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Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15)

01-09-2022 , 04:20 AM
Slightly funny from tonight; I was wearing a 'Let's Go Brandon' t-shirt at the tables this evening. Although I obviously don't live in the US, I still think Joe Biden is a fkn tool for trying to force vaccine mandates on people. Furthermore, his rethoric against unvaccinated is a shame.

Anyway, got 4 different comments on the shirt tonight. Sadly not from hot women, but people were saying things like 'Let's Go Brandon, yeah man!', 'Love the shirt' etc. in passing. Clearly many Americans agree with the meme
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by BigWhale
Slightly funny from tonight; I was wearing a 'Let's Go Brandon' t-shirt at the tables this evening. Although I obviously don't live in the US, I still think Joe Biden is a fkn tool for trying to force vaccine mandates on people. Furthermore, his rethoric against unvaccinated is a shame.

Anyway, got 4 different comments on the shirt tonight. Sadly not from hot women, but people were saying things like 'Let's Go Brandon, yeah man!', 'Love the shirt' etc. in passing. Clearly many Americans agree with the meme
I'd be terrified wearing any of the following in London [Let's go Brandon] [MAGA] [Israeli flag] [I love Novak Djokovic][woman = adult human female] [reform the NHS][any Christian symbol] ... there is SO MUCH pressure against those themes.
Conversely there are loads of people going around their business and being celebrated while wearing [Palestinian flag] [Hammer & Sickle] [LGBTQ+] [Protect the NHS][Get the shot, care a lot][Transexual women are women]

Double standards are through the roof :-(
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 11:19 AM
Early morning view from the room, with Aria, Vdara and Cosmo getting some sunlight.

Until the day I die, I will never get tired of this view. It's truly amazing and super motivating waking up and see Vegas outside
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 11:52 AM
Just going to post one HH for the fun of it. Wake up, grab some breakfast at Aria and then jump into a usual drunk overnight 1/3 game. Change chips, dealer asks me if I want to post. Sure. UTG says that if he gets anything good he will jam $100. He does jam. UTG2 calls. I look down at red AA and rejam. UTG has TT, flop is Txx. Poker is such a fun game.

Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by BigWhale
Vent over to Venetian, where I played for 3.5 hours and ended up making some horrific decisions. Let us run through it.

Started fine, with raising 78dd from UTG, and only the big blind called. Flop comes K-J-2, and with clear range advantage I bet $10 with plans to size up on turn. He check-calls. Turn is a 6, and when he checks again I bet $40 and get a fold. I really like that I am able to recognize some spots like this, where it's highly unlikely the BB-defender has a strong hand and I can have a ton as the UTG-raiser.

Win another small pot with 88, and then an orbit later I raise Kd Jc to $12 from MP. An Asian woman calls right behind me, and Big Blind also calls. Latter seems like a good player, and has a huge stack. Flop comes J-8-6 with two hearts, and when it checks to me I bet $15. They both call.

Turn is a 4, and although 75 came in I assume only the BB can have that hand. So I decide to bet again and make it $45 (into $82), woman calls and BB folds. River is 2d, which is a complete blank. I ponder it for a second and decide to check. In case she missed a flush draw she might bluff at it, and there is not a ton of hands that can call a third bet that I beat (QJ and JT the only ones really). She checked behind, and mucked when I showed. Maybe could have bet myself, but probably not a gigantic mistake.

After this stack-highlight of almost $100 up, things started to go awry however. It started with the competent big stack raising $10 from UTG (7-handed) and I find JTss in Small Blind. I decided to 3-bet this one up to $35, and he thinks about it and calls. When he calls I think he caps his range a bit, which is something I even thought in game but should have considered more strongly.

The dealer spreads out J-2-7 with one spade, which is decent. I obviously downbet to $25, as I would with all hands I 3-bet on this board, and he calls. Turn comes 3s so now I add the flushdraw as well. In game I decided to check, but in hindsight I think this is a bet. Our kicker is in trouble against some of the hands he continue with, but another bet (of around $90-$100) would put all of them in a very difficult spot.

As it was, he checks behind, river comes a 5, and I miss yet another bet here. I should bet small to target calls from hands like TT/99/88, instead I check. He bets $45, and obviously I have to pay it off. He shows QJ suited (clubs I believe), and obviously being results oriented I think he folds turn if I bet.

