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In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28

03-23-2014 , 12:10 AM
I can't thank 2+2 enough for catering to all my stupid questions over the last several weeks while I planned this trip. This is a trip of firsts:

--First time going to Vegas as an adult after years of playing in my local rooms as well as occasional random stops while traveling
--First time the wife and I have left the kids for more than two days
--First time in as long as I can remember that I'm leaving the laptop (and work) at home on a vacation

3 nights at the Flamingo, 1 night at the Golden Nugget, and a long-ass day before we red-eye home. We got my poker roll, a small roll for MamaL, and a chunk of change for as much degen pit game fun as a complete lifenit like myself can handle. Everybody hit me up so I can stay away from your tables.

I'll try to post some updates with pics via my phone, if anyone actually cares.

Let's have some fun, LV.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-23-2014 , 01:48 AM
Good luck on your trip. Let us know how the games at the nugget are.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-23-2014 , 02:13 AM
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-23-2014 , 10:16 AM
Thanks dudes I'll do a full report while I'm watersliding through the shark tank at the Nugget. I'm a 12-year-old.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-23-2014 , 10:16 AM
Good luck. Enjoy life. Sounds like you need/deserve it.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-23-2014 , 02:42 PM
In this thread I will be talking about trying to score as many free drinks while pushing at pai gow as possible, eating a bunch, getting into nonsense, sleeping in while the wife sits by the pool, and nitting it up in the cheap seats.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-23-2014 , 02:57 PM
good luck
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-24-2014 , 10:30 AM
Endless flight delays and general airport slowness meant we got in way late. On the upside, we got stuck with a sweet minivan for a rental. I would post pics of this ridiculous vehicle but I can't get it to work on my phone. But if any 2+2ers need a ride to soccer practice I can hook you up.

No go on $20 trick at Flamingo, best they could do was a non-renovated suite. Didn't seem worth it. Room is fine, we are barely here.

Since we got the free 24 buffet pass with the TR cc, we hit Planet Hollywood about 10:20 to finally eat dinner. Food was aight. Walked back to Flamingo, found a pai gow table, ran okay and walked away up in moneyz and pretty drunk. EV+. The lady went to bed, I found a 1/2 table, took a couple coolers, worked back up a hundo. Small ball.

To bed with me.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-24-2014 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by nab76
In B4 OP goes missing less than 48 hours into the trip!

Good luck regardless.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-24-2014 , 04:32 PM
Body's here, mind might be gone. Finally got to bed about 10 am after breakfast with the wife. Crushed 3 hours, she's taking a nap while I eat a salad off the Flamingo buffet line and hit the workout center.

Not gonna lie, upon reflection, I definitely brought my C-game at the poker table last night. Hopefully I will acquit myself better moving forward, 2+2, your approval is very important to me.

Sklansky give me a job, I edit things.

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In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-24-2014 , 04:35 PM
Ps, seriously, sorry about the phone posting.

I literally cannot eat anything but salad right now. When you stare into the 24-hour buffet pass, it stares back into you.

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In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-24-2014 , 04:40 PM
Pics of wife? Preferably in a bikini.

In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-24-2014 , 11:25 PM
I should never hit and run tables to kill time. AQ vs AK AAK flop.

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In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-26-2014 , 04:58 PM
Hate posting from my phone. Up solid at cards and craps. When do people sleep?

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In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-26-2014 , 05:03 PM
never, I think I average 2 hours per day of sleep in vegas.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-26-2014 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by PoppaLarge
<snip> I would post pics of this ridiculous vehicle but I can't get it to work on my phone. <snip>
With all of the questions you asked before going to Vegas, I am stunned you didn't get around to asking how to post pics from your phone.

Don't worry about about it. It's your 1st time there, so make the most of it. Just be sure to update us droolers when you get back..... with pics of course.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-26-2014 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
With all of the questions you asked before going to Vegas, I am stunned you didn't get around to asking how to post pics from your phone.

Don't worry about about it. It's your 1st time there, so make the most of it. Just be sure to update us droolers when you get back..... with pics of course.
On the fly TR's usually suck, so just enjoy your first trip and take tons of notes and pics and update when you get back.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-26-2014 , 08:28 PM
Download Photobucket app
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
03-28-2014 , 06:52 PM
Thanks dudes. The live trip report was a terribad idea.

Red-eyed home overnight. Will do a full update later, just so I can remember everything.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
04-02-2014 , 02:46 AM
Man, my TR is long. I gotta cut it down. Sorry dudes who actually care. (I write for a semi-living.)
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
04-04-2014 , 05:28 PM
Screw it, I ain't cutting anything.

