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Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve

09-06-2011 , 01:16 AM
Lovin your updates. Your hands are very interesting for a 2/5, 5/5 player like me.

Keep going strong!
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-06-2011 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by eli924
Lovin your updates. Your hands are very interesting for a 2/5, 5/5 player like me.

Keep going strong!
Thank You for sharing, sometimes I forget that spots that I don't think are interesting for me may be very interesting for others. I will intend to post more hands for you because I feel this is the case. Just had an ah-ha moment--why don't I put in more hands onto my phone notepad with little thought process behind it so I can remember and post more hands?

I'm getting the hang of this posting thing
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-08-2011 , 09:03 PM
Evolution and Getting Ready for Battle

Just finished a short unfocused card-dead 10/20 session at the Bellagio. It was one of those sessions where I don't even know why I played, but it got me to think maybe I need some direction...

This thread is titled 'quest to evolve.' This is what I mean by this--I believe I'm a spiritual entity having a human experience. While having this experience, I want to grow and figure out my purpose. Playing poker is not my purpose in life, it just is a passion and a means to survive. I'm still figuring out my purpose in life, and when I get closer to finding it, I'll share it, but I know having this thread and writing down my thoughts is part of my purpose in life.

Today brought me a little bit closer to finding out that purpose. My girlfriend and I met up with a famous poker player whom I believe is high up in his spiritual path. With his well picked-out words and sky blue staring eyes he helped direct me to my next step in evolving--EFFORT. Here's the thing, I'm kinda blessed with being intelligent. Being intelligence has made school and work easy, but it also has made me lazy.Take this month for instance--I planned to play more than ever, but so far, in the first week of September I logged in 9 hours of play. Fortunately, during these nine hours (including todays 700 loss at 10/20) I'm averaging 250 dollars per hour, so results are there, but nine hours a week? Where's the effort in that?

So...I decided to make a routine. This routine will start at 5-6AM and work until the evenings, playing for more than 12 hours a day. The hardest thing about playing long sessions is just to start playing long sessions. After that, it'll be like crack, I'm going to want to play all the time. So, expect more updates from me after my sessions. The rest of my day will be spent figuring out how to put all my favorite tunes on my ipod, going to sleep early, and getting ready for the road again! Cheers!
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:56 PM
Good luck. I think once someone realizes and understands that they need income from poker to survive, it becomes much easier to grind every day. Not sure if you need any more motivation than that. Unless you're content with living on the streets or garages, barely squeezing by.

Anyways, grind it up and looking forward to more frequent updates
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-10-2011 , 05:48 AM
What comes Up Comes Down Then Comes Up Again

Two hours into my session, things were going perfect. Up over 2.5k in no-time, I felt invisible. I love these feelings, however, sometimes these feelings can skew your judgement and start a spiral that can come down as fast as it went up. My first pot of the day came when I opened in early position with kq and got three callers and a 3-bet to 195 from the bb. I've played with this player for months now, he's competent, and has a tendencies to pause, then squeeze with light holdings especially when there's dead money. I felt either 4betting so calling, but decided to just flat in position. The flop was wonderful kkj. To my mismay it's checked behind, which leads me to believe that he either has a high or complete rags. On the J turn, I decide to check behind, just for player dependent reasons. Betting here is fine, too. On the Ace river, and another check, I'm faced with an interesting much to bet? Knowing that a half pot bet looks more valuey for this player, I bet a big 400 and he looks me.

I switch tables and immediately see a AA vs KK setup. The KK guy did not take it very well. Two orbits later, I wake up with KK utg, and get 3bet to 140 from the KK guy. Knowing he might be on tilt and the fact that he's not going to be 3betting light from this spot, I decide to just shove it in there. He's got JJ or QQ and I win the 2k pot.

Up a decent amount, I make my first mistake by calling a 140 dollar river bet when I knew my J was beat on KK10Jx...this is when I decided to head over to the Wynn for the starting up 5/10 game.

