Thread saving pic right off the bat. Katie Nolan FT-absolute-MFW.
Sup LVL,
Back again for the annual pilgrimage to the desert and semi-live TR.
Check last year's TR here.
Land on Sunday the 29th. GTFO late Thursday the 3rd. Staying at PH for the duration.
This will be my 5th trip out to Branson with booze. The 'Trip Checklist' is pretty short, as you'll see below. Been out to the Desert enough times where all of the touristy stuff is out of the way. Time to focus on a few key elements.
I used to be a quasi-serious live grinder here in MN, but the game has passed me by since getting involved heavily in the staking side of the game as well as other, non-poker business ventures.
Limited Hold Em is still my bread & butter (I like Omaha-8 too, but am terrible at it), but the pokerz will be a secondary objective on the trip. That being said, don't be shocked if this TR turns into a 120-hr bender at the low limit tables. #Standard.
Consuming copious amounts of high quality food & beverage WILL be the #1 Objective of the trip. There will be food porn, oh yes, there will be food pornage.
Joining me on this sojourn will be
SimonG – who is one of my staking associates & was on the TR last year – as well as college friend 'Mudslide' who will also be celebrating his 30th B-day during the stay.
Note: Mudslide is also in love with a local “adult entertainer” here in Minnesota, let's call her 'Agatha'. Agatha will be out in Vegas during this time. It could get weird... But very entertaining. For me.
There will also be a Badminton Challenge going down between me and SimonG. It was planned as part of last year's trip, but eventually food & drink won the day over athletic endeavors... That's why we're cementing it Monday of this year's version.
Details of the Challenge
-SimonG is spotting me 7 points at even money.
-There will be a brief warmup game, then the official game will begin.
-Rally scoring. First to 21 wins.
-Video clips of the match will be posted
The Combatants
SimonG: 40ish. 240Lbs-ish. Infrequent gym user, but regular badminton player.
Raizin_Azian: Late 20s. 210Lbs. Frequent gym user, but plays badminton about once a decade.
Outside action has already been booked, but are open to more. PM myself or SimonG if you want to get some TR degen down.
[ ] Fun (Yayyyyyy)
[ ] Badminton Challenge
[ ] Food Pornage (See checklist below)
[ ] Limited Hold Em Chip Porn
[ ] Degenaments (Dice, Pai Gow, UTH, 3CP)
[ ] Las Vegas 51s Game?
[ ] Penn & Teller show for Mudslide's B-Day
[ ] Find Mudslide's Agatha
[ ] Holsteins
[ ] Picasso
[ ] Secret Pizza
[ ] Strip House LV
[ ] Memphis Championship BBQ
[ ] Fogo
[ ] Lawrys
[ ] Delmonicos
[ ] Lagasse's Stadium (During US World Cup Tuesday)
[ ] In-N-Out Burger
[ ] Capriottis
[ ] Milos
[ ] Society Café
[ ] Earl of Sandwich
[ ] Triple George Grill
[ ] Kabuto or Yellowtail
[ ] Napoleons
[ ] Hofbrauhaus
[ ] Mint Bistro
[ ] Mundos
[ ] Palm
[ ] Tacos el Gordo (ldo)
[ ] Other
[ ] Other
[ ] Other
It's a loose list of old favorites & new places to try. Definitely won't hit all of them, but want to have options so we're not at the Cheesecake Factory every night.
Patio Ruby Greyhound (Fresh squeezed FTMFW, btw)
Obligatory shoe pic. My boat shoes have seen better days, but whatevs.
Ribs. Because why the hell not.
Some local 8/16 Limited Hold Em Chip Pornage. (I was in for 3k... It's not impressive...)
SimonG's already out there now and I'm sure will chime in at some point to talk about him winning enough to buy Ellis Island. The actual island, not the casino.
Should be a helluva lot of fun. Looking forward to getting out there Sunday.
If you're out in Vegas, hit us up. Would love to grab a beer or twelve with some 2p2 peeps.
Last edited by Raizin_Azian; 06-27-2014 at 05:50 PM.
Reason: Beeraments