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Old Guy to Vegas Old Guy to Vegas

09-12-2012 , 09:37 PM
Not even remotely upset.

Diet can believe whatever he wants to believe.

I made this thread to track my progress towards a goal. If the goal changes so be it.

I had a good friend tell me tonight to stay the course. He gave me lots of good advice about how to overcome some obstacles. It was unexpected but welcomed.

I cashed in my 401 k today. Should have the money in a week and a half.

Started a new exercise program to complement the one I already have.

All in all the day started out bad but it turned around nicely.

Now if I get texted by my female friend tonight it will be the perfect ending.

Thx everyone.

Also since I am staying in town for a bit I'll have to spend significant time at the local card house. My car is giving me trouble but I'm making a plan to get a new one potentially.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-12-2012 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Combo-Prof
PolProf: Chill out.

Diet Mountain Dew is the kind of poker player that likes to taunt and berate his opponents to put them on tilt.
lol - I'm the quietest player at the table. What I don't do is start threads about taking a shot then back down ..... A quick use of the search function will lead you 2 see how common these jokes of a thread are.

He Lvl, I'm moving 2 Vegas 2 take a shot, I have less than $10k 2 my name , wish me luck - then
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-12-2012 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by PolProf
I cashed in my 401 k today. Should have the money in a week and a half.

If the 401k money was part of what you need to live & pay the overhead while you pursue your new occupation, it is a pretty risky investment.

I say the above from personal experience, and now wish I could have pursued my quest without touching my 401K. Of course being much older and looking back it's easy to say "what could have been", just as it is easy looking forward saying "what could be".

However it's done, we all wish you the best.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-12-2012 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Diet Mountain Dew
.... A quick use of the search function will lead you 2 see how common these jokes of a thread are.
If it's a joke to you why post in it? No one is forcing you to read it
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-12-2012 , 10:53 PM
Just read that AJ hand. How can you play one hand so badly? Taking a passive line with top two pair is a line a fish would take or someone that is just scared money. Folding the river is just terribad. I cant even express how bad that is. You "put him on a set" and think you can play this game for a living? Please reconsider your path/goals... At least in the short term.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-12-2012 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by PolProf

I don't know why I am so infatuated with her.

She claims she put a spell on me. Haha. Who knows?

Good for you. Women make men feel good. If she earnestly supports you playing poker, she's something special. Still cheering for you.

Good luck.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-12-2012 , 11:27 PM
How quickly LVL turns. PolProf, I hope you know what you're doing (I suspect you do, based on your age and postings), but you realize that all masseuses, no matter HOW legitimate, sort of "flirt" with their clients. And its just business. Every legit therapeutic massage I've ever gotten, the masseuse says "you must work out" or "your girlfriend is a lucky girl", or something similar. You smile, or giggle... But realize its all part of the hustle. I hope.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-12-2012 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by Zomboid!
How quickly LVL turns. PolProf, I hope you know what you're doing (I suspect you do, based on your age and postings), but you realize that all masseuses, no matter HOW legitimate, sort of "flirt" with their clients. And its just business. Every legit therapeutic massage I've ever gotten, the masseuse says "you must work out" or "your girlfriend is a lucky girl", or something similar. You smile, or giggle... But realize its all part of the hustle. I hope.
I do but this has gone beyond the clinic. I don't want to say too much but trust me when I say it's not a hustle. Im pretty good at spotting those.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-12-2012 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Dwans Son
Just read that AJ hand. How can you play one hand so badly? Taking a passive line with top two pair is a line a fish would take or someone that is just scared money. Folding the river is just terribad. I cant even express how bad that is. You "put him on a set" and think you can play this game for a living? Please reconsider your path/goals... At least in the short term.
I think your question answers itself. It's one hand. Not ten hands or 100 hands. I agree I should have called the river. I'm not willing to throw in the towel because I misplayed a hand. If I did how would I ever get better ?
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by PolProf
I do but this has gone beyond the clinic. I don't want to say too much but trust me when I say it's not a hustle. Im pretty good at spotting those.
Have you revealed your quest/desire to put all on the line and go to Vegas, including you emptied your 401k to make it possible? Most women get real scared when they hear that kind of stuff, they are nest builders, and like safe.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 03:09 AM
I agree that you shouldn't completely throw in the towel, but I believe the way you played that hand is quite reflective of a significant amount of improvement that you will need to make to become a good player.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 03:56 AM
I haven't read much of this lately and from the last page or so, it seems as though this "old guy" has $4k BR and is cashing out his 401k to go grind 1/2 live?

Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 09:48 AM
op: i hope the woman works out for you. I would honestly go for tht over moving to vegas. You seem like a good guy and the gamboolin biz is FAR from easy. It takes a ton of work, focus, and discipline. As mr dwan pointed out the AJ hand was played horribly. I understand it was a single hand....but it shows a massive hole in your game. Your views on weather or not to have an auto in vegas also show me that you are not great at taking direction from others.

My honest opinion is that with these two things combined you have very little likelyhood of being successful at playing cards for a living. It is not a personal attack it is simply a conclusion that i have drawn. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 10:13 AM
You know I see now why so many people abandon these threads.

It's not because they aren't successful or good enough at poker. It's because of the intense scrutiny of every single detail they choose to provide.

Going forward I will keep this thread much more focused on poker only. I've learned my lesson. I know many of you would say you are just giving your honest opinions but when it's always critical it gets to be a bit much. Some of the questions do not have "right" or "wrong" answers (transportation for instance).

Thanks to everyone for all the comments even the critical ones. See ya soon.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Diet Mountain Dew
lol - I'm the quietest player at the table. What I don't do is start threads about taking a shot then back down ..... A quick use of the search function will lead you 2 see how common these jokes of a thread are.

He Lvl, I'm moving 2 Vegas 2 take a shot, I have less than $10k 2 my name , wish me luck - then
Well o.k. but I do think you were awfully quick to judge this a failure when he only hit a minor bump in the road. Give him a chance. Of the similar posts this one seems to me to be of the most reasonable. At least he has a plausible plan that gives him a possible chance for success. I think he knows the dangers and has reasonable expectations.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 02:40 PM
I too am always skeptic when I see I'm taking a shot at Las Vegas threads. But lets review the plan PolProf stated in the first post. It was:
  1. Find a place. Cheap. Safe. I have a friend or two out there who might be able to hook me up somewhere cheap. Still working on that.
  2. Move out. Ship car (clunker but it runs). Take minimal items with me.
  3. Find part time job. If I can find a part time job on the days I'm not playing poker I can offset many of my expenses from living.
  4. Put in Study time each week. No Exceptions
  5. Exercise. No exceptions
  6. Eat Cheap. Travel cheap.
  7. No table games, strip clubs ,etc
The most important item on this list is (3) find a job. This is crucial. If he cannot find a job, then he should get out of Las Vegas ASAP. But his plan has other features that similar take at shot at Las Vegas threads do not have. For example he mentions he has friends in Las Vegas and he seems to indicate he knows he cannot have an extravagant lifestyle. In fact he will have to live very simply until he is established with a job, a place to live, a routine, and a financial plan that he can live by.

It is only because find a job was in PolProf's plan, that I see there is hope for success.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Combo-Prof
I too am always skeptic when I see I'm taking a shot at Las Vegas threads. But lets review the plan PolProf stated in the first post. It was:
  1. Find a place. Cheap. Safe. I have a friend or two out there who might be able to hook me up somewhere cheap. Still working on that.
  2. Move out. Ship car (clunker but it runs). Take minimal items with me.
  3. Find part time job. If I can find a part time job on the days I'm not playing poker I can offset many of my expenses from living.
  4. Put in Study time each week. No Exceptions
  5. Exercise. No exceptions
  6. Eat Cheap. Travel cheap.
  7. No table games, strip clubs ,etc
The most important item on this list is (3) find a job. This is crucial. If he cannot find a job, then he should get out of Las Vegas ASAP. But his plan has other features that similar take at shot at Las Vegas threads do not have. For example he mentions he has friends in Las Vegas and he seems to indicate he knows he cannot have an extravagant lifestyle. In fact he will have to live very simply until he is established with a job, a place to live, a routine, and a financial plan that he can live by.

It is only because find a job was in PolProf's plan, that I see there is hope for success.
Had a friend tell me to take the first week and not even play poker. Spend that time working on a job, long term housing and transportation. He has a point.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 03:06 PM
well... DUH!

not trying to be mean or hateful, but that was very sound advice. being a semi pro is much better than moving here and trying to be a full time pro with a handicapped bank roll.

