23-2011 , 12:59 AM
hahah my dude likes champagne lol...
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-23-2011 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by kparker1
Unfortunately, last night I never made it back to this thread after that L. But, Im here now. Seriously hung over, slightly caffeinated, and completely " half baked".

My flight was a red eye out a small airport located in the Florida panhandle. It was 9 o' clock and I had just finished packing my bags. I brought the standard items, clothes, deodorant, etc. I also brought along two of my favorite books. Check Raising the Devil and Deal Me In. Both books were filled with stories from the highs and lows of the most famous and successful poker players. I figured I would do my usual evening boozing and smoking routine until about Midnight, at which point i would make my way to the airport and board my flight tipsy enough to fall quietly asleep next to the unfortunate passengers who was assigned a seat next to me. I made my way to batcave and proceeded to smoke the last of my stash. I stopped by Winn Dixie were i purchased a bottle of Tattinger on sale, most champagne goes on sale right around Christmas. Upon arriving home I was prepared to pop this bottle and head to Vegas. Then my mother called, she told me she would be arriving at 2 am to pick me up to go to the airport. We would then rendezvous with my 24 year old cousin in Vegas. My cousin and I would have our own room and be free from adult supervision , I was thankful.

After getting off the phone with her, I placed my head on my pillow and couldn't believe I was about to be in Las Vegas. The next thing I remember, the sound of my phone vibrating. It was my mother, it was 2:15 am and she was outside. I had fallen asleep from the herbs and was now rushing out the door, the thought came to mind that I could miss my flight and never make it Vegas! The bottle of Tattinger still sat on my counter, unopened from the night before. But it would have to wait, I stashed it in my closet and quickly made my way outside. At this point op has rushed and forgotten his toothbrush, it's too late though op must go on without it.

We boarded our flight, yada yada yada.. bing bam bloow..

"Passengers the captain has turned on the fasten seatbelt sign "
We were making our final descent into Las Vegas. It was cloudy, overcast, and unusually cold for Las Vegas. From the airport my cousin and I would grab the rental car and head over to our hotel located next to the SouthPoint. As we pulled into our hotel, I realized I could walk to Southpoint from my hotel. My first stop would be the Southpoint to play cards, but I knew I wanted to play poker on the strip eventually, and I would.

I packed a few of my favorite cans of White Tea in my luggage. They had arrived safely. In our hotel room, hours after getting in and still slightly jet legged, i told my cousin a non poker player, I wanted to play poker, now , right now. I cracked open a can of white tea, put on a long sleve Polo shirt, took a hard look at myself in the mirror and realized I was ready to do battle for the first time in a Las Vegas Card Room.
If either of my two sons grow up to be like you, I'll be really, really sad.
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-23-2011 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by kparker1
That's not all i noticed either, there were several waitresses dressed like hookers/strippers/moulin rouge delivering drink to the poker tables.

What did you expect, grandmas in crochet sweaters delivering drinks to gamblers?
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-23-2011 , 04:21 PM
OK, Getting interesting. Lay down the pipe and start writing the next session...
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-23-2011 , 04:22 PM

What about the hookers???
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-23-2011 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian

What did you expect, grandmas in crochet sweaters delivering drinks to gamblers?
Only at Caesar's...
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-23-2011 , 04:31 PM
Not bad... Ready for the next installment.
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-24-2011 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by dedmau5
Only at Caesar's...
Nubile young women in scant clothing > grandmas in sweaters >> grandmas in scant clothing
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-24-2011 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by mojojo16
pics of cousin and mom?
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-24-2011 , 04:49 PM
what is this I don't even
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-24-2011 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by dedmau5
Only at Caesar's...
youve clearly never been to the riveria
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-24-2011 , 10:26 PM
i hope you didn't pee your pants when you saw J Fricke.
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-25-2011 , 07:01 AM
The next day. I would head to the MGM to watch the Lions eat around noon. It was pretty cool. Im pretty sure it's the closest I'll ever be to a Lion and I'm ok with that. The lions were kept in a glass enclosure, near the entrance of the MGM. I mean it was pretty big. But not big enough for the King of the jungle. A large crowd gathered around as a few trainers fed several lionesses. It was kind of strange the lions have so much presence in reality. Watching one on film doesn't do their beauty justice.There's a glass walkway through the lion environment and literally the only thing between me and a full grown female lion was what seemed like a half an inch of glass. As i reached the end of the tunnel there was a lion cub. It was locked in a small section. It was pacing RELENTLESSLY back and forth whining and scratching at the door, imo it was a priceless moment What was he doing? He was trying to escape! I witnessed an instinctual principal found in all life.. At the moment i felt terrible that this cub would have to live his life in captivity,never knowing what it would feel like to chase down a wildebeast in the African jungle.

