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Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site!

07-02-2015 , 08:35 AM
Hello 2+2ers!!!! Its July 2015! You know what that means right? BBQs, 4th of July, holidays....and the annual Rolledup222 Las Vegas WSOP trip report! I know you have this marked on your calendars!

So last year I started out the trip report with a plan! I thought about it all year... and this year I decided to go with.... NO PLAN! As a matter a fact.... I have no return flight ticket either!

ALL IN baby!


So I am sitting in my office reviewing the tournament schedules trying to figure out when to go to Vegas to play... and when to come back. Sometime mid June I decided I better book my tickets. There are so many tournaments, I love the spreadsheet SpaceyFCB puts out and it makes it much easier for me to review...... Note, I didn't say make a decision. So many tournaments, so many places, lots to think about...

The initial idea was to come back on the redeye Friday of next week which I will be in the money in the Main Event. Then I started reviewing US Airways/AA rebook policy and realized it was better to just buy a one way ticket.. and then buy one once I have taken all the money out of Vegas......

So I take my excellent money saving idea to the Wife:

Relationship PRO tip:

Apparently starting off a conversation with "Honey, I know this sounds sound suspicious, but its not....." doesn't really work out well....

Conversation with Wife:

"I have a ticket to Vegas July 1st. Leaving in the afternoon directly from work."

Of course the most excellent, awesome, wife in the world says "That's great!!!!! When are you coming back??"

Chirp chirp chirp.... "ummm well this is the part that sounds suspicious..... I bought a one way ticket to Vegas."

Chirp Chirp Chirp

Somehow me trying to explain it was cheaper then trying to change tickets, rebook, etc didn't really go over well. It was simple math. 250 to go to vegas... then if I had to change it was going to be 200 more, plus phone call fee, plus fee to pay the fee, plus the moon rises in the west fee, etc etc it all made sense...

I think she heard "blah blah blah, husband in vegas until I don't know when... blah blah"

I thought it was a solid plan?

So anyhow I am out in Vegas - return unknown... So yea!!! I told her....!!!!!!!!!!! Yea... umm well sorta.

I just got a call from the bank. Apparently they saw some super suspicious charges for Coach and Louis Vuitton .... this may not be good my friends.....

There is only one thing to do.....

Make some deep runs in the tournaments and win some MOOOOLAH!

Previous trip reports:

2014: Great FBBJ, Day 4 Main Event... other fun stuff

2014: Millionaire Maker trip - I almost won... but not really

2013: Summary: Run good in 2 tourns... Good craps stories.

2012: Summary: How to make ESPN, $3333/min.

I am going to try and use TAPATALK app so I can update pictures faster then using the regular app.

Anyhow... are you ready???? Are you really ready??? YEA!!!

Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 09:07 AM
Day 0 - Travel Day

I mentioned the "plan" other then no plan, was to work up until Wednesday and leave that night. I realized it was going to be in the mid 70s and 80s at home for Tuesday and Wednesday. Why not start vacation right?

So I took a few extra days off and ended up golfing both days. I left from golfing directly to the airport. I got there 3+ hours early (Lessons learned from Wife Mad Run Good episode).

Ended up getting through security in no time. I ate at Legal Seafood place in the PHL airport and had some rainbow trout! Yum! Not often you see that on the menu.


EATING IS GENERALLY REQUIRED IN VEGAS ... sometimes I forget this fact ....


I walked around after dinner and realized if I was going to do a 2+2 trip report, I better have some shoes! I mean really... every good report has shoes. So I ended up buying a new pair of shoes at the airport. Nothing Fancy, but they look nice and are comfortable walking shoes. I am the type to wear a pair of sneakers until they fail completely. I saw some which were like $200. Those sneakers better make me run faster and play basketball better!


Like the Nike Air Jordan's with the pump up air ball on the toe tab. Anyone remember those? I always wanted one of those.. my Dad used to say " I am not paying $100 for sneakers!" "But Dad... they are cool!" "I will give you cool.. go stack some wood!"

I now know why I never made it to the NBA! It all started with those Air Jordan's.

I am now a Dad... and when my son asks for $200 Air Jordan shoes

Do you have a job??? No? Well then you have your answers.. I will give you cool... go stack some wood.

Super Spoiler:

We don't have a wood stove... so "Go mow the lawn... We will see... I will think about it....."

HAHA! I love being a Dad!

The Flight:

The flight was pretty uneventful. Ended up sitting next to 2 other poker players going out to play in random tournaments. The flight actually went quickly until the end. We were diverted around some thunderstorms. I will attach pictures, but thunderstorms are cool from the air.... not so much if you have to fly through them. I remember reading in another forum on airline pilots.. the best thing to do with Thunderstorms.. is avoid them like the plague.