I arrive and we play short handed for an hour before the game fills up. I immediately run into coolers, my A4 being beat by A8 on AAxxx...sets flushed away...then his hand idea what this guy was thinking...I iso fish to 60with 7d7h in CO, But fish calls, original limper calls. It comes all hearts, KJ9, I bet 140 he calls. On turn 6, I bet 300 he calls. I felt at this point he has one pair and a draw, def not a flush, as he would have shown me by now that he is super strong. On a blank river, I shove him all-in for around 800-900. He tanks it, talk to me, I talk back, and he calls...with...J5...I can't blame the tight reg to turn his 1010 into a bluffcatcher on Q9673 and call my three barrels with k high for another huge 2.5k pot...

Although I ended up losing a couple hundred dollars today, I learned valuable lessons and got the motivation that I was seeking for. Now, having rejected a super sick slightly stoopid concert, actually told the girlfriend no sex for a while, and geared up my Ipod to the 5G, I'm going for the gold...
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-12-2011 , 06:00 PM
Sunday Marathon

I arrive at the Aria at around 2PM and immediately see that the list for both the 5/10 and 2/5 are at a gridlock. I'm trying to wake up earlier, but my night owl tendencies and pitch-black room make it tough to get out of bed. Fortunately, a new 2/5 game starts up and in the first three orbits, I catch AA, KK, QQ, and JJ...Yes!!! Wait...I'm stuck a thousand? How the heck?

Although its nice to catch premium hands, it's awful when they don't hold up. I quickly establish myself as the most aggressive person at the table, aka...the big fish...while eating cod btw...and then I notice that I'm seriously stuck a thousand in a 2/5 game where I should be the best player at the table...I slow things down a bit preflop, stop raising all my buttons because the table catches on to my positional raising and make some post-flop moves...

I open to 20 w/ kd6d in co, but calls, both blinds call...flop comes q75cc...checks around...turn is a 4 of clubs, checks to the button and he bets out 80 bucks, a pot size bet...immediately my instinct tells me this does not make sense, for all his f draws and queens are betting the flop, and this player always likes to keep his bets half size or small to get callers, so betting pot here screams air...the blinds fold and its on me...although stuck 1200 atm, I must go with my gut or go home, so I raise to 220, he tanks it, tells me 'your the sickest kid I ever seen' (lolz) and folds. I wink at him. He says that he was thinking about shoving, but he had ten high, and I tell him that I had the best hand with king high

A little before that hand, I get in a situation with 910ss in a four way pot and get in it on a JsQs7h board against a guy who is paying more attention to his Ipad than the game. I love to see this kind of stuff cause it tells me about their play and that they aren't here for the reason I'm here: TO MAKE A F'N PAYCHECK! I hit my flush on the turn, and since I called his all-in he has to show first...He says flush is good, and I flip over my hand...but then he says oh, I thought you had the nut flush, and he shows me the king high flush...SLOWROLLED...don't worry I get my justice in this well-thought out hand below:

New guy comes to the table and I let him sweat me this hand...I pick up 78os utg and limp...(not a good move but whatever I'm deep) It folds around to the but he calls, blinds call...flop comes 345 with a flush draw, small blind leads 15, big blind calls, I call, and button (Slowrolling Ipad dude) calls. Turn is an 8 and its checked to me. At this point I feel like I have to bet and most of the time I'm probably good, so I fire 55...Ipad dude calls...River is a nine, and since he called here on the turn I no longer think I'm good because of his extremely tight range. So I check, and he fires 120. I ask how much he has left, (around 300 more) I tank it, notice his mannerisms were weak and I smelled fear, ...So, I went for the ever-powerful river check raise all in and he tank-folded...I say, "just because you slowrolled me, here you go" and showed him the 87. Ahhh...Victory!!!!

About four hours into my session I'm still stuck a grand. Then, my former life coach, Roberto, comes in and blesses me with his well-picked out words, basically, telling me to "get the f*** up from the table and go somewhere else." Few words, big impact. I ask for a table change and pick up a little heater. The table I move to has a nice whale at it, and I waste no time picking on him. I raise 85dd and get two callers from the blinds, one ultra tight reg and him. Flop comes Qs Js 5h and I bet 1/3rd pot. Ultra tight reg calls, (one pair all day everyday) and mr. whale makes it 85, 70 more. Knowing how deep we are sitting and that this can be a draw since nit reg most likely has a Queen, I call and reg calls. Turn is an 8 and whale bets out 50. I re-pop it to 250, reg folds, whale calls. River is a king and whale checks. I quickly bet 200 (small yes, but I literally don't know what you can have here since the flush draw missed. He says 'fine, I'll pay to see" and I ship my first nice pot of the day.