After traveling the strip for a couple hours, I would smell a smell that I know all too well. It was cannabis, coming from the black guy walking in front of me and my mother. It was the middle of the afternoon and the walkways of the Luxor were crowded, the pace moved to a slow walk through crowded open spaces between slot machines and table games. After a short walk we found ourselves at standstill after some alarm went off. In fact the alarm would go off at the Bellagio while i was there too. Now within arms reach of the guy, I could literally ask him for some weed, but my mom was standing right there! Vegas would tease me time and time and again, and i would never be able to find any cannabis, several substitutes were offered but i would politely decline. By the time we got back to the hotel, had dinner it was 7pm and i hadn't really played much poker. This a TR and not all TR include 24/7 hand histories, like you haven't made that obvious already OP.

I head back to the SouthPoint. After walking around Vegas, I feel more in my element. I approach the same Asian girl working the poker room and get chips. I take my seat next to a couple of familiar faces.To my left the two old guys from the day before. The one guy dressed in the same SouthPoint sweatshirt and his friend. I take a seat directly to their right. We get chatty. And soon a young guy mid 20's sits down next to me. He seems cool says how's it going. I sense I might be able to reach out to this guy. I write a text message on my phone and tell him to look at it. Mind you we are in the middle of a poker game, he takes my phones and reads the text on the message. He responds " ya how much you want?" I tell whisper as best as i could tell him a 1/8th. He says he is going to help me out after the game breaks. Around ten hands later the guy busts his stacks stands up from the table and leaves, without a word. Aroud this point everything is cosey. A gentlemen to my right is drinking beers and dressed in a blue dress shirt has replaced the young in his mid 20's. He looks about mid 40's and the business types. He's drinking beer and double crowns like it's water. He blowing his cash to the guy in the SouthPoint shirt friend, who has also been drinking alot. The game is cozy and the table is talking. At this point I realized there was too types of drunk players. Good one's and bad ones. The good ones played strong and with alot of charisma. The bad ones played loose, sloppy, and spewy. You wanted to stay away from the guys that while they were drinking their game was still intact. The easiest way to do this is talk to them and pick up a read about how drunk they are. If they are making sense and having a good time they still had my respect. If they weren't making much sense or drinking and not having a good time or too good of a time, or being an angry drunk at the table, they were bound spew of their chips.

I cant remember much hands this entry will include only one hand but it would would teach me a valuable lesson, that would win and lose me money in the days to come. I was still having a good time, the table talk was good and most everyone was acceptable at the South Point. In retrospect it's not the strip, a more local crowd, with alot of regs was a good place to play for the first time. Anyways. The old guy to my left who's been drinking order a double shot of jack daniel after busting out the business guy for about the third time, he says his goodbyes and leaves a tip for the drink that he ordered that hasn't yet arrived. The Southpoint reg drink arrives and he tells the watriss to hold on a second, he proceeds to drink the double jd and place the shot glass on the tray my stomach turned as a dripple of whiskey ran down his face. He wiped his mouth with his shirt sleeved and placed the shot glass back on her tray along with a 5 dollar tip ( most people tip 1 or 2 bucks for drinks ), he was having a good time and was gambling, and winning, a scary opponent imo.. The game is now short, I haven't been involved in many pots that are worth posting. I have a little more than a hundred dollars when this hand happened.

The table is the two old guys two my left and to might right the middle aged asian girl in who has been drinking beers steadily for the past few hours. To her right is a 30ish guy who hasn't said much of anything. The girl has been playing solid but i feel that she may have been taking stabs at a few more pots than she should have. She was to my right and had been opening alot of pots, probably because my table image is relatively tight compared to the drunks. From the HJ she opens to $6, the empty seat which once filled with the young guy, then the business man, now separates us. I look down at AQ and make it $12 to go. I never min raise raise, pre, seriously, not even in plo , I did this hand because it was live and I don't know what I am doing. The flop was A25 she checked. At this point i was sure I had the best hand. I lead at the pot for $14 thinking she was check folding, to my suprise she quickly check raised me to $34. I hadn't seen he make any moves so far, she was straight forward; check folding, bet callining or bet raising. At that point in the game it was late and everyone let was playing solid. Still her loose image I called. The turn was the 10 and she put a hundred dollar bill into the pot. Hundred dollar bills play in some 1/2 games in Vegas or atleast at all the places that I played at. It was a bit of an overbet, and coming from her solid image I was slightly alarmed. At this point, I really felt it was late in the session. I could call here and have the best hand, or lose a buy-in. But my read was she was making a move, I asked her a classic question " if I fold, will you show me?" she had been quiet most of the game, I was surprised when she quickly responded we " yes, yes , I'll show you if you fold. " I wasn't sure were I was at and at this point in the trip I was a nit. I folded after about 10 minutes. Either I had her or I was gonna loose a bill late in the session, I folded. She showed only one card A then mucked her hand. I told her " that was a dirty trick, you said you were gonna show both cards." She didn't really respond, I proceeding to berate her and mutter to myself, a Hellmuth like moment if I've ever had one. The old guys next to me basically told me how could I even be upset. I told them your right " all is fair in love and poker." So I had gotten pwnd by a middle aged asian women, leveled to be in-fact. Did she have two pair or didn't she? I think she didn't. I will never really know but I know I had her. I was down about 30ish bucks and decided to leave the game. I was tilted beyond belief and it tilts me to write this entry.

