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Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2

03-30-2014 , 03:48 PM
we havent had a trainwreck in a while
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-30-2014 , 03:50 PM
just put 1k on black
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-30-2014 , 05:54 PM
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-30-2014 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by 44cracked
If you don't realize that the games in Vegas are tougher than anywhere else--"as a rule," as I said, meaning--for your edification--that it is possible nonetheless to find soft games--then any advice you might offer would definitely lack credibility.

OP seems like the 1,372,642,393rd young gun who is slaughtering his hometown game and wants to cash it all in and move to Vegas, where he can avoid that nasty ol' work thing he hates and instead, make $$$$$$ every day while being massaged by nubile cuties. This plan has indeed worked for about thirty people.

Given that you can easily find a RT air ticket from the PNW to Vegas for $400 or less, I doubt that the transportation costs are truly a major factor for him. He'll be spending many times that in overhead--food, rent, in-town transportation--per month when he finally settles in. The real problem is that his bankroll--now and later--isn't sufficient to justify playing in games that would afford any more than the coverage of those expenses.
So you're saying there's no money in vegas. Everyone's solid.

Which is fine, except youre wrong. Tough vegas 1-2/1-3 games are the rare exception, not the rule. There are only 2 or 3 venues in the country that, on average, have softer games than vegas at the lowest levels(LA, FL, and maybe NO). If you think llnl in vegas is tough, youre precisely the kind of guy that makes it soft.

Spending 20% of your net worth to fly round trip to a place you intend to move to for good in 2 months seems like a wildly inefficient use of money to me. Neither the fact that OP will have to spend more money on legitimately necessary expenses when he moves here, nor the fact that OP, at least in your mind, doesn't have a sufficient bankroll with or without the wasted funds changes this.
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-30-2014 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
OMC = Old Man Coffee, an old guy, usually wearing a baseball cap (and drinking coffee) and playing pretty nittily.
and drinking coffee, ldo
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-30-2014 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by mr_wiggles
Eff stacks were $400 at this point so I think the call was OK.
IMO, this is the beginning of your whole problem. There are two parts to implied odds. Effective stacks are important. But just as important is how likely you are to get your opponents whole stack.

We noted that this opponent was competent, maybe even a pro. With what sort of hands do you really believe you get that whole $400.

Yes, you probably get his stack (or at least 65 or so percent equity in it) on legit cold decks like where the flop is 2c4ckc and he has a hand like KdKh or even a hand like AsAc

But youre almost never going to stack this guy for 200bbs because he has an overpair and just can't let it go or because he has tptk and either can't stop betting it or can't stop calling with it.

To take 200bbs from someone c/c ing, you usually have to have about pot sized action on all three streets. Or this guy has to raise you at some point, then still continue to come at you after you show strength by calling his raise.
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-31-2014 , 09:47 AM
Alright gentlemen, time for trip report round 2.

First I guess I should clarify a few things
  • Hamplanet = Fat girl
  • Bitch raise = Min raise
  • OMC = Old Man Coffee

So day two started out fairly slow. We got up around noon and took a long walk over to the Venetian. But DAMN that is a nice poker room. I don't know how I'll ever go back to playing 2-15 after this majesty. Plus canned soda is straight thug. We ran into another guy from Seattle which was pretty cool so a lot of the table talk was PNW circlejerk, which I'm more than okay with.

Onto some HHs
1) There's a fairly competent LAG at the table but he is getting a little spewy now that he knows people like to fold to him. He opens late position and I 3bet with AK. Flop is glorious K high and he checks so I make a value bet. Turn completes rainbow and he checks again. At this point I know he's weak so I opt to check behind. He fires 100 on the river, I call and he shows QJ. Hmm, didn't think he was that weak.

2) John to my left straddles and about 1000 players call. I complete BB with Q4s and john checks. Flop comes Q43dd and I lead for 20. 2 callers and the turn is an offsuit K so I continue for 50. One guy calls and river is a complete brick so I check. He fires 100, I snap and he shows ATdd.

3) Later on in the night we move over to the Bellagio. I'm playing with a tight villain and I make it 12 from the HJ with AJo. 3 way action and flop comes AT7dd. I bet, button folds and villain calls in the BB. Turn is the 4c and for some reason I check behind. I normally don't go off live tells but villain was just looked so goddamn happy about his hand. I don't know how to describe it. River is Qs and he leads out for 50. I fold. I think I should have bet/folded turn since checking behind means I pretty much have to call a lot of rivers. Ugh. Not happy about how I played this one.

