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Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve

04-17-2012 , 04:00 PM
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-17-2012 , 04:01 PM
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-17-2012 , 04:02 PM
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-17-2012 , 04:02 PM
Hey Dan,

Followed your thread from the start. Wish you all the best and run good. Here is my 2 cents on bud. I smoked a ton in grade 10 and 11. Then in grade 12 I decided to just stick with booze. It made a huge diff for me. My head is so much clearer. I am 29 now and never looked back. Its fun to use drugs when you are young and experiment and all that, but after a while you gotta out grow it. Especially in a profession like poker when the sharpness of your mind is your main asset, you cannot afford to get dull from drug use. Whole food diet is cool too, makes a big diff in how you feel. Maybe you should try changing your scene a bit? Its tuff to make a life change when all your freinds are rolling Js and partying hard. Run HOT and keep crushing 10/20.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-17-2012 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by HIJAY
No pics working here either. It is very interesting to see how you are doing without substance abuse. Have you had any trouble sleeping or intense stomach pains from stopping weed abruptly? I have been having some trouble with that and will smoke because of it, then I'm pissed at myself.
no trouble sleeping, maybe i even fall asleep faster. Stomach pains neither, except this morning but that was due to my diet from yesterday. The one thing I struggle with the most still is getting out of bed, i often tend to sleep for nine-ten hours and would love to cut that down to 8 max. One thing I like a lot being sober are my dreams. I'm dreaming non-stop, flying in my dreams, playing poker in my dreams, and remembering them when I wake up, which was nearly impossible to do while puffing the dragon. GL bro
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-17-2012 , 04:12 PM
that's your ride Dan? wow nice car!
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-17-2012 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by hcclubhopper
I'm not sure why socks with sandals are frowned upon in our society. Sometimes it just feels more comfortable with socks on. It's refreshing to see someone without cold feet.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-17-2012 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Fold_Pls
that's your ride Dan? wow nice car!
Read his post
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-17-2012 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by hcclubhopper
Also, the rarely seen thumb ring FTW
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-17-2012 , 05:49 PM
oh ya, socks and sandals is def my swag, been doing it for years. Who cares what society thinks, it's your own comfort that should come's like girls that get dolled up, i hate that stuff, kissing makeup is no fun..i even made a remix once to 'black and yellow' it's called "socks and sandals, socks and sandals" lol
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-18-2012 , 02:11 AM
pretty sure not his car
he drives a standard japanese econo car
but maybe he just bought this
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-18-2012 , 03:38 AM
pretty sure i saw that dudes ride at the chicken shack recently.

