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Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR

06-30-2016 , 03:47 PM
Alrighty folks, so I've been lurking and loving this sub on 2p2 so I figured I would try my hand on a trip report. I am by no means a tech wiz but I'll try to keep it interesting with pics and a writing style that at least makes sense.

So lets start with some basic trip info! The wife and I got a call that her best friend was doing her b'day in Vegas. I haven't been since I was ten yrs old so we jumped at the chance. Sadly, its just for long weekend July 8-11th. I got comped a fab exec room at the Flamingo, hoping it wasn't a mistake not getting the GO room.


Party- my body makes me feel old, but were still big drinkers and will be going out. Her friend hits Vegas every few months so proly gonna let her lead the debauchery train. I'm not really sure what size group is all going, I'm only tracking 4 of us right now.

Gambool- I'm a strong-ish 1/3nl player, some shots at 2/5 at my local room so I plan to sneak away and try my hand at some of the bigger rooms. I'd say the B, Aira, and PH are my top 3 I wanna hit. The wife plays poker and isnt half bad but I see her going all degan and playing 3 card instead. The bankroll isnt going to be great but I might drunkely go play baccarat, vp, or spin the wheel of death.

Events- When I booked the dates, I had no idea UFC 200 was that Saturday. I train mma(as hobby, Its fun and a badass workout but I'm far from a tap out fan boy poser) so I'm really pumped about this. Bday girl is trying to get a hook up on tickets but I don't see it happening. I imagine my first bets at a legal sports-book will be on this event.

Pool- I plan to sleep my hangovers away at a pool. or party really hard at a pool. Yet to be seen.

At work right now, I will attempt the classic shoes n cash pic when I get home.....

Last edited by silverback87; 06-30-2016 at 04:09 PM.
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-02-2016 , 11:37 AM
Last weekend to boost up the bankroll before the trip. Took a quick run up to my local room last night, hope I didn't use all my "run good" to early.The wife has now decided she needs a new bikini so I guess some of this profit is already spent.

In for 200, out for just under 700
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-02-2016 , 06:58 PM
Is it bad form to demand (ask very nicely) for pics of the wife in said new bikini
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-02-2016 , 07:26 PM
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-02-2016 , 08:53 PM
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-03-2016 , 06:31 PM
Bad form? Not really. The problem is, I got dragged to the mall, spent a lil over 200 and we left with out a new bikini. Apparently a new purse was more important. I'll try to grab some party/pool pics once we hit Vegas. The weather has gone to **** here and were being hungover on the couch all day.
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-03-2016 , 08:12 PM
gl - look forward to the report
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-06-2016 , 08:42 PM
Trying to pack. I'm used to shoving everything in a duffle and going.....the wife is not. So I figured I'd get y'all that mandatory pic.....

Going with a new pair of Nike Janoski's

Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-09-2016 , 03:03 AM
So we were 40min late leaving bwi and airport food is horrible but we made it. plantuinum/diamond check in is already closed so I'm sitting in a surprisingly long check in line for midnight. Let's see if this room is up to par....
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-09-2016 , 03:45 AM

Top floor, corner room. Fab exec. Not bad, not great.

Well, our group we were meeting in town fell asleep on us so we're headed downstairs to degan and chase free drinks. We're see where the night takes us
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-09-2016 , 05:33 AM
Down 150 at 20$ three card. Had to pry the wife off the table. Bout to walk the strip in search of greener pastures.
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-09-2016 , 08:41 AM
No idea if we're up or down. Walked the strip and checked out different spots. Just bought us into a surprisely deep 1/2 game at linq
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-09-2016 , 08:49 AM
good looking room. keep the pics coming. and good luck.
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-09-2016 , 11:00 AM
Trooper doesn't want to deal to me. I blame him for the awful and boring cards I'm getting. It's 8am...we're supposed to met her friends at the pool at 830 to get a cabana. FML

Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-09-2016 , 03:22 PM
Who are you betting on for UFC200?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-09-2016 , 10:19 PM
So Vegas bet me up.we went straight to the pool without sleep and kept the drinking going. By 2pm I was done. Like got lost on the way back to the hotel wasted. My bankroll tells me I'm down 700$ for the trip so far. I crashed for four hours and now we're walking into the Paris tower restaurant.

I bet light on the fights tonight. 1.cause I slept through alot of my picks 2. The wife got cranky at my original plans

Cosmo pool. I also got lost here, so many hallways. Also got a lil too much sun. Burnt up

And the wife dressed up yet hating pictures
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-09-2016 , 11:26 PM
Following! Have fun and get some sleep!lol
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-10-2016 , 12:42 AM
So what do you do when dinner runs late and the closest bar wants a 50$ cover to get in? You watch from the steps for free. Nit life. Hopefully sleep happens at some point tonight. My body is still mad at me.

Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-10-2016 , 03:53 AM
So far I've seen ja rule, herb Dean, and Phil Helmuth. Ya can't even wear real pants Phil? Omc for real
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-10-2016 , 03:20 PM
So last night was another **** show. For whatever reason we decided to play every **** hotel on the strip. Monti Carlo and Harrahs were the two biggies. Taught the girls how to play bj and craps on some cheap tables. Ended up playing three card with the wife at the flamingo until 9am. At least when we awoke our roll had grown some. Still not recovered from Friday. Now off to the aria pool. Sorry for the lack of pics from last night, I'll do better tonight.

Our friends leave today so tonight should be our first real poker session. Still trying to figure out what room
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-11-2016 , 12:51 PM
So I typed a huge post with pics sitting at the card table last night. For whatever reason my phone decided to delete it all.ill post some updates once I get to some strong wifi
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-12-2016 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by silverback87
So I typed a huge post with pics sitting at the card table last night. For whatever reason my phone decided to delete it all.ill post some updates once I get to some strong wifi
That tilts me more than getting AA all in preflop against 22 and
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-12-2016 , 07:07 PM
Agreed. I can stand a cooler, can't stand when technology plays with my emotions.

So I'm back at home and on strong wifi so let's try this again. Side note, I don't recommend showing up to a new job on two hours of sleep. Whatever, I strive at making bad life choices.

So I believe we left off on Sunday morning. We stumbled into the Aria pool. Wow, what a badass spot. We really enjoyed the pool and had no issues finding a legit spot. If we had mlife comps, Aria would definitely be our go to spot. But were on the total rewards death train for now.

Our friends left for the airport and we headed back to the Flamingo. We looked at going to the "go" pool. It looked crazy, one big party. Unfortunately we felt a little too old and a little too hungover to try it out. Next time we're get there for sure.

We decided we needed a short nap but the wife wanted to waste a 20 spot in her favorite machine before hand. We both put in 20 and spun away. Mine become dust in the wind while she hit for 250 in under ten we rode the wave and free rolled into a 3 card table. A set and a straight flush later that 40 had become 560. No chip porn, just a crappy slot pic. That run made it easier to go crash for an hour

Last edited by silverback87; 07-12-2016 at 07:12 PM.
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-12-2016 , 07:23 PM
We awoke from our nap ready to break Vegas off. We took off wondering the strip in search of some good eats. We ended up at Hexx. I believe it's connected to Paris and directly across the street from the B fountains. Would definitely recommend. Everything was great, reasonably priced, and strong service. We had the crab cake app followed by a ny stripand some kind of seafood pasta.

Of course we had to walk across the street and see the show

More updates coming soon....
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
07-13-2016 , 02:13 AM
2 hours of sleep after a wild LV trip and walking into a new job? Give a trip report on how; it might be even more interesting than the LV

Good updates, nice to see some gambling wins.
Silverback does Vegas for the first time TR Quote