So anyway I finished the night +$350 and the hot streak continues. And to anyone ITT taking me super seriously, please don't. This thread is supposed to be fun, not grumble grumble poor life choices, etc. I do appreciate people trying to look out for me/point me in the right direction, but I KNOW I'm making poor life choices, just come along for the ride for christ's sake.

Now I would like to close in prayer so my rungood may continue.

Dear Variance who art in Heaven,
hallowed be thy distribution.
Thy flopped sets come,
thy rungood done,
at the Venetian, as it is in heaven.

Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-31-2014 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Turyia
IMO, this is the beginning of your whole problem. There are two parts to implied odds. Effective stacks are important. But just as important is how likely you are to get your opponents whole stack.

We noted that this opponent was competent, maybe even a pro. With what sort of hands do you really believe you get that whole $400.

Yes, you probably get his stack (or at least 65 or so percent equity in it) on legit cold decks like where the flop is 2c4ckc and he has a hand like KdKh or even a hand like AsAc

But youre almost never going to stack this guy for 200bbs because he has an overpair and just can't let it go or because he has tptk and either can't stop betting it or can't stop calling with it.

To take 200bbs from someone c/c ing, you usually have to have about pot sized action on all three streets. Or this guy has to raise you at some point, then still continue to come at you after you show strength by calling his raise.
GREAT post, ty. I'll definitely tighten up in these spots unless I know a fish or two with decent stacks want to get in. I've literally NEVER played against a grinder so I'm a little out of my element with them. And the more I think about it, it could have been coincidence but this guy never engaged in a pot with me heads up. I suppose this is why people bumhunt.
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-31-2014 , 12:27 PM
Gl OP! Subbed!
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-31-2014 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by 44cracked
Also, whatever advantage you enjoy in your hometown games, that advantage will be much smaller or even nonexistent in Vegas. They play MUCH better there as a rule. This means that the skill of game selection is just about the most important factor affecting your win potential. You probably aren't used to having dozens of playing options and multiple tables to choose from wherever you go. In Spokane (or wherever), you might have a single 1/2 NL game to play in, or go home. This might see you playing with four or five almost dead people when in Vegas, you would never sit down at such a table in the first place, nor would you need to.
Originally Posted by 44cracked
Sigh. No, I didn't. I did say, in fact, that it was possible to find good games there. But I stick to my original assertion that killing the Spokane game is no indication that you'll survive, much less thrive, in Vegas.

In any event, asserting that all those Vegas players are just fish who you in your awesomeness can run over at will seems to be a matter of ego for you, and there's no point in arguing with that, so I'll just concede that indeed, sir, you have the poker chops to rape Vegas and leave it whimpering for mercy. But the OP, the Sultan of Spokane, may not.
You sound like a blast at parties, but IME you're also dead wrong. I'm really surprised you're so confident given how wrong you are. Where else other than Vegas do you play? I've played NL for over ten years in the northwest, including Spokane and PROBABLY the 2-15 he's talking about, and the Vegas 1/2, 1/3 games are so decisively softer overall it's not even debatable.
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-31-2014 , 05:39 PM
You need Urban Dictionary to get through this TR..
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-31-2014 , 05:48 PM
What is a 2-15 nl game?
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-31-2014 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by rolledup222
What is a 2-15 nl game?
its not 2-15nl it is 2-15 sl
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-31-2014 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Hey_Porter
You sound like a blast at parties, but IME you're also dead wrong. I'm really surprised you're so confident given how wrong you are. Where else other than Vegas do you play? I've played NL for over ten years in the northwest, including Spokane and PROBABLY the 2-15 he's talking about, and the Vegas 1/2, 1/3 games are so decisively softer overall it's not even debatable.
I agree, I just got back from a 6 day trip to Vegas for March Madness and played in 5 different poker rooms where the games were noticeably softer than the local Indian casinos here in MI.
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
03-31-2014 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Turyia
So you're saying there's no money in vegas. Everyone's solid.

Which is fine, except youre wrong. Tough vegas 1-2/1-3 games are the rare exception, not the rule. There are only 2 or 3 venues in the country that, on average, have softer games than vegas at the lowest levels(LA, FL, and maybe NO). If you think llnl in vegas is tough, youre precisely the kind of guy that makes it soft.

