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02-17-2021 , 11:06 AM
Regarding getting a seat at Troopers table on his Thursday games. Me and my buddy had a 10 day Vegas holiday couple years ago. We flew into Vegas from Europe, and we wanted to try out Troopers game. We messaged Trooper up front, and made it clear that we wanted to reserve seats to the game and we wanted to play at the main table/ his table wich was fine.

That day it was probably 3 games going at TT. From what i remember Trooper played most of his time at the main table/first table that was going, but he did switch tables couple of times so the players at the other tables got the chance to play with him.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by PLIKITYPLAK
What Trooper can't see is that he would make more money at Trooper Thursday (if he is paid by rake %) if he was more sociable. Due to the experience I had, I did not go to Trooper Thursday the times I was in Vegas since then. And when I go I play from beginning to end, so that is a lot of rake they are missing out on.
Hell, I've seen Phil Ivey take a picture and talk to random people at the Bellagio and he gets nothing from it.

If Trooper was more sociable and friendly, then maybe he would get more than 1 table running and it wouldn't break after 4 hours half the time. Even if people couldn't get in his game, just interacting with people would make them more of a fan. They have a good experience and they probably buy another shirt, hat, some coffee, show back up to Trooper Thursday next time in town, etc... Big time them or act like an ass and they don't show up next time, don't buy your shirt, hat, or coffee, and stop watching. They start watching Neeme and go to his meetup games and buy his merchandise.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Franchise5
Hell, I've seen Phil Ivey take a picture and talk to random people at the Bellagio and he gets nothing from it.

If Trooper was more sociable and friendly, then maybe he would get more than 1 table running and it wouldn't break after 4 hours half the time. Even if people couldn't get in his game, just interacting with people would make them more of a fan. They have a good experience and they probably buy another shirt, hat, some coffee, show back up to Trooper Thursday next time in town, etc... Big time them or act like an ass and they don't show up next time, don't buy your shirt, hat, or coffee, and stop watching. They start watching Neeme and go to his meetup games and buy his merchandise.
Exactly. I always believed Trooper dont reach his full potenial partly due to lazyness on some areas+ the points you are making about not socializing enough and so on.

His Thursday games is golden for him because fans buy lots of stuff from him when they attend the game, especially tourists like us that came all the way from Europe to Las Vegas on holiday. People are just looking for reasons to dump him money, even more than in the earlier years- but he got to be willing to develope the channel and himself wich i doubt he is ready to do.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by JackLVKing
What happened to the Mark Guy from NFW? I thought he was the new MOD?
I'm back!

And the thread is going to continue to be modded as always. Like it or lump it.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise5
Hell, I've seen Phil Ivey take a picture and talk to random people at the Bellagio and he gets nothing from it.

If Trooper was more sociable and friendly, then maybe he would get more than 1 table running and it wouldn't break after 4 hours half the time. Even if people couldn't get in his game, just interacting with people would make them more of a fan. They have a good experience and they probably buy another shirt, hat, some coffee, show back up to Trooper Thursday next time in town, etc... Big time them or act like an ass and they don't show up next time, don't buy your shirt, hat, or coffee, and stop watching. They start watching Neeme and go to his meetup games and buy his merchandise.

Wonder what % of guys that show up to play $1/$2 on a Trooper Thursday are actually there because of Trooper? I imagine a good chunk are staying at Westgate or just happen to be there because of the book. If Trooped was walking around like he’s Ivey they’d be like, who’s this guy?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Wonder what % of guys that show up to play $1/$2 on a Trooper Thursday are actually there because of Trooper? I imagine a good chunk are staying at Westgate or just happen to be there because of the book. If Trooped was walking around like he’s Ivey they’d be like, who’s this guy?
I believe there are separate lists for the games, so if someone is playing the 1/2 game waiting for his game it would be fairly easy for him to just walk over and introduce himself or something.

