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12-10-2021 , 03:48 PM
Unfortunately due to ailments that doesn't happen very often.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by LuvDaVlogs
Seems like a bad idea to quit and be a full time poker player, but wish you the best.
Thank you, I appreciate your support.

Originally Posted by OFA
PMan seems like a good guy so I don't want to say anything negative here but I really hope he leaves Vegas. Its really not the place for him
Thanks OFA, I try to be a good guy. Vegas might not be the place for me. We will find out.

Originally Posted by rickroll
i normally would agree 100% but i think his case is a bit unique

to my knowledge he's not going on benders and waking up in piles of hookers and blow - he just has a few beers and goes to the pits

he's young, not much specific path ahead nor immediate goals/prospects so it's not like there's real opportunity cost of chasing vegas dream a la "dropping out of grad school to pursue poker" type threads you often see here

if it goes disastrously, he seems to come from a good home/family who will be there to support him and take care of him until he rebounds

paradoxically, he seems self aware enough to learn and grow from the experience, regardless of how it ends
100% this. I don't do drugs (other than weed) and I don't go on bangers or have parties. The pits are -EV. I made it very clear what my intention is moving forward. I'm human, I made an oopsie and gave in to the pits. I have wonderful family who fully support my dream and are proud that I'm pursuing it. I don't know if i will succeed, but I'm giving it my all. Thank you for your post.

Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I hope this time you at least give yourself a chance at success. Volume volume volume.

BTW, one can be human and still not play pit games.
Yes, after getting some mental game coaching and a little fire under my ass, I have decided to put in more volume. I have played an unreasonably low amount of hours. Lets work on that

Originally Posted by arcdog
PMan’s family surely tries to get him to come home - this has no long term chance of success.
You ever have a dream you want to chase? That's what I'm doing. As I said, my family fully supports my decision and wishes me the best, win or lose.

Originally Posted by iwasbanned
I was gonna say the best thing for pman is to get out of Vegas, right away.

Now I'm thinking he has to fail, to realize he is not on the right trajectory, personally or professionally.

Hey pman, I have a riddle for you. What will bring more 'anxiety, and stress, and worry' into your life than dealing poker?
Answer: playing poker for income.
Haha. Good riddle. I'm not going anywhere. Maybe I do have to fail to find out the next chapter of my life. But right now I'm happy, i'm making money, and i'm mostly stress free. Thank you.

Originally Posted by BobbyPeru
Pman I can relate to the whole 9to5 cbf sticking to a schedule and the anxiety it creates. Definitely rooting for you to succeed I just hope you realize that you can't just sit down and grind hours and expect to crush. Not trying to be rude but if you were a crusher you would've crushed 1-3 the first time you tried. Don't fall into the trap Trooper has. It's imperative that you hit the lab and do work off the table. Hopefully you have some friends that play higher that would be willing to help. Or maybe hit up squid with a bottle of fine wine as peace offering and ask him to coach you again.

What kind of things are you doing atm to improve your skill at the game?
Hey bobby, thanks for the post. Yeah, 9 to 5 is not something I can do. I tried man. Oh well, onto the next. You're also right; i'm far from a crusher. I've learned SO MUCH since I first got out here, even with my limited time spent at the tables. I've become friends with some of the best in the business and have had conversations about the game that COMPLETELY changed my mindset and how I approach it. ATM I am getting coaching and working on my mental game. I believe I have the fundamentals to beat 1/2 - 1/3, and if i can keep working on my mindset I'll be able to turn into a crusher. After I feel that my mindset is in the right place, I still have much to learn on the technical side of the game as well to move up to 2/5 profitably.

Originally Posted by Playlive
I really like Pman but one thing I have learned is you need gainful employment to pay your bills while you are trying to become a pro poker player or very wealthy. I wish him well but this theme of not wanting to answer to the man and go to work on a set schedule is beginning to become a pattern.
Thank you for liking me Unfortunately work is not an option for me. Gonna have to live life without that. Should be fun.

Originally Posted by prairiebreeze
pman, iwasbanned is 100% correct. This is going to ruin poker for you.
I politely agree to disagree. I love the game. I love everything about it. Especially live. Maybe in half a year you'll be right and I'll hate the game. I don't know the future. I know where I am currently, where I'd like to be, and how I plan on getting there.

Originally Posted by squid face
B4 I give away free coaching I always ask the receiver to meet me 1/2 way. Either with an hours goal or writing something etc. I have found that if someone doesnt have anything invested free coaching is not going to do much - they need skin in the game

Pman is having a good time and that is cool and all but I see his chances of success based on his current trajectory at very low. Making a career of being an advantage gambler to where you can create a nice lifestyle (owning a home, putting your kid through college, etc) is very difficult. I can not begin to count he number that I have seen try to simply win and fail over the years. I have no interest in helping someone who does not treat it with the seriousness that it warrants (getting shithoused, playing pit games, etc)

I still wish him the best as he seems nice and genuine but my help is no longer available
Nothing but respect for you Squid, I still hope to have a beer with you when you are in town. I appreciate your opinion and input very much and hope that you do not feel insulted by me; that is the last thing I intended to do.