Okay, here goes, full report starting now:

--look at the pictures
--food good
--how the hell did we run positive in degen pit games?
--so many bad poker players (including me, some of the time)
--don't rent a car from Firefly unless you accept that you get what you pay for
--do get a spa suite upgrade at the Golden Nugget

Day 1: after a very strange incident a few hours before we go to the airport where this road-raging jackoff tries to run me and the family off the road, then jumps out of his car to punch me (if you ever meet me you will understand why this is a terribad idea), we drop the kids off at the grandparents and go to the airport, to discover flight delay and multiple gate changes.

On the flight we are seated around a bunch of hilarious retiree types who are on the same redeye home, staying at the Golden Nugget and planning on crushing slots. Since our agenda is 3 nights at the Flamingo and finishing out at the GN, we wish them luck and tell them we'll see them in a few days.

By the time we get to the rental car terminal we are crazy late and Firefly, the ultra-lowball of EV- rental car companies (still less than the 5 cab rides we would have required) sticks us with this pimp ride:

Valet parking at Flamingo: the first of many "how baller am I?" jokes about the mini-van. I regret not making plans with any of you local types so we could put the rest of the seats in this stupid thing to use.

$20 fail but the basic remodeled Flamingo fab deluxe is solid. Bed is comfy, floor is clean. Our view is north strip. Will not repeat this mistake again--the Linq bombarded us with ****ty pop music 24/7 the whole time we were there and made it impossible to get any sleep.

First lesson of Vegas: if you ask a question the answer, whether you like it or not, is highly likely to be incorrect, but you can ask someone else and get a totally different, equally incorrect answer. So the guy at the TR counter who swore he loaded the 24 hour buffet pass and didn't can EAD. At this point it's so late (10 Vegas, midnight our time) Spice Market at Planet Hollywood is the only open buffet, and we had to run to the TR counter at PH to get the buffet pass after initially getting turned away. We're both starving so anything tastes good at this point, but it wasn't mindblowing or anything. No pics of boring food.

Finally, the gamblor: didn't dig the PH vibe at all so watched the fountains and then hit the Flamingo for some pai gow. No better game for getting pushes 80% of the time while collecting free drinks. MamaL has literally never played a table game in her life and is super nervous about pai gow. (Hint: this is foreshadowing.) 5 drinks later we're up $40, I'm a little lit, and MamaL heads to bed. I grab an open slot at Flamingo 1/2, it's amazingly soft and even drunk and bringing my C game I finish up $100+.

Day 2: I can't wind down and go to sleep after Flamingo breakfast with MamaL. She hits the pool while I crush a few hours. It is at this point that I should have stepped back and realized that a dude like me should not try to serve two masters in Vegas. Either have fun with the wife and drink like teenagers or play serious poker, don't do both. Too old to multi-task.

Once I'm awake, we go exploring. Walk through the Bellagio poker room, see David Benyamine and a bunch of middle-eastern looking guys playing in Bobby's Room. MamaL has a solid limit game but a little overwhelmed by the Bellagio scene and neither of us wants to wait on a fairly sizable list for both games, so after getting ignored at the desk asking for MLife cards, we hit slots. I lose $20, MamaL hits for +$40. We then go exploring down to Aria, where we F around with slots again and tragically the hot waitress-lady takes my drink order with a snarl and then never returns. I am annoyed. Aria's room looks great but the rest of the casino's vibe is waaaaaayyyyy too euro-metro-FU for me. I make a plan in my head to come back after MamaL goes to sleep.

We then walk the entire length of Caesars so MamaL can buy something for her fancy dinner outfit the following night. Now, MamaL is not a crazy shopper the way some ladies y'all might know are, but once I drop her off I figure I have a solid 45 minutes to an hour to hit the Caesar's poker room.

3rd hand make a small raise early position with AQcc. Get a bunch of callers. I make a joke about no respect for the new guy and one of the players says, "well, we haven't seen what you play yet!" Flop comes AAK. I bet. We all know how this ends up. I suck at poker, at least hit-and-run poker. Meanwhile, literally 19 minutes after I left her at the shops, there's my wife standing behind me watching me ship $210 to the guy with AK. We leave.

Back to hotel, catnap and then to Caesar's again for the last of the buffet pass, and totally worth the upcharge. Even though we're both sick to death of buffets at this point, we do a walk-through and scope out things we want to try before we actually get anything. Once we dig in we're hooked.

In food coma, MamaL decides she wants to play poker but close to the room, so we hit the Flamingo poker room again. She cashes +$50 something at 2/4, which is like hitting the lottery in that room. I start out slow at the NL table but start tearing things up and get to about here:

mostly because people at this table are the worst. Dude from unidentifiable foreign country loses two BI to me and then lets me try on his ridiculously expensive watch. It weighed like 20 lbs.

Playing really well for a good chunk of the evening, even getting a few compliments from other players who don't believe it's my first Vegas visit, but because I'm partying I play too long, too tired, lose some of that, still cash a solid win and more than make up for the Caesar's disaster. On the upside, got to watch the procession of dudes and prostitutes wandering out of the Flamingo at 3 AM.

