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Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo

12-13-2012 , 03:12 PM
Nice TR - moar! Keep the pics coming
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-13-2012 , 03:59 PM
Walk the strip at night, youll find plenty. specially in front of Caesars in the square that connects to the walkway thing.
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-13-2012 , 08:30 PM
Was wondering about within aria in particular savatage.

I'm flying to Dallas on Sunday to see the Cowboys/Steelers game and the person who was coming with me has let me down so got a spare ticket if anyone wants to go?
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-13-2012 , 10:10 PM
Bet not looking hot...
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-13-2012 , 10:32 PM
Thought you needed the reverse jinx!
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-14-2012 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by TonySoprano9
Got the Aria deal through although you can get similiar deal direct on Aria website. I think the rate is so good because its a really slow time. You have to stay 3 nights minimum to get the dining credit.
You have a login for I tried to sign up (twice) and still haven't received the link to my email address....
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-14-2012 , 01:55 AM
Thanks Henne but nothing can overcome the Eagles incompetence. If Any Reid is still head coach next year there's hope for us all. Hard to allow for 5 turnovers when trying to handicap a game. Eagles suck :-(

If you're signed up to smartervegas skinny they should send you unlisted offers about once a month.
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-14-2012 , 02:40 AM
Day 4 - 13th December

So it seems if I go to the spa/salon and then play a late morning/early afternoon session I come out a big winner.

Started off the morning by getting a haircut in the barbershop at the Aria salon. The barber was an old Ruissian lady which I didn't expect. She was nice enough and we chatted whilst she worked but wasn't the best haircut I've ever had.

Went down to the poker room around 11am and had to wait about half an hour for them to open a new 2/5 NLH table. Some interesting hands to report today:

Lost my first buy-in of $500 pretty much straight away. Raised to $20 pre-flop with KhQh and got 3 callers. Flop was AhKc5h giving me 2nd pair and nut flush draw. I lead out for $55 and got raised to $155 by villain. I put him on an Ace but figured if he'd got a good Ace he would have re-raised pre-flop so went all-in for another $350 hoping he would fold but having outs if he didn't. He thought for a while and called. I didn't improve and he turned over A7. No problem, it soon became apparant he was a pretty weak player and I would get the money back.

I re-buy for $700 and get lucky against a cowgirl from Alabama. I make a loose call with QcTc in a 4 way pot raised to $20 pre-flop. This was pretty much the norm for the table at this point. 1 raise pre-flop and 3 or 4 callers so it was a pretty good game. Flop was T62 offsuit, I check, cowgirl bets $50, I raise to $150 to see where I am and she flat calls. I now think shes got AK or AQ or something like that. Turn is a perfect Q. I check hoping shes got AQ and sure enough she bets $300. I go all-in for the rest and she calls. Turns out she had JJ and had played it pretty badly. If she 3 bets me on the flop I have to fold.

I then get villain from hand #1 back. I make another loose call with Qc9c in a 5 way $25 pre-flop raised pot. The flop is all clubs giving me a flush. He bets $100 which I flat call, everyone else folds. Turn is a blank, he bets $300 and I raise to put him all in. He has about another $600. He calls pretty quickly with AcAd. River is a blank.

Soon after a new player comes into the game in seat 8 and preceeds to go on an unbelievable heater. He buys in for $500 and turn it into over $3000 in half an hour getting Aces and Kings and nut flushes and pretty much cleans out all the fish. Table is no longer good so I leave after 4.5 hours up +$1000.

The make-up of the table today:

Seat 1 is a German guy who's been here for 5 weeks.
Chipstack in Seat 2 is me
Seat 3 is the Major
Seat 4 is the weak villain
Seat 5 is an older guy who I think is a reg. Not at all stereotypical he plays pretty LAG
Seat 7 is the Cowgirl
Seat 8 is a hottie who would be replaced by the heater player
Seat 9 is a good solid player who I don't get involved with

After the session went for dinner at Jean Georges steakhous at Aria. Really enjoyed it. It was a million times better than STK last night. Very nice decor, good ambience, good background music, very spacious, great food and great service at a good price. Highly recommend it.

I had the early evening menu which is 3 courses for $69 between 5pm and 7pm.
Started with a mozzarella and tomato appetiser which being hungry I was halfway through before it dawned on me to take a pic. Sorry.
Main course had an 8oz Filet Mignon which came with a host of sauces of which the hands down winner was their signature hot suace.

