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Info wanted on moving to vegas Info wanted on moving to vegas

07-31-2010 , 11:59 AM
I'm turning 21 earlyish next year and i'm looking to do some travelling/working abroad for a while.

Rough guess on how much it costs to rent small 1-2 br apartments in vegas?
How much money would u expect to spend a month on utilites/food?
How easy is it to find a job in vegas?

any other info u thinks necessary?

i'll prob think of alot more questions later
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
07-31-2010 , 12:02 PM
I'm not a local so i won't give ya any BS but you might want to move here for a month or two first.I've been here a month n 1/2 and I'm ready to leave.The strip gets kinda old imo.
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
07-31-2010 , 12:05 PM
IU've talked top a couple of locals and when i do move here this winter, it'll be in the South Point casino area.I'm budgetting $1500 a month for rent and expenses non gambling related, i'm 30 though so my days of sleeping in "crash" pads is over.If your 21 get some roomates and have a blast!
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
07-31-2010 , 12:23 PM
1500 a month for non gambling... that is real cheap compared the NY/NJ im used to
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
07-31-2010 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by TS2
1500 a month for non gambling... that is real cheap compared the NY/NJ im used to
Balla on a budget lol.I live in SW Ct which is one of the most expensive areas in the Tri-state.For me $1500 would cover everything (I own my car), no kids, coke addicted girlfriends ect. plus the bonus of playing good solid poker at Foxwoods is more than enough for me.
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
07-31-2010 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by LostInCT
IU've talked top a couple of locals and when i do move here this winter, it'll be in the South Point casino area.I'm budgetting $1500 a month for rent and expenses non gambling related, i'm 30 though so my days of sleeping in "crash" pads is over.If your 21 get some roomates and have a blast!
Yup, $1500 will get it done (if you very rarely stray outside your monthly budget).
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
07-31-2010 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by jungleboy
I'm turning 21 earlyish next year and i'm looking to do some travelling/working abroad for a while.

Rough guess on how much it costs to rent small 1-2 br apartments in vegas?
How much money would u expect to spend a month on utilites/food?
How easy is it to find a job in vegas?

any other info u thinks necessary?

i'll prob think of alot more questions later
Use the search function. All of your questions have been asked and answered many times, and damn near all of the responses will say "don't do it."
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
07-31-2010 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by eco74
Use the search function. All of your questions have been asked and answered many times, and damn near all of the responses will say "don't do it."
It's because after being out here you become cynical.If your 21 do it, what do ya have to loose?If you had a wifey n kid i'd say don't cuz you do have something to loose.Half of the battle of being a sucessfull gambler is having that option to go broke with little consiquence.Be fearless and prosper!
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
07-31-2010 , 04:30 PM
Bought an 1/8 of some cali skunk off a "friend" @ the venetian....stoned.
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
07-31-2010 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by eco74
Use the search function. All of your questions have been asked and answered many times, and damn near all of the responses will say "don't do it."
I sometimes lurk the las vegas forum on 2p2 and i dont remember seeing a thread too much like this, but meh.

be intresting too hear ppl's thoughts on moving to vegas.
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
07-31-2010 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by jungleboy
I'm turning 21 earlyish next year and i'm looking to do some travelling/working abroad for a while.

Rough guess on how much it costs to rent small 1-2 br apartments in vegas?
How much money would u expect to spend a month on utilites/food?
How easy is it to find a job in vegas?

any other info u thinks necessary?

i'll prob think of alot more questions later
Go to, select the rental option choice and survey the whole marketplace by zip code or neighborhood name. I am not affiliated in any way.

This site does not result in endless spamming by agents, unless you initiate contact with a particular agent.

Rentals start REALLY low, and go to obscenely high, so you can define your own range.

I am planning to move to Las Vegas next year. I will be buying eventually, but perhaps renting for a year to look around. I have spent hours on this site and I think I am zeroing in on what is exactly right for me.

Good luck.
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
07-31-2010 , 04:47 PM
also would be cool for ppl to break down what they spend a month on things like rent and food (if it's not too personal) for idiots like me who have no idea.

edit: and ty phleggm i'll def check that site out
Info wanted on moving to vegas Quote