Day 3: In the AM, "free" breakfast at the coffee place in Flamingo and hang by the pool until my delicate Irish skin can't take it any more (about 20 minutes) then hit the poker room while MamaL gets her vitamin D. Pull in about $67 in an orbit then go sit outside eating crappy pizza while some old woman from Florida at the same table complains about how expensive $5 for a slice of pizza is and how terrible everything is because she's shut out of her room while they clean it. I excuse myself to smoke and square some moneyz in my wallet and conjure a "lucky lucky" monk out of nowhere, which is hilarious because I'm literally trying to stuff my entire roll from the night before back in my wallet while telling him I don't have anything on me. I break down and give him $10 because I figure it will be the one stupid scam I get suckered for the whole trip and get a prayer bracelet worth about 10 cents out of the deal. Yes I offered him tree fiddy first.

After a nap we get gussied up in finery to walk through the Mirage, gamblor, and have dinner at Bouchon. You probably didn't read my story about ending up in Vegas on a road trip with my two best friends when I was 17 (back in the 90's, folks) because my idiot buddy "wanted to see the white tigers" and drunkenly walking the full 7 miles from a hotel in DT to the Mirage because same buddy was too cheap to pay a buck for the bus. I tipped a 40oz when I walked by the BLT Burger, which is where the glass cages for the tigers used to be, and then paid for the sucky old Secret Garden exhibit more out of nostalgic obligation than anything else. Lame.

Walking through the Mirage we run into the perfect craps table and hop on. Run up a bunch during one lady's roll good, take our rolls, they suck, cash +$150 and go to dinner at bouchon:

Check Bravo after walking through Venetian and I sit at a 1/2NL table while MamaL sits at 4/8. Terrible night for both of us. Both of us finish down a BI. Didn't help that I was completely exhausted at this point (did I mention the awful music all night from Linq keeping us up on the 17th floor of the Flamingo?)

Honestly, I didn't love the V's poker room all that much. It's definitely nice and well-lit but overall it didn't blow my mind the way people built it up. Could be the run bad though.

Back at Flamingo I play some more (like an idiot) and win a bunch of small pots and lose some big ones. Finish down and a little disheartened.

Day 4: Screw around a bit before check-out but nothing of note, except that the "free breakfast" package at Flamingo didn't bill properly and the guy at platinum check-out said we'd have to call Caesar's to make it right. Boooooooo. Ate at Mon Ami Gabi, which is the only good thing about Paris. That place is a dive. So is the Quad (surprise) although for funny I play the free entry into the slot tournament we got with our room at Flamingo. We decide that we don't understand slots or people who love them.

So, all in all, we've had fun but we're both beat and taken some rough beats, so moving to downtown was exactly what we needed. Try the $20 trick at the Nugget with the "it's our anniversary" story (which is true, this year is 15 years) and the guy behind the counter says, "I don't have anything complimentary, but for $50 we can upgrade you to a spa suite." We say yes although I'm doubtful...that is, until we get to our room:

That's the first floor.

Here's the bedroom on the second floor. BALLER.

Didn't bother to take pics of the whirlpool tub, the shower with built-in steam bath, or the bidet, which I of course used because, hey, it's a bidet.

Mind blown by our luck, I go downstairs to get my players card while MamaL naps and randomly decide to have a cigarette and play single-deck blackjack. Have not played blackjack at all this trip. Don't even like blackjack very much. Run up $135 and then go upstairs to nap myself. After nap I do the steam bath, we walk around for a bit, then play a little more single deck, then go to the floor to blow our $5 slot play. We run into the folks from our plane and I offer them a ride since we have the mini-van. They say, “that sounds great, we'll call you if our plans change” which where I'm from means, “no thank you.”

Dinner: Lotus of Siam for 7:30 reservations with a line out the door on a Wednesday night. AMAZING. Feels like the first normal meal we've had in ages, and a total pick-me-up in a day full of pick-me-ups. Play pai gow for a while, then leave the lady to pai gow instruction from the chain-smoking grandfatherly Asian dude next to us and hit the Nugget poker room.

I sit at a table where two Norwegian guys to my left have a total of $3000 in front of both of them, and a Asian guy sitting fairly deep and intense as well. Pre-flop raises are in the $25-$35 range and the rest of the table is fairly light. I buy in for $300.

1st playable hand, once again, I look down at AQ in EP and decide to see what the table will do with a more normal (for me) raise and I go $11. Several callers (this is starting to feel like Caesar's) including one of the Norwegians and the button makes it $40. Like a donk I call OOP as does the Norwegian.