Lost a bit more in a few other hands before getting back to even when I flopped a straight with QJ (8-9-T) and a short stack pushed over my bet. However, that was the last pot I won for probably close to 2 hours after that. Instead i stupidly started losing chips in many avoidable spots, such as:

- Calling a 3-bet to $40 pre with 9Tcc after I had raised. Probably too loose.
- Losing $100 with 66 versus a short stack on 3-5-5-T board even though I knew he had to have me beat (pipped by 77).
- Raising K7hh UTG (losing $37 in process).
- Defending A8o from BB to a raise and a few calls (always a fold).
- Having to fold JJ on 4-flush Ace high board after putting some money earlier in the hand.

In my defense I also had a few icky spots with 2nd pair and such after defending from BB, where one can easily bleed some chips through calling once or twice. But the overall feeling I had at the table, was that I was giving away way too much in marginal spots. I basically bled through $300 USD and found myself down a bit more than that at one point. Sure, I was tired and should perhaps have left earlier. But that is no excuse for sloppy poker, and it disappoints me that I am still able to revert to slight tilt and making such bad decisions.

I did however manage to get a fair bit back, due to this weird hand. It might have been borderline too, but let's run through it and see.

It starts with me raising A9ss from UTG to $12 (7-handed now). Only the Button calls, a youngish foreign player who had been super active pre and was involved in a lot of hands. He did however have a tendency to bluff too much.

Flop comes J-9-6 with one spade, which is decent. While I mull over what to bet, opponent leads into me for $15. My tired brain just assumed he was Small Blind then, and I proceeded with a call. Turn comes another J, which is a good card as it reduces his combos a lot. Now I suddenly become aware that he is BTN, and that I never was allowed to make any action on flop - the dealer just assumed I had checked. I don't bring it up however, and just check it over to him. He bets $40, and I call. Against this player I think it would be too weak to give up here.

River comes another 6, and I check it over again. I then have a coherent thought and remember a previous hand that this player was involved in, where he made a stupid bluff into a nit with KK even though the board ran out in a way that any bluff could never succeed. So I check it over to him, and he moves all-in as expected for my last $120 or whatever I had left then.

Given his previous tendencies to not consider board texture good enough when bluffing + the confusion on flop that makes my range looks weak, I don't think I can fold here. So I call within 5 seconds, and he looks reluctant to show and says "you're good". I obviously instantly flip up the hand, instead of force him to show whatever bluff he had, and collect the pot. He also said something like "I knew you had a nine", which is fair enough, but the hand would not have played out like this if the dealer hadn't called wrong action on flop. But in the end it made me more money, so guess I can't complain.

Cashed out a bit later down $125 USD after playing for 3.5 hours. Not good at all, and I consider myself lucky to escape with 'only' a small loss like that. But I will force myself to play better going forward, and should hopefully help to be less tired as well.

With that said, it's almost midnight so time to get some sleep. Stats doesn't look very exciting so far, but here they are:

Hours played: 7h 30 min
Won/lost: + $63 USD
Hourly rate: + $8.40 USD

Looking forward to get back at it tomorrow!

I don’t think he folds QJ on the turn in all honesty.

The rr with JTs is understandable but hard to turn into something profitable I think against a competent UTG raise

UL on the AA hand.
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 01:20 PM
Another green session at Aria. Now back at my nemesis, the Bellagio.
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 02:37 PM
agreed i don't think people at that stake are dumping top pair like that without serious board and bet pressure

going aggro with K7s >>>>>>> defending blinds multiway with A8o imo

glgl enjoying the reports

not a critique, but never understood why foreigners care so much about American politics
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll

not a critique, but never understood why foreigners care so much about American politics
Virtually the leader of every competent nation in the world is doing the same thing. individualized ridicule toward one is presumptuous.

(don't know if that's the right word but I like using it)
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 03:36 PM
Walked over to Bellagio and we got into separate 1/3 games. Bit down early on, then the sickest hand happens. Villain is 20-something very inexperienced player who keeps calling raises every street. Very sticky, VPIP of 110%. 8 handed table, look down at KK in big blind. V makes it 15, entire table calls and I make it 80. V calls and we see a JdTd3x flop which is awesome. Lead out $130 and he tank folds QQ face up which is just absolutely absolutely insane. Literally cannot believe it.