and holy **** what a perfect board to have with that royalflush.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-18-2012 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by hcclubhopper
no trouble sleeping, maybe i even fall asleep faster. Stomach pains neither, except this morning but that was due to my diet from yesterday. The one thing I struggle with the most still is getting out of bed, i often tend to sleep for nine-ten hours and would love to cut that down to 8 max. One thing I like a lot being sober are my dreams. I'm dreaming non-stop, flying in my dreams, playing poker in my dreams, and remembering them when I wake up, which was nearly impossible to do while puffing the dragon. GL bro
Thanks man. Pics of the bentley are sick!
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-18-2012 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by hcclubhopper
Growth thru Tilt
Saturday was much less the same as Friday, and I ended winning a couple hundred bucks for the weekend. I get into one interesting spot where I still have no idea what the right play is. There's three limpers and I raise on the button to 35 with KK. Older black gentleman, who is playing 5% of hands, insta calls in the sb, and so do two or three more limpers. Flop comes AQ6dd...checks around...turn J, big blind leads for 25 bucks (wtf?) so with my blockers to k10 i pop it up to 200 and then older tight black gentleman reraises me to 500 with 800 behind, me retrospect I should have flatted, but I decided to lay it down because I didn't think he was going to lay down a set...weird spot, and he claimed to have a flush draw on the turn, which still doesn't make sense because there was a flush draw on the flop, but whatever, I'm still convinced he either had QQ or JJ and making people fold sets in live poker is usually not a good idea...
I would have been ok seeing a free card for 25 bucks...
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-18-2012 , 02:59 PM
(Sidenote: First one I hit and I firmly believe I manifested that hand after hearing my boy Jesse hit one the day before for a 16k pot.)
Could you elaborate on this?
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-18-2012 , 03:02 PM
dude... buy a better car
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-18-2012 , 04:23 PM
I know its an OOT model with pointy elbows thing, but I don't like the red accents on the interior like at all. all the ghost money in the world can't buy class!
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-18-2012 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by LetMeLive
Could you elaborate on this?
So this is kind of trippy, at least for me...The day before, me and a couple of my friends are asking each other if anyone of us hit a Royal Flush. None of us have. Then, on Friday, my friend Jesse sits at my 5/10 table and tells me how he hit a Royal Flush on Thursday in a 16k pot where the guy hit a boat on the turn, but then he hit a one outer for the Royal on the river. I never ever thought about hitting Royals in the near two years I'm in Vegas, nor have I ever hit one. Then, all of a sudden, I get two stories in back to back days about Royal Flushes and later on in the night, I get one. Just makes me wonder, u know??
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-19-2012 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by hcclubhopper
no trouble sleeping, maybe i even fall asleep faster. Stomach pains neither, except this morning but that was due to my diet from yesterday. The one thing I struggle with the most still is getting out of bed, i often tend to sleep for nine-ten hours and would love to cut that down to 8 max. One thing I like a lot being sober are my dreams. I'm dreaming non-stop, flying in my dreams, playing poker in my dreams, and remembering them when I wake up, which was nearly impossible to do while puffing the dragon. GL bro
haha thats funny to me. I cant remember the last time i actually had a dream. keep it up. The run good has just
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-19-2012 , 01:22 PM
Hey Dan gotta think you'll be driving one of those soon.Kind of reminds me of the car you had at HC.... I'm heading down to Borgata this weekend to play so i'll send you some hands when i get back. Maybe i'll start my own thread haha
don't forget to send some of those good vibes my way. talk to you soon man
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-19-2012 , 03:48 PM
please tell me this jesse character doesn't have wishbone tatoo'ed across his knuckles. (sidenote if it is and he did in fact win a 16k pot i will jump)
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-20-2012 , 11:43 PM
The question I have is do you smoke up before playing? If so how does it effect your game? I played with you tonight in the must move at Venetian and you looked high as a mother ****er. Of course it is 420.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-21-2012 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by hratmsu
The question I have is do you smoke up before playing? If so how does it effect your game? I played with you tonight in the must move at Venetian and you looked high as a mother ****er. Of course it is 420.
i know a couple of players who can't play unless they're high. i was playing with one and i was talking to him about 10 minutes after a hand. i said i was curious what he had that one hand and told him the flop ... he laughed and said he really couldn't remember more than two hands because of the weed. i have no idea how you can be a winning player playing high all the time. i mean, so much of the game is observation and remembering tendencies, etc.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-24-2012 , 04:34 AM
no I'm not getting high, having smoked in over two weeks and am happy with my self-control. I plan on staying drug free.

I've got some big decisions to make in the near future and want to focus on getting ready to peak for the WSOP so I'll be taking a break from writing in this thread. If you see me around grinding, I'll most likely be with a notebook on hand, so I will continue writing, but not posting. Eventually, a couple posts will arise in a short time span when I'm ready. Thank you for commenting and keeping this thread alive, I'll be back...
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
04-24-2012 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by hcclubhopper
no I'm not getting high, having smoked in over two weeks and am happy with my self-control. I plan on staying drug free.

I've got some big decisions to make in the near future and want to focus on getting ready to peak for the WSOP so I'll be taking a break from writing in this thread. If you see me around grinding, I'll most likely be with a notebook on hand, so I will continue writing, but not posting. Eventually, a couple posts will arise in a short time span when I'm ready. Thank you for commenting and keeping this thread alive, I'll be back...
GL and looking forward to it.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
