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02-07-2017 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
Tim must be totally different in real life compared to Trooper in the videos because I have no idea what Molly sees in him between his physical appearance and his personality. I'm guessing he just has a nice personality in real life. That's a major compliment to Tim for getting someone WAY out of his league.
Originally Posted by mrducks
(And you all thought I was a hater!)

Yes, we can tell that you are actually a huge fan.
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02-07-2017 , 03:53 PM
he said he lost 300 in plo game
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02-07-2017 , 04:00 PM
Trooper lives in vegas like best place to watch the game but watched Heat instead? c'mon bruh.
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02-07-2017 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
Trooper lives in vegas like best place to watch the game but watched Heat instead? c'mon bruh.
I was cracking up about this too. Even my non-football watching friends watch the Super Bowl for the social aspect of it. They always go to a Super Bowl party.

Trooper's a weird guy.
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02-07-2017 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks

Trooper's a weird guy.
... not a hater tho.
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02-07-2017 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Blackballed
... not a hater tho.
Mr. Ducks is definitely Trooper's #1 hater, even though he used to throw that word around at other posters. Still, I will agree with him a bit on the Super Bowl thing. That seemed a bit abnormal. Trooper has been living in a world that revolves around him. So normal social events that the vast majority of society takes part in such as watching the Super Bowl are of no interest to him. That in itself is OK. However, the issue is that he is now dating a girl and has to be considerate of what she wants to do. More than likely she hasn't been in a bubble the past few years like the Trooper has and he really needs to take that into consideration.

The real kicker to the whole thing was this though. They didn't skip the Super Bowl to watch the the Notebook, or Annie Hall, or even the Princess Bride, or any other movie that a female might have suggested. Of all the movies in the world they skipped it to watch HEAT!!!! HEAT!!! WTF?! Of course they watch Trooper's favorite movie of all time, a movie that would be NO woman's first choice ever. Trooper is probably completely oblivious to the fact that he is just taking Molly and sticking her into his life rather than accommodating for her needs/wants as well. Hell, even watching an Iron Maiden dvd would have been preferable since they are both Iron Maiden fans. It was no surprise that Molly quickly scurried away after the movie.
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02-07-2017 , 05:49 PM
i would think he may have even been a Falcons fan since he's from the SE... but i guess not. Forget the Super Bowl, let's watch this DVD we can literally watch anytime.
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02-07-2017 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
I was cracking up about this too. Even my non-football watching friends watch the Super Bowl for the social aspect of it. They always go to a Super Bowl party.

Trooper's a weird guy.
My sister knows jack **** about football and she watched the Super Bowl.
Anything that over 100 Million people are watching is worth a watch, even if you are not a fan.
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02-07-2017 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Mr. Ducks is definitely Trooper's #1 hater, even though he used to throw that word around at other posters. Still, I will agree with him a bit on the Super Bowl thing. That seemed a bit abnormal. Trooper has been living in a world that revolves around him. So normal social events that the vast majority of society takes part in such as watching the Super Bowl are of no interest to him. That in itself is OK. However, the issue is that he is now dating a girl and has to be considerate of what she wants to do. More than likely she hasn't been in a bubble the past few years like the Trooper has and he really needs to take that into consideration.

The real kicker to the whole thing was this though. They didn't skip the Super Bowl to watch the the Notebook, or Annie Hall, or even the Princess Bride, or any other movie that a female might have suggested. Of all the movies in the world they skipped it to watch HEAT!!!! HEAT!!! WTF?! Of course they watch Trooper's favorite movie of all time, a movie that would be NO woman's first choice ever. Trooper is probably completely oblivious to the fact that he is just taking Molly and sticking her into his life rather than accommodating for her needs/wants as well. Hell, even watching an Iron Maiden dvd would have been preferable since they are both Iron Maiden fans. It was no surprise that Molly quickly scurried away after the movie.

