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Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill

08-04-2021 , 12:38 AM
An interesting story from this weekend. Mostly curious to how you all believe it played out *after* I left: On Sunday, I was cashing out a few tickets at the Paris sportsbook. I made two separate trips to the window and saw two different cashiers (I had a number of tickets, including a few round robins, so the separate trips were to help me insure the payouts were correct). I promptly take the money up to my room and begin counting it before putting it away and starting my day. While counting, I noticed one of the $100 bills was just off - it felt a little different than the other bills and the coloring (it was the newest version of bills) was a faded blue as if it had been through the washer a few times. I then checked the security feature in the light and it looked like someone had stenciled in a distorted Ben Franklin (clearly different than the other bills I had). Convinced it was counterfeit, I went immediately back down to the casino floor and asked to speak to a floor person holding that “bill” and another real bill for comparison. After hearing my story, the gentlemen who arrived told me I needed to speak to the supervisor of the sportsbook. I thought this a bit odd as the bill originated there and was (potentially) placed by someone who works there (or, at a likely minimum, erroneously accepted by someone who works in the book). This was a potentially biased party I wanted to avoid. Anyway, without any choice, I go back to the sportsbook cashier and ask to speak to the supervisor. When he comes over, directly behind the cashier, I ask if we could speak in private (you know, away from the two cashiers who just paid me out). He takes literally two steps over and says “tell me what can I do for you” within whisper distance of both cashiers. Despite the awkwardness, I tell him the story, another supervisor confirms she saw me get paid out, he checks the bill and immediately says it’s “clearly counterfeit”. He then asks me why I didn’t bring this up when I was paid out. I explain that, like a bank, I don’t typically expect casinos to pass bad bills and after the cashiers counted the money, I just put it into my pocket. After that point, he was great. He called up some other supervisors on the house phone. Told that party my story: guest of the hotel, few thousand dollar cash out, one clear counterfeit bill, came back to sportsbook within 15 minutes to complain. He asked to see my ID and then gave me a new $100 from the drawer - all within 5 minutes. A small part of my day inconvenienced, but all in all, Paris made things right, so I can’t complain. What got me was what he said when he handed me the $100 - “it’s okay, I guess I’ll just be short $100 for the day”. Also, obviously they can see who paid me out on video, but it was odd that he didn’t ask me which two of the cashiers paid me out. It *felt* like the entire episode just ended with me getting some real money as the supervisor just casually walked away. This couldn’t possibly be the case, right? (doesn’t the casino have some sort of reporting requirement for this sort of thing? Aren’t they fearful that an employee was involved? Wouldn’t they at a minimum want to document things in case a repeat situation occurs so they could find/punish root cause?)
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 12:55 AM
$100 bucks is a very very very very small price of doing business as a casino. I’m sure the guy submitted a simple report, someone accepted a fake bill, replaced with new one -$100 for casino. Now if it was a whole stack of fake bills then you would have some interested parties
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 12:56 AM
I don't think you can read into what the casino is going to do based on what they said to you in public.

They did the right thing for you.

Anything further are just speculative assumptions, worrying over nothing.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 01:08 AM
Very fair. It was more curiosity than worry. Although I’d note, I got very lucky. If I didn’t count the money right away and notice the issue, I would likely have been out a $100. Not the end of the world obviously but annoying. My longer term “worry” would be that their controls and/or policies are sufficiently weak that this isn’t a blue moon type occurrence. A bit of public theater would have diminished that concern.

Originally Posted by Outoftime44444
I don't think you can read into what the casino is going to do based on what they said to you in public.

They did the right thing for you.

Anything further are just speculative assumptions, worrying over nothing.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by tjd2001
Very fair. It was more curiosity than worry. Although I’d note, I got very lucky. If I didn’t count the money right away and notice the issue, I would likely have been out a $100. Not the end of the world obviously but annoying. My longer term “worry” would be that their controls and/or policies are sufficiently weak that this isn’t a blue moon type occurrence. A bit of public theater would have diminished that concern.
Your post had a surprise ending haha I thought for sure it was going to end with you not getting the money back.

haha I am now thinking positive of Paris
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 01:50 AM
I had just the opposite experience quite some time ago at Circus Circus Circus Circus Circus in Vegas. I cashed out $400 in chips and was handed four $100 bills. Walking away and putting them in my wallet, I noticed that one felt odd. Looking at it, it was obvious that it was a crude counterfeit. I returned to the cashier and said I needed to speak to the supervisor.

