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Rhino - a TR Rhino - a TR

09-27-2010 , 09:50 AM
My buddy Bob and I woke up on Sat around 3pm and decided it was a good day to head to the rhino. We both had flights early Sunday morning so decided to head to the rhino in the afternoon when it hopefully wasn't very busy.

A little back story, we arrived Thursday night and gambled and drank until 6 am. Then woke up around 9 am on Fri bc of the time difference (both from the east coast). More gambling and drinking Fri night until 6 am Sat.

I called the club and they sent an escalade which was very nice. Bob had been smoking some herbage substance in the room that he found through someone on the strip and just stunk up the car so bad. After 5 sec in the car, the driver says, "damn you guys stink!, i'm gonna have to air out the car after I drop you off!" Then he proceeded to tell us that we shouldn't bring that stuff into the club and offered a sob story about a guy who tried to buy dances with coke and got arrested...then we got to the club.

When we got there, it was about 4:45 pm so it was bright outside. The club was pitch black. I couldn't see a thing. The bouncer leads us to a table and two ladies quickly join us. The lady sitting on my lap was named Shayna (or something like that), and there was a blonde lady next to Bob. The blonde was mentioning to someone, I couldn't really tell bc my eyes hadn't adjusted at this point. All of a sudden a filipino chick named Jeanie sits on Bob's lap. So there I am massaging and squeezing Shayna's ass and Bob is doing the same with Jeanie. The blonde disappeared.

Shayna is good looking, brunette, skinny with A cups. We do the usual bs talking, buy some drinks for all of us, then decided to get the bottle service. $100 for a bottle of ketel one citroen. I'm sure it was a ripoff but we figured if we're gonna be drinking a lot and buying dancers drinks, then it's not so bad. Turns out, dancers don't really like drinking at 5pm on a Saturday. Maybe it's so they don't get wasted too early.

So Bob disappears with Jeannie for three songs and I get one dance from Shayna but it is quite possibly the most boring lap dance I have ever received.

I sit back down at the table, and another lady approaches, a big haired, big talking, big fake tittied latino chick. I can't remember her name. She is sitting on my lap and for some reason her hand keeps falling between my legs and somehow strokes my junk many many times while we are shooting the breeze. Her dance was awesome, lots of crotch on crotch grinding, her hand somehow finding the area between my legs and stroking my obviously excited junk, and her constantly shoving her big ol fake titties in my face for some serious motoboat action. The song ends and before she can finish the line "would you like another ..." Me says "YES." Then the complete buzz and boner kill.

One of the bouncers taps her on the shoulder and says he has to talk to her. All I hear is "no crotch riding, no motorboating..." Crap. FML. She comes back and apologizes and gives a very boring second dance, constantly apologizing saying, "I don't know how to do this." I think she meant she didn't know how to give a boring lap dance.

So I get back to the table and Bob is there with Jeanie. This Thai chick named Sonya sits on my lap and her accent makes her impossible to understand but worse, her breath makes it impossible to stand being around. I don't know how many times I tried to give her the hint that I was not interested, like not making any eye contact and holding my breathe, and chugging vodka tonics, just doing anything to get her to leave. Eventually, Sonya and Jeanie leave.

While Jeanie and Sonya were there, the subject of a police raid came up. Apparently, the rhino was busted for something and so the bouncers are super strict when it comes to dances. When my buddy was in the back with Jeanie, he greased the bouncer $20 to let them have some alone time but apparetly he kept sticking his head in to make sure everything was not too crazy.

Bob then finds himself in the company of some tiny skinny blonde chick named Charm with mosquito bite tatatas. By then, Bob and I have drunk about half the bottle of vodka and are very inebriated. Why aren't the chicks drinking? Bob goes to the back room with Charm for some more dances, and I get approached by some russian chick. She was very nice and had some nice tits but I was pretty bombed out of my mind at this point. When she asked if I wanted a dance, I just said no. She proceeded to throw a bit of a hissy fit and said the ultimate, no way you're ever getting a dance from me later line..."why are you wasting my time?" gtfo. The club is empty. It's Saturday afternoon. What else are you gonna do?

Where the hell was pez baby?

Then this really hot chick sits down. I don't remember her name. She was skinny, had A cups, and looked half white, half mexican. We start talking and Bob makes his way back to the table. He is not in good shape. I can barely keep my eyes focused at this point. Bob looks like he is about to pass out. Charm exits and not more than 5 minutes later, Bob asks me "yo did I get a dance with that blonde chick?" Oh crap. I tell the hot half mexican chick that we are probably gonna be leaving soon. She goes away. Bob and I are kind of at a loss. It's about 7:30 pm, we've drank 3/4 of the bottle, are both semi/completely ******ed at this point, and the club is starting to get a little more busy. Bob settles up the tab with the waitress, who by the way, was extremely good looking, had a nice rack, and did a very good job. I think Bob tipped her $60. BTW, he was up about $800 gambling and I was down about $1000 which explains the distribution of lap dances.

We are about to leave and I see the half mexican chick and ask for a dance. It was so awesome. She is grinding as hard as she can with her skinny little body, and keeps asking me to slap her ass, which I do many many times.

After the dance, Bob and I get in a taxi and head to the Grand Lux where we enjoy a meal and again Bob asks if he got a dance with Charm. Christ. We both passed out at 10 pm on a Saturday in Vegas but made our flights the next morning.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-27-2010 , 10:17 AM
Nice TR.

Pez was probably at the Bellagio. I'm pretty sure I saw her there a couple Saturdays ago (9/11), in the afternoon. Whoever it was was smokin' hot. I'm guessing she doesn't bother showing up to work until 10pm or so.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-27-2010 , 10:25 AM
quality TR!
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-27-2010 , 11:51 AM
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-27-2010 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by pure_aggression
Yeah we weren't drunk enough to get voluntarily kicked out.

