I wake up a little weary that Wednesday morning from all the beers the night before, I grab a quick shower, throw some clothes into my carry on bag, and rush downstairs found the bell hop to check the rest of my luggage until my return Friday morning. I catch a cab to the airport, and breeze through TSA and stop at Jamba Juice for a smoothie to try and knock the cob web from brains. My timing ends up being pretty good as I only wait about 10 minutes before the flights starts boarding, plus the flight is only about half full so I have the whole row to myself. The flight is a breeze about 30 minutes once we takeoff and I doze off for about a 20 minute cat nap trying to prep myself for the incoming mayhem on the horizon. Timing is great again I had barely got off the plane, when Brian text saying they had just landed and telling me what gate to head to. I reach their gate and see four faces eager and ready to go, not like myself who had already booked four previous nights which were pretty modest by my standards but I'm no spring chicken anymore lol. So let me introduce the fools that will be in this Phoenix saga with us, first Brian one my best friends from high school and Rick his business partner, we used to all run around together when I lived in DFW with them. Brian and Rick own a freight company and they always have great hookup's from companies looking to give them perks for their business. The other two guys on the flight are from a well known Truck company, which I will not give out the name due to protect the innocent, they're both out of the Dallas branch of the company, we'll call them Okie St. & Purdue because that's where both went to college at. We first head for the bus to take us to the vehicle rental complex and we jump into a mini van and we're already pimping. We have to circle back and pick up one more guy from their company which was about an hour behind us landing, plus I've already been warned, this guy is the VP of the Texas branch and I'm told is crazy. We circle back to the terminal and pickup up this guy, which we'll call Chris Farley, because not only does he look like him, but his voice especially when he's drunk is a dead ringer.
After grabbing Farley, we're off to the Vrbo rental, these guys have setup not far from TPC Scottsdale where the golf tournament is being played, we pull in and find a nice four bedroom house, with a pool and hot tub. We throw our luggage down, Farley tells us to find any bedroom you like for tonight but more guys from their company would start to arrive to Thursday night we might have to share rooms then but for now we spread out. Farley and Purdue then head out for supplies and they tell us to chill out and wait for their return, which was only about 20 minutes because we get a text to come out side. The mini van had returned with the back pack to the ceiling with Beer and booze, I wished I'd get a pic off it, which is theme for the day being to caught up in the moment and being drunk to remember to get some good pics. If memory serves me correct, I believe we unloaded, five 30 packs each of Ultra, Miller Lite, Coors Light, Bud Light, Dos XX, and Topo Chico Hard Seltzer, two handles of Grey Goose Vodka, a handle each of Woodford and Crown. We unload the bounty and we all start pounding beers on the patio.
After a few beers I can see why Rick and Brian like these guys, because they're just like us, they like to booze and gamble as we start talking college hoops. Farley proclaims we need to get a bet working and produces his phone and shows his Caesar's betting app with his current balance of $7000 in it. He tells us, he loaded up $10K up on it that weekend and had already lost $3K. He looks at some games going only action about to tip is Cornell vs Columbia and then he finds some Euro game going. He purposes we each put down $200 a piece on each game and if we win he'd pay us in cash and the same if we lose, I start to squirm I wasn't that drunk to start blowing money like that, plus these guys have way deeper pockets than me, but I go along. We find the Cornell vs Columbia is about to tip on the ESPN app so we can watch it on the outside TV and we can keep tabs on the Euro game via the phone. Farley goes to place the bets and says I'm going to bet $500 on my end which makes both bets $1500. We continue booze it up and watch the bets unfold, somebody joked "you know you've got problems when it's 3pm on a Wednesday and your betting an Ivy League regular season game and some team from Italy you know nothing about" By halftime surprisingly both bets are in good shape and Rick returns from the house and gives me and Brian both a Vodka & Water to which they'd be the drink theme for most of the trip. We win our bets and Farley comes back to the patio and produces a gangster roll of hundreds and pays us each $400 and we do a celebration shot of Woodford, ala Mississippi Grind

and then Farley tells us that their company has a larger house just off the golf course and there's a big party there tonight starting at 6pm and a driver would be showing up soon to take us there.
