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Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes

12-02-2014 , 11:17 PM
I used to play higher stakes, but, for personal reasons, no longer have as much money as I did and I just moved to Vegas. I'm not trying to go into too much detail about all that and I'm going to be trying, as best as I am able while still providing hand histories, to stay anonymous.

I have a 10k life roll and a 6500 bankroll. I'll be starting at 1/2 nl. I first started playing poker at these stakes, but it's been a while. I expect to have some trouble adjusting, so I'm hoping you guys can help me as I go. I'm not the crazy degen or party type so this thread may end up being pretty boring. I hope not, but it will be poker focused obviously. let me know as the thread goes if there are any suggestions for how I can make it more interesting.

I thought that maybe having this thread might be entertaining for some of you guys and helpful for me in several ways. First, I'll be forced to analyze my play and certain hands etc as I write up posts. Second, the thread will help me stay motivated. Finally, I like the idea of feeling somewhat accountable and this thread might help me do that. I'm expecting to have a good bit of trouble staying disciplined and not getting bored etc. The stakes are obviously highly relevant to me now, but I'm expecting to still have trouble adjusting to playing a game where I only have 300 in front of me (or less). I'm hoping this thread will help me stay focused as I rebuild.

My strategy is to start at 1/2 nl. I'll move up to 2/5 at the bellagio when I have a 10k bankroll and move back down if my roll drops below 10k. The next step up would be the 2/5 (1k) buy ins when I have 20k. the 1500 buy in 2/5 when I have 45k. and the 1500 5/10 when I have 60k. And then 40 buy ins at each level beyond that. Obviously, this will probably change as time goes on, but, for now, that's the plan.

I'll be paying my life roll an hourly rate based on the games I'm playing. I'll pay 5 an hour for 1/2; 10 an hour for 2/5 (500) and I'll figure it out when I get higher than that. I'll do a "paycheck" every two weeks from my bankroll to my life roll.

My expenses will probably be pretty low. I bought a house in cash, so I won't have a mortgage payment or anything. I lease a car. I'm estimating my expenses to be a maximum of 1500 a month, but I'd expect even lower. I just want to budget high to be safe.

I hope this is entertaining for you guys and helpful for me. Good luck us! My first session will be tomorrow night. Updates will follow.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-02-2014 , 11:21 PM
How high of stakes were you regularly playing in the past? Based on the information you provided this actually sounds really interesting to follow. Best of luck!
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-02-2014 , 11:29 PM
Subbed and looking forward to your journey. Best of luck. You'll be playing 2/5 before you know it.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-02-2014 , 11:36 PM
Best of luck with the challenge. I am coming to vegas for 2-3 months in early February to do a very similar thing although not on a fulltime basis. Will be interesting to see how you get on.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-02-2014 , 11:36 PM
The highest I ever played was 25/50 a couple times, but that was more of a shot. I was playing 5/10 and uncapped 10/25 regularly at my high point. I had a 300k bankroll just a couple years ago.

I ended up spending too much, not playing as often as I should, big downswing, and, obviously, just bought a house which I'm extremely happy with so far (probably not the best financial decision, but I've wanted to own my own house forever. So, I wanted to make sure I pulled the trigger on that before starting poker again. If poker doesn't work out, at least I can look back and say: "well, I did get a nice house out of all of this." lol, this idea is what keeps me sane). I also tried a business thing with a friend that didn't really work out. Now I'm back to start over at poker and try it all over again.

It's not terribly dire if it doesn't work out. I'm pretty young and overeducated. I can always try to get a job doing adult things, but I wanted to give poker one more shot first. I put a lot of time into poker and developed a pretty good skill set at this, I think. I don't want to just give up yet. And, worst case scenario, it doesn't work out and I join the real world in adult fashion and can look back and say: "I had some crazy swings playing poker when I was younger, but, at least I got this house out of it".

Anyways, I'll update after my session tomorrow. I'm going to be really curious as to how I react to the 1/2 game.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 12:10 AM
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 12:20 AM
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 12:21 AM
Glgl op run it back up to 300k and sit in your house and count money
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 12:36 AM
In! GL OP, I say don't bother with the Bellagio 2/5 it's reg infested and the game gets no respect from the dealers and floor. They'll always open another 5/10 or 1/3 table before 2/5 for what I've seen. 2/5 at Aria or V is better, and there's no reason you can't play 100bb even with the 200bb cap. Generally more tables, more tourists, and more money. As for 1/2, consider 1/3 as an equivalent, as it's a popular game right now and some rooms spread it with a 500$ cap which can get very juicy at times. The trick when moving down to 1/2 is not leveling yourself into thinking the players are 'making moves' when really they play straightforwardly for the most part. Value bet them into oblivion, little need for FPS.

I look forward to your updates. Run good!
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 12:39 AM
Gl man!
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 12:43 AM
Good luck, Subbed
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 04:00 AM
An OP moves to Vegas with a reasonable plan, financial stability and is a seemingly reasonable individual?!?!?! NO! IMPOSSIBLE!

On a serious note, did your overspending in the past have anything to do with: over-drinking, over-smoking (pot), drugs, strippers/hookers, or the ever-dangerous pits?
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 04:03 AM
I like it. Subbed.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 04:58 AM
where and when did you buy (house)? curious b/c I did similar when I thought I was ball'n in $ lol...seemed like a great idea but ended up being a pain in the az that tied up too much $


*saw thread title 'just moved'...curious why buy house in $ leaving yourself only 16k if you wanna make a go at poker again?

if there are any suggestions for how I can make it more interesting.
pics dude. picspicspics food, women, chipz, manies, repeat.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 06:16 AM
I'm interested to see how this turns out. Best of luck man, I'll be reading along for sure.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 12:34 PM
contrary to the accepted norm... the bell 2/5 is a okay to play. As usual, adjust accordingly.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 12:41 PM
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 12:45 PM
In to see how you do. Hopefully good results. It's refreshing to see someone with a plan and more than $2k trying to make it in Vegas.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 01:06 PM
Def gonna follow this, looks very interesting.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 01:32 PM
subbed, gl op.

Looking forward to updates.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 04:03 PM
Looks interesting. Keep us updated!
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 05:09 PM
good luck sir...rootin 4 u!
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
In to see how you do. Hopefully good results. It's refreshing to see someone with a plan and more than $2k trying to make it in Vegas.

Subbed because this thread has potential.

OP if you're interested in talking hands/theory, consider coming to Poker Church on Sundays. We are getting great turnouts and it's nothing but poker talk with like-minded people. We can also help you navigate the city. Feel free to check out the sticky at the top of the forum.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Jim_Beam

Subbed because this thread has potential.

OP if you're interested in talking hands/theory, consider coming to Poker Church on Sundays. We are getting great turnouts and it's nothing but poker talk with like-minded people. We can also help you navigate the city. Feel free to check out the sticky at the top of the forum.
Reread his first paragraph. He wishes to be anonymous. This is code for he doesn't want you to text him at 9am.
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
12-03-2014 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by justscott
Reread his first paragraph. He wishes to be anonymous. This is code for he doesn't want you to text him at 9am.
Shouldn't you be looking for a spoiler right now?
Just moved to vegas; gonna see how it goes Quote