Spending 20% of your net worth to fly round trip to a place you intend to move to for good in 2 months seems like a wildly inefficient use of money to me. Neither the fact that OP will have to spend more money on legitimately necessary expenses when he moves here, nor the fact that OP, at least in your mind, doesn't have a sufficient bankroll with or without the wasted funds changes this.
jesus christ this. i live in kansas city and the market here is at least twice as strong playwise as vegas.
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
04-01-2014 , 05:00 AM
Sup fellas, trip report day 3 incoming.

So this morning we headed back to the V at around noon. Apparently the monorail is the stone cold nuts compared to a taxi, we've got savings for days. Nothing of note so I'll jump into some HHs.

1) Pretty controversial hand I played with AK. Field of limpers and I bump it to 15 with AKo from the SB. 2 callers, one of whom is still steaming from a previous hand where I stacked his KK with AT when he gave me a free card and I hit 2p. Why he stacked off 100bb with KK on an ATQx board is beyond me. Anyway, flop comes KQ6r and I cbet like 40. He calls. Turn is a blank and I opt to c/r his stack because I know he's tilted and very capable of calling with any K or Q. As played I check, he bets 50 and he snaps my jam with KJ. John is adamant I butchered the hand and should have just barreled 3 streets. I thought he would fold AQ and KT if I barrel but might call the c/r. I don't know, one of us has to be wrong so fill me in here fellas.

Aaaaand ****, have to cut this short, being nagged to go get food.

tl;dr up $450 at NLHE and binked an omaha donkament for +300. ezgame ezlyfe
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
04-01-2014 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by mr_wiggles
Sup fellas, trip report day 3 incoming.

So this morning we headed back to the V at around noon. Apparently the monorail is the stone cold nuts compared to a taxi, we've got savings for days. Nothing of note so I'll jump into some HHs.

1) Pretty controversial hand I played with AK. Field of limpers and I bump it to 15 with AKo from the SB. 2 callers, one of whom is still steaming from a previous hand where I stacked his KK with AT when he gave me a free card and I hit 2p. Why he stacked off 100bb with KK on an ATQx board is beyond me. Anyway, flop comes KQ6r and I cbet like 40. He calls. Turn is a blank and I opt to c/r his stack because I know he's tilted and very capable of calling with any K or Q. As played I check, he bets 50 and he snaps my jam with KJ. John is adamant I butchered the hand and should have just barreled 3 streets. I thought he would fold AQ and KT if I barrel but might call the c/r. I don't know, one of us has to be wrong so fill me in here fellas.

Aaaaand ****, have to cut this short, being nagged to go get food.

tl;dr up $450 at NLHE and binked an omaha donkament for +300. ezgame ezlyfe
so you just out kicked the guy? what am i missing that made this so controversial?
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
04-01-2014 , 09:37 AM
I lol'd at hamplanet.

Also, what's with all the finger-wagging and beef ITT? OP, do what you want and keep us posted
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
04-01-2014 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by mr_wiggles
Sup fellas, trip report day 3 incoming.

So this morning we headed back to the V at around noon. Apparently the monorail is the stone cold nuts compared to a taxi, we've got savings for days. Nothing of note so I'll jump into some HHs.

1) Pretty controversial hand I played with AK. Field of limpers and I bump it to 15 with AKo from the SB. 2 callers, one of whom is still steaming from a previous hand where I stacked his KK with AT when he gave me a free card and I hit 2p. Why he stacked off 100bb with KK on an ATQx board is beyond me. Anyway, flop comes KQ6r and I cbet like 40. He calls. Turn is a blank and I opt to c/r his stack because I know he's tilted and very capable of calling with any K or Q. As played I check, he bets 50 and he snaps my jam with KJ. John is adamant I butchered the hand and should have just barreled 3 streets. I thought he would fold AQ and KT if I barrel but might call the c/r. I don't know, one of us has to be wrong so fill me in here fellas.

