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THEnorcaljew's desert livin THEnorcaljew's desert livin

04-17-2015 , 01:46 AM
Nice to meet ya dude. Keep crushin em!
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 03:27 AM
This certainly looks like a spew prima facie. I learned from my coach early on that low pp don't play well 100bb deep when you miss, and you should just give up. This seems weak, and it is, but I think there are better spots vs regs. Shoving turn doesn't look like a value bet (although I've never played with you), and Axcc, pretty much all 8x is going to fold. (I'm not a pro player and I've been drinking). Do you shove turn with J8,77,99,TT,Axcc?
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by afwestco
This certainly looks like a spew prima facie. I learned from my coach early on that low pp don't play well 100bb deep when you miss, and you should just give up. This seems weak, and it is, but I think there are better spots vs regs. Shoving turn doesn't look like a value bet (although I've never played with you), and Axcc, pretty much all 8x is going to fold. (I'm not a pro player and I've been drinking). Do you shove turn with J8,77,99,TT,Axcc?
when he called flop i thought he was capped at maybe a pair+ str8/gutter type hand (JT/89), maybe KT at best, obv took away AQo/KQ type hands in his range, but with so many draws i should def just give up on turn not knowing if he'll fold those hands on a brick turn (and with so many draws def wouldn't blame him for calling off JT type hands to my turn shove

it was def bad, flop stab -EV as well, oh well

as far as pre the whale was going super nuts the day before making very light calls and i wanted to play in every pot possible vs him, if i hit a set (or even value bet my pair vs his high card range on dry boards) i'm def getting $$, and i felt EP opening reg wouldn't go too nuts vs his min 3b
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 04:26 AM
yesterday i moved tables and played an interesting one after the spew hand, opened 9To on B both blinds call (big fish in BB, unaware of sb), QJ6ss (had one spade) i cbet 35 sb calls quickly, turn 6 he checks i think and fire 90 and he calls semi quickly again, river J and he donks for 210ish, i didn't have too much back, little voice wanted to jam it just seemed really weird, but had spewed in that previous hand so i had that in mind lol, i tank folded, he flipped ATo
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 04:51 AM
You flat that hand to play with the whale, not to pray for an at best break even situation against reg who never spews ip the way you have opportunities to spew there.

Once you stab and whale folds he pretty much can't make a mistake against your range there.
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by JHair
You flat that hand to play with the whale, not to pray for an at best break even situation against reg who never spews ip the way you have opportunities to spew there.

Once you stab and whale folds he pretty much can't make a mistake against your range there.
if it was a reg who min raised i would've folded (or even if i was OOP vs whale), whale had literally just lost a big hand vs varx the hand before, so i loved it

btw whale was SB, i was BB, and reg was third to act, so i stabbed after whale checked
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 05:32 AM
if i spew again will punish myself lol
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 07:02 AM
So I get a late start, work out head out check bravo and notice a 2/5 at rio so zip over, table is 4 handed before I sit and I notice one reg at table, who snap leaves when I sit saying he doesn't wanna see the sun come up, I inquire about game he tells me it's good and I notice he isn't lying right away

I stack the short stacked lady she leaves, leaving me with two dudes who I can tell are recreational from the few hands they've played

I straddle B for 10 they both limp I check 69hh, flop is 96ddAh sb big stack leads for 20, I make it 65, he makes it 170, it felt like he had AXdd so i decided to call and get it in on just about any non diamond turn, 5x turn he bets 100, I jam for like 400something he snaps river 5 and obv he has A5dd

Few hands later after I reload they both limp I raise JTo on B to 45, sb calls and be folds and racks up, JT5cc he checks I cbet 55, he raises to about 135 or so, I think and decide on 300, he snap jams I call he has 89cc and gets there, I'm paying him out going to reload and he says "sorry to do this to you I'm done, you're too good to play heads up", and apologizes a few more times and I manage to do a pretty good job of saying no problem

Who the **** does this kind of **** happen to ever? So steamed
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 07:39 AM
Basically my problem with the above is lately If I run good, something will happen to just cancel it out instead of a gradual climb

Just frustrated with that

My weeks have prob been 33ish hour weeks so I should probably up that and grind more too
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by thenorcaljew

Who the **** does this kind of **** happen to ever?
The rest of us.

Btw, in 55 hand when he asked how much you had behind it seems like you were thinking that was a "how much will it cost me to get to river in this hand" but I think that can equally be "do I need to get a raise in somewhere or can we get it all in if I just call?" Do you think about both possibilities and if so, how does the question give you any info?
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 10:59 AM
Played some 2/5 at aria and jumped in PLO, lost AA64cc vs J88Tss pre

And chopped K8ddK5 vs AJT2ds on K94dd in a bloated preflop pot, that was sick he took first board
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by p566
The rest of us.