Originally Posted by vegas!!!!!
I met up with PMan this summer before he became a dealer at Sahara. I tried to offer advice as someone who was in the same position as him 5 years prior and while he seemed much less rigid than trooper with taking advice , he seems to be treating his Vegas stay as 1 long Vacation rather than putting in maximum effort playing, working, or receiving coaching and doing the most he can to be successful.

If he fails maybe can come back in a few years with more a more realistic plan but this current trip is doomed to fail. He seems like a nice guy but I have seen dozens of guys like him over the years that just can’t make it.
Hey, thanks for the post. I listen to all advice. I take it in and I see if it will suit for me. Some of what you say is correct; I have played extremely low hours, I wasn't working on my game, and I was partaking in degenerate behavior. I'm not here to make excuses. You are right. My words will most likely have no effect on the way you perceive me, but I hope my actions in the months to come do

Originally Posted by Gzesh
You have committed to a long row to hoe.

Stay out of the pits (and video poker/slots/etc.) , period.

Probably should not drink either.

Some of the above posters, who have credibility as gaming veterans in Las Vegas, provide dire forecasts. (My experience here is more general, over 30 years, I'd say that about 15% of folks who relocate here, even with secure employment, can't handle the vices offered here and burn out within a year.)

I can't comment on your place "on the spectrum", as I have no background with those things, but,

good luck.
Thank you. The vices are real! The thing is, I am a lightweight, so I get drunk after 2-3 beers. I should limit that, because when the booze flows is when the real vice (pit games) come in to play. I went 6 months without touching them, then last week i got drunk and fell back into the "pit" (lol). I have since quit them again cold turkey. Gobble gobble. If i have a mishap, you'll be sure i mention it on my vlog. 12

Originally Posted by meshanti
(Pman, correct me if I'm wrong)

I think you fellas are missing the point: Pman's ailments are what is keeping him from keeping a regular (9-5) job and putting in significant hours grinding. His "bad habits" are not necessarily THE problem.

(Unlike our hero, The Trooper, he studies the game of poker). Trooper could get a normal job if he wanted to, but somehow is able to live on what he makes now.
Yes. +1. I know how it looks; I appear like a lazy kid partying in Vegas. Some of that is true. What is NOT true is most of what people say about my lack of work ethics. It is something I have struggled with my whole life. While I am getting better at commitment and "work", I don't think it's something I "need". It's a big beast to fight, and I've fought it plenty. I might be best finding an alternative route through life. If it's not poker, I know i will find something else that I can do on my time, as my boss, and while enjoying it.

Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Pman arrived in Vegas in February. This post was made on October 19th, 2021:

Assuming that was all played since arriving in Vegas, that's 136 hours of live cash game poker over 8 months, aka 17 hours a month, aka like 4.25 hours/week. This includes both time as a full time pro and time as a poker dealer (dealing 2 times a week).

All this while living on the strip within a few minute walk of a poker room.
I'll end this with some numbers. Feel free to laugh all you want.

I arrived in Vegas end of February. Since then, I have played 171 hours and 54 minutes. I have profited $4,682 for a $27.24/hrly. My big bet/hour is 10.99. I've cashed in 44/70 sessions played, and my avg $/session is $66.89.


In closing, thank you all for your kind words, comments, criticisms , and gripes. I appreciate all of you, and I respect that we all view life, poker, and work differently. I really like it when people can agree to disagree and meet in the middle. Like I say, what works for you might not work for me, and vice versa. God bless.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by pmanprays
I arrived in Vegas end of February. Since then, I have played 171 hours and 54 minutes. I have profited $4,682 for a $27.24/hrly. My big bet/hour is 10.99. I've cashed in 44/70 sessions played, and my avg $/session is $66.89.
thats 4 hours a week lol. why even bother living in vegas? you could just take a semi-annual vegas vacation and put in that many hours.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 04:52 AM
Getting a mental game coach is an amazing idea. I hope that it pays dividends.

Originally Posted by Hellmuth was right
thats 4 hours a week lol. why even bother living in vegas? you could just take a semi-annual vegas vacation and put in that many hours.
If he had taken a couple semi-annual vacations, he would have only played like 3 hours total.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by Hellmuth was right
thats 4 hours a week lol. why even bother living in vegas? you could just take a semi-annual vegas vacation and put in that many hours.
Priorities. Time for the grind now.

Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Getting a mental game coach is an amazing idea. I hope that it pays dividends.