There is the comment i wanted to see, like i said he will screw it up with her like he did with Kelly and his ex-girlfriend if in fact he ever had one to begin with.
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02-07-2017 , 06:14 PM
Heat us a solid movie but not necessarily a chick flick. It has imo the best bank robbery gun battle scene in any movie I've ever seen. It was masterfully done.
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02-07-2017 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by PLIKITYPLAK
Heat us a solid movie but not necessarily a chick flick. It has imo the best bank robbery gun battle scene in any movie I've ever seen. It was masterfully done.
When I first watched it when it came out on TV or DVD/VCR, whatever it was,
Had a big time surround sound hooked up at the house and jacked the sub woofer up and that bank robbery scene shook pictures off the wall of upstairs neighbor and they called the leasing office to come check it out. lol

She was impressed with the system but asked that we not turn it up that loud again.
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02-07-2017 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
My sister knows jack **** about football and she watched the Super Bowl.
Anything that over 100 Million people are watching is worth a watch, even if you are not a fan.

Tell that to the other 200 million people that didn't watch.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-07-2017 , 07:36 PM
“Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.”- McCauley, Heat (1995)

....I used to live life by this quote when I was a pure degen in my early-mid 20s.
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02-07-2017 , 08:07 PM
That car was not parked close to him at all. What a toolshed.
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02-07-2017 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Playlive
That car was not parked close to him at all. What a toolshed.
i forgot to mention this. it wasn't even that close. i guess he was mad someone parked near him since the roof is always empty, but it's a busy weekend. the person came back to their car, read the "learn how to pork" note and probably wondered wtf it was all about.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-07-2017 , 08:32 PM
LoL the fact they watched Trooper's favorite movie instead of enjoying a national pastime with friends is just a microcosm for Trooper's level of narcissism and selfishness.

I mean we're talking about a dude who has to film himself 24/7 for personal validation.

Not to mention, with all the free time he has, we know for a fact that he doesn't give to homeless people (he openly looks down on them and in some instances berates them), doesn't seem to donate any money to productive causes (although we know he collects donations), and he doesn't volunteer his time for any altruistic means (if I had ample free time I would not only enjoy, but feel obligated to volunteer my time like I have in the past to worthwhile causes).

Trooper acts like a junior high kid who is on a permanent summer vacation.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-07-2017 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by PLIKITYPLAK
Heat us a solid movie but not necessarily a chick flick. It has imo the best bank robbery gun battle scene in any movie I've ever seen. It was masterfully done.
as a slight derail on the movie theme, I want to recommend "Heist," not the 2015 version, but the one from 2001 directed by David Mamet and starring Gene Hackman, Danny DeVito, and Ricky Jay.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-07-2017 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by drbeechwood
as a slight derail on the movie theme, I want to recommend "Heist," not the 2015 version, but the one from 2001 directed by David Mamet and starring Gene Hackman, Danny DeVito, and Ricky Jay.
The Score was another solid DeNiro heist film. Brando's last movie iirc.
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02-07-2017 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Conz
i forgot to mention this. it wasn't even that close. i guess he was mad someone parked near him since the roof is always empty, but it's a busy weekend. the person came back to their car, read the "learn how to pork" note and probably wondered wtf it was all about.
Arguably the busiest of the year. Not to mention Trooper's car isn't that big a deal.
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02-07-2017 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by surfinillini
LoL the fact they watched Trooper's favorite movie instead of enjoying a national pastime with friends is just a microcosm for Trooper's level of narcissism and selfishness.

I mean we're talking about a dude who has to film himself 24/7 for personal validation.

Not to mention, with all the free time he has, we know for a fact that he doesn't give to homeless people (he openly looks down on them and in some instances berates them), doesn't seem to donate any money to productive causes (although we know he collects donations), and he doesn't volunteer his time for any altruistic means (if I had ample free time I would not only enjoy, but feel obligated to volunteer my time like I have in the past to worthwhile causes).

Trooper acts like a junior high kid who is on a permanent summer vacation.
Feel free to stop posting and use that extra 15 hours a week to volunteer. Everyone wins!
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02-07-2017 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by surfinillini
^^^^^^case and point
The term is case in point, Einstein, not case and point. If you had even the slightest idea of what you were attempting to articulate, you would have realized that case and point makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Maybe you should just stick to using one syllable words...

oh, wait....

you did, and you still managed to screw it up.

