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Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke?

03-22-2012 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
An entirely smoke free Vegas casino would be an interesting marketing ploy. Wonder if it would catch on. Some decent, but struggling, place might want to give it a shot.

Throw in fancy recycling and ecologically friendly exhibits and boom, hippy paradise. Also prob should have a family friendly area.
I suspect we will see a higher end local's casino that is geared towards retirees go smoke free within a year. Rampart or Suncoast come to mind. I think it is funny that the only casino in town with a walled off no smoking slot area, is one of only two smoking poker rooms left. That casino is Arizona Charlie's on Decatur.
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-22-2012 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
I suspect we will see a higher end local's casino that is geared towards retirees go smoke free within a year. Rampart or Suncoast come to mind. I think it is funny that the only casino in town with a walled off no smoking slot area, is one of only two smoking poker rooms left. That casino is Arizona Charlie's on Decatur.
Definitely wont happen for a long long time if it ever does. Remember what happened when they banned smoking in bars that serve food?

Didn't they ban smoking in Atlantic City casinos a few years ago and then they lost like 70% of their business and they repealed the law?

I smoke, I like the fact that I can walk through a casino with a cigarette in my hand.

To you nits that don't like it, you can just leave.

Just Kidding!!
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-22-2012 , 12:36 PM
There's a big difference between banning smoking in one casino, and banning it everywhere. If it's banned everywhere, the people who hate smoke can it doesn't really help any particular property, whereas the people who can't live without smoking won't go anywhere.

If there was exactly one place that catered to the anti-smoke crowd, and did it in a nice way with a cool place, and got the word out, a lot of people would be drawn to that one place.

The diff between the 2 scenarios is simple economics.
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-22-2012 , 12:52 PM
Used to smoke big time so I know all the smartmouth (used it myself lots) Can't now for health reasons (my problem not yours) so I am glad some places try to ventilate adequately. That way YOU can smoke and play and I can play and live LOL!!
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-22-2012 , 02:12 PM
Didn't they ban smoking in Atlantic City casinos a few years ago and then they lost like 70% of their business and they repealed the law?
The story was reported quite poorly but that is what some wanted to suggest. What happened was that the AC city council decided on a whim to ban smoking in the casinos even though NJ state law exempts gambling establishments. The casinos were not prepared to fight it as it caught them by surprise. This was during the valley of the economic panic too. Within a couple of days they had convinced the city council to accept a compromise where 75% of the casino floor would be smoke free.

The problem is that in AC, a city council law must go into effect 30 days after it passes. There were a few days where smoking was technically not allowed in the casinos, although I think it was widely ignored. They repealed it before it ever went into effect. There was just the 30 day period before both laws went into effect. leaving the gap of the number of days it took to repeal it.

There is a huge difference between a blanket ban and one casino taking a shot at it. Revel is trying this is AC, Palace has done it for over a year in Biloxi. I think it would be successful. For example, about 1/3 of Rampart is already non smoking. They are well on their way. I am certainly not suggesting that it be banned, but I would fully support a property owner making their own property smoke free. That is part of what makes a free market so great.
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-22-2012 , 02:29 PM
It will be interesting to see how people react to Revel if it truly is smoke free. I have read online that they want all non smokers as workers too.
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-22-2012 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
I suspect we will see a higher end local's casino that is geared towards retirees go smoke free within a year. Rampart or Suncoast come to mind.
I don't think that there is a chance in hell that that will happen anytime in the near future. There's a reason that casinos allow smoking. Even most of the mainline cruiselines, which have banned virtually all indoor smoking anywhere on their ships, still allow smoking in their casinos. The only compromise they make is to have one or two nonsmoking nights during the course of a cruise.
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-22-2012 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by JayLV
Holy **** what a douche you are.
You're flaming me because I described Nevada as "redneck"? What would you call it?
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-23-2012 , 03:52 AM
Excited the new Horshoe Casino cleveland will be smoke for the entire casino!
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-23-2012 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by Nonononono
You're flaming me because I described Nevada as "redneck"? What would you call it?
Well the rest of your attitude as well.
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-23-2012 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by JayLV
Well the rest of your attitude as well.
Originally Posted by JayLV
One could make the argument that it would be inhumane to force people to smoke outside during the summer.
Five-star thread.
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-23-2012 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Nonononono
Five-star thread.
And you're a five-star moron. Continue to live your anti-social worthless life and complain about everything somewhere else.
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-23-2012 , 05:51 PM
Comparing Nevada to Mississippi is quite ignorant. I used to go to Biloxi quite a bit when I lived in Atlanta. The people there are great. The two places are completely different though. Mississippi has the confederate flag on their state flag, Nevada has Harry Reid as a Senator. Mississippi is extremely conservative, Nevada has legal brothels. You get my point, which I guess is only that the statement was very ignorant. It seems that if you do not like it here, you should go live somewhere else that caters to your liberalism.
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-23-2012 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by JayLV
And you're a five-star moron. Continue to live your anti-social worthless life and complain about everything somewhere else.
Noted, thank you.
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-23-2012 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
Comparing Nevada to Mississippi is quite ignorant. I used to go to Biloxi quite a bit when I lived in Atlanta. The people there are great. The two places are completely different though. Mississippi has the confederate flag on their state flag, Nevada has Harry Reid as a Senator. Mississippi is extremely conservative, Nevada has legal brothels. You get my point, which I guess is only that the statement was very ignorant. It seems that if you do not like it here, you should go live somewhere else that caters to your liberalism.
I never said Nevada and Mississippi were the same, I said they were both redneck. According to Wikipedia, "redneck" means poor and uneducated, although I would tend to emphasize the latter. If you look at measures of education, Nevada is an island of inadequacy, a characteristic it shares with the South. Also if you check the smoking rates, the top performers are Nevada and the South.

I like it here just fine, and I'm certainly not liberal. What gave you that idea?
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
03-24-2012 , 01:57 AM
Is this thread getting derailed???

Ie) Dude asked for info on which room has least it's just ppl yelling and each other back and forth.

We already have consensus.... Caesars and TI are great for non-smoking..... could we close the thread?


Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
12-28-2016 , 02:34 AM
can i get a bump?

quick: Can i get a top 5 list of the smokiest rooms as if well 2017?

With number one being the LEAST smokey room?
Ranking of the Las Vegas poker rooms based on the smoke? Quote