For dessert had warm chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream

After dinner met my friend and we went to the Orleans Arena to watch the UNLV vs La Verne Basketball game. As no sportsbook had a line for this game we set our own lines. He set the first half total at 65. I went under and won. Knowing nothing about La Verne other than they're a division 3 school i set the game line at 29.5. He took the Rebels claiming it was a steal which it turned out to be. Rebels won by 48 i think it was. We traded $20 then i went back to the hotel for an early night. Writing this before going to sleep.

Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-14-2012 , 02:56 AM
Really enjoying the style of this report. Thanks a ton
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-14-2012 , 03:33 AM
Those aren't loose calls. Suited sort of connectors for 20 that deep in a good pot multiway is +ev imo lol.

Love the pictures!
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-14-2012 , 03:35 AM
You know there was another guy with an Aria TR during this same time? Have you seen the thread or seen the guy?
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-14-2012 , 04:27 AM
Yes for some reason I didn't see the other thread until today and he's already left but from reading it doesn't sound as if we played on the same table.
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-14-2012 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by alexbrobinson
Really enjoying the style of this report. Thanks a ton
+1 keep it coming
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-14-2012 , 12:01 PM
1). Stop raising to see "where you're at."

2). Keep posting.
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-14-2012 , 08:37 PM
I am the guy who had a parallel Aria TR thread. I really enjoyed yours. Better writing and content.

I did not make it to a 2/5 game until 11:30pm Wednesday night and played about 2 hours. We were in the far left corner if you were there at the same time at another table.
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-14-2012 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by TAG-NIT
I am the guy who had a parallel Aria TR thread. I really enjoyed yours. Better writing and content.

I did not make it to a 2/5 game until 11:30pm Wednesday night and played about 2 hours. We were in the far left corner if you were there at the same time at another table.
Then we didn't play together. I wasn't there at that time. Sorry I missed you. Would have been good to talk to a fellow 2+2er. The Sky Suite you stayed in looked awesome. Glad you like theTR. I find writing it helps me to not degen too much.
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-15-2012 , 02:03 PM
Day 5 - 14th December

Had a few drinks last night so my merory about yesterday is a little hazy but will do my best.

Sleeping a lot better now and didn't wake up till 9am. Got in a cab to go to the Venetian to pick up some show tickets. The cabbie was telling me how he had some obnoxious Canadians in his cab last night who were drunk and swearing a lot and they asked to go to a bar with lots of girls. Well the cabbie knew just the place for them and took them to a lesbian bar. Said they were so drunk they might not have realised for a while.

So picked up the tickets to see Tim Mcgraw & Faith Hill. There wasn't really anything goin on in the poker room either there or at the Wynn where I walked to so had lunch at the Wynn then cabbed in back to Aria.

Got sat in a 2/5 NLH game at Aria. It was a new table just opened which I always like as everyone starts off with pretty much the same stack and you can see how the table develops. Who's winning, who's stuck, who's been there a long time, who's new to the table etc.

Q9 suited seems to be my lucky hand for the trip. Called a preflop raise of $20 and liked the JT2 flop. Called $60 on the flop and got the perfect 8 on the turn. I preceed to 4 bet a guy who has JJ and all the money goes in. No change on the river.

Later on two young German guys sit down. I've played with them before this week. They're internet type players, very aggressive. And sure enough one of them raises my big blind 1st hand he plays. I raise back, he 3 bets, I 4 bet which will commit must of his chips if he calls. He thinks and folds. Don't try that **** with me kid. (I'm the big stack at the table at this point.)

Agressive German kid #1 in seat 5

He obviously not used to anyone playing back at him as he tilts and goes all in with A2 next hand. He's in bad shape against JJ but hits two dueces and doubles up.

I then make a flush against the other German kid and he pays me off 3 bills on the end. He's in seat 1 obscured by the dealer.

Which now gives me a very nice stack

Unfortunately the German kids leave and the game becomes very tight. I get up after 5 hours +$1500

Watch a bit of the Lakers game. I laid -6 and game closed -6.5 and it turned out to be key that I got a good number as the Wizards hit a 3 with 8 seconds left to make the game land on 6. Looked like I had a winner but only got a push.

At night head back to the Venetian to see the show. Steve Wynn's voice is really irritating me now. His promo video and voiceover are on in every cab. I ask the driver to turn it off which he does thankfully.

