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Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14

02-26-2022 , 11:23 AM
I arrive at Excalibur and get checked in and I'm pleasantly surprised with the room and property, of all my trips to Vegas I've never stepped foot in this joint. When I started making plans for this adventure as with every aspect of it has been tweaked & changed several times. I had been wanting to take a solo poker trip to Vegas for a while and was considering dates, when my buddy Brian called me to see if I wanted in on the Super Bowl trip again like last year. They had planned to arrive in Vegas the Friday before the Super Bowl, that's when I decided I'd come up on Monday get a few days of poker in solo then party with those guys. I called ahead trying to book my whole stay at the Mirage for 7 days, but I didn't have enough points to pull that off being it was Super Bowl weekend and the rooms are jacked through the roof. They did however tell me I could get comp all seven nights at the Excalibur minus the resort fees and since I had Pearl status parking was free, so that's how that became to be. However that soon changed as Brain calls me a couple of weeks before we leave and tells me he's got the hook up on the suite at the Phoenix Open, plus free rooms at Cosmo on Friday, Saturday & Sunday. So after the audible, I scramble to find a flight to Phoenix out of Vegas that Thursday morning and one back to Vegas the next morning, also cancelling my rooms at Excalibur for the weekend, so that's why were slumming it at Excalibur lol. Going back to saying I was actually really happy with staying there, other than they need some more plugs in the room, having to unplug lamps the charge your phone and laptops kind of sucks, and an in room safe would be nice too. They did have security station at all the elevators 24/7 leading up to the rooms, I got a room on the second floor right next to the elevator, plus placed on the tower side right next to where I parked so walking was a minimum, thanks $20 trick.

Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
02-26-2022 , 11:56 AM
After getting settled in at King Arthurs crib, I looked at the Bravo app and the Orleans looks like they have several games going and the waiting list didn't look bad, plus it's just a hop and skip form Excalibur, I can drive over there pretty easy. First I wanted to get a bet in on some college hoops, so I go and put a $100 spite bet in on the Orange Vomit team from Austin getting +1.5 at home against Kansas, then I'm off to the Orleans. I arrive and find that the waiting list for NL is hammered, so I have them put me on all the list, just get seated then I'll changed to what I like. I head over and grab a beer and hang out about 30 minutes before I'm called for 4-8 limit, I've played that here before and thought fine that will work until 1-2NL seat opens and sit down with a rack of white. Starts out slow as I fold the first few orbits, the table appears to look ok, pretty good action chips are flying and then I'm dealt pocket Aces and raise it up and get two takers. We see a flop of 10-7-2 and I continue betting getting one caller, when the turn reveals a Q and again I fire and crazy Asian lady fires back with the re-raise. I take stock and cowardly just call, river is an 8 and I sheepishly check and she continues fire and I make the call, finding out it was worse than I thought she rivers two pair as she throws over 108 ouch. that would be the theme on this short session as few hands later I lose with AK to AQ on again river two pair. I reload another rack of white and that evaporates pretty quick when my pocket JJ gets shot down on the turn when an ace comes peaking out, then missing two different combo draws. I'm down to about 30 chips when, I hear my name called for 1-2NL I shake off the call, ready to be put out my mercy and I receive that not to long after that. I'd been watching the first half of the Texas vs Kansas game while pissing away my chips and was almost halftime and decided to head back over to the E and finish watching it at the bar. I sit up shop at the bar and watch UT pull one out of their ass and recoup a $100 form the Orleans debacle, I have a couple more beers and decide to hit Asian joint in the food court and call it a night +$140 on the day and +$896 on the trip

Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
02-26-2022 , 12:44 PM
I woke up a little later on that Tuesday morning getting more adjusted to west coast time and it's 9:30am and I'm headed back to the South Point, but first I stop for gas and holy balls $4.19 a gallon, I was pissing and moaning at $3.39 when I stopped in Gallup prior to that refill. Anyway try and shake off that bad beat I venture on walking up to the front desk of the SP Poker Room and surveying the board when I thought I was told there was an open seat at 4-8 Omaha with a Kill. Sounded good, start off the morning with a little Omaha sure I say gimme a rack of white and I buy for $100. I guess I'm getting slower in my old age because it took me an orbit to figure out I'm seated at a Omaha 8 or better table, which I don't mind playing but prefer playing that game at pot limit stakes to prevent Johnny Lowball from scooping half your pot with very little risk or even worse getting your ass quartered for way more than should be cause Johnny Lowball doesn't realize somebody else can have the nut low too. Anyway I endure and calm down, their 10am tourney has started and not a whole a lot of game selection this early on a Tuesday morning. The game wasn't that bad I can tell I'm pretty much the only non regular local playing as they all seem to know each other and were playing soft when it was heads up, except for when I was in there, they were seeing if I was the fish to feed the game. After an hour they realize I'm a nit and playing pretty solid they leave me alone and seem to go after the one seat, who appears to know all them but is committing all the classic Omaha sins. She is chasing the low without any draw to the nuts, betting and calling down with two pairs, and weak flushes early on she's already down three bills. Although the game overall is a nit fest, I strike up conversation with a couple of guys on my end and they're telling me good places I need to go play and eat so I'm enjoying it. I then find out most of them are just sitting there just to log hours, evidently the South Point has pretty good promotions going if you reach a set number hours played, so they're just being rocks sitting there. It's nearing 1pm most of the local at the table are packing up and I decide it's a good time as well, my plan was to go back and park the truck and have a fun day drinking some beer and find a soft 1-2NL while I get drunk, so I cash out as Ben Deach would say book the $79 win.

*****Editors Note*****

I know this has been pretty boring and micro stakes nit fest so far, however alcohol and poor decision making will soon begin to drive the action

Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
02-26-2022 , 09:27 PM
Thanks for the great TR, I love Laughlin and can't wait to go back. Living in the Arizona desert, staring at the water while drinking Jack is a good way to spend some time.
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
02-27-2022 , 10:12 AM
Great TR-am enjoying the detailed write-ups.
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
02-28-2022 , 07:44 PM
After leaving The South Point I headed back to the Excalibur, I had a free buffet voucher and had seen a few YouTube video's saying that their buffet was surprising good and true to form I give it a thumb's up. The seafood section had big enough shrimp that was actually worth the time to peel and they had a Seafood Cioppino that was damn good, plus the rest of the section was decent good hidden value if anyone's around those parts. I walked around a few other places doing some sight seeing and it was nearing 4pm and my plan was to headed over to the MGM and check out the game there, place a few college hoops bet and have some beers. I walk up to the counter and I'm immediately seated at a 1-2 game so I buy in for $300 and to my delight there's several decent stacks at the table already and after the first few orbits I see I might have stumble into a good game. I notice there was three pretty active players the first few dozen hands, especially a younger Asian kid that has been mixing up quite a bit, but I haven't seen him show down a hand yet to get a good read on him. I get dealt AK in +1 and bump it to $12, player to my left calls and then over to the Asian kid on the button who pops it to $75. Lovely my beer hasn't even got here and we're about to play a big one, going with what I've seen so far I'm thinking he's maniac trying to push me around, don't think much of the guy to my left, he's been limp happy since I sat down. So I decide to push all in, player to the left instant folds, back over to the YAK, he snaps and proudly tables the rockets, ouch!!!!! The dealer begins to run the cards and I start to reach in my pocket to reload not really paying attention to busy feeling sorry for myself and I hear the table all let out a gasp. I lookup to see there's five to the straight on the board and I receive a midnight pardon from the poker governor and I find out that YAK wasn't the maniac but a damn good player to which I would clash again with.

After the suck out of the century, I get my beer and I begin to get cozy with the table and about 30 minutes later after not playing much but managing to suck down a couple of beers I get the hand that kick starts my image and the session. Player to my left starts the action with a $10 raise, there's two callers before it's to me in the BB and I have A9 and call as well. Flop comes 10-8-3 with two hearts on board, I'm first to act and I lead out for $25, player on my left ponders I see he wants to raise but doesn't and just calls as the rest fold. The turn brings a black 7 giving me the combo draw, I again lead out staying aggressive and bet $40 and the player on my left I can tell is hating life and this hand especially, he takes a couple of minutes before calling. A black Ace peels on the river not really the card I was calling for in my head but does give me showdown value, I decide to check and call any bet that may follow, praying this guy wasn't the type that doesn't fold AK until the bitter end and to my delight he checks back quickly. I tell him I missed sort of and throw over my cards, he frowns and throws JJ into the muck so he's not the AK guy but he's the type that is scared of pocket Jacks mental note taken.