Well, actually we were drunk enough to be dumb enough to take pics but there was no way i was gonna do that.

Last edited by Microcuts629; 09-27-2010 at 12:42 PM. Reason: Well, actually we were drunk enough to be dumb enough to take pics but there was no way i was gonna do that.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-27-2010 , 01:32 PM
OP still drunk?
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-27-2010 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Microcuts629
While Jeanie and Sonya were there, the subject of a police raid came up. Apparently, the rhino was busted for something and so the bouncers are super strict when it comes to dances.
went to the rhino last week, same story. bouncers are all over. very annoying.

according to some stripper chick, even the spearmint rhino VP showed up not too long ago to make sure the "new rules" are strictly enforced.

anyhow, its still possible to get good mileage. i took two black chicks (7/10) to VIP at about 5am in the morning and received extra service.

no bouncer showed up the whole time.

all in all the rhino sucks at the moment. the standard 3 for 100 or VIP dances are not worth it. big waste of cash.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-27-2010 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Jed Cooper
Nice TR.

Pez was probably at the Bellagio. I'm pretty sure I saw her there a couple Saturdays ago (9/11), in the afternoon. Whoever it was was smokin' hot. I'm guessing she doesn't bother showing up to work until 10pm or so.
I was out of town that weekend, so I'm 99% sure you're talking about Elaine. She plays 2/5 a lot at Bellagio and Venetian.

I've been at SR maybe 5 times in the last month. I'm burnt out on dancing and have been playing 1/2 instead. I'm not making stripper money, but enough.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 12:46 AM
I wanna meet whoever this famous pezbaby when I flight out to vegas in two weeks
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 03:10 AM

2 guys split 3/4 bottle of vodka and you were about to pass out?


Nice TR tho...
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 03:59 AM
One of the bouncers taps her on the shoulder and says he has to talk to her. All I hear is "no crotch riding, no motorboating..."
Conclude that Rhino is no longer the nuts stripclub wise? Would Sapphire now be the the better choise?

Going to Vegas on friday BTW.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by Advisor Ed

2 guys split 3/4 bottle of vodka and you were about to pass out?


Nice TR tho...
thats not a lot? over 2.5 hrs? hardcore drinkers itt.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by Klaphat
Conclude that Rhino is no longer the nuts stripclub wise? Would Sapphire now be the the better choise?

Going to Vegas on friday BTW.
we didnt go to sapphires this trip so i have no idea if they are enforcing any strict rules. if u do go to the rhino, try to get dances on the couches in the interior of the floor. from what i could tell the bouncers were patrolling the couches around the perimeter of the floor.

the chicks at the rhino are still hot, even during the afternoon shift.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by Advisor Ed

2 guys split 3/4 bottle of vodka and you were about to pass out?


Nice TR tho...

lol, this, i was gonna post the same thing.

Still, good TR.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 08:45 AM
Vodka plus a banana on an empty stomach /= vodka and no banana on a full stomach, ainec ime.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Klaphat
Conclude that Rhino is no longer the nuts stripclub wise? Would Sapphire now be the the better choise?

Going to Vegas on friday BTW.
Yes, at least for a while, and for this very reason. PM me if you want teh free limo and free entry into there.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Klaphat
Conclude that Rhino is no longer the nuts stripclub wise? Would Sapphire now be the the better choise?

Going to Vegas on friday BTW.
Rhino still has the hottest strippers, but DONT go to the VIP rooms. They hustle you like crazy, promising more privacy and all that bull****, dont fall for it.

Total cost for VIP (30 min.), if you decide to go there nonetheless:

200 $ to the dancer
30 $ for two drinks
20 $ to the bouncer (some strippers try to get the customer to pay the bouncer, DONT do it, make it clear upfront that you are not going to pay the bouncer).

So at worst case you end up paying 250 $. Considering the fact that you get the same vanilla grinding for 20 $, VIP is more or less a joke.

Anyhow, eye candy wise the Rhino is still number one.

But under all circumstances beware of the "I only do VIP" hustlers.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 12:34 PM
maybe you should get 2 hot hookers to do whatever you want instead of blowing money on a $20 bottle and teasing hustlers at the rhino? just sayin.....good TR tho, enjoyed it
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Advisor Ed

2 guys split 3/4 bottle of vodka and you were about to pass out?


Nice TR tho...
That's about six 1.5oz shots each over two hours, on an empty stomach. That would F me up pretty good, and I'm a drinker.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by eco74
That's about six 1.5oz shots each over two hours, on an empty stomach. That would F me up pretty good, and I'm a drinker.
Need more practice
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by AggroFish
Need more practice
I disagree. That would f*** almost anyone up.

Lots of big talkers, ITT.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 09:30 PM
There's a pretty big difference between getting someone drunk and getting someone sloppy drunk.

Not saying that it matters eithier way, but yeah 6 shots over 2 hours on an empty stomach will get almost anyone drunk, but it's not going to make everyone sloppy.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 11:16 PM
Sapphire used to always be mega strict. Haven't been in years but I'd be surprised if that had changed.

I assume you can still get away with murder in the OG. The booths with the bead curtains are fun.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-28-2010 , 11:38 PM
OG's is a shadow of it's former self. All the decent looking girls went to Sapphire. As a general policy (when LE is not cracking down) they are about the same as all Vegas strip clubs when it comes to mileage.
Rhino - a TR Quote
09-29-2010 , 09:55 AM
look for "princess baby" if you go to the rhino, she is the nuts.
Rhino - a TR Quote