Btw, in 55 hand when he asked how much you had behind it seems like you were thinking that was a "how much will it cost me to get to river in this hand" but I think that can equally be "do I need to get a raise in somewhere or can we get it all in if I just call?" Do you think about both possibilities and if so, how does the question give you any info?
Gotta take everything into account and weigh it into your decisions, everything is info
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-17-2015 , 02:26 PM
I'm crushing PLO all night (was almost even from the rio 2/5), mega whale comes in I double him up (he only runs it once) in a super happy get it in spot, he buys in full $500

He's raising a ton of hands blind calling everything 3betting a ton

And a while later I get stacked by him in like 2k+ pot, he flops 2nd set on 27Th in a 4b resqueeze pot putting in $215 pre in the 1/3 PLO game, I had rundown flopped top pair with spr of barely over 1 so obv nothing I can do

Mbn to be a blackjack whale that plays higher just cruisin in a random PLO game and run like God in spots you're supposed to get crushed in

Table is insane and I gotta sleep soon

Whale is only player on this 8 handed table not stuck now after stacking a couple other players (and getting it in bad vs another reg)

Last edited by thenorcaljew; 04-17-2015 at 02:34 PM.
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-18-2015 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by thenorcaljew
So I get a late start, work out head out check bravo and notice a 2/5 at rio so zip over, table is 4 handed before I sit and I notice one reg at table, who snap leaves when I sit saying he doesn't wanna see the sun come up, I inquire about game he tells me it's good and I notice he isn't lying right away

I stack the short stacked lady she leaves, leaving me with two dudes who I can tell are recreational from the few hands they've played

I straddle B for 10 they both limp I check 69hh, flop is 96ddAh sb big stack leads for 20, I make it 65, he makes it 170, it felt like he had AXdd so i decided to call and get it in on just about any non diamond turn, 5x turn he bets 100, I jam for like 400something he snaps river 5 and obv he has A5dd

Few hands later after I reload they both limp I raise JTo on B to 45, sb calls and be folds and racks up, JT5cc he checks I cbet 55, he raises to about 135 or so, I think and decide on 300, he snap jams I call he has 89cc and gets there, I'm paying him out going to reload and he says "sorry to do this to you I'm done, you're too good to play heads up", and apologizes a few more times and I manage to do a pretty good job of saying no problem

Who the **** does this kind of **** happen to ever? So steamed
Welcome to my world.
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-19-2015 , 03:16 AM
ran super solid and found this guy on facebook and bought tickets for 75 each

and if that hadn't happened i think this guy randomly asked me at the venue if i needed a ticket myself and he had a spare, it seemed like he was trying to just give it away (brings me back to when these random hot girls gave me my gf and roomie free tickets to a sold out green day show a few years back lol, happens more than you'd think)

did a good deed of the night and broke up a fight before security got there, there should be none of that **** at shows like this one, they both had girls with them also so that kinda helped my decision to step in

brand new opened was a new song that i thought was pretty sick, honestly didn't know much at all from circa survive besides it's saosin's old singer (whom i've heard a song i loved from but hadn't looked into the band that much)

my personal highlights from brand news set were def the first new song, sink, sowing season, you won't know and of course the quiet things that no one ever knows

crowd was great as expected

(audio is pretty bad on you won't know video)

THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-19-2015 , 05:28 AM
So much nostalgia with that band. Are you going to Rock in Rio?
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-19-2015 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by afwestco
So much nostalgia with that band. Are you going to Rock in Rio?
more than likely (just for deftones not even sure rest of line up lol, i wore a red deftones white pony shirt last night to the show and got multiple compliments including this hot little friendly black girl)

unless im living in the tunnels from getting slaughtered in poker lol

just played this one online open A3hhA2 B to $51/2 plo, SB 3bs $17, i 4b $53, he calls leaving him w/an spr or almost exactly 1 (108 in middle he has 110), 36cc9s flop he check jams has 9Thh9K, lol ****
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-19-2015 , 06:56 AM
just played this one too: open AKddQ3 after a limp to 9, SB flats and so does limper, 237r i cbet 22 sb flats turn Ah putting two hearts out, he checks w/96 back pot is 74 i check b/c i can see the future, river Th he checks i check back he tables 45ss49hh
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-19-2015 , 10:51 AM
i clearly need a flipping coach

before :


that's a flip, right?!
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-19-2015 , 04:12 PM
Just pulled a sick gut wrenching river bluff in aria 1/3 PLO after making a 100bb+ turn raise, getting called along with a very bad river card for me

Trying to be awake today after being up all night lol
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-19-2015 , 10:48 PM
I don't normally give unsolicited advice, but...
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-19-2015 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by thenorcaljew
Just pulled a sick gut wrenching river bluff in aria 1/3 PLO after making a 100bb+ turn raise, getting called along with a very bad river card for me

Trying to be awake today after being up all night lol
you seem like the right person to ask. Have you ever used stimulants to enhance your performance at the table? (Other than redbull). I don't know if it's right for me because I'd have to play on a tablet or something to keep me busy. I get pretty bored after getting a decent grasp on the tables strategy then folding 85 percent of the time. My biggest issue is putting in long sessions, and I'm curious if you've ever tried anything to help.
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
04-20-2015 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by afwestco
you seem like the right person to ask. Have you ever used stimulants to enhance your performance at the table? (Other than redbull). I don't know if it's right for me because I'd have to play on a tablet or something to keep me busy. I get pretty bored after getting a decent grasp on the tables strategy then folding 85 percent of the time. My biggest issue is putting in long sessions, and I'm curious if you've ever tried anything to help.
I try and stay away from red bulls and don't use anything else, I do take dmae tho, which is just brain food
THEnorcaljew's desert livin Quote