I was then ordered--not asked--to stay exactly where I was. The supervisor summoned a whole regiment of people in suits and casino security guards. I was asked at least five times if I had had that counterfeit in my wallet the whole time and was trying to pass it off to the casino. This was despite the fact that I had no other $100 bills in my wallet--or on my person, as they found when they searched me--other than the four I had been given, including the counterfeit.

They apparently eventually looked at the surveillance tape and determined that I had indeed received the bogus bill from the cashier. They handed me a real $100 and the manager said in an unpleasant tone of voice, "You can go now." I was annoyed and pointed out to him that as the cashier was a professional money handler, she must have known damn well that the bill was fake and was trying to cover up her error in having accepted it from someone else. This suggestion was not well received.

Two consequences of this: I always count and examine my money before walking away, and since then, I have and will never again set foot in the Pepto-Bismol Palace (I hate pink anyway).
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 02:30 AM
This is just my take on this situation.

The supervisor handled the problem not only promptly but accurately. He asked the questions he needs to ask without making you feel like you are trying to pass a counterfeit bill.

He has no business involving you past this point. He will handle the internal portion of the situation privately.

A few things I am assuming here:
1. Supervisor will watch the footage carefully and make sure no monkey business is going on after you leave regarding the cashiers.
2. Employees there would not risk their jobs or going to jail for just a $100 bill or two. They know their area is in full visibility.
3. This doesn't happen often enough to question the cashiers but happens enough that they know this is possible. What I mean is just like a company knows a portion of their AR will not be paid, the casino exactly knows how often they'll have to deal with a counterfeit $100 bill.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 06:34 AM
Do these casino cashiers not have the counting machines that detect counterfeit bills at each window? Seems that the rooms I play at, all cash going out or coming in goes through the machine in the presence of the player, even if it's a small amount. Even the little dog track rooms do that. Its standard procedure. So it seems weird that the bill didnt get caught.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 11:56 AM
The questions you raise at the end of your post are valid enough. Realize thatthe casino itselfmost likely has another department that will take over the investigation to see which cashier , even which supervisor, and potentially which customer dropped a hundo on them.
Be very glad they took care of you in a timely manner.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 12:56 PM
Cool story bro.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 01:58 PM
It sounds like they took care of you. No reason to involve you any further. I'm sure they have protocol to follow.

Unless you are at Circus Circus apparently...
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 05:38 PM
I'm surprised they didn't take your information in case they need to contact you later with follow-up questions (e.g. which cashier paid you, other people around etc..). Anyway, glad you got paid and wasn't too much of an inconvenience.

I had a strange experience at Venetian a few years ago, where they claimed they paid me too much when cashing out. I was unfortunately staying there and they sent security up to my room to "collect". They threatened to contact Gaming Commission and I was like excellent idea, do that and let GC handle this. Was then told I was barred from betting in Sportsbook at Venetian. Probably +EV lifetime! Thank you.

Checked out next day and never heard from them again.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-04-2021 , 09:02 PM
I treat the cage just like they treat me. Look over each bill at the time of the pay out, ask to borrow their counterfeit pen, check each bill then pocket the money. Turn about is fair play.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-05-2021 , 08:04 AM
Definitely good practice to look at and touch the bills they hand you (and not to sell chips to people in line). Only accept new hundreds and learn about their security features. One good check is the raised printing on Ben’s shoulder (left side of the bill). It’s rougher than the printing in the rest of the bill and is a good cross check. However as others said many poker rooms run money they give you through a counting machine. If they do that the bills have already been scanned/checked so there is less worry.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-05-2021 , 08:38 AM
Both Casinos and Banks are often targeted with counterfeit bills. Are not that uncommon, even for the trained eye, if handling a bunch of bills, in rush hours to the face of a trusted customer. Many of them just ended in the cashier drawers due to previous customers that never noticed it either or simply "played it" casual while buying their chips or make a deposit... someone has to suck it...

Nowadays, cashiers often have handy, devices to detect those, but again, in the face of a trusted customer might be "offensive" to review them in front of them.

Some random source:
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-05-2021 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by DuckU
I'm surprised they didn't take your information in case they need to contact you later with follow-up questions (e.g. which cashier paid you, other people around etc..). Anyway, glad you got paid and wasn't too much of an inconvenience.
Casinos have cameras
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-05-2021 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by trob888
Casinos have cameras
Come on man, you never seen Ocean's 11?
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-07-2021 , 01:45 AM
I always thought this is interesting. How do you know for a fact that the cash you receive at the cashier at the casino is legit? Years ago when I was in vegas, i never thought of anything like that such as any cash you receive at the cashier is real.

