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Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas?

11-19-2013 , 05:10 AM
You are short bankrolled and scared to lose it, and he's a maniac. So sit patiently and wait for KK-AA and shove. Or better yet minraise and let him put you all-in. Don't even play AQ-AK. Maniacs gonna maniac.
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
11-19-2013 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by amusedlol
Tight and over plays tptk is the lifeblood of llsnl. Get out of that mode very soon.
Very tight set-or-better miner isnt going to do that much better, IMO... also its somewhat situation dependent, but most times, stacking 50bbs deep with TPTK isnt that terrible (certainly not as terrible as setmining 50bbs deep)
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
11-19-2013 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by uncleholdems

my biggest leak fwiw is overplaying TPTK, for example I lost a lot last night -$200 with that, biggest loss as my pocket KK vs villian 2 pair on a rainbow board 3h10cJd7d2c; villian was betting $30 on every street, I suppose I shouldve folded postflop though w/KK I thought I was good.. though trips or 2pr had me beat. Falling in love w/pocket AA KK is hard to get away from when there's no draws on the board (trips and 2pr is what gets me).
Raise flop. Fold to further aggression.

Originally Posted by eobmtns
You are short bankrolled and scared to lose it, and he's a maniac. So sit patiently and wait for KK-AA and shove. Or better yet minraise and let him put you all-in. Don't even play AQ-AK. Maniacs gonna maniac.
Or get up and find another table.

av wait time for AA/KK is like 3 hours and around $30 in blinds... and youre not getting called that often when you shove unless maniac is a complete drooler....
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
11-19-2013 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by WillCK
get a premium hand....and shove.....if he doesnt suck out on you...rinse repeat
This would not be my strategy. Let's assume that Villain is a decent LAG and not a gambling maniac (my strategy would be different if he were the latter).

LAGs make money by pushing around fit or fold players. They raise big, c-bet, and count on players to give up unless they make a real hand. Thus, he keeps pressuring them with bets -- pounding scare cards -- until they fold.

The last part is the key: the LAG knows that players are waiting to stick it to him when they make a hand. So what does he do? He gives up when he runs into resistance. He's in most pots with a marginal hand, and so a decent LAG has learned to back off when someone wants to play back at him.

How should this translate into a proper counter-strategy? 3 things:

1. Find a seat in position on him, if possible.

2. Raise with your weaker hands.

3. Call with your stronger hands.

These fixes exploit the LAGs primary leaks: he's loose, he bets light, and he attacks perceived weakness. You counter this by isolating him, re-raising him with your weaker hands that have decent equity against a wide range, and letting him attack you when you have a real hand.

For more counter-strategy advice, buy Ed Miller's book, "Playing the Player." Good luck.
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
11-19-2013 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Turyia
Very tight set-or-better miner isnt going to do that much better, IMO... also its somewhat situation dependent, but most times, stacking 50bbs deep with TPTK isnt that terrible (certainly not as terrible as setmining 50bbs deep)
i didn't mean that he should play tighter. sorry if it sounded that way. anyway not a strat forum, right? =)
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
11-19-2013 , 12:05 PM
OP doesn't seem capable... so, get an mp3 player and wait for premium hands.

leaving the variance and exploitation to the rest of us.
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
11-19-2013 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by amusedlol
i didn't mean that he should play tighter. sorry if it sounded that way.
Actually, i had willck's post (wait for a premium and fold) in mind when i typed my response, and no idea why i ended up quoting yours.

anyway not a strat forum, right? =)
Well, i suppose we could always turn it into another bankroll debate..
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
11-19-2013 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Turyia
Well, i suppose we could always turn it into another bankroll debate..
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
11-19-2013 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
OP doesn't seem capable... so, get an mp3 player and wait for premium hands.