Anywho, cashed out a profit of $50 plus made $65 on UX, so again pays for daily food. We are heading to In n Out and then Venetian for more action.

Bonus pic: OMC just joined the table with a USB controlled fan.

Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 06:46 PM
Third and last location of the day, Venetian with a bunch of promo hunters.
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by MuckPls
Third and last location of the day, Venetian with a bunch of promo hunters.
How's the play at the venetian overall? I'm assuming no other games beyond 3/5? Are the promo hunters really nitty?
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by MangoPort
How's the play at the venetian overall? I'm assuming no other games beyond 3/5? Are the promo hunters really nitty?
They are pretty nitty yes, but despite that just managed to lose a 1k+ pot 3 way haha.

Yeah 3/5 is currently the highest, probably because there are 2 MTTs running as well.
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-09-2022 , 09:44 PM
Another day in Vegas is in full effect! Woke up 6am today, which meant 6 hours of sleep. Then again, it's Vegas - who needs sleep

Started the day in style by getting a workout in at the gym, before finally wagering my $20 freeplay that I had here at Park MGM. The obvious choice of game was VP (Ultimate X), and I turned the $20 into:

After that met up with MuckPls, and we went over to Bellagio to play. Got seated at two different tables, and although mine was decent the big action player (a clueless Frenchman) quickly went to have a 1 hour breakfast with his wife. It took me almost the whole hour to actually win a hand as well. I will try to not spam you guys with insane amount of HHs, but let's run through a few.

First interesting spot was when I raised A4ss to $18 over two limps for $3. I get 3 callers, and we see A-Q-J rainbow on the flop. I decided to check this one for pot-control, and it checks around. Turn is a harmless 2, and when it checks to me again I bet $30 for some value. However, an older player instantly check-raises to $150, and I have to fold. Sure, I am somewhat underrepped after checking back flop, but I don't think it matters much in this spot.

Also lost a few other small pots, before finally winning a small one when I find Qh Qd in BB over $12 raise and a call. I make it $55 and they both fold.

Then probably most interesting spot of the session when I raise A8hh to $12 after it folds to me. A young guy who seemed to follow the lifestyle of rapper Afroman (he was definitely high) calls, and everyone else folds. Flop comes 6-4-9 with one heart, and I decided to check with a plan in mind. The young guy was fairly aggro and I thought he would bet pretty much entire range when checked to. He does bet $15, and I check-raise to $50. Plan is to hopefully win it right here, and if not I can barrel a ton of cards on turn (broadways, hearts, cards that give me straight draw).

He calls, and we see a very bad card for my plan on the turn, the 2 of clubs. Maybe I am too chicken in these spots as a 2 doesn't change much and I could play an overpair this way, but I decided to check. He checks back. River comes a 3, which brings in a straight in case he should have 75. Anyway, I check, he checks, and shows 84 off-suit for a pair of fours. Interesting call pre, and in hindsight I could have gotten him off on turn maybe. I am now down around $170 for the session.

Then the French action player finally gets back to the table, and after two limps he raises to $13. I find the delight of Ks Kc right behind him (cutoff) and make it $41. Button cold-calls, and Big Blind does the same (!). It gets back to Frenchy, who moves all-in and covers me. While this is a strong play, this guy seemed somewhat fishy and I have KK so obviously we call. The other two folds, and he flips up two Aces.

Not good, but what can you do. Except river a King. Obviously super lucky, but hand plays itself. Tried to take a quick picture with mixed success:

Now in profit:

Not too much happened after that hand. Played a few more rounds breaking fairly even before cashing out and joining MuckPls for some food. It was probably a bad idea to leave the game, as the French player was dusting off chips after the AA-hand, but I was starting to get really hungry. Result: +$106 USD

After In & Out, we went to Venetian and quickly got seated there:

Played for 3 hours, and although I played a ton of hands I'm only gonna go over 3 of them. The rest was fairly uneventful semi-small pots, as they often are at Venetian when people are promo-hunting.