I then play a hand shortly after when I three bet A10 on the button up to $35 and get the original raiser to call and the flop A-9-5 two spades I down bet to $25 and can tell this confuses him and he just calls. The turn nuts us with the jack of spades, the player is first to act he counts his chips out and I see he has about $125 left in his stack trying to show strength but it's the move we've all seen a hundred times when their wanting to see a free card. He checks and there's no free card in this deck, I stick $75 out there knowing this will pot commit him if he decide to come along and after a few minutes that's what he does he ships it and I snap. The river is meaningless and I show him the nuts and he shows AQ and heads for the door. After that I'm feeling
good and I run over to the book and get some hoops bet in, and me the guy to my right order us another beer and that's when I notice something familiar about the dealer. The dude is freaking hilarious and has something to say about every hand and that's were I notice his card protector and see Poker Kraut on it, sweet one my favorite vloggers is dealing to me. Going back to the YAK (Young Asian Kid) he's playing some good poker and building a nice stack and that's when we play about 5 hands against each other where I brutally hold over this guy and to his credit loses only I what I considered the minimum.

I three bet him with KK see a flop & turn & river with no Ace or paint make hefty size bets each time the YAK smooth calls me and shows QQ on the end. It happens again when my QQ coolers his JJ on a non paint board. I then pair my ace two different times and my AK beats his AQ on two good size pots and then finally I flop a set on his Kings and an Ace on the turn did kill my action and again scoop a good pot from him. To his credit he took it well, shaking it off, plus me and him keep it friendly seemed like a good nature kid as this session was going great and then the last big hand of the night, the beers are making me brave and I three bet with A10off get one taker and we see a flop of K-Q-6, it's checked to me and I cautiously check it back too. I drill the gut shot on the turn as a jack peels and my opponent leads out for $50, I re raise him all in as the player only had about $140 left he calls and Broadway knock out his two pair of kings and queens. At about 10pm I decide to rack up after watching my hoops bets break even, I walk over to the cage and cash out $1101 + $801 plus the $79 profit from earlier making it $880 for day and +$1776 on the trip.

Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
02-28-2022 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by jcorb
Thanks for the great TR, I love Laughlin and can't wait to go back. Living in the Arizona desert, staring at the water while drinking Jack is a good way to spend some time.
I agree something about Laughlin I love too
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
02-28-2022 , 08:00 PM
I headed back over to the Excalibur feeling buzzed and happy about booking the win, so I decided for a nightcap grabbed a beer and figured I might need to make a footprint of myself at the joint and go belly up for some BJ. My flight to Phoenix leaves at 9:30 in the morning So figure I'll play and drink until about midnight grab a burger and head to the room. I get off to a good start at BJ bought in for $300 and ran it up to over $500 at once enjoying to beers the cocktail waitress was motivated with my $5 tips so my beer never got close to being empty. I played for about two hours and when I reach back down to my original $300 buy in, I headed for the food court it was 12:30. I ended up grabbing an overpriced burger & fries and when the girl working there asked if I wanted ketchup, I told her didn't matter because $20 I just paid for a damn burger, I was going to take one of ketchup container bottles off one of the tables with me as a souvenir, I think she thought I was kidding because she gave me some packets. I woofed down the burger once getting back to room and set my alarm for 7am for the trip Phoenix and crashed out.

Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-01-2022 , 01:55 PM
TR delivers. Can't wait for the 16th hole action.
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-02-2022 , 12:41 PM
I wake up a little weary that Wednesday morning from all the beers the night before, I grab a quick shower, throw some clothes into my carry on bag, and rush downstairs found the bell hop to check the rest of my luggage until my return Friday morning. I catch a cab to the airport, and breeze through TSA and stop at Jamba Juice for a smoothie to try and knock the cob web from brains. My timing ends up being pretty good as I only wait about 10 minutes before the flights starts boarding, plus the flight is only about half full so I have the whole row to myself. The flight is a breeze about 30 minutes once we takeoff and I doze off for about a 20 minute cat nap trying to prep myself for the incoming mayhem on the horizon. Timing is great again I had barely got off the plane, when Brian text saying they had just landed and telling me what gate to head to. I reach their gate and see four faces eager and ready to go, not like myself who had already booked four previous nights which were pretty modest by my standards but I'm no spring chicken anymore lol. So let me introduce the fools that will be in this Phoenix saga with us, first Brian one my best friends from high school and Rick his business partner, we used to all run around together when I lived in DFW with them. Brian and Rick own a freight company and they always have great hookup's from companies looking to give them perks for their business. The other two guys on the flight are from a well known Truck company, which I will not give out the name due to protect the innocent, they're both out of the Dallas branch of the company, we'll call them Okie St. & Purdue because that's where both went to college at. We first head for the bus to take us to the vehicle rental complex and we jump into a mini van and we're already pimping. We have to circle back and pick up one more guy from their company which was about an hour behind us landing, plus I've already been warned, this guy is the VP of the Texas branch and I'm told is crazy. We circle back to the terminal and pickup up this guy, which we'll call Chris Farley, because not only does he look like him, but his voice especially when he's drunk is a dead ringer.

After grabbing Farley, we're off to the Vrbo rental, these guys have setup not far from TPC Scottsdale where the golf tournament is being played, we pull in and find a nice four bedroom house, with a pool and hot tub. We throw our luggage down, Farley tells us to find any bedroom you like for tonight but more guys from their company would start to arrive to Thursday night we might have to share rooms then but for now we spread out. Farley and Purdue then head out for supplies and they tell us to chill out and wait for their return, which was only about 20 minutes because we get a text to come out side. The mini van had returned with the back pack to the ceiling with Beer and booze, I wished I'd get a pic off it, which is theme for the day being to caught up in the moment and being drunk to remember to get some good pics. If memory serves me correct, I believe we unloaded, five 30 packs each of Ultra, Miller Lite, Coors Light, Bud Light, Dos XX, and Topo Chico Hard Seltzer, two handles of Grey Goose Vodka, a handle each of Woodford and Crown. We unload the bounty and we all start pounding beers on the patio.

After a few beers I can see why Rick and Brian like these guys, because they're just like us, they like to booze and gamble as we start talking college hoops. Farley proclaims we need to get a bet working and produces his phone and shows his Caesar's betting app with his current balance of $7000 in it. He tells us, he loaded up $10K up on it that weekend and had already lost $3K. He looks at some games going only action about to tip is Cornell vs Columbia and then he finds some Euro game going. He purposes we each put down $200 a piece on each game and if we win he'd pay us in cash and the same if we lose, I start to squirm I wasn't that drunk to start blowing money like that, plus these guys have way deeper pockets than me, but I go along. We find the Cornell vs Columbia is about to tip on the ESPN app so we can watch it on the outside TV and we can keep tabs on the Euro game via the phone. Farley goes to place the bets and says I'm going to bet $500 on my end which makes both bets $1500. We continue booze it up and watch the bets unfold, somebody joked "you know you've got problems when it's 3pm on a Wednesday and your betting an Ivy League regular season game and some team from Italy you know nothing about" By halftime surprisingly both bets are in good shape and Rick returns from the house and gives me and Brian both a Vodka & Water to which they'd be the drink theme for most of the trip. We win our bets and Farley comes back to the patio and produces a gangster roll of hundreds and pays us each $400 and we do a celebration shot of Woodford, ala Mississippi Grind and then Farley tells us that their company has a larger house just off the golf course and there's a big party there tonight starting at 6pm and a driver would be showing up soon to take us there.

At around 6pm a nice black Cadillac Escalade pulls up to pick us up and we meet Frank the driver for the first time, Frank would learn to hate us as the adventure progressed but tolerated us for the payday. We drive up to without a doubt the nicest and only mansion I've ever stepped foot in or probably will ever again. We go inside and there's people and free booze everywhere, we walk outside and see they have a guy cooking enough Tri Tip to feed Africa. As we drove up to the party, we again agreed on another hoops bet, I talked them into taking Tech on the first half -2 against OU and Farley booked it. I find myself being engulfed in trucking and freight talk soon, so I wander off into another room where there's several TV's going and found the Tech & OU game is one one of them. Brian soon comes over and we sweat down another cash as Tech is up 5 at the half, we decide we need to take Tech again on the second half line, so we go and try to find Farley to book it. We searched for him all over the house no luck, Brain tries calling him no answer, which ended up being good luck as OU opens a can of whoop ass on Tech in the second half, run good still going!!! After that game was over is when my memory of the night becomes Swiss Cheese and scrambled as the liquor is kicking in big time. I do remember it's about 11pm when the first mention of us going to the casino first reared it's head, and about that time we finally see Farley again. Once Farley gets a whiff of the idea to find a casino, he's bouncing off the walls and says somebody call Frank we're going!!!