With good play and patience I manage to work up my stack to even when I see Dave, a fellow grinder who I last played with a couple months ago before the series. The hand that i played with him was pretty epic. At the aria 5/10, we are all sitting over 2k deep and my girlfriend is railing me. She doesn't understand patience in poker and keeps telling me to raise all the time, (like I don't do it enough) She says I should be playing hands like 47os and ****, and little do you know, the next hand, I pick up 47os on the button where UTG raises to 30, Dave flats, one more guy flats, so seeing a nice spot, I squeeze with the 47 on the but to 150, utg folds, and Dave repops me to like 350...Being in position, stubborn and 200bb deep, I flat and we see a q85 flop. To my surprise he checks, so I'm thinking...(AK??) (QQ)??? I bet very small to get pot control on the turn, like 200, and he calls. Turn is another Queen. He checks and I fire 350 to represent a big hand, plan a huge bet on the river. He calls and I hit my gutter call 6! He checks I shove for a little over a thousand and he tank calls with KK. Poor guy, he runs so bad. Well, anyway, he rolls up a joint, we shoot the ****, and learn from each other. Time to make some more money!

Now it's time to hit the 5/10. It's filled with grinders, but there's a live one. I waste no time in getting involved as the second hand I get is AQos in the sb in a straddle pot. There's like 3 limpers, I squeeze to 140 with a 1k stack, get two callers. Flop comes Queen high, all clubs (I have no clubs) I lead like 230ish, guy rr me to 700, I stuff, dodge the clubs I assume, and double up. It's always nice to double up once you sit down lol.

I build my stack to about 2.5k and then this hand happens to end my night. Alex, a solid aggro reg raises to 80 in a straddled pot, Ultra nit calls, I rr with KK in the SB to 300, fish in straddle cold calls, alex folds, mega nit calls. At this point, I know that Tight Afghan Mike has a hand like jj or qq, and fish could have anything. The board comes Ace rag rag and I check. Fish goes all in for 1100 more, mike folds, and it's on me to act. We stare at each other and he even shows me a Ten. Less than two minutes go by in my decision process when the clock is called on me by this old, overweight guy who just doubled up the previous hand. Like Seriously guy? This angers me and I can't think straight. The fish has a huge bluffing frequency but I can't seem to call. The clock ticks down and my hand is disqualified.

Immediately, I catch myself saying that this is enough for today. After a disaster start, I went on a 3k upswing and finished a nice winner. I was at the Aria for twelve hours and experienced the highs and lows of a long session. I paid attention to all the other regs stacks too, seeing all the fluctuations that come with the long hours. This is something I can get used to, something I can see myself getting addicted to. Today has been nothing but relaxation; whole foods lunch, swimming in the pool, chinese out in the sun, and about to have some quality time with the girlfriend. It's funny, I already miss the grind lol
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-12-2011 , 06:41 PM
Enjoying the thread, I like your writing style.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-14-2011 , 09:50 AM
Really good thread so far. Reminds me a bit of Matt in terms of poker skill and writing ability. Good luck!
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-15-2011 , 05:18 AM
"Success is dependent on effort."

After taking most of Monday off, I hit the tables hard on Tuesday refreshed and ready to earn a paycheck. I arrive to the Bel early, before noon, but I'm already too late and the 5/10 starts without me. No worries, 10/20 must move is getting ready to go and so is my grind. I play in a fairly tough, tight game with no real spots until my name gets called for the 5/10. I run card dead and the only real spot I get into I play bad in. I raise to 60 with pocket 3s in mid position and get both blinds to call. Flop comes AA4 and I bet small, 80, and the big blind calls. Probably should have bet 100 looking back at it. Turn is a nine and I make the bad play and check behind. Once my fingertips tap the table I realize that my heart is not in the game at the moment. River pairs the four, and knowing that this is a terrible spot to bluff, I check back, and BB shows KJ. Down a couple hundred and playing passively, I'm pleased to hear a new 5/10 must move starting a couple tables away.