Just killing time before the show I set in a 1/2 PLO game at the Venetian for an hour and it is without doubt the most stupidly structured game I have ever played in.

The call it 1/2 and blinds are indeed 1/2 but thats where logic stops. If you want to call you have to call 5 and anyone on the table can straddle but you have to straddle for 10. Oh and if theres no call or straddle the first raise can be to 15. WTF ? I win $37 and leave to see the show, never to return to the Venetian to play poker. I'm homesick for Aria.

I enjoy the show. Tim and Faith do some duets and belt out their individual hits like 'Live Like You Were Dying and Breathe etc. They walk around the crowd a bit on a couple of numbers and shake hands and Tim gives away a signed guitar to someone in the front. Everyone had a good time. I head back to Aria and call it a night.

Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-15-2012 , 07:33 PM
Play the PLO at Aria. plays more standard pre and also smaller game.
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-16-2012 , 12:10 AM
Day 6 - 15th December

Changed hotels this morning from Aria to Cosmo. Sad to be leaving Aria as really enjoyed it there.

WOW must be the best view in Vegas right here:

By day

And by night

Room and view aside though I actually wish I was still at Aria. Walking through the Cosmo I feel old and the whole place has a sort of nightclub feel to it. Its also incredibly busy. I can't get in Holsteins for lunch as its full, not even any seats at the bar and theres a huge line for the Wicked Spoon buffet. So I decide to eat whilst playing poker and head back over to Aria.

There's open seats at 1/3 PLO so I sit down and it soon becomes clear that 2 or 3 people at the table don't have much of a clue how to play Omaha. The main culprit is an older Asian gentleman who actually keeps hitting gutshots and winning pots when getting all-in with way the worst of it. Its just a matter of time and a question of who will be the one to get him.

Much to the chagrin of the table its me that finally gets him.
In a raised multi-way pot the flop comes 7d8s9s and I have JT78 giving me the nut straight and bottom two pair but no spades. Asian gentleman bets the pot $60. I call, everyone else folds. Turn is Kc, no change. He now bets $120 and I raise to $360 which he calls. River is Kd and he goes all in for $250. I think for a little while as the way hes been playing its entirely possible he could have K9 in his hand but there was never any danger of me folding. He turns over a Ten high straight using 6T in his hand and I take it down.

I get dirty looks from some of the other players at the table. "Ive been waiting all day to do that to him" says the Irishman in seat 5. "Sorry" I say with a sheepish grin as I'm not sorry at all. So now all the fish have either gone bust or moved to a NLH game and the table is dead as can be now so no point in staying. I play another orbit out of politeness then get up with a +$870 win after 3.5 hours in a game where it was pretty hard to lose.

At points during the session I actually feel a little bad seeing people throw away money with almost no chance of winning. A couple of the other better players at the table don't though and do everything they can to make the fish feel at home. Not that I blame them. If I played poker to pay the bills I'd do exactly the same.

I walk back to the Cosmo for an early night as I've got a 6am flight to Dallas but not before putting my bets on for tomorrow:
Cowboys on the moneyline (got to really as can't cheer against them)
Patriots -4
Tease Giants up to +8 with Texans down to -2.5

Last edited by TonySoprano9; 12-16-2012 at 12:24 AM.
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-16-2012 , 12:38 AM
badass vieww........
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-16-2012 , 09:01 AM
How much is your room at the cosmo and why did you change?
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-16-2012 , 12:53 PM
Awesome. I love Aria. Vdara is wonderful as well. Can't wait to go back
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-16-2012 , 09:36 PM
Would you say the Aria $2-5 game was overall soft? I'll be there Jan 3 looking to grind $2-5 pretty hardcore.
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-17-2012 , 12:47 AM
Depends on the table but yes, aria 2-5 is soft.
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
12-17-2012 , 04:10 AM
Andy - Cosmo $195 per night (1 bed fountain view) with a $150 resort credit (3 night min stay)
Changed because when I booked Aria was sold out for Sat 15th so decided to stay 5 nights Aria and 4 nights Cosmo. - Would recommend Cosmo if you're younger and like to party otherwise Aria is better imo

Kaizoku - Agree with leblauski that it depends on the table but overall I would say yes. You can beat the 2/5 game at Aria if you're a decent player. Although I've only played Bellagio 2/5 once on this trip I'm pretty sure the games are softer at Aria
Solo TR: Dec 10th - 19th, Aria & Cosmo Quote
