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Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th

04-12-2014 , 02:31 PM
Running total for the trip

-$32 poker
-$20 big six
+$70 roulette
+5 beers

This maybe the best start to vegas I have ever had

To come from day 2

Up early watching the girls do the walk of shame
Fun table at Aria
Not good enough to put down 8d 6d to aces
And big six pay back
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 03:10 PM
Nice start to the TR, definitely gotta stay at the Vdara eventually. 11hr flight...damn.
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 05:05 PM
Quick update
Aria good
Plant Hollywood sucked big balls
At MGM waiting for a game after Panda Express pit stop.
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 05:08 PM
Also 0 beers, may have to sneak one in.
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 05:19 PM
Or a greyhound
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by chairpotato
so they called that movie "Leon" over there?

it's called "The Professional" here. interesting.
that is interesting that over there its called "léon" you called it "the professional" and I (who freaking loves the movie and has seen it at least 20 times.) have only ever heard it called "Léon: The Professional". IMDb does say that the original title was simply "Léon".

Looking forward to a sweet TR, please, please, please don't give up on it! so many let downs in LVL lately.
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 05:23 PM
Impressed that you somehow got 2 beers in 30 minutes at Bellagio.

Also, liked Ronin better than Leon|The Professional.
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 05:49 PM

The Heinekens have begun...
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 07:42 PM
When your drinks dominate your chip stack, you're doing it wrong
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 08:39 PM
It's a bad angle, anyway won a little and now have moved on to the Excalibur not sure why it may be the 5 beers that made it sound like a good idea, at a five handed table and the waitress blanked me
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 09:13 PM

Better angle at the Excalibur
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 09:35 PM
Well-played. I'll give you credit for not doing the usual Aria, B, V route and then wondering why you got crushed, like most TRs out there. Try the MB next, you're close to it and its soft city
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-12-2014 , 09:46 PM
Nice, TR....makes me giddy for my trip in 26 days!!
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 02:32 AM
Hmm 7 beers and a little time lag, should not have rested on my very comfortable bed, just woke up and about to see if I can get a little p/l Omaha at the Aria.
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 07:21 AM
Hmmm should have stayed in bed, -$500 + 7 beers would have been more beer but waitress was a little bit preoccupied!
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 07:24 AM
No worries I feel that all my run bad in Omaha has gone so should be an easy win at the Venetian tomorrow
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 12:22 PM
After an hour or so of sleep

Day 2

Is being typed up from blondies sports bar

5.00am and I'm awake I'm quite happy because it means i can play a bit of poker and catch the Saturday morning walk of shame, I considered taking a few pictures but for my own safety I gave it a miss.

I get to the Aria and a seat is free at a very fun table at one point we even get to introduce ourselves and share star signs, the session starts of well and I move my stack up from $300 to $450 and then flop second pair with a flush draw and manage to do $175 when the next to cards blank, the table begins to change from overnight party players to freshly showered and coffee carrying players, after a couple of hours I'm down about $50 when I'm dealt the mighty 6d 8d so I call the drunk small blinds $15 raise in the big blind and now the sneaky freshly showered coffee drinking player bumps it up to $75 the blind folds so with a cunning read of ace king i call knowing i can out play him on the flop the flop comes 6 7 2 I again show amassing playing skills by check raising his $60 bet all in, now this is were he fold his ace high but no he decides to call but with not one but two aces the turn comes 4 the river a 5 my friend with the aces jumps up and mutters something about tourists and leaves, about 30 mins latter i decide its time for breakfast and go to Todd English.

Had the French toast at Todd English ok but a little pricey at $20 including a coke, end of the fa cup semi was on and two drunk Arsenal fans came in if any of you have had the miss fortune of meeting them i apologise they were complete pricks.

On the way back to the Vdara I stop at the Aria's big six wheel as it owed from the slow roll last night.

Twenty dollars bet

Two hundred back, easy game

After dropping a few bits back at the Vdara its off for more poker, first up Planet Hollywood, sat with a couple of hundred

Not much to say, doubled up a couple of short stacks pulled up another $100 and chased a little to hard, ended up pushing with a flush draw to miss and decide to move on, table was not very good pretty tight and not much fun, should have left earlier but got a little stubborn and lost $200 more chasing a $100.

Off to the MGM via Panda Express, don't like the new room

Not sure why but they don't have much room around the tables but have left a massive gap to one side?

After 30 minutes of waiting around I get in to a game and buy in for $300

I like the table lots of limping and multi way pots, first big hand I get to play is when I 3 bet with ace king of spades and get $150 ish in v queens, flop comes king jack jack 2 king, good start, play for a couple of hours up and down a little cant hit a flush or straight draw to save my life, leave up $200 ish and + 4 beers

I now feel like hitting the high life and nothing says high life like the Excalibur,
Buy in for $200

Played one hand of note, called a $7 raise with 7d 4d and then a reraise of $24 from a man that had ace king written all over him, we go 3 handed to the flop which comes 10 3 2, original raiser checks I check and ace king man checks, turn 10 all check again, money card hits the river 4, now the original raiser whats to push all in for $85? I take him for air as he had done this a few times and looked like he wanted to go, I hero call ace king man passes and I get the comments that we all like to hear when calling light "your good", leave after an hour or so up $150 and 3 beers.

Go back to the Vdara to shower and change, fall asleep for 3hours dam the comfortable bed, get my lazy ass up and get to the Aria around 11.30pm, wait for a seat for about 20 mins and get in to a Holdem game only yo be called for the Omaha game before playing a hand, buyin for $300 and the game is short handed as 3 players are walking about, get my buyin up to

$560 ish and the the poker gods take a big smelly dump on me, flop 4 2 9 I'm up against aces I have a set of 2's turn and river come 4 4

After that things went even more down hill and through bad luck and worst play on my part i get stuck for $500, its about 4am and the game is four handed, I'm the only player stuck and think its best to get a couple of hours sleep so off to bed its is, get an offer from two black hookers but told them I had given all my money to some pasty white men

Be lucky

Last edited by sneakypunt; 04-13-2014 at 12:34 PM. Reason: Missing pic
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 12:31 PM
Total for the trip

Please note that I'm not keeping an exact recorded and I'm drinking a few beers so all figure are approximate

Holdem +$170
Omaha -$500

Roulette +$70

Big six +$160

Beers +19
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 12:56 PM
good stuff man. good luck rest of way.
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 02:30 PM
Rough runout at omaha. Run better.
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 03:51 PM
Not to worry I've always got the greyhounds if needed
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 03:57 PM
Have had breakfast watched the mighty Chelsea win 1 nil, took a little revenge at plant Hollywood and now at the Venetian in for $300

And also bought in to the Omaha at 3pm, so just a couple of hours to make my buyin back or double the cost of the tournament
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 04:16 PM
Every time I see those dumb Big Six wheel games, I wonder why casinos still have them. Now I know.

Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Every time I see those dumb Big Six wheel games, I wonder why casinos still have them. Now I know.

I will have you know it's a game of skill
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:36 PM
Good read so far. Sounds like a fun trip.
Hopefully a live trip report, April 11th-18th Quote