leaving the variance and exploitation to the rest of us.
lol this... also good tips from everyone, thanks...i'll reload and take your guys tips to heart and try it out... this week is my big poker week to learn in live play...a week in vegas and no wife this trip.. thx re flamingo tip, i'll also try ph... seems like some decent players here mgm along w/us fish... scared money strategy is right... i think i'll wait for 2pr/trips minimum on non draw rich boards and stop overbetting tptk from now fave hand is Ax suited on flop w/2 matching suits to get nut flush draw, then shove w flush, though that happens maybe 1x in 20hrs...thx all.
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
11-20-2013 , 12:07 PM
reshoving with three to a flush is going to get paid off exactly zero percent of the time... well... maybe on the little tables it might.
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
11-26-2013 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by durango155
I think u should quit playing 1/2 and stick to play money online...u sound like scared dead money to me
I must agree. People that play tight and wait for hands generally get no action when they bet, and cleaned when they get trapped. The days of ABC poker are dying, you must have more range in your game to be successful, IMO.
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
11-26-2013 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by ten25
When was the last time you played $1/$2?

I played a bit in October and most open raises were in the $8-$12 range when I played at the following rooms: Excalibur, MGM Grand, Binion's. Isolation raises were of course larger than that more in the $12-$20 range.

There were even a few tables I played on where $6 was common. I did see a few people opening to $14-$20 but it was far less common than any of the smaller sizes.

Small sample size though... might have just been the tables I was on.
Excalibur is probably the nittiest room in Vegas right now, and the MGM isn't what it used to be. While 20 is a bit big, 12-14 is totally standard, and a damn fine way to get chasers off your pot and isolate.
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-03-2013 , 03:35 PM
I will be in town for a wedding staying right near the MGM, excalibur, luxor, tropicana...probably will only be able to play a little bit mid day.

I assume MGM is probably the best option of those four for some decent day games right?
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-03-2013 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by durango155
I will be in town for a wedding staying right near the MGM, excalibur, luxor, tropicana...probably will only be able to play a little bit mid day.

I assume MGM is probably the best option of those four for some decent day games right?
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-03-2013 , 04:11 PM
my gf was the Nationals Final Rodeo is based out of the MGM too...I supposed there will be some degen drunk cowboys in the games this weekend.....
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-03-2013 , 05:06 PM
Your GF was the rodeo? Get yourself checked out.
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-03-2013 , 06:35 PM
should be "gf said" pretty lol typo
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-03-2013 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by durango155
my gf was the Nationals Final Rodeo is based out of the MGM too...I supposed there will be some degen drunk cowboys in the games this weekend.....
Originally Posted by eco74
Your GF was the rodeo? Get yourself checked out.
Too funny!
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-04-2013 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by uncleholdems

p.s. my favorite part about playing MGM is watching all the hotties go to hakkasans in their ultra-short skirts, last night/fight night was epic legs everywhere, lol
This. When I was there in July I couldn't resist, and quit the game and hit the dance floor. Epic night.
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-05-2013 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by Limo Wreck
...then the next best options are to play tighter and trap him with strong hands
That's precisely the wrong strategy and I see it all the time. Aggro guy comes to a table and everybody tightens up. The aggro guy chips up easily. Then finally you see a nit check-raise and the aggro guy folds obviously.

Loosen up. If he's raising 50% of the time, re-raise him with anything in the top 30% of hands.
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-05-2013 , 01:20 PM
be willing to get it in with the best hand pre flop... that's the best way to shut these guys up.
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-06-2013 , 09:21 PM
Just arrived in vegas driving from booked some dinky room at the desert rose shell vacations property literally right behind Hooters and across the street from MGM. Going play some late night cards...tropicana MGM or hooters???
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-06-2013 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by durango155
Just arrived in vegas driving from booked some dinky room at the desert rose shell vacations property literally right behind Hooters and across the street from MGM. Going play some late night cards...tropicana MGM or hooters???
You know trop and hooters have no poker room right?
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-06-2013 , 10:51 PM
Lol nope guess my decision is easy
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
12-07-2013 , 05:22 AM
MGM is tighttrttttt no donkeys
Play vs aggros in MGM 1-2 NLHE - ideas? Quote