But one thing that I wasn't that big of a fan of was at the poker table when people would buy chips off others. I remember one time, there was this guy that would offer to buy chips off another guy... that other guy was drunk and didn't mind it at all. He did it many times as well but definitely was not a good player. That guy giving the bills looked pretty shady but I couldn't really look at the bill that well. But is it very common for people to buy chips off others at the table and pass fake bills? Remember this was at the wynn. Casinos in vegas still allow to you to buy/sell chips right and cash plays?

Also back then i recall at the poker table, many times when you get a seat, you give your cash to the chiprunner who then gets you chips when you sit down. Now when you give them the cash, they go to the cashier and then switch it for chips. Of course you can also do that yourself. But then i recall when you buy chips at the cashier, when do they check if the bills you give them are legit or not? I dont remember that well since its years ago but i just remember giving them cash and then they count the cash on the table and then give chips. I mean do they put the cash in a counting machine which detects the cash immediately afterwards?

Also when you receive cash from other people at the table, besides feeling it, do you use one of those pens to see if its counterfeit?

Also I recall many low limit games even have people with like 10 bills of $100+ etc. I mean how do you know for a fact those bills are legit? I mean unless you check every single one of them, do most people do this when they receive the bills?
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-07-2021 , 05:17 AM
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-08-2021 , 07:52 PM
Why would you think an employee was involved? Theyd have to bring in a counterfeit and switch it with a real, and surely there is a better place to try such a move.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-08-2021 , 11:10 PM
I only thought there was a potential for employee involvement. More likely just an employee screwup of accepting a bill they shouldn’t have. However, I didn’t envision employee involvement as you describe it. Once again not saying it’s likely, but easier would be to accept a fake bill from a compatriot and then pay that bill out before anyone is wiser.

Originally Posted by arcdog
Why would you think an employee was involved? Theyd have to bring in a counterfeit and switch it with a real, and surely there is a better place to try such a move.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-10-2021 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by arcdog
Why would you think an employee was involved? Theyd have to bring in a counterfeit and switch it with a real, and surely there is a better place to try such a move.
It's likely that the employee mistakenly accepted a fake $100 bill, realized his mistake, and rather than report it to his supervisor and get reprimanded and have $100 taken out of his pay (that's what would have happened), he waited for an opportunity to pawn it off on a customer who was cashing out several hundred dollars' worth of chips.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-10-2021 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by BigBlue56
Unless you are at Circus Circus apparently...
What is this story at circus circus. They search a guy over a $100 bill before even figuring out what is going on?

I've seen legitimate cheaters treated with more restraint.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-12-2021 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by madrobin
have $100 taken out of his pay (that's what would have happened)
Just as a reminder, this is wildly illegal for an employer to do in the vast majority if not all US states. Employers constantly do it, but if they do, you should be looking for a new job ASAP. Odds are they are violating tons of other labor laws as well.
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
08-28-2021 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
I always thought this is interesting. How do you know for a fact that the cash you receive at the cashier at the casino is legit? Years ago when I was in vegas, i never thought of anything like that such as any cash you receive at the cashier is real.

But one thing that I wasn't that big of a fan of was at the poker table when people would buy chips off others. I remember one time, there was this guy that would offer to buy chips off another guy... that other guy was drunk and didn't mind it at all. He did it many times as well but definitely was not a good player. That guy giving the bills looked pretty shady but I couldn't really look at the bill that well. But is it very common for people to buy chips off others at the table and pass fake bills? Remember this was at the wynn. Casinos in vegas still allow to you to buy/sell chips right and cash plays?

Also back then i recall at the poker table, many times when you get a seat, you give your cash to the chiprunner who then gets you chips when you sit down. Now when you give them the cash, they go to the cashier and then switch it for chips. Of course you can also do that yourself. But then i recall when you buy chips at the cashier, when do they check if the bills you give them are legit or not? I dont remember that well since its years ago but i just remember giving them cash and then they count the cash on the table and then give chips. I mean do they put the cash in a counting machine which detects the cash immediately afterwards?

Also when you receive cash from other people at the table, besides feeling it, do you use one of those pens to see if its counterfeit?

Also I recall many low limit games even have people with like 10 bills of $100+ etc. I mean how do you know for a fact those bills are legit? I mean unless you check every single one of them, do most people do this when they receive the bills?
the pen really only can tell if the paper is real-a much better tool is a UV flashlight
Paris Casino Passes *Me* Counterfeit 0 Bill Quote