I regroup, buy-in for the max, and get things going rather swiftly. First pot I play is when a guy that just got caught bluffing on a paired board raises his btn to 30, sb calls, and I elect to call with AJ in the big. I flop top two on AJ5, I check to the btn, and he fires out 60. Knowing he has a bluffing frequency now, I flat and we see a 8 turn that gives a backdoor spade draw. I check and this time he fires out 90. This small bet tells me that he has some kind of hand now so I re-pop him to 240ish, with him having 550 left. The river is a Queen of spades and I bet out 440ish. He instant shoves and I call. He shows his seven high flush as if it is the nuts, and I ship the pot with my boat.

The don't stop giving the table the pain when I play an unorthodox way with KQcc. A tight french player that comes a couple times a year to vegas opens to 50 and it folds to me in the big blind. I flat even though I know he always has a top 10 hand. Flop comes out AJ6cc and I ch/call a 80 dollar bet. Turn is another ace and this time he bets out 200. I choose to call, but from what I remember, this player likes to slow play his monsters and plays later streets horribly, even though he's probably a winning player. The river is another miss, and I know that KQ is beat and he's always checking back the river, so I decide to represent the ace and fire out 450, when he has exactly 900 left. "Either you got it or you don't" as my old college roommate would say. He tells me that I always run so good on him, I don't move, and he makes me sweat. If he called I would have run to the bathroom in shame, but thankfully he did what scared money does and folded to the big bet.

Up over a thousand in the game in less than two dealer changes, I switch to the juicy table where I only recognize a couple faces. One of my favorite people to play against comes from the must-move and immediately the game gets very juicy. The guy I'm referring to is called Abraham, a Mediterranean maniac who is all gamble, and I always get the best of him, especially cause he thinks I only play the nuts. I use this to my advantage when he isolates the fish at the table and raises to 50, and little do you know the next five people call and it's on me in the SB with A3. There's already 300 dollars in there, and Abe is sitting probably 1500 deep, what do you do? This player is a pure gambler, and I know that he will call a 3bet with any two, so I gotta make a big bet. I use all of my black chips and re-raise to an absurd 680, he says, "it's ok, you don't have to look so pale now, I fold" and the rest of the table folds.

Now here's an interesting spot. A big black guy with just an old aba jersey on from the South who has been bluffing on and off for hours and is stuck over three buy-ins gets a phone call saying, "I'll be there in five minutes." Then, preflop, he goes all-in three straight times! (For a thousand dollars) Then, after looking at one card, says, "ok, that's it, I'm done. Wait, OK, one more time, I'm "All-In". It's folded to me on the button and I look at AJ. What do you do?

Well, I instant called and board came down 55789. We both had AJ Afterwards, I go to steak n shakes with my girlfriend, and get called by Matt telling me to play more. I oblige and hit up the Aria. I play with two of my best friends, Matt, and Joe Bartholdi, another sicko, who used to always own me when we played, but I got better because of his non-stop pressure. So, I avoid mistakes. In fact, first hand dealt I fold AJ in early position just to get a feel for the upcoming game-flow. I'm picking spots, playing only in position, entering pots only by 3-betting, and pick up five-hundo with only one showdown. It's finally our turn to move to the main game and seeing that they are all terrible, the three of us just go out for drinks at the cosmo.

While at the Cosmo Bar, our male instincts immediately come into play and we scout for attractive females to associate ourselves with. Matt and Joe dare me to approach a group of three sophisticated thirty-old year women (highly attractive btw) and get them to hang out with us. So, with nothing to lose and everything to gain, I go by myself and get told, "Oh, your so nice, but we are leaving. Sry." Unfazed, I go back, and get my drink on. Next thing I know, the bartender says, "Hey kid, three free drinks for you from the lady that just left." Super Sick! Guess there really is balance in the world!