So I landed, had already checked into the RIO. It was about 9PM Vegas time, I had been up since 3AM EST so I figured I would not play the first night...

Shockingly... I didn't. I went to bed and woke up wayyyyy early.

The plan for today:

I am going to play in the $560 Golden Nugget. I thought about playing in the $1500 Stud/8 tourn but probably not. I am going to grind some STT if I bust the Golden Nugget.

I apologize ahead of time.. things you wont see much of this time is : Craps, BJ, VP, or anything other then poker. I have been Laser focused on playing this year.

NOTE::: I am planning on golfing on the days in between the Main Event so if anyone wants to go, let me know. I am open to most courses. I thought about Bali Hai? I saw they also have places which drop GOOD rental clubs off at your hotel or the course for decent prices. I would want to play at like 0600 or so to avoid the heat. Please no one who is scratch golfer... I golf around 100..... I have been getting better and the last few rounds hit much more solid shots.

Anyhow.. off I go. I will post some pics in a few!
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 09:11 AM
Shoe lineup;

Thunderstorms and other cool pics

Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 09:13 AM
Hoover Dam Guide: Welcome everyone. I am your dam guide, Arnie. Now I'm about to take you through a fully funtional power plant, so please, no one wander off the dam tour and please take all the dam pictures you want. Now are there any dam questions?
Cousin Eddie: Yeah, where can I get some damn bait?

Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 09:15 AM

Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 09:35 AM
Wayyyyyy to much food. Hungry?

Hash house.

Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 10:21 AM
Subbed on behalf of fellow poker playing dads who wish they could play in the WSOP ME
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by dozer
Subbed on behalf of fellow poker playing dads who wish they could play in the WSOP ME

Thanks!!! Will try to make us proud!
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 10:35 AM
Plans for the day:

Golden nugget $560! Let's make day two!
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 10:54 AM
Rolledup! Heeeeeyyyy...
for my playas who be thinkin' he soft
He don't plaaaayyyyyy
He gonna' gamble 'til the wheels fall off
Rolledup! Heeeeeyyyy...
for my playas who be actin' too bold
open seeeeeat
Hope you ready for the next episode
Hey hey hey hey... deep everyday!
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 11:00 AM
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 11:31 AM
The shoes with the basketball pump on the tongue are reeboks NOT air jordans.... C'MON MAN
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 12:35 PM
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by natedawg3488
The shoes with the basketball pump on the tongue are reeboks NOT air jordans.... C'MON MAN
Yeah man, and they sucked!

They made your feet feel like the were in a pressure cooker.

Fk that shiz...

Last edited by binksy; 07-02-2015 at 01:14 PM. Reason: SUBBEDARINO
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
Rolledup! Heeeeeyyyy...

for my playas who be thinkin' he soft

He don't plaaaayyyyyy

He gonna' gamble 'til the wheels fall off

Rolledup! Heeeeeyyyy...

for my playas who be actin' too bold

open seeeeeat

Hope you ready for the next episode

Hey hey hey hey... deep everyday!

+111111. Hired for my rail at FT!
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by CvD

Thanks!!! Loved your TRs!
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by natedawg3488
The shoes with the basketball pump on the tongue are reeboks NOT air jordans.... C'MON MAN

Lol. You are right! Now I really know why I didn't make the NBA!
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by binksy
Yeah man, and they sucked!

They made your feet feel like the were in a pressure cooker.

Fk that shiz...

#jeolous you owned a pair!

Bet you had Optimus Prime too!

Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 01:25 PM
He was called Optimus Prime I think in the UK. The red truck.

Never had that prick.

Are Pumas popular in the states? They are sorta considered pikey shoes in the UK.

GL & run pure...

Edit - Didn't see pic before, ya thats the prick.
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by rolledup222
Wayyyyyy to much food. Hungry?

Hash house.

Looks like a small plate for HH, did you order off of a kids menu?

Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by binksy
He was called Optimus Prime I think in the UK. The red truck.

Never had that prick.

Are Pumas popular in the states? They are sorta considered pikey shoes in the UK.

GL & run pure...

Edit - Didn't see pic before, ya thats the prick.

Not sure popularity. They are comfortable. So I got that going for me!

"GL & run pure..."

Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by gmille58
Looks like a small plate for HH, did you order off of a kids menu?


I saw some of the others food. Insane. It was "only" $13. I still didn't eat it all. Good though!
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 01:58 PM

Starting stack.
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 02:01 PM
Wow. The 5K and 1K chips are pretty close in color. Keep an eye on that chit.
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
07-02-2015 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
Wow. The 5K and 1K chips are pretty close in color. Keep an eye on that chit.

Yea it's actually 10k. 5k are black. #chip color fail
Rolledup222 WSOP ME Trip 2015 - July 1 - No return in site! Quote