I would love to be able to find a jay oh bee here, but there just doesn't seem to be much available.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
op:Your views on weather or not to have an auto in vegas also show me that you are not great at taking direction from others.

My honest opinion is that with these two things combined you have very little likelyhood of being successful at playing cards for a living.
Again this was the reason for my original post asking about real world experience, who are offering opinions. Some of the info provided in this thread is of great value and should not be taken lightly relative to the OP's quest.

I sensed the same thing squid face says above, but also feel that the OP's openness in posting and the fact his credentials as an educator says he is able to get er done, would give him a hand up. Thus able to make the necessary decisions when confronted with their cold reality.

The one thing that bothers me is the amount of time discussing the whole venture for the future, IMHO is premature. This thread should have started with the arrival of our hero in Vegas on the outset of his quest. There probably would have been fewer critical remarks, and instead of debating the venture itself, we would be discussing hands and playing conditions in Vegas.

I'm sure the OP has read Matt Moores thread, it is excellent and has a nice balance of fulfilling the dream (poker stuff) as well as his personal experiences outside the card room. Maybe a reread will help.

PolProf, you may not appreciate some of the critique, however regarding the new girl friend you did say:
I have been married twice. I have also been in a recent 7 year relationship with my now ex-gf. After 3 big failures like that you start to realize "Hey Im the common denominator here." I am not really relationship material.
That was one of your check list items for pursuing your poker quest. Thus some readers here may be a little confused as to what really is important to you. While your new GF is nice and warm & cuddly she's an obstacle, and you have put yourself into a dilemma.

I have asked if you told her about your quest and your 401k? You haven't replied, which is no problem it is your business. However she is forming an image of you, so far the image you have presented to us, really wouldn't be too appealing to most mid western girls shopping for more than a BF.

Whatever decision you make, I hope you find find fulfillment and success.

Proverbs, "with an abundance of counselors plans succeed".
That is why you started this thread..
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by cinnkid

I sensed the same thing squid face says above, but also feel that the OP's openness in posting and the fact his credentials as an educator says he is able to get er done, would give him a hand up. Thus able to make the necessary decisions when confronted with their cold reality.

The one thing that bothers me is the amount of time discussing the whole venture for the future, IMHO is premature. This thread should have started with the arrival of our hero in Vegas on the outset of his quest. There probably would have been fewer critical remarks, and instead of debating the venture itself, we would be discussing hands and playing conditions in Vegas.

PolProf, you may not appreciate some of the critique, however regarding the new girl friend you did say:

That was one of your check list items for pursuing your poker quest. Thus some readers here may be a little confused as to what really is important to you. While your new GF is nice and warm & cuddly she's an obstacle, and you have put yourself into a dilemma.

I have asked if you told her about your quest and your 401k? You haven't replied, which is no problem it is your business. However she is forming an image of you, so far the image you have presented to us, really wouldn't be too appealing to most mid western girls shopping for more than a BF.

Whatever decision you make, I hope you find find fulfillment and success.

Proverbs, "with an abundance of counselors plans succeed".
That is why you started this thread..
I started this thread to get input on my
Plans and to use it as a reference as i go along my merry way. I wanted people's input on my plans before I lept into the abyss.

GF? No. It's not like that and she knows of my plans. Women In their 40s aren't the same as women in their 20s. They aren't looking for the same things and they don't have the same expectations of men. I'll just leave it at that.

In the end I'm doing this unless something unbelievable happens. I don't even know what that would be.

Old man is going to Vegas. Just going to take a bit longer.

Thanks for the input.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 05:24 PM
Keep posting please, dont sweat the haters.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 05:25 PM
Hopefully we can manage tomhelp without being dcks. Hopefully.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Jersey Jay
Hopefully we can manage tomhelp without being dcks. Hopefully.
No one has been a dck. Just their opinions. It's cool.

One last item. Massage interest is showing me how to meditate and do yoga. + EV for both of those skills for your poker game and your life game.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 09:45 PM
Post pic please.
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
09-13-2012 , 10:26 PM
yup....we need to see pic's of the chick
Old Guy to Vegas Quote