Pretty tipsy at this moment, the three of us go back and play some more. I decide to short-stack 400 bucks and tell myself, "Dan, your just going to double-up then go home." And that's exactly what I did when I limp UTG with AA, guy raises 40, two callers, I shove, and most likely I friendly donation from a rich pretty good grinder, I get called and double up. BTW, while at the short handed must-move, I limp AK in a straddled pot, utg plus 1 raises to 100, reg reraises to 220, and I fold. Guy had AA

Today was a day of barely any poker, however, I literally got a new wardrobe. Bought over twenty different articles of clothing among shirts, hoodies, and shorts. Now this grinder is gonna look fresh while earning his paycheck. Stay tuned, the weekend is coming up and I'm dedicating Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to non-stop solid poker playing.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-15-2011 , 06:04 AM
solid post keep it up
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-15-2011 , 12:42 PM
"Either you got it or you don't" as my old college roommate would say....

i know the guy who said that.... great thread so far HC
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-15-2011 , 12:54 PM
I want your life.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-17-2011 , 02:04 AM
Teachers Do Appear

My last post ended promising a lot of poker action this weekend. Sorry to disappoint, but it's Friday night and I haven't played one hand yet. It's not as bad as it sounds though. Most of this downtime was spent kickin' it with my gf and hanging out with some of the most intellectual and spiritual people I have ever come across.

Last week's lunch with Kenna James gave me promise of one day being able to interact with a Shaman. I patiently waited and belong, a week later, it came true. A practicing shamanistic teacher, her husband, their thirteen year old son, and a couple of their friends, including Kenna, made up the company of a night in what was an epic night in my search for enlightenment.

While there for an entire night, I was able to engage in conversation that I was longer for for quite some time. When people have a spiritual awakening, it is an awesome thing. However, what's the next step? Well, you ever heard of something like, "when the student is ready, the teacher shall appear"? Well, something like that is going on with me.

Woah, I thought I didn't play any poker...I lied. Towards the end of the night, Kenna and I started talking cards and challenged me to a heads-up, saying that he was highly impressed by my results and attitude in poker and wanted to see if an 'old gun' still has it against a young internet generation player. So, we setting on a $500 200bb freezeout.

The match started off lopsided from the first hand. I raise with pocket 4s and get three-bet. I call and a three broadway card flop puts me in a early hole. This lead allowed Kenna to bully me for the next ten or so hands. I couldn't hit a flop and my bluffs got re raised. I was down to about 150 or so when I get dealt A3ss. He raises to 4, I reraise to 16, he reraises to 34, I shove and he calls with 10s. I run good and turn ace, and have him outchipped over 3 to 1. Few hands later it was his turn to suck out when his K2 beat out my QQ, then he completely outplayed me in this hand where I raise with 87ss and he called. Flop was Ace46 and he mim c/r me. I called, and he bet small on a 10 turn. I called then a deuce came. I guess I couldn't help myself, but once he checked I shoved...he called before my chips went in there...Back to even, we get in all-in on a standard flip of AK vs 77 and I ship the game. Toss the kid 40 bones in rake fee and after some laughs, leave to play some pool.

Since I barely played poker, I got the itch. So, I'm playing a 20 hour session once I wake up tomorrow. I never played for more than 12 hours, so this will be a true test for me. There's another cool quote, like, "90 percent of life is just showing up" well here's my time to show up.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-17-2011 , 02:36 AM
20 hr session should be fun.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-18-2011 , 12:04 AM
Lobster at the Tables

So I wake up and head over to the Wynn for an open 5/10. The game is six-handed with a British amateur who has been up for over thirty straight hours, Joe Bartholdi, a big guy in a jersey, and two Asian regs. Second hand into the session Joe raises UTG, asian reg calls, and I 3bet with Pocket Rockets on the Button to 140. I bought in for 1200 btw, mostly due to not knowing how British dude is going to play, and to avoid tough spots with Joe. We see a A87 flop so I hit the nuts. The way I saw it, it's clearly a check so I check. Turn is another ace, also giving a backdoor flush draw. Joe checks, AR bets out 150, I flat, Joe folds. The river hits the flush and he insta overbet ships all in. I snap, he shows the low flush, and just like that I"m up 1300.