If he had taken a couple semi-annual vacations, he would have only played like 3 hours total.
Thank you!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 10:20 AM
PMan honestly you make no sense - in the same post you claim to be “chasing a dream” and yet admit to hardly trying. Your dream isnt to be a successful pro player but rather is to simply not work anything close to full time. Unfortunately for you it’s impossible to be a pro player without a work ethic far from what you possess.

My guess is that you’ll spend the next few months mostly sleeping and planning to really hunker down and get to work, yet wont. I hope you prove me wrong, but I doubt it.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 10:28 AM
Good luck Pman, I really wish your videos would show something other than you talking into the camera. If you are serious about poker, start doing more hand histories on your vlog.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by arcdog
Pman: Your dream to simply not work ...
My guess is that you’ll spend the next few months mostly sleeping ...
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by brianr
Good luck Pman, I really wish your videos would show something other than you talking into the camera. If you are serious about poker, start doing more hand histories on your vlog.
Thats way too much effort
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 11:01 AM
In Trooper's latest vlog...

Gives Lady Trooper her Christmas gifts: two pairs of socks but they look really nice.

He eats the chocolate that's suppose to be hers.

Most importantly, he finally reveals to us that the mental process that he uses to decide that the weather is "good/great" may be the same mental process that he uses to decide that a game is "good/great."
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by brianr
Good luck Pman, I really wish your videos would show something other than you talking into the camera. If you are serious about poker, start doing more hand histories on your vlog.
Do show stuff other than talking to camera.

Do not do hand histories. That **** is boring.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 11:50 AM
Pman don’t you enjoy playing poker? If you could only average about 4 hours per week and an average session of 2.5 hours you must not like poker that much. On a long weekend trip I’ll average more than you play in a month and poker isn’t even my main goal and I don’t love poker.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Pman don’t you enjoy playing poker? If you could only average about 4 hours per week
He read the 4 Hour Workweek and wants to live his poker life accordingly.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by arcdog
PMan honestly you make no sense - in the same post you claim to be “chasing a dream” and yet admit to hardly trying. Your dream isnt to be a successful pro player but rather is to simply not work anything close to full time. Unfortunately for you it’s impossible to be a pro player without a work ethic far from what you possess.

My guess is that you’ll spend the next few months mostly sleeping and planning to really hunker down and get to work, yet wont. I hope you prove me wrong, but I doubt it.
I respect your opinion and hope to prove you wrong as well thanks for commenting

Originally Posted by brianr
Good luck Pman, I really wish your videos would show something other than you talking into the camera. If you are serious about poker, start doing more hand histories on your vlog.
Thank you Brian. I wish my vids showed other stuff too! Sometimes I feel they get boring. I do not enjoy filming at the table. I have thought about doing more hand histories, and already recorded 2 for next vlog. With the amount of play i'll be putting in the next months (minus christmas in florida) i expect to have loads of fun hand histories to go over. What else should i do in my vlogs?

Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Pman don’t you enjoy playing poker? If you could only average about 4 hours per week and an average session of 2.5 hours you must not like poker that much. On a long weekend trip I’ll average more than you play in a month and poker isn’t even my main goal and I don’t love poker.
I love it man. Big things to come. Hours going to go up. Might even book a few prop bets. I'm in grind mode baby.

Originally Posted by Reggie Steer
He read the 4 Hour Workweek and wants to live his poker life accordingly.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 01:00 PM
Pman could enter the daily poker tournament at Resorts World and fold for a few hours.
It will make it look like he's 'grinding'.

Originally Posted by Reggie Steer
He read the 4 Hour Workweek and wants to live his poker life accordingly.
Originally Posted by pmanprays
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 01:26 PM
I appreciate you participating in this thread pman and being friendly even when you’re criticized. Hope things go well for you.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
I appreciate you participating in this thread pman and being friendly even when you’re criticized. Hope things go well for you.
+1 we may not like your dedication to the game but we all like you

next time i'm in vegas (could be a while cause i'm a covid nit) if you're still in town i'll definitely reach out and get a burger with you if you're up for it
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
+1 we may not like your dedication to the game but we all like you

next time i'm in vegas (could be a while cause i'm a covid nit) if you're still in town i'll definitely reach out and get a burger with you if you're up for it
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by meshanti
While it's unbelievable that some people still eat meat, perhaps he just meant grab a veggie burger.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 04:18 PM
i'll get an impossible whopper with you meshanti and take you to a chinese restaurant and unlock the wonders of eggplant when it's cooked properly instead of slathered in cheese and tomato and thrown in the overn
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 05:12 PM
Pman - I appreciate your candor. Beer is on me when we meet in vegas. One last thing on gambling. It is an insanely difficult racket on your own. There are about a mirrion pitfalls that a new guy can fall into. The good news is you aint doin drugs and bangin hookers. Unfortunately, you are falling into a lot of other pitfalls and that is a sure fire recepie for disaster.