At around 6pm a nice black Cadillac Escalade pulls up to pick us up and we meet Frank the driver for the first time, Frank would learn to hate us as the adventure progressed but tolerated us for the payday. We drive up to without a doubt the nicest and only mansion I've ever stepped foot in or probably will ever again. We go inside and there's people and free booze everywhere, we walk outside and see they have a guy cooking enough Tri Tip to feed Africa. As we drove up to the party, we again agreed on another hoops bet, I talked them into taking Tech on the first half -2 against OU and Farley booked it. I find myself being engulfed in trucking and freight talk soon, so I wander off into another room where there's several TV's going and found the Tech & OU game is one one of them. Brian soon comes over and we sweat down another cash as Tech is up 5 at the half, we decide we need to take Tech again on the second half line, so we go and try to find Farley to book it. We searched for him all over the house no luck, Brain tries calling him no answer, which ended up being good luck as OU opens a can of whoop ass on Tech in the second half, run good still going!!! After that game was over is when my memory of the night becomes Swiss Cheese and scrambled as the liquor is kicking in big time. I do remember it's about 11pm when the first mention of us going to the casino first reared it's head, and about that time we finally see Farley again. Once Farley gets a whiff of the idea to find a casino, he's bouncing off the walls and says somebody call Frank we're going!!!
Frank arrives sometime later to pick us up and I could have swore we told him to takes us to Talking Sticks, what makes me confused on this I could have swore we went to Talking Sticks but the reason for the confusion as you'll see in the pics the chips say Casino Arizona?? I don't know maybe we went there instead, maybe someone that's been there too can clarify, but I'm 99% sure it was TS we went to but I had a lot to drink lol, anyway back to the story. As we're heading to the casino Franks getting annoyed at our drunk ass, Farley keeps touching the screen in the front seat and we're spilling booze all in his new ride. Farley tells him to chill as he begins to pay everyone in the group $200 again for the bet earlier, he then gives Frank $200 too and ask him if that helps his attitude on the situation and Franks says "Oh Yes". We go into the casino and it's like it's early 2020 we're told we have to wear a mask, they still have the plexiglass on the tables, plus only letting three people on the BJ tables and it's packed wall to wall. I'm thinking we arrived there around 12:30am using my CSI skills and from the time stamps of my pics but I'm not 100% sure as Brian finds a seat at a BJ table I sit and watch. He's getting raped early on and a spot opens at his table and Rick slides in, then Farley is able to jump in at the table next to them. I remember watching them all getting taken to the woodshed and laughing at Farley & Rick as both were drunk and not taking it very well being loud and creating a scene. Okie St. & Purdue then remerged from the bar and brought me a drink and asked if me if I wanted to check out the poker room, sounds good to me and I tell Brian we'd be in the poker room and we headed over and get seated. Me and Okie St get placed at different 2-3 NL games and Purdue jumped in the 2-5NL game.
Again my memory is fuzzing from this session and I didn't take any notes because I was drunk, but I'll go over the hands I have somewhat memories of. I buy in for $300 and sit down in the 9 seat, I find KK and I think I three bet it, don't remember the amount and think the flop came pretty clean, no ace on board. I'm thinking the villain lead into to me and I shoved and got a call, the kings hold up and we have doubled up. I remember winning another good hand with AK, which setup the next hand which I do remember lol under the gun opens for $10 folded to me in the BB and I find J9off and call. Flop is J-9-6 villain bets and I raise him back with two pair, he raises back, I do remember putting him on an over pair and move all in, and of course he instant calls. I remember the Jack coming on the turn filling me up, can't remember the river but I throw over my cards thinking I had him crushed after the flop and the villain shakes his head tossing his flopped set of sixes and smaller boat away sickly, nothing like a good suck out going to the drunk at the table

. That's about all the action I remember from poker, next thing that comes to mind is Okie St. coming over and asking if I noticed the text Brain had sent? I say no and pull my phone out and find the following messages.
They're about to toss Rick out of here..
.Security is coming...
Where you guys at?...
Security walked Rick & Farley out and they won't let me come find you guys because I'm with them.....
Frank is taking us back to the house, guess you can Uber back
I notice the text are a hour old and it's now 3:30am, he tells me Purdue is trying to get us an Uber so we both rack up and hit the cage. We spend the next 30 minutes waiting on the Uber driver to show up and then we get a cancel from him saying he's off duty. We try to get another driver but are having no luck, then Okie St. says I have Frank number I'll call his ass, he wakes him up and tells him he'll make worth his wild to come get us. Frank pulls in about 15 minutes later and pick us up and drove us to the rent house, Okie St. gives him $500 I'm like holy balls dude, he laughs he says Farley gave him half his money in the casino so he wouldn't gamble it all and that's were the 5 bills came from. Frank drives off the three of us walk up to the door and find it locked, neither has a key. We begin pounding on all the doors windows, calling all their phones for 15 minutes it's almost 5am by now and I'm waiting for one of the neighbors to come out with a shotgun and blast our ass. Finally, we manage to wake Brain and he unlocks the door, I crawl in bed for about a two nap before our 7am wake call to go to the golf tournament.
Later that morning I tried to put the pieces together from the previous day, I knew I was +$600 on the hoops betting and from what I could tell was +$1225 on the poker session netting a profit of +$1825 on the day and pushing us to +$3601 on the trip which would sadly soon evaporate