Of course he is lazy though, he has admitted as much when it comes to things like how to title his vlogs or what thumbnails to use. If he simply thought about it and did a better job he would be making more money. Many established poker vloggers are getting 50K+ views per video, but he is getting less than 10K. If he just did a better job with thumbnails or titles and got it up to 15k people watching he would be making more money obviously.

He may only make $15-20 more per video, but multiply that by 200-250 videos a year and you get $3-5K more per year by just trying a little harder. A 50% increase in views could increase his merchandise sales by a similar margin, you would assume at least a 10-20% bump. Maybe he would get 2 tables on Trooper Thursday and get a cut of the rake on two games instead of one. All these other revenue sources would increase if he just did a better job at one tiny thing, but he has said in his vlogs he doesn't care about it. He doesn't think about the big picture at all, which is fine if he wants to live that way, but in one of his recent vlogs he was talking about the roll being down and stuff like that, but then doesn't do anything about it. Doesn't make better titles, doesn't make better thumbnails, doesn't get better at poker, seemingly doesn't give a **** about his fans, etc...
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by R*R
I'm back!

And the thread is going to continue to be modded as always. Like it or lump it.
I sense some exiling and bans coming...
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Wonder what % of guys that show up to play $1/$2 on a Trooper Thursday are actually there because of Trooper? I imagine a good chunk are staying at Westgate or just happen to be there because of the book. If Trooped was walking around like he’s Ivey they’d be like, who’s this guy?
Considering there are usually zero games going on on other weeknights I would say a good percentage.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 06:19 PM
Haha Trooper advertisement for Vegas Dave. His $995 pick in this commercial was +24, Akron vs Ohio football game. Yes a Tuesday MAC action game know for bettors chasing MNF and weekend football loses. This was after giving a loser on MNF and in typical degen fashion betting the mid-week MAC game that only exists so degens can bet football everyday.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 06:24 PM
Trooper still plays and can't beat 1/2, atleast not for any decent rate after how many years and is also a comfirmed dbag in person by some ITT correct? I get the whole he's the one who started it all, the OG of poker vloggers yap yap yap bs but i still don't understand why so many are obsessing over him? There's tons of other content out there these days yet he's the one who's most talked about here despite still not being able to move up from 1/2, let alone him living and playing in a place where he can game select harder than anywhere else and he still can't beat the lowest stake, what is so interesting about that? Think it's sad if anything.

I'm sure most here are better than the trooper at poker which ain't saying much at all but atleast he's getting laid which I'm sure many here who are infatuated with him are not and probaly the good majority don't play above 1/2 to boot. Maybe use your time/energy on something else other than tracking/posting results on a guy who can't beat 1/2 after playing poker for how many years? Some of ya seriously need a life and to get laid lol! Also Franchise 5.....IS THAT YOU SHANE DOUGLAS???????????
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 06:34 PM
The vlogger doesn't pick the advertiser, its the other way around. I believe.

This guy is funny ripping on Vegas Dave:

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
The vlogger doesn't pick the advertiser, its the other way around. I believe.

This guy is funny ripping on Vegas Dave:

Haha Steve Stevens is funny in a sad way. He’s actually a legitimate, convicted and imprisoned scam artist.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-17-2021 , 09:51 PM
That dude had a show on CNBC , “Money Talks” almost 10 yrs ago.Kind of goofy but fun. Looks like it is on YouTube

He’s seem to be a fraud to.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by Ryan Depaulo Degen
You say I was making fun of joe having autism. As far as I am aware he doesn’t. If he did and I knowingly made a video making fun of an autistic person I should legit be cancelled.
But on the spot making fun of someone who isn’t actually autistic saying they are acting autistic when they look you in the eye and ignore you repeatedly is hilarious.
Really I’m here to discuss Tim with everyone. JK but people saying he’s good at poker are insane. I’m up every year last three years and still know I suck and need to keep getting better.
I haven’t watched much of his vlog but you guys describing him saying he got unlucky at soft games....FOR YEARS is more than enough evidence.