Casinos are a place of business and need to be treated as such. They are disney for everyone else and at some point you need to come to terms with that. I am very lucky as I have always had an adversarial relationship with casinos (from my blackjack days) and I dislike them with a passion. When they realize you are a threat to their $ they are fcuking ass holes and can get downright nasty. So making -ev bets to me is something that I simply wont do, cuz fcuk them. This is the attitude you need. -ev gambling aka silly betting is for tourists not pros.

All the best
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
+1 we may not like your dedication to the game but we all like you

next time i'm in vegas (could be a while cause i'm a covid nit) if you're still in town i'll definitely reach out and get a burger with you if you're up for it


Rick put it well and believe me this is a very tough room to work. I think the regular posters, with real Las Vegas chops, find you likeable. (That doesn't mean they tag you as a prospect for long-term success in Las Vegas., but staying off the drinking will aid your chances tremendously. Staying out of the pit or sportsbook, while probably essential for you specifically is not an automatic killer of poker success.)

You have not really begun playing as a pro or even as a grinder. I was shocked to learn how little time you actually played since you got to Las Vegas yet viewed yourself as a poker player. OTOH, I think your stint dealing might have given you insight into what poker players at low stakes do to hustle their living if they do not have other income. YOU HAVE GOT TO PUT IN MORE HOURS PLAYING, live or online probably doesn't matter from where you seem to be on an experience curve.

$27 hr as a rate will have to be sustainable for you for 25x your current volume, if I understand you to play about 20 hours per month. Try also grinding the lowest online stakes you can tolerate to work on your game when you are not in a live game. .$27/hr is only about $54,000 per yer, with no benefits or cushion; you need to move up, if you first develop the skills. through increased volume where you are going to start.

Do NOT go anywhere near other gambling unless you have built your poker bankroll up to where you can play and beat poker for a livable monthly income. Examples of great poker success, despite other leaks, come to mind, take TJ for a publicly known example. Hell, be a live game version of the recently departed Leatherass. What you don't want to be is a Mike Borovetz, whose admitted modicum of poker skills could not overcome other leaks.

Interestingly, you've likely spent way more time in poker rooms here as a non-player than most neophytes. . Think about all those players you dealt to at the Sahara, where on THAT spectrum do you place your skill level and you dedication to actually putting in the hours needed to be a pro ? Is spending that much time in a poker room really what you want to do, even if you choose your schedule within the constraints of finding live game opportunities.

Have you had any rel experience feeling out where you plan to grind/play pro ? How many hours of that kind of research have you really done since February ? Anything beyond your limited hours of playing time ?

Look, you have been successful here in getting "likes", now go get the f**king money. Good luck, seriously. (Not sure wtf a "mental coach" does, but you probably would benefit.)

Last edited by Gzesh; 12-11-2021 at 06:33 PM.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 07:56 PM
Good luck playing poker full time pman. To echo what others have said, you need to treat it like a job, and 5-6 days a week you need to be playing and studying. Time spent at the table should be in the 30-40 hour range. Time studying off felt minimum 10 hours, but probably closer to the 15-20 hr a week range.

Keep us posted.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
Not sure wtf a "mental coach" does, but you probably would benefit.

You have never heard of Jared Tendler and his book "The Mental Game of Poker"? That is what he does and also coaches tennis pros I believe.

In the NFL when you see a long time great kicker suddenly in a horrible slump, that is all mental game, and they should 100% hire a mental game coach.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
12-11-2021 , 09:39 PM
Pman, care to share who is your poker coach? From the few hand histories and thought processes behind them that you've shared, I doubt you are even a winning player. You botch so many hands that it's hard to see you being able to overcome them. You mess up and get yourself stacked in a spot that you shouldn't have even been involved in and that's about 10-20 hours of perfect play just to make up for that mistake. You are really underestimating what it takes to succeed as a professional poker player.

That said, you are young and haven't even really gotten started and you seem humble. You also seem self aware which puts you way ahead of the Trooper. You can still make it.

However, I have doubts about your coaching that you're getting. Either your coach isn't that great, you have a hard time implementing a base fundamentally sound game or you are using too much GTO stuff when you should be max exploiting. You always are praising yourself about how well of a session you just played and believe me at your current skill level, you have vast leaks in your game that you just don't know about yet.

That's not a huge knock on you as 95%+ of the low limit player pool suck. Poker is hard. The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know.

As with most posters in this thread, even though I've been harsh on you, I wish you the best. If you have talent, being a solid winner at 2-5 is very attainable. Prove us wrong about the lack of hours played. You need to put the hours in just to get a more reliable database of your win/loss rate. Just look at what Luvdavlogs has done with tracking Trooper's results. We know for sure he is a marginal winner at best. But the difference between you and Trooper is you are willing to learn how to improve your game.

Good luck.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