The only other big hand in the seven hour session was when I raised 40 with 88 and got two callers. Flop comes A86 and British fish leads out 50 dollars. Knowing that this guy is bluffy and also pays off on the river, I flat and check call a 200 dollar bet on the 9 turn. The river is a perfect deuce and he again bets out 200. I re-raise to 700 and he says, "aww man, I know you have either 66 or 88 and I'm going to pay you off" which he does. Other than that, it was one of those ubernit days where I folded about 90 percent of everything...thankfully, I'm a better poker player now and avoided all the random spews, so I was able to finish the session up around 2.5k, deciding to leave after the game got very bad and when I thought I was starting to tilt also.

There was an interesting gameflow in today's session. Maybe it was the power of the lobster. So still in the start of the sess, the table orders breakfast, and the big guy next to me, a HUGE sports betting guy, orders steak and lobster. I tell him I'm from the hood and he makes a joke at me, a joke that I considered friendly, however, he thought that he was out of line. Anyway, he goes on and gets me a 100 dollar lobster. This guy, when our session was over, won over ten thousand dollars after the lobster. We joked that that karma made it happen lol.

So, it's 9pm and it is fight night, Aria just started a new we go again!
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-18-2011 , 06:01 AM
One More Sess....When will it start? How will it end?

I'm disappointed when I arrive to the Aria and see that the games look terrible. I'm also sad to see Deep, my roommate, lose a big pot on a ace high board when the other guy had a set. I don't remember the exact action, but the opponent was building complex chip structures, a Caro sign of complete standard and tight, river bluffs def not of the range, so I'm sure it was one of those decisions that rely on how well your in the moment. I sit in the game and to my left are four young pros. Before I play a hand, I think better of the situation and decide to head to the Bel.

Nights at the Bellagio have a very friendly atmosphere for me. The floor is superb, with the Dan/James/Tim/Carmen floor crew and Jason running the show, it's positive atmosphere all the way. Today, there's one more added to my list of friends there as for half the night, I got to know one of the massage girls. It all started when Matt, who was drinking slightly, was talking to her and I head over to say hello. Next thing I know, a wave of energy hits both of us when we greeted and suddenly, she's taking my hand and pulling me over to get alone. This girl was amazing; adventurous, funny, caring, sincere, and mind you, the most beautiful of all the Bellagio masseuses. She even healed my wounded wrist with her energy! I told her about my Shaman friends, so hopefully she joins us tomorrow. It's amazing all the people that I meet!

Noticing that I've been at the Bel for over an hour and still haven't played a hand, I decide its time to earn to a quick paycheck and dip out. Only one big hand was played during the session, utg raises to 30, two callers, in the sb, I pick up AKhh and raises to 210, and Jeff, a solid loose reg, bumps it up all-in for nearly 800 more. I call, wanting to run it twice, but Jeff said no. Doesn't he know I just finished getting healed and have the most positive energy in the room?! Well, I river a flush and ship the pot. The plan was to double up, but I left with nearly 1200 in profit. Pretty good night at the office, I'll say.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-19-2011 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by acescrusader
"Either you got it or you don't" as my old college roommate would say....

i know the guy who said that.... great thread so far HC

I hope this guy sends me a detailed email so I can get him into a top player! Do it while your thoughts are fresh! I wanna know how AC went
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-19-2011 , 04:52 AM
great thread... keep it up
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-20-2011 , 05:08 AM
All Day at the Bel

After taking Sunday off, I went to sleep knowing that once I woke up, it would be grind on the mind. So, I wake up early today and start the Bel 5/10. Things go slow for nearly the entire session, but I keep cool and steadily ease my way to winning most of the pots I'm involved in. The table is very tight, which means the most positive ev thing to do is loosen up, but I chose not to.
My biggest pot of the session was when I raise to 40 with Q10 and get the worst player at the table to call. Flop comes KJ6fd. He ch, bet 50 he calls. Turn is Gin, Ace, he checks, I bet 100 he calls. River hits the flush, so I bet smaller for value once he checks. If he bets out here, I probably will give him credit because he wasn't the type to mess around and represent stuff, it was straight up, "i'm playing my hand". I bet 150 and he calls.