The biggest pot came fairly early. There is a straddle on the BTN to $6, one call, and I find Kc Ks on the button. I make it $25 (too small, think I missed the limper when calculating size), and only the straddler calls. This was an Asian male aged 30-60 who seemed fairly recreational, but no huge reads yet.

Flop comes Jd - 9c - 3c and he checks. I bet $25 (into $60) and he check-raises to $95. I actually had to think this one through a bit, because he can obviously have J9 and 33, and if he is really wild from straddle he could in theory also have J3 and 93. I also have the Kc, which blocks a fair bit of combo-draws he could have. He has around $140 behind, however I didn't want to just call and let a scare card come off in case he is making the play with AJ or similar. So I jam all-in, and he looks a bit like he doesn't like it but calls within 3 seconds.

Turn is a harmless 4, however river is a Jack. I turn my hand over not knowing what to expect, and he shows the monster that is J8 off-suit for trips. Pretty crazy to me that he was willing to call it off that light, not that I am complaining of course! Would have been nice to win the hand, but that's poker.

Basically was around $2-$300 USD stuck all night after that, and eventually ran into more problems. There are two limps and I make it $18 with KJo from BTN (suits not relevant). Not a fantastic hand in any way, but I have position and the limpers likely don't have much. I end up going heads-up versus the second limper; an older woman who was actually playing pretty wild in the beginning but had since calmed down a ton.

We see T-9-8 on the flop with two clubs. Decent enough, but I decided to check this one back. Might be a mistake, but it seemed like the opponent contemplated betting on the flop. Anyway, turn comes 7 and I now have a straight. She instantly leads $25 and I call. Don't really see too much merit in raising here, as I am suspecting we could be chopping. River comes 3c so the flush gets there. She instantly bets $50, and I don't think I have any choice but to call again. Can't really get any value vs worse hands I think. She turns over QJo for the flopped straight, which hardly surprised me to be honest. She just oozed of strength from the flop and onwards, at least that's how it seemed to me.

Down a ton now, but win some back when I raise Ad Kc from UTG to $12. I get 3 callers, and we see K-T-6 with two spades. Small blind (an OMC-type of player) leads out for $15, the woman from last hand call, and I cannot let them see turn that cheaply with their likely draws. I make it $65 - which in hindsight is actually a bit too small I think. I need to work a bit on my sizing in some spots,6 even though it's much better than before.

Either way, Small Blind tank-calls the $65 with only about the same behind, and woman folds. Turn comes a 5c, so I have an easy push when he checks. He actually folds and leaves himself with $60-$70 in his stack, and I am guessing he had either QJ or a spade-draw.

Play for a few more rounds without not much happening, and eventually I cash out for a loss of $318 USD. Not ideal, but would obviously have been a winning session had the KK-hand held up.

Results (see below) are not the best so far, but it's still early in the trip for me. As I have alluded to before, I have probably been running fairly decent on previous trips. And after cracking Aces earlier in the day with KK, I guess it's fair that I then lost one with the same hand. And I really think that bad beats like that don't affect me much anymore - the only thing that affects me is if I make a bad decision myself.

Hours played: 13h 00 min
Won/lost: - $149 USD
Hourly rate: - $11.46 USD

Will go out and play an evening session in a bit - location still to be decided. In the meantime, here is a nice picture of Paris that I took earlier today:

Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by BigWhale
and only the straddler calls. This was an Asian male aged 30-60 who seemed fairly recreational
This made me laugh out loud
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by TDMarathon86
This made me laugh out loud
Glad to hear that Have however stolen the joke/description from vlogger Jeff Boski, so he deserves the credit.
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 03:53 AM
One last update from me tonight. I had originally considered going to Resorts World, but looking on PokerAtlas it seemed there were very few games going. Didn't feel like taking the long trek over and being met with a wait list, so I instead went here:

MGM Grand was popping tonight, with 7-8 cash game tables and two tournaments running. So it seems like that room is doing all right, and hopefully it doesn't close. The south end of The Strip definitely needs a decent sized room I think.

I had noticed on Bravo that there was no wait list, and indeed I got seated immediately. Game was super tight at times, and I'll freely admit that the first 30 minutes I wondered whether it was any point in staying, and if I should find somewhere with more action instead. I did however end up staying and played some interesting hands for sure.