He puts out so many videos that in his defense it’s so much work. Like there’s no way to be putting out that many videos and still have time to be good enough to be a pro making significant money. That’s my experience, that I have to chose study days vs video production days etc. and I’ve decided for now that youtube is as or more important than poker so my goal is to just be at least not losing. But if I made a video a day I’d just be a above average Rec like Tim vs a capable but spazzy tournament luck box that I am.
So by your logic, it is ok for anyone to call another person anything they want as long as said person isnt actually the thing you are calling them. If you say so lol. IMO you have some really low standards for acting like a human being.

Let me ask you...have you even ever interacted with a person that has autism?

And by the way, I think a lot of people would ignore you if you approached them like you did Joe or Doug. And I dont have autism. Maybe it's YOU that needs the mental health exam, not the people you seemingly diagnose in your videos.

Last edited by thedude404; 02-18-2021 at 08:35 AM.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 09:36 AM
Hey all:

This board & thread are simply amazing.

I had no idea that there were actually "touts" and that they were an organized business in this day and age. I had heard stories of "touts" from my grandfather and how he would go to the horse races. There would be touts selling pick sheets for like a nickel back in the 40's and 50's.

These modern dudes charge $995 for their picks? Are you kidding me? If these guys were actually that good, why would they be fooling around trying to get small change?

If they were as good as they claim, they would be worth TENS of millions at a minimum. Heck, they could buy & open their own casino & sports book.

If they were as good as they claim, or anywhere close, why would they be letting ANYBODY know? I would think you would be quiet, place your bets, collect your money.

It is funny that anybody thinking of buying their picks would not be able to realize this.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 10:42 AM
I’m always a little surprised how people are fooled by the tout industry in today’s time. I then remember how many stupid, lazy people with money there are.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Wonder what % of guys that show up to play $1/$2 on a Trooper Thursday are actually there because of Trooper? ...
If you exclude the locals and regular attendees of Trooper Thursday, my guess is the vast majority of players are there because of Trooper. Consider a different room, say, apart from Vegas or larger poker scenes. Most of them are regs, junkies, grinders, and very few walk-ins/randoms. In the case of Trooper Thursday, I'd say the regs, junkies, and grinders make up the same percentage as they do in most poker rooms: 97%. The walk-ins/randoms might be 3% max.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Franchise5
....but in one of his recent vlogs he was talking about the roll being down and stuff like that, but then doesn't do anything about it...
I remember him saying that, as part of his rant about the corona virus and its affect on him and Vegas in general. And you're right, he doesn't seem to explain any kind of plan or strategy to deal with it....other than just complaining. I honestly dont think Trooper considers -- or even cares -- about the fact that he really does come off as extremely lazy and unmotivated in his vlogs (certainly compared to other vloggers). But I guess if he's comfortable and doesn't require a lot, then he can do what he wants. But you're right, his potential for boosting his channel and increasing subs is there, right at his finger tips and he doesn't do crap about it.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by DTEJD1997
These modern dudes charge $995 for their picks? Are you kidding me? If these guys were actually that good, why would they be fooling around trying to get small change?

If they were as good as they claim, they would be worth TENS of millions at a minimum. Heck, they could buy & open their own casino & sports book.

If they were as good as they claim, or anywhere close, why would they be letting ANYBODY know? I would think you would be quiet, place your bets, collect your money.

It is funny that anybody thinking of buying their picks would not be able to realize this.
I think you would be amazed at how hard it is to actually get down large amounts of money on a game if you are known as a winner and how low the margins really are.

To be a winner you need to basically be right 52.4% of the time, so say you are right 55% and can get down 50k per game. After 100 bets you would be up 275K, or 5.5 units. Most places wouldn't take your action, so you would need to pay people to make picks, further reducing your profit.

So you can go through that hassle, or sell all 100 of your picks and make some money off of each one. If Vegas Dave is even getting 3 people to buy each of his picks he is making more money selling his picks than he would betting 50K per game if he is hitting at a 55% clip. So you either need to be hitting at an unheard of clip to be doing better or betting 100k a game every day. Plus nothing is stopping him from getting his money down and then selling his picks so he could double dip.