While I may have folded the best hand. I learned a lesson that would soon help me and hurt me. That lesson is that in poker you gotta have a strong read and go with your gut. I knew I had her , she had been playing loose, but in that moment I lost my read when I started talking to her, it wouldn't be the last time opening my mouth would lose me some money on this trip either. I'm glad she only showed me one, I was naive to believe she would show me them both, let alone one. It wasn't a dirty trick, it was awesome, and I can't wait to the day when I tell someone I'll show them if they fold then when they fold toss my cards into the muck with a **** eating grin on my face , because that poker at its best.

I would return to my hotel room, open up the book "Deal Me In." That night, slumming about how I folded the better hand. I would read about how Ivey played from sun up to sun down and slept under bridges in Jersey when he went broke one night. I was relieving to that someone as great as Ivey went had nights like that.It gave me a new since of determination. I decided I would head to the strip tomorrow, early in the morning, by myself for the first time, to try my luck feet away from Bobby's room.

Last edited by Moaning Minnie; 02-25-2011 at 07:28 AM. Reason: This post was brought to you by cannabis filled cigars
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-25-2011 , 10:24 AM
Good TR. Enjoying the read.

Originally Posted by kparker1
...At the moment i felt terrible that this cub would have to live his life in captivity,never knowing what it would feel like to chase down a wildebeast in the African jungle...
He'll also never have to starve for weeks in between meals, never have to fight with Jackals and Hyenas for his kill, never have to fight to the death with another male over a pride or territory, never have to deal with life threatening injury or disease, never be covered in disease carrying parasites and insects, never have to suffer in heat/cold/rain, never be in the cross-hairs of the poacher's gun...

Originally Posted by kparker1
...I can't wait to the day when I tell someone I'll show them if they fold then when they fold toss my cards into the muck with a **** eating grin on my face , because that poker at its best...
No. Please don't. Sometimes being a dick is just being a dick. Live Poker is a Social Game. How you behave at the table is an indication of who you are - even away from the table. Don't try and pretend that you are just playing the part of a Douche Bag at the table - and away from it you're a really really nice guy. I don't accept the argument that acting like a Douche Bag is just another Poker Strategy.

Last edited by Pot Odds RAC; 02-25-2011 at 10:36 AM.
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-25-2011 , 11:40 AM
where the hell is jimmy fricke
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-25-2011 , 11:59 AM
I think you got bamboozled. A la "I'll show you".
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-25-2011 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
Good TR. Enjoying the read.

He'll also never have to starve for weeks in between meals, never have to fight with Jackals and Hyenas for his kill, never have to fight to the death with another male over a pride or territory, never have to deal with life threatening injury or disease, never be covered in disease carrying parasites and insects, never have to suffer in heat/cold/rain, never be in the cross-hairs of the poacher's gun...
He'd also not be doing anything in a jungle. "King of the Jungle" misnomer notwithstanding, lions are savannah animals.
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-25-2011 , 03:40 PM
What about the hookers....

so far, your poker TR is a little boring..
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-25-2011 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
where the hell is jimmy fricke
I laugh whenever you post, maybe it's because of the whole bike incident.

And pot odds RAC has the best post itt - please don't throw your cards in the muck and be a total dick.

Please also finish TR, hopefully it picks up!
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-25-2011 , 08:21 PM
this is an awful tr
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-25-2011 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by samsonh
this is an awful tr
pretty much. but most of us are trying to be nice. at least his grammar and spelling have improved.
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-26-2011 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
pretty much. but most of us are trying to be nice. at least his grammar and spelling have improved.
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
02-26-2011 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by StoneColdTex
well, there are degrees of everything. The kid is only 21, I appreciate his effort.
The time has come, 21 in Vegas, TR. Jimmy Fricke Sighting, Mystere, + Hooker ? No coke. FML Quote