Aaaaand ****, have to cut this short, being nagged to go get food.

tl;dr up $450 at NLHE and binked an omaha donkament for +300. ezgame ezlyfe
Your line's fine. The general reason that you bet your own hand is that it provides cover for subsequent bluffs. That's not much of an issue here give that a) this man should never be bluffed and b) you're unlikely to see him again.
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
04-01-2014 , 05:22 PM
Well I'm a fan of OP. I like his style.
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
04-01-2014 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by 44cracked
Well, you undoubtedly suffer from confirmation bias...and it's also unlikely that you have enough RECENT experience in BOTH venues to make an accurate evaluation...but in any case this is a thread hijack of sorts. I don't think that the OP's successes in the lion-infested arenas of the inland PNW are much of an indication of future success in Vegas--but he is one of many, many, many to think so, and more power to him if he's in fact correct.

Tell you what--I'll concede that the games in the PNW are much, much, much tougher--virtually unbeatable--if YOU'RE there. (Oh, and to answer your question, I've played extensively in the coastal PNW, Reno, and Vegas in the last few years. Also a wee bit of Arizona.)
Where the hell are you playing "in the coastal PNW"? If it's the casinos on the Oregon coast, those games ARE tougher than Vegas since you have to pry each individual chip out of the nearly-dead hands of the regs who get pissed if you check raise.

How do I suffer from confirmation bias and you don't? As to my RECENT experience, I'm not sure why you'd think it's "unlikely" I don't have any. I play 2-3 nights a week in Portland, and play the inland northwest games when I go back to visit family in Idaho (multiple times a year). I also go to Vegas at least twice a year, four times last year, and have been once this year.

I'm not saying that OP or anyone else crushing games outside Vegas will necessarily succeed in Vegas. The only reason I engaged you is because this statement....

They play MUCH better [in Vegas] as a rule. just silly, and I'm fairly certain your viewpoint is the minority.

Your passive aggressive responses are really unbecoming, by the way.
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
04-02-2014 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
OMC = Old Man Coffee, an old guy, usually wearing a baseball cap (and drinking coffee) and playing pretty nittily.
There's an OMC reg where i play. Funny enough, he goes by the name Coffee. No baseball cap but very nity play.
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
04-02-2014 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by 44cracked
Recent experience in VEGAS. Please read the posts you respond to. You've been there once this year, evidently making you an expert on the games there.

By coastal PNW I mean not the inland PNW. Vancouver, BC, Puget Sound, Portland, and yes, that rocky ol' Oregon coast. Not Idaho. Not Spokane. Not South Carolina.

But I don't see what you're still yeeping about. I conceded that you are the studly stud of the great PNW. I truly don't understand why you don't swoop in once a week (in your private jet, paid for with poker winnings) to loot, pillage, and plunder the terribly, terribly soft games of innocent Las Vegas, where the games are so soft that the players don't even look at their cards before betting.

At any rate, I won't respond to your next retort, because this is so ego-driven a topic for you. In point of fact, I lived in Vegas for eight years (mostly before the big poker boom), and the number of players, even then, who had beaten the games back home in Dirt Falls and had convinced themselves that they were poker geniuses and that Vegas was a ripe, juicy apple ready to be plucked could have filled a football stadium. Or, more precisely, their corpses could have.

The OP (oh yeah!, that guy) seems to be a cut above the normal hometown heroes. I truly wish him well.
Where are you getting this "ego" ****, or any indication that I think I'm some great player? Whether the games are softer in Vegas or anywhere else has nothing to do with ego. You're so off base and outrageously misinterpreting what I'm saying, it's like your projecting some previous failures of your own.

You do realize it's pretty silly for you to take your 8 years in Vegas pre poker boom as ANY indicator of current game status, right?
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
04-02-2014 , 09:47 AM
Well guys, it happened.

John convinced me to play 2-5 at the aria. I knew it was a tough game, I knew it was deepstacked, I knew I shouldn't have played. I have no ****ing clue how to play big pairs 250bbs deep and lost it all with AA. I misplayed the hand horribly, ****ing horribly. It was a 3bet pot and I didn't believe he hit the flush on the turn and spewed 250bbs. I suppose everyone knew this was coming, but hey I didn't listen.

Still leaving Vegas up $400 but holy **** I had the 2k I needed to move. I was up 2k and holding it in my goddamn hands and I threw it away.

Just another broken dream, move along folks. Thanks for coming along for the ride.
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:15 AM
Shove holding AA on a 3-bet once the turn completed a flush? man...
Taking my life roll to vegas. Follow as I degen into oblivion or make it big! 3/28-4/2 Quote