(note that MGM actually has $1-$2 blinds, one of the few in Vegas that still sticks to that format)

Generally there was a lot of limping from other players, and I tried to be aggressive and raise these limps when I had something decent. This lead to me raising 78dd to $12 from CO over two limps (in retrospect should go $15 maybe). Only one player calls, an older gentlemen who very often limped and called my raises, but I usually got the better of him.

Also this time, as we see the flop K-T-3 with one diamond. He checks, and I bet $11. Obviously I don't have much, but it's a good board for my range, and there are some decent turns. He calls.

Turn is one of those decent ones; as it comes 6d. I have 4-flush and a gutshot, but still only Ace high. So I use what I know from Crush Live Poker, and decide that this is a good spot for an overbet. We have massive equity but want the most fold-EQ. Opponent only has around $70 left, so I just bet enough to put him all-in (pot was around $50). He thinks a bit and folds.

I generally win a lot of small pots, and have built my stack from being down $50 early to being up around $30. Then I find Qs Ts from UTG and raise to $10. Borderline from UTG probably, but at this table I could for certain get away with it. Anyway, the same old guy as always calls, and rest folds.

J-9-8 flop.

I bet $10, and he calls. Turn comes with another 9, which doesn't scare me at all. On the contrary, I hope that he maybe hit trips. I bet $25 this time, and he calls very quickly.

River comes with a 5, another good card as it could maybe have given him a lesser straight with 76. He has around $80 left and pot is $93, so I obviously put him all-in. He doesn't take too long before calling, and after I reveal my hand he shows J6 of hearts. Interesting call pre I guess, and he must really have thought I was full of it, since he decided to call down with just TP and no kicker.

After that not too much happens for a bit, I steal a few small pots here and there and likely lose the occasional one as well. Then we see a limp for $2, before a very tight older player suddenly makes it $15. He wasn't a complete super-nit, but he had been very quiet lately and hardly entered any pot. It folds to me, and I wake up with black Aces on the button. I make it $45, thinking this will be an interesting spot if he calls. He is the only one at the table that covers me, and we both started with over 200 bb.

It doesn't come to that however, because when it gets back to him he instantly grabs some green $25 chips and splashes them in the pot. The re-raise is to $150, and I am very certain he has QQ or better here. Briefly considered calling, but in the end decided to just go all-in. Such aggression was unheard of from this player and at this table, so I felt very confident he would call it off. He sure did, and it was the ultimate cooler as he had KK. Board ran out clean (something like Q-7-4-9-J and I scooped a massive pot:

(around $800 here, one red stack is hidden a bit behind the greens)

Played for 30-40 minutes longer, and continued to win a few small pots here and there and increase my stack a bit more. In the end cashed out with a great win of $545 USD, which feels really good. I am happy with the lines I took, my general aggression level, and especially my composure at the tables today despite some ups and downs.

Stats to follow below, I just want to touch on one thing regarding the Vegas experience "in the middle of a pandemic". I have never in my life used as much masks as I have done this last few days - first at plane, then now while playing poker and being inside casinos. And from thinking it wasn't that big of a deal the first day, it's really starting to grate now. Mask is gnawing on my nose, and it gets really hot & tiresome to have it on. Vegas is still amazing, but this really puts a 10-15% damper on the entertainment in my opinion:

- Want to have a conversation with others at your table? Sure, but it's much harder to communicate (as if my accent wasn't bad enough even without).
- Want to crack a smile if someone makes a joke? You automatically do it, but no one can see it.
- Want to smile at a pretty girl that is walking by you in the casino? Not possible.

I know there are so many people out there that genuinely thinks that masks work (hint, they don't), or that it's not a big deal, or that it's necessary to "fight the pandemic". And that saddens me, and it's honestly a bit conflicting to me that I am here in Vegas and contributing to this theater. As in - if people are still showing up despite mask mandates, what incentives do governments have to lift them? Just look at Anthony Fauci who seriously came on TV and said that he thinks masks will never be removed from airplanes.

As someone who just traveled for 20 hours a few days ago with a mask - it's a nightmare. A nightmare that cannot be our real life. It's de-humanizing and goes against everything we have learned throughout thousand of years. We can never let this be the norm, that would be beyond sad and make life so much more worthless.