Flop comes Qxx. I check. Norwegian bets $80. Button folds, obviously JJ. I have watched just enough of the Norwegian to know that he's trying to run the table over, that he doesn't value bet a set or two pair in that spot to take it down, and that he probably has a weaker Q or some sort of long-shot inside straight draw. With only $260 back I can't raise without pot commitment, so I shove. He calls, board runs out, I turn over AQ and he bangs the table angrily.

I imagine this was a bad play by 2+2 standards, and I felt like a total luckbox. After that, however, I started playing well. Within the next 15 minutes the first Norwegian has left and I've banged up the other Norwegian for a huge pot with a river semi-bluff shove and taken down a few small pots and I'm looking at about $1000 in front of me. Asian guy (Chris) and I have tussled once and he is a very good player, so when he makes it $40 on his $5 button straddle I know he has something. The rest of the table, however, doesn't, and he gets a couple callers, including the remaining Norwegian and the kid to my right.

Flop comes 233 2 hearts. Norwegian and kid to my right check, Chris bets $100, Norwegian calls, kid next to me shoves, Chris shoves over, Norwegian guy tanks for a good long time, then calls. There is about $3500 in the pot. Kid to my right turns over J3spades and says, "can you beat this?" Chris says angrily, "How the hell could I have that beat?" Turn is a K, and Chris says, "Now I have you beat" and turns over pocket kings. Never see the Norwegian guy's cards but he's felted.

Pretty soon after this the action dies at the table. I hover in range of 1.5-2.5 BI up the rest of the session and cash up almost 2 BI, then run up another $100 at single deck before going to bed at about 5 am. I am in love with the Nugget and all its wicked ways.

Day 5: We sleep in, throw on our swimsuits, and despite the wind and relative cold (68) do the shark tank water slide. I would have liked it better if the designed it with an awkward pause right in the middle of the tank so you see the sharks around you. As it is it goes too fast. Brunch at Eat which was very good but not amazing, then go to Binion's for the $80 deep stack donkament. Terrible players, but terrible cards, and I bust when AA get cracked by A10 on a turned straight. I let him get there not completely shoving on the flop, but then again, I'm a sucky tournament player.

On the plus side, I loved Binion's staff. The floor was really friendly and the dealers were solid if a little curmudgeonly.

After that I take a seat at a 3/6 table (haven't played limit in months) and after getting aces cracked again, play solid, meet some nice folks, and end up even. MamaL busts out of the tournament about 5 minutes too late to make it to the Plaza for bingo, so she goes and plays more Pai Gow, except the old guy giving her lessons taught her about all the fortune envy bets and now a breakeven game has turned into a loser.

We grab a cheap dinner and go back to Binions. No waiting for 3/6 so MamaL takes it, but people at the 1/3NL table look like they aren't going anywhere so I go back to the Nugget. (Of course a seat opened 20 minutes later.) Nugget table is much more nitty than the previous night but I run up about $120. Meanwhile, MamaL texts me that she is crushing 3/6. Since we have to leave soon and the action at my table is dead, I cash out and go across the street to discover that MamaL has run up almost 2 full BI at 3/6. We call it a night, screw around with some more single deck (breakeven) then head to the airport for a god-awful redeye home.

All in all, we finished up a few hundred, didn't spend all that much, and had a hell of a time. Looking to go back mid-May to play some real poker and stay away from the pits.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
04-04-2014 , 05:30 PM
Bonus non-LV TR: the day after we got back, I packed the kids in the car for a "leave Mama alone" trip to Michigan. Crushed Firekeepers my first night to the tune of a G, picked up another $200 the next night.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
04-05-2014 , 01:36 PM
nice TR, how often does the 20$ trick work?? been to vegas a few times. bellagio never thought to try since i dont spend much time in my room and the rooms seemed nice enough.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
04-06-2014 , 07:49 AM
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
04-07-2014 , 01:35 AM
Here is the very best part of this trip:

See, my wife is an awesome lady. She's not a superficial shopaholic weirdo and she appreciates (most of the time) that I'm not some checked-out dude who watches sports constantly and never talks or pays attention to the kids. The one thing that occasionally drives her nuts is my poker playing, even though she's a solid (home) poker player herself, and even though she knows I'm crazy uptight about keeping the money separate.

But after this trip, she said, "I totally get it now." So I'm heading back to Vegas solo in May with her blessing to play poker and sleep exclusively, rather than serve the vacation master.

So, anyway, mid-may on a Saturday, should I just stay downtown and cab to the strip? Because I have rooms for dirt cheap at Bally's Sunday-Wednesday but Saturday even the Quad is charging $180, and I'd rather stay at the Nugget or an even cheaper DT property for less.

This trip is funded out of BR, so I am extra-nitty. Not "play poker for 24 hours straight, then check into my hotel" nitty, but extra-nitty all the same.
In which I lose my LV cherry: TR 3/23-3/28 Quote