Frank arrives sometime later to pick us up and I could have swore we told him to takes us to Talking Sticks, what makes me confused on this I could have swore we went to Talking Sticks but the reason for the confusion as you'll see in the pics the chips say Casino Arizona?? I don't know maybe we went there instead, maybe someone that's been there too can clarify, but I'm 99% sure it was TS we went to but I had a lot to drink lol, anyway back to the story. As we're heading to the casino Franks getting annoyed at our drunk ass, Farley keeps touching the screen in the front seat and we're spilling booze all in his new ride. Farley tells him to chill as he begins to pay everyone in the group $200 again for the bet earlier, he then gives Frank $200 too and ask him if that helps his attitude on the situation and Franks says "Oh Yes". We go into the casino and it's like it's early 2020 we're told we have to wear a mask, they still have the plexiglass on the tables, plus only letting three people on the BJ tables and it's packed wall to wall. I'm thinking we arrived there around 12:30am using my CSI skills and from the time stamps of my pics but I'm not 100% sure as Brian finds a seat at a BJ table I sit and watch. He's getting raped early on and a spot opens at his table and Rick slides in, then Farley is able to jump in at the table next to them. I remember watching them all getting taken to the woodshed and laughing at Farley & Rick as both were drunk and not taking it very well being loud and creating a scene. Okie St. & Purdue then remerged from the bar and brought me a drink and asked if me if I wanted to check out the poker room, sounds good to me and I tell Brian we'd be in the poker room and we headed over and get seated. Me and Okie St get placed at different 2-3 NL games and Purdue jumped in the 2-5NL game.

Again my memory is fuzzing from this session and I didn't take any notes because I was drunk, but I'll go over the hands I have somewhat memories of. I buy in for $300 and sit down in the 9 seat, I find KK and I think I three bet it, don't remember the amount and think the flop came pretty clean, no ace on board. I'm thinking the villain lead into to me and I shoved and got a call, the kings hold up and we have doubled up. I remember winning another good hand with AK, which setup the next hand which I do remember lol under the gun opens for $10 folded to me in the BB and I find J9off and call. Flop is J-9-6 villain bets and I raise him back with two pair, he raises back, I do remember putting him on an over pair and move all in, and of course he instant calls. I remember the Jack coming on the turn filling me up, can't remember the river but I throw over my cards thinking I had him crushed after the flop and the villain shakes his head tossing his flopped set of sixes and smaller boat away sickly, nothing like a good suck out going to the drunk at the table . That's about all the action I remember from poker, next thing that comes to mind is Okie St. coming over and asking if I noticed the text Brain had sent? I say no and pull my phone out and find the following messages. They're about to toss Rick out of here...Security is coming...Where you guys at?... Security walked Rick & Farley out and they won't let me come find you guys because I'm with them.....Frank is taking us back to the house, guess you can Uber back

I notice the text are a hour old and it's now 3:30am, he tells me Purdue is trying to get us an Uber so we both rack up and hit the cage. We spend the next 30 minutes waiting on the Uber driver to show up and then we get a cancel from him saying he's off duty. We try to get another driver but are having no luck, then Okie St. says I have Frank number I'll call his ass, he wakes him up and tells him he'll make worth his wild to come get us. Frank pulls in about 15 minutes later and pick us up and drove us to the rent house, Okie St. gives him $500 I'm like holy balls dude, he laughs he says Farley gave him half his money in the casino so he wouldn't gamble it all and that's were the 5 bills came from. Frank drives off the three of us walk up to the door and find it locked, neither has a key. We begin pounding on all the doors windows, calling all their phones for 15 minutes it's almost 5am by now and I'm waiting for one of the neighbors to come out with a shotgun and blast our ass. Finally, we manage to wake Brain and he unlocks the door, I crawl in bed for about a two nap before our 7am wake call to go to the golf tournament.