Originally Posted by Blackballed
Surfinillini.... the resident intellectual.
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02-07-2017 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Drrr.Gonzo
Unfortunately yeah especially for dudes full coverage(required for new cars) is about $160-$240 depending where you live. Right now $175(limited coverage) is considered a deal for me since I was paying $234 a couple months ago.

Zero accidents or dui's might I add and a 11 year driving history without incident car premium is still higher than health insurance

Liability is cheap though only $50-$80 bucks.
Originally Posted by onesickdegen
I'm paying $83/mo for full coverage and renters insurance through USAA.
With all due respect, "full coverage" is a meaningless term.

Are you insuring a $10,000 car or a $100,000 car?

Does your collision coverage have a $0 deductible? $250 deductible? $500? $1,000?

How much liability coverage do you have? $10k/$20k? $25k/$50k? $50k/$100k? $250k/$500k?

Do you have a deductible on your comprehensive coverage? If so, is it $250? $500? $1,000?

How much Uninsured Motorist coverage do you have?

Answers to all of the above are necessary before one can compare insurance rates with someone else. Simply stating that one has "full coverage" doesn't really provide enough info in which to base a comparison.

It would be similar to two poker players saying that they each make 15BB/hr without stating what stakes they play or how many hours/week they play and then trying to determine which one has the higher income.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-07-2017 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Playlive
Arguably the busiest of the year. Not to mention Trooper's car isn't that big a deal.
To you maybe. Here's the deal. A lot of people are doing better than Trooper in one or multiple aspects of life. Perhaps you have a nicer car than him. Perhaps you are in better shape than him. Perhaps someone else has more money than him. Apparently this entitles everyone to criticize him.

However, while we all excel in various areas nobody ITT has put it all together as well as The Trooper. Just a couple of years ago he had nothing. Now he has it all. Off the top of my head, he has:

Dream Job
Complete Freedom
A Loving Woman at his side
A nice car
A great apartment
New Furniture
Multiple streams of income
Great life balance
Dedication to living healthier
Great friends

Fact is trooper has it all. He is crushing EVERYONE in this thread at life. I may criticize one aspect of his life and you may criticize another aspect but fact is none of us stack up well heads up vs the man himself. Everyone ITT should probably have a taste of humble pie because if you think you are on Trooper's level you are seriously deluding yourself.

If you seriously believe your life is greater than Trooper's perhaps you should vlog it and open yourself up for criticism. There's a reason Trooper is at the top of the game. Oh, and before you mention that Andrew guy, I'm well aware he gets a lot of views but Trooper still makes more money from poker vlogging than anyone else in the world and that's the bottom line.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-07-2017 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by DC2LV
With all due respect, "full coverage" is a meaningless term.

Are you insuring a $10,000 car or a $100,000 car?

Does your collision coverage have a $0 deductible? $250 deductible? $500? $1,000?

How much liability coverage do you have? $10k/$20k? $25k/$50k? $50k/$100k? $250k/$500k?

Do you have a deductible on your comprehensive coverage? If so, is it $250? $500? $1,000?

How much Uninsured Motorist coverage do you have?

Answers to all of the above are necessary before one can compare insurance rates with someone else. Simply stating that one has "full coverage" doesn't really provide enough info in which to base a comparison.

It would be similar to two poker players saying that they each make 15BB/hr without stating what stakes they play or how many hours/week they play and then trying to determine which one has the higher income.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-07-2017 , 10:52 PM
What if Trooper left the note on the wrong car? If you're playing poker for hours, it's a good chance 2-3-maybe 4 people have come and gone and parked on either side of your car the whole night. It could have very well been possible that a car chipped his car and left. The guy with the note on his car could have very well just pulled in after the car was scratched.

He takes everything that's going on around him so personally. It's a stressful life if you're living "Me Against The World".
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