During this slow game, I decided to whip out my book about enlightment and start reading. Little do I know, this middle-aged prick calls me out and says I can't read during a session. HUH? The floor is called, and the floor agrees, I have to put the book away. HUH?? You can bring an IPAD but no literature? HUH??? So, I go to the manager and he says I can read as long as I don't slow down the game. I go back to the table and immediately start the new paragraph. This dude still does not let it go. He complains more and more, until finally, I say, "you ever look into somebody's eyes and know everything about them, well, I look at yours and see complete unhappiness." Then, I slowly ask him, "what happened? huh? what happened in your life that made you this way." OOPS! Next thing I know, he's yelling and pointing the finger at me saying, "kid, this place is the only thing that is saving you right now. I would kick your ass." I could have kept quiet, but, I didn't stop and said, "well nothing can save you, your trapped" After saying that, I get a little jumpy because this 250-pound former gladiator is standing up and threatening me physically, but the floor comes over and settles it down. Nevertheless, we couldn't get into a pot together and I missed out on my chance at stacking him. ((Before this happened, his KK ran into AA for stacks, and last week, he called me Justin Bieber. ))

The 5/10 game gets better but my name gets called for the 10/20. The game revolved around this Jewish guy would may have been on crack at the time of playing. He was crazy aggro, terrible in all the right ways. Smart brilliant guy I'm sure, but not the poker type. I buy in for 2k which made decisions for me tough because the standard raise was like to 100. I played well, but ran good in a spot where I 3bet allin for 1800 when there were two callers from a utg raiser with 99 and run into KK. We ran it twice and I get there on the first board. Arghh! If only I smooth called right? I win a couple straight forward hands and the fish gets busted. Or so I thought because I get up and leave the game, only to find out that just went to get more money. (I win to let this feeling go, it just wasn't meant to be)

After this I go outside and smoke a couple joints to relax for a bit. Then I go to the 5/10 must-move and continue the onslaught. I sit down and in my BB I get dealt AQos where there are 3 limpers. I bump it up to 80 and utg limper calls. Flop comes J92fd and I check because I feel that most of this air will fire this flop and AQ still has showdown value. He bets 120 and I decide to represent a big draw or big hand and c/r to 300. He snap folds, nice read Dan. Overall, it was another over two thousand dollar winner day, all without winning a pot over a thousand. I feel that I can keep it up as long as I'm focused on making money and playing my best game, poker is very fun at the moment.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-20-2011 , 01:20 PM
Great thread OP!! Just got a couple questions as I plan to be a 5-10 pro someday.

You from Vegas originally or did you move there?

And approximately what was your bankroll when you started grinding 5/10+?

And what is your approx. bankroll now? (Understand if you don't want to answer this one.)
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-20-2011 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by iTzLifestyle
Great thread OP!! Just got a couple questions as I plan to be a 5-10 pro someday.

You from Vegas originally or did you move there?

And approximately what was your bankroll when you started grinding 5/10+?

And what is your approx. bankroll now? (Understand if you don't want to answer this one.)
First thanks for reading, glad your enjoying my story. I'm from New Jersey originally but I never played in AC. When first grinding 5/10, I had most of my money online, as every online grinder does, so technically, I was working with less than 10k in liquidity. This however did not phase me because really, what should be on your mind when playing is only the money that you put onto the table. If you fear losing it, you shouldn't be playing with that amount. So, if your going to grind 5/10 and higher, just make sure you follow your own comfort level.

After spending a year here, my bankroll has grown, but is not in the six figures yet. I'm absolutely confident that if I continue putting in good hours I should have no problem getting there though. GL to you!
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-22-2011 , 01:46 AM
cool thread bro, keep em coming
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-22-2011 , 03:17 AM
Nice stories. Hey does 'Stoner' Joe still play the 5-10 circuit out there? Just curious.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-22-2011 , 06:42 AM
annoying to read poker sessions without graphic cards..
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
09-22-2011 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by spyu
Nice stories. Hey does 'Stoner' Joe still play the 5-10 circuit out there? Just curious.
Which one are you talking about? It's funny, almost every Joe I know is a stoner expect NY Joe, but I'm unaware of anyone of the nickname 'stoner'. Prestigious nickname however.
Live Vegas Grinder in his Quest to Evolve Quote