Hours played: 15h 25 min
Won/lost: + $396 USD
Hourly rate: + $25.97 USD

Anyway, still 5 full days of Vegas to go. Let's keep on rocking, and keep on grinding

Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 10:09 AM
Have you tried to find a more comfortable mask?
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 10:23 AM
Interestingly enough, although I may not 100% agree with masks in every situation, I had no issues so far. Quite the opposite, it kind of helps while playing poker in concealing my face. Anyway, enough with that subject.

Venetian did not go too well. Just two quick hand histories:

Straddle for $6, there is a $15 raise and a call and I make it $55 with AcKc. Both players call and the flop is 7c4c2x. Player 1 jams 200, player 2 rejams 450 or so and we obviously call. Player one has 9c8c, player 2 has 22. Turn x and river 2 and we lose a 1k+ pot.

Few hours later, UTG2 makes it 15, I make it 50 from button with AdQd and UTG2 calls. Flop T high with three clubs. He checks and I bet 75 which he calls. Turn is a low club which also brings in a 3 card straight. Check-check. River bricks, he checks and I make it 125. He tanks for close to 5 minutes (it seems at least) with $200 behind and calls with two red jacks. At that point I can't even and snap leave.

Some fun hands from UX later on, unfortunately ended the night around 4k in the hole after everything, despite the hits.

Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 11:23 AM
nice, just needed leon to make a post to get some of that rungood
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by br3nt00
Have you tried to find a more comfortable mask?

Yeah +1, as someone that’s made a bunch of trans Atlantic flights since the pandemic started, having the right mask makes a huge difference. Some kill your ears/nose and others you hardly notice. I’d have different masks for sitting on flights vs walking around etc.
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Yeah +1, as someone that’s made a bunch of trans Atlantic flights since the pandemic started, having the right mask makes a huge difference. Some kill your ears/nose and others you hardly notice. I’d have different masks for sitting on flights vs walking around etc.
Any suggestions for what kind of mask? I don't find the ear part too terrible, but the nose-part has really been bugging me the more I have been using them the last 2-3 days.

Prior to Vegas I hardly ever used masks for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. I have played a few tourneys/cash game sessions back in Malta, but they they are very relaxed and pretty much let you sit with it under nose (or better) without enforcing anything.

I get that short-term it will obviously help to find the most comfortable type of mask. I just think it's sad that we are even having that discussion.

Anyway, I digress - another day in Vegas awaits. Woke up 730am today, so it's slowly going in the right direction.
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by BigWhale

I just want to touch on one thing regarding the Vegas experience "in the middle of a pandemic". I have never in my life used as much masks as I have done this last few days - first at plane, then now while playing poker and being inside casinos. And from thinking it wasn't that big of a deal the first day, it's really starting to grate now. Mask is gnawing on my nose, and it gets really hot & tiresome to have it on. Vegas is still amazing, but this really puts a 10-15% damper on the entertainment in my opinion
we all know the rules of engagement. no one enjoys wearing a mask. but that's part of the price of admission to Vegas. so be it.
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by BigWhale
Any suggestions for what kind of mask? I don't find the ear part too terrible, but the nose-part has really been bugging me the more I have been using them the last 2-3 days.

Prior to Vegas I hardly ever used masks for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. I have played a few tourneys/cash game sessions back in Malta, but they they are very relaxed and pretty much let you sit with it under nose (or better) without enforcing anything.

I get that short-term it will obviously help to find the most comfortable type of mask. I just think it's sad that we are even having that discussion.

Anyway, I digress - another day in Vegas awaits. Woke up 730am today, so it's slowly going in the right direction.

I would try a cloth mask, get a few different options and see what works for you. That’s what I’d wear on my flights and wouldn’t feel any discomfort around my nose or ears unlike a lot of standard surgical masks or N95s. Also make sure they’re big enough.

There has to be plenty vendors on the strip selling different mask options you can try and see what works.
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
nice, just needed leon to make a post to get some of that rungood
If you consider -4k rungood then yes definitely haha.
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
01-10-2022 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by MuckPls
If you consider -4k rungood then yes definitely haha.
Maybe the exchange rate will go in your favor when you return.
Scandis in Vegas - a post-covid solo TR (01/02-01-15) Quote