Later that morning I tried to put the pieces together from the previous day, I knew I was +$600 on the hoops betting and from what I could tell was +$1225 on the poker session netting a profit of +$1825 on the day and pushing us to +$3601 on the trip which would sadly soon evaporate

Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-02-2022 , 01:38 PM
Casino Arizona is Talking Stick. Or is it the other way around? CA (a little south on the freeway) and TS (the nice resort/casino with the poker) is closer to north Scottsdale and the golf tournament.

Owned/operated by the same tribe.

Masks mandates and plexiglass at the poker tables have been removed, per reports.

Last edited by AzOther1; 03-02-2022 at 01:53 PM. Reason: mask update
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-03-2022 , 09:59 AM
Very enjoyable read so far.

(Only incredibly small niggle is that some of the big walls of text can be hard to read but that might just be me!)
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-03-2022 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by AzOther1
Casino Arizona is Talking Stick. Or is it the other way around? CA (a little south on the freeway) and TS (the nice resort/casino with the poker) is closer to north Scottsdale and the golf tournament.

Owned/operated by the same tribe.

Masks mandates and plexiglass at the poker tables have been removed, per reports.
Thanks, for clearing that up, I was uploading the pictures when I saw that and was a little disturbed by it not know where the hell I'd been lol.
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-03-2022 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by mackem790
Very enjoyable read so far.

(Only incredibly small niggle is that some of the big walls of text can be hard to read but that might just be me!)
You're right, sorry I'm horrible at formatting this
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-03-2022 , 12:21 PM
I feel someone shaking me out of a coma the next morning at 7am as Brian is trying to drag me out of the bed, he screams "Get up, Frank will be here in 30 minutes!!!" I come to and ask him to kill me and put me out of my misery, he just rolls his eyes and tells me to hurray. I go into the bathroom and set a worlds record performing the most consecutive dry heaves without actually vomiting, so I've got that going for me on this Thursday morning.

I get showered and dressed and walk into the living area where everyone is laughing and telling tales about the night before. Farley is holding court telling them that he looked over and saw Rick trying to stand up in chair to tell yell at the dealer over the plexiglass and that's when it went south, said security started to converge on them like OJ in the white Bronco. I found out Brian lost 2K, Rick says he down about 3K, and Farley says don't ask lol. It's 7:35 before Frank rolls up to take us back over to the main house where they're serving breakfast, I warn the guys Frank maybe late because he went get a bazooka to kill us after last night, but he doesn't he's just shaking his head as he emerges from the Escalade.

We stumble into the breakfast line upon our arrival at the big house, I make a plate with a little bit of eggs, a scoop of Chili Verde, and some hash browns, but I decline the Bloody Mary, Screw Drivers and Mimosa at the bar section instead opting for the a Diet Pepsi. I pick at my food, my stomach is not hearing it, and I fear if I have a Bloody Mary I will sh*t myself, which isn't stopping Farley, Rick and Brian as they're going to town on the Mimosas. There giving me sh*t to start drinking and tell them if I'd got to go home a decent hour I'd be right there with them too, we stay at the house for about an hour then we load up and Frank drops us off at golf tournament.

Once we enter the golf course and I starting seeing that beautiful green course sitting in a wasteland, I began to perk up, and we make our way to the 16th stadium hole and as we arrive it's more than I imagined. We enter the suite entrance and I discover the structure is three layered with suites wrapped around it on all levels, we're on the third level about two thirds of the way to green from the tee box. The suites are a little small, but I like how they had it setup, as you enter there is two circle bar type tables with four chairs at each, then just below that view you have eight stadium seats, with four in each level.

We get settled in the stadium seats and Farley, Purdue, & Okie St tells us they need to do mingling and handshaking they'd be in and out. We watch the first group come through and laugh as only one player hits the green and the two that don't are booed, soon our smoking hot waitress comes introduces herself and I decide it's time to start as I order a vodka cranberry. We've been to golf tournaments before, The Masters, Bryon Nelson, The Colonial, The Match Play event is Austin and had access to suites at most of them but this was the coolest event I'd ever been too, it was sweet.

It doesn't take long before we start betting on which player hits it closest to the green at $20 a piece, plus its another $20 if the other player guy birdies or if your player bogeys. Once we'd weaned ourselves of vodka cran we start on vodka & water a little before noon, soon the bets are doubled. That's when Farley had come back over and he was loving what we were doing and wanted in, so he and Rick decide to team up, so their bets would either pay 2 to 1 or you'd pay them at 2 to 1, yikes this was getting out of control. The bets then tripled about 3pm once we were all feeling good from the vodka and I'm getting murdered on these bets, I ended up losing $600 on this stupid **** plus another $100 towards the tip for our waitress.

We headed out to meet Frank at 5:30 other than losing a lot of money we'd had a great time, the older guys in suite next to us had gotten such a kick out our betting game they came over to our side and got in on the action too, it was a blast. The original plan was to head back to the house clean up and go to the country concert being held there, Purdue and Okie St were hell bent on going to it. Farley I had ask us if we wanted to go and by that time we all wanted to keep drinking and maybe find some food because our dumbasses didn't foretake in any of the free food they had setup in the suite area, so we decide we'd go find a place to eat at and then meet back up with those guys.

We drop off the guys back at the rent house and Farley has Frank take us to the Capital Grille, the place is packed and to Farley's credit within ten minutes we're being seated. I get up and go to the restroom come back to find a beer and a shot Woodford at the table. Farley said everyone has to pick us out a shot, while we're here to which to Woodford was so smooth we ended up doing four of those in the two hour span we spent there. It's about 8pm and we're trying to figure out what to do next, Rick jokingly says a rub and a tug would be great and Farley shakes his head and says lets do it!!!!

By this time Frank is back waiting for us in the parking lot, we climb in and Farley ask Frank if he knows any place to get a rub and a tug, he pauses and says he might know a place over close to ASU and Farley says take us there. It's about 8pm when we start the drive and we drive for what seems like forever we finally get to the area and Franks says he's not sure exactly where it is, he'd have to drive around and find it. For thirty minutes we circle strip malls in this area and Franks claim they must have shutdown because he can't find it, suddenly we pass a Circle K and Farley yells stop. The dude goes inside we figuring he's pissing, but comes back out with a bulging sack gets back in and throws a 36oz beer at each of us and a five hour energy and says we need to recharge the battery. He then tells Frank the guy working behind the counter says there's a massage parlor just down the road, to go and find it.

Sure enough we drive a few blocks and we a see a seeding looking building with a neon Message sign flashing in the window, Farley yells pull in!! Farley gets out goes over to find a locked door, we hear him say there's a number on the door for after hours needs and he's going to call it. We hear him call the number and start telling the person there's four of us and we want everything if you know what I mean, we're laughing our ass off in the vehicle, and then he tells us remember this address and last part of it was apartment 303. We all look at each other and say "Hell No!! we not going to some apartment to get robbed" Farley is still on the phone and Rick tells Frank, once he gets back in the vehicle you take us back to house, we'll distract him, he won't realize it until we pull in.

Once we pulled into the area the rent house was located, Farley realized what was going on was crushed, he then begged us to go to a bar instead, we tell him there's plenty of booze inside lets have a few and then we might. He's not hearing it, Frank had to go pickup Purdue and Okie St at the concert he'd just go with him and get those guys to go somewhere. It was 10:30 when we entered the house we drank a couple more beers than we were all ready to get to sleep, we had another 7am wake up call to deal with again for the flight back to Vegas. I think I fell asleep the minute I hit the pillow and didn't move until the alarm went off at 7am.

Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-04-2022 , 02:43 AM
That was two pretty ****ing epic nights. Really disappointed that rub and tugs didn't materialize.
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-04-2022 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by The Deck
You're right, sorry I'm horrible at formatting this
Thanks sir.

And as a golf journalist by trade I enjoyed the latest update in particular.
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-06-2022 , 10:07 AM
Great TR! Looking forward to additional updates.
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-13-2022 , 10:37 PM
Tunnel time?
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-14-2022 , 10:03 AM
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
03-17-2022 , 05:15 PM
Oh man I missed one of these trips, I always enjoy them. I love the Laughlin content and low limit, spread limit and O8. Good stuff.
Post 9 Day TR Report Poker, Phoenix Open, Golf and Super Bowl Adventure 2/5 through 2/14 Quote