I think it makes little sense to actually buy the picks from him though as you would need to be betting large amounts to overcome the vig if you are also paying 1k for the pick on top of it. In his ad he shows the ticket of a guy that he claims is a client that bet like 4k or 5K on the game. There is 0% chance he can be profitable betting that on a game that you are paying 1k to get the pick for. I also have no idea if he is even profitable or if he is a scam artist.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Stormtrooper97
That dude had a show on CNBC , “Money Talks” almost 10 yrs ago.Kind of goofy but fun. Looks like it is on YouTube

He’s seem to be a fraud to.
I am surprised Vegas Dave gets any airtime he is so shady and skeevy to me.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 01:50 PM
There's not a single winning sports tout that sells his picks.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 01:57 PM
I think it's pretty obvious that even Trooper has thrown in the towel when it comes to thinking he can play profitable poker. He now buys in for $200 at 1-2 when the max buy in is $300 and doesn't even top off to $200 when he falls below that number.

He just plays his 3-4 hours a day and tries to play a low variance time killing style to keep his losses to a minimum for the vlog. He can now claim his poker losses as a business expense.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Koshka
I think it's pretty obvious that even Trooper has thrown in the towel when it comes to thinking he can play profitable poker. He now buys in for $200 at 1-2 when the max buy in is $300 and doesn't even top off to $200 when he falls below that number.

He just plays his 3-4 hours a day and tries to play a low variance time killing style to keep his losses to a minimum for the vlog. He can now claim his poker losses as a business expense.
Yup, for sure. +1 to this observation.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Koshka
I think it's pretty obvious that even Trooper has thrown in the towel when it comes to thinking he can play profitable poker. He now buys in for $200 at 1-2 when the max buy in is $300 and doesn't even top off to $200 when he falls below that number.

He just plays his 3-4 hours a day and tries to play a low variance time killing style to keep his losses to a minimum for the vlog. He can now claim his poker losses as a business expense.

He plays poker as he has nothing else to be doing... He doesnt need to play for the vlog. Can easily fabricate that
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-18-2021 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise5
I think you would be amazed at how hard it is to actually get down large amounts of money on a game if you are known as a winner and how low the margins really are.

To be a winner you need to basically be right 52.4% of the time, so say you are right 55% and can get down 50k per game. After 100 bets you would be up 275K, or 5.5 units. Most places wouldn't take your action, so you would need to pay people to make picks, further reducing your profit.

So you can go through that hassle, or sell all 100 of your picks and make some money off of each one. If Vegas Dave is even getting 3 people to buy each of his picks he is making more money selling his picks than he would betting 50K per game if he is hitting at a 55% clip. So you either need to be hitting at an unheard of clip to be doing better or betting 100k a game every day. Plus nothing is stopping him from getting his money down and then selling his picks so he could double dip.

I think it makes little sense to actually buy the picks from him though as you would need to be betting large amounts to overcome the vig if you are also paying 1k for the pick on top of it. In his ad he shows the ticket of a guy that he claims is a client that bet like 4k or 5K on the game. There is 0% chance he can be profitable betting that on a game that you are paying 1k to get the pick for. I also have no idea if he is even profitable or if he is a scam artist.
1) if even 1 of these touts were a long-term winner, these guys would eventually be able to do it for a living.

-they'd tell all their friends and family, who also would do it for a living

-books would be getting max bets from 1000s or maybe 10s of thousands of people all on the same side, and lines would move like crazy (not to mention books getting destroyed). I don't see spreads moving more than 1-2 points on most games.

2) Billy Walters found a way to make up to 60 million a year betting on sports (and not needing to multi-account etc., why wouldn't he sell picks?

I've never once heard a story about someone who crushed the books so hard from using a tout that books started to limit them.

All in all, a fool and their money are soon parted. This is what touts are hoping for, and it's also why they continue to profit.

As someone else in here already said, no touts are winning gamblers.